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陈硕 《法制与社会》2010,(25):154-156
后发国家的政治发展面临诸多劣势与困境,造成了这些国家长期的政治动荡和政府低效,并使得社会经济发展成果遭到破坏。后发国家政治发展不力直接体现为政府低效、社会无序、经济落后等,并较为完整地映射在了公民社会的发展现状上。公民社会发育不足成为了后发国家政治发展不力的负面结果和重大阻碍。基于自身所蕴含的公益性、公民性、自主性和多元化属性,公民社会的良好发育是解决后发国家政治发展不力现状的首要目标和重要途径。  相似文献   

正研究必须要创新,不仅仅是中文学术界没有说过,还至少要英文学术界也没有说过,这样才能确保研究的价值。对于后发国家的学者来说,最大的挑战莫过于此。后发国家在追赶模式下的主要实践就是模仿学习,从经济发展,到社会变迁,再到法律体系,到政治制度,等等。在发达国家的学者们已经根据本国的首次经验进行了全面且精致的研究之后,后发国家若干年之后才开始引  相似文献   

独立学院毕业生就业问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学毕业生就业问题是一个社会关注的热点,而独立学院的毕业生由于其自身的一些特点,面临着更加严峻的形式,也成为了独立学院面临的重大问题之一。本文以做好独立学院学生就业工作为出发点,分析独立学院毕业生的就业现状及存在的优、劣势,提出了解决独立学院学生就业工作的对策。  相似文献   

全球化与政府创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球化使得后发国家的行政管理会产生广泛而深刻、持续而复杂的影响.全球化迫切要求政府行政创新.全球化过程中,后发国家政府面临市场力量与政府作用、超越主权与国家主权、有限政府与无限政府的悖论与矛盾.全球化对政府职能提出了创新要求,属于后发国家之列的中国,应确立全球化政府理念,创新政府公共行政,提升政府能力,才能提高政府治理水平,正确定位政府职能,顺应全球化浪潮对行政环境的置换.全球化进程中,如何创新政府行政,成为中国政治体制改革的一项重要任务.  相似文献   

韩立余 《清华法学》2023,(6):145-163
世界贸易组织面临的危机既有世界贸易组织自身的原因,也有世界贸易组织之外的一般性原因。作为国际条约,世界贸易组织规则与其他国际规则之间存在特殊与一般、对立又统一的关系,缔约方需要自身维护自己的条约利益。作为政府间国际组织,特别是其共识决策机制,世界贸易组织的运行受到成员意志的影响,而上诉机构的存在具有削弱成员独立意志的可能。国家作为国际社会的基本构成单位,最终决定着国际组织的发展走向。世界贸易组织制度构成了国际贸易秩序的基础,但需要与时俱进。  相似文献   

所谓"政权扩张的内卷化",是指一种社会或文化模式在某一发展阶段达到一种确定的形式后便停滞不前,无法转化为更高形态的现象.对发展中国家而言,政权内卷化往往是现代化过程中的"陷阱".本文认为,从"文化权力网络"的逻辑出发,关键在于给予民众民主权刺,通过民主,至少是部分的民主自治来解决地方政权经纪化的问题.但对于绝大部分后发现代化国家来说,在完成国家民主化转型的过程中,在经济发展与社会稳定之间往往要作出艰难的权衡,如何迈出这一步,不仅对学者是一种考验,同样也考验着执政者.  相似文献   

周欣 《法学杂志》2007,28(3):87-89
刑事诉讼中的国家权力主要表现为侦查权、检察权与审判权.从它们在刑事诉讼活动中各自的职能来看,三者之间既有密切的联系,同时各自又独立承担着特定职责,发挥着独特的作用.从世界各国司法制度中国家权力的配置情况来看,在侦查权与审判权之间既有侦查权被审判权"借用"的现象,也存在审判权对侦查权的分割情况,同时审判权对侦查权还有监督功能.从侦查权与检察权的关系上看,世界主要国家普遍赋予检察权两项权能:一是刑事案件的公诉权;二是对刑事案件的侦查权.侦查权与检察权的关系主要有四种表现形式:第一,检察权与侦查权分立;第二,检察权中包含全部侦查权;第三,检察权对侦查权具有宏观的指导作用;第四,检察权中只有对特定案件的侦查权.正确认识和把握三者之间的关系对合理配置侦查权,防止公权力之间混用、滥用现象十分必要.  相似文献   

房景宜 《法制与社会》2014,(32):212-213
作为一个有着庞大农村人口数量的后发现代化国家,乡村治理是国家治理体系现代化的基石。当前,由于没有解决好乡村治理中乡政与村政的关系,乡村的治理仍然面临着诸多的挑战。从治理重构的视角出发,要落实中共乡村的治理,最根本的是要做到乡镇管理和村民自治的有效衔接和良性互动,而二者互动的关键是村民民主参与。  相似文献   

传统刑法学,尤其是规范刑法学,在转型期的当代中国面临着挑战和发展瓶颈.这些挑战既有来自学界基于社科法学的意识和兴趣而对法教义学进行的反思,也有规范刑法学在就社会热点和难点问题进行回应时的捉襟见肘.而转型期的中国,既提供了一个宏大的社会背景供检验犯罪学的理论,也孕育着新的挑战,从而丰富和发展既有的理论框架.作为实证学科的犯罪学可能为中国刑法学的发展提供哪些理论和研究方法层面的支持,也将决定正在兴起的中国犯罪学未来的发展前景.  相似文献   

司法独立与媒体监督,是现代各民主法治国家不可或缺的两个基本要素。司法独立的目的是为了追求司法公正。媒体监督具有促进司法独立、司法公开和司法公正的价值,但同时媒体与司法之间也存在着冲突。在具体实践中,一旦面临二者相冲突时,如何正确的解决和协调,无疑是困扰着法治进程的难题。  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, the Singapore government had embarked on a significant push to develop the city-state into a major life-science R&D and industrial cluster in Asia. Although a major focus of this new thrust involves attracting leading life science companies overseas to establish operations in Singapore and developing new public life science research institutions to attract overseas life science research talents (Finegold, Wong, and Cheah (2004)), the local universities are expected to play an important role as well. In particular, the National University of Singapore (NUS), the leading university in Singapore, has also started to pursue major strategic change to become more “entrepreneurial”, and identified life science as a major focus for technology commercialization as well. Adapting the “Triple-Helix” framework of Etzkowitz, Webster, Gebhardt, & Terra (2000), this paper examines the significant changes in the university-government-industry “Triple-Helix” nexus for life science in Singapore, and their consequent impact on life science commercialