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我国现行监护制度已初具规模,但对于痴呆老人监护制度的研究尚属空白,存在着诸多的欠缺与滞后。为积极应对人口老龄化的挑战,也为了和国际接轨,笔者借鉴国外先进的立法经验,结合我国的具体情况,从接受新的立法理念、改革立法例、引进意定监护制度、明确规定监护双方权利义务、设立监护监督机构等几方面对完善我国监护制度提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Members of parliament are privileged agents. They can choose who to regard as their principal: the entire nation, a particular electoral district or a political party. Focusing on two countries with mixed electoral systems, Romania and Hungary, the article documents the dominance of the electoral logic of role-formation over the constraints of legislative organisation and the influence of socialisation. The focus of representation is found to be only modestly influenced by the degree of the embeddedness of MPs in political structures and hierarchies. The association of the seat with a particular territorial unit, on the other hand, has a robust effect even when this association originates in the political environment and not in formal rules. Finally, the psychological effect of losing a Single Member District is also found to influence how MPs perceive their representative role.  相似文献   

Cohen and Felson??s (Cohen and Felson American Sociological Review 44(4):588?C608, 1979) routine activity theory posits that for a crime to occur three necessary elements must converge in time and space: motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardianship. Capable guardians can serve as a key actor in the crime event model; one who can disrupt, either directly or indirectly, the interaction between a motivated offender and a suitable target. This article critically reviews the literature on guardianship for crime prevention. Our specific focus is two-fold: (1) to review the way guardianship has been operationalized and measured, and (2) to review experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations and field tests of guardianship. Research on routine activities has had an uneven focus resulting in the neglect of the guardianship component (Reynald Crime Prevention and Community Safety 11(1):1?C20, 2009; Sampson et al. Security Journal 23(1):37?C51, 2010; Tewksbury and Mustaine Criminal Justice and Behavior 30(3):302?C327, 2003; Wilcox et al. Criminology 45(4):771?C803 2007). Evaluations of guardianship-related interventions demonstrate support for the theoretical construct; however, high-quality field tests of guardianship are wholly lacking. Implications for theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

监护制度中的核心内容是监护人的确定。双方通过意定产生监护人,充分彰示出未来的被监护成年人的自由主动之意愿,宜称之为成年人自主监护。成年人自主监护制度远承罗马法法是为人而设之理念,近展我国本土关注未来的被监护成年人意愿之理念。从罗马法的成年人非自主监护和保佐模式到20世纪以来成年人自主监护的多种模式,揭示了立法对被监护成年人意愿的日渐尊重。我国民法典有关成年人自主监护的规则亟需体系化,成年人自主监护的缔约双方资格、监护人的条件、监护人主观同意与客观可能、双方合意的形式等规则应当细化。监护约定内容的限制规则、成年人自主监护登记备案规则、监护监督人规则、监护人报告规则、有偿监护规则等成年人自主监护规则的完善,不仅是理论研究的对象而且是立法完善的重要内容。  相似文献   

论我国监护制度之不足与完善   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
监护制度是传统民法的一大基本制度 ,而我国监护制度存在未区分监护与亲权、被监护对象范围过窄、监护人义务多权利少、监护期限不明确以及监护制度层次单一等不足。这与我国民法立法思想、经济体制的变革、公民权利意识的增强、人口老龄化的现实及立法的滞后等方面有关 ,这种情况已无法适应新形势的需要。本文结合国外的若干规定 ,对我国监护制度的完善进行了几点思考。  相似文献   

支持决策是为响应联合国《残疾人权利公约》第12条的要求在成年人监护领域出现的新理念和新措施。支持决策的核心价值是使残疾人在他人的帮助下自主做出决定,从而维护残疾人的人格尊严与自由。支持决策在世界范围内受到极大关注,很多国家都在尝试建立支持决策的法律模式。我国正处于民法典编纂过程中,支持决策理念的出现为我国成年人监护立法提供了新思路、新方向。我国民法典婚姻家庭编在设计成年人监护制度时应以辅助制度体现支持决策的指导思想及具体内容。  相似文献   

An observational tool was developed to measure guardianship potential and guardianship in action in residential areas in The Hague, the Netherlands by Reynald (Crime Prevention and Community Safety 11(1):1?C20, 2009; Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 47(3):358?C390, 2010). Guardianship potential was measured using the defensible space-based measures from the Block Environment Inventory (BEI), while Guardianship in Action (GIA) was observed by recording whether or not guardians (1) were visibly available, (2) were monitoring, and (3) intervened when necessary. This article reports on an international comparison of GIA in The Hague and in an American city. A comparative understanding will help advance knowledge on the measurement of active guardianship and related defensible space dimensions and identify socio-cultural differences in the application and meaning of the guardianship concept. Key results include that the observable dimensions of guardianship in action were reliable and valid, but some differences existed between the two sites including significant differences related to the social interaction measure. Similarities and differences across the two sites are examined, and implications for theory and research are explored.  相似文献   

Legislators and researchers have focused on one aspect of civil commitment: initial commitments. Many patients, however, remain in the hospital after their initial commitment expires and, thus, must be recommitted if they are to remain in involuntary treatment. Demographic, clinical, and treatment data were collected on 374 adults having initial or recommitment hearings during a 3-month period at a large state hospital in Virginia. Respondents in initial commitment hearings were younger and displayed acute symptoms; recommitment respondents were older with symptoms of chronic psychopathology, especially those associated with schizophrenia and organic brain syndrome. The subject of recommitment patients and hearings needs to be a focus of future research efforts to determine whether these differences are reflected in a greater relative gap between the letter and practice of the law in recommitment hearings.This research was supported by grant No. R03 MH44065-01 from the National Institute of Mental Health. The financial assistance of the Institute for Research Development of the Human Sciences Research Council is also acknowledged. This article was written while the first author was a postdoctoral fellow in Clinical Services Research, NIMH grant No. 5T32MH17184-06.  相似文献   

心智障碍者即是成年人监护制度的主要适用对像,也是《联合国残疾人权利公约》第12条的调整对象。《公约》第12条倡导的尊重心智障碍者人权和自由的观点受到国际社会的普遍认可与尊重,但《公约》第1号《一般性意见》对《公约》第12条的解释确属脱离实际,导致我国国内对成年人监护的争论此起彼伏,无行为能力制度是否有存在的必要、监护是否应与行为能力相脱离、是否应以支持决策全面取代监护是各方争议的核心问题。在厘清争议的前提下,未来应通过司法解释对《民法总则》的相关内容做出细化规定。  相似文献   

传统成年监护制度以剥夺本人行为能力继而为其设置监护人的替代决定范式为基础建立。这一范式虽然一定程度上保护了本人利益和维护了交易安全,但这种他治范式以切断本人参与社会交往为代价,实质为一种剥夺法定资格后的被民事死亡。随着人权理论的进步与全球人口老龄化日趋严重的现实,以有行为能力推定为前提,为具体个人赋能并从程序上保障个人行使权利的协助决定范式应运而生,它以本人为决定中心,尊重本人意愿和偏好为核心要素,协助本人掌控自己的生活。我国私法体系如何融入新范式,可通过《民法总则》相关条文的解释对引入协助决定予以证成,并应当在未来民法典婚姻家庭编中加以完善。  相似文献   

谭玲 《政法学刊》2002,19(4):76-79
亲权作为身份权的一种,是父母基于身份关系对未成年子女所生之权利,原则上不得由他人代为行使,但日本民法第833条和第867条则有例外规定,即父母均为禁治产人时,其亲权应由父母的法定代理人代为行使。法定监护是监护的一种,它归于民事主体制度,是指根据法律的直接规定而进行的监督、保护等民事活动。立法例上,一些国家既规定亲权又规定监护,而另一些国家只规定监护。法定代理是基于法律的直接规定而进行的代理,它兼具民事主体与民事法律行为双重内涵,是各国法律均予规范的内容。民法理论上,亲权、法定监护和法定代理三者之间在诸多方面存在着牵连与叠合,同时又具有严格的界限和适用范围,它们对民事法律制度的协调与完善起着互补作用,是民事法律制度不可或缺的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

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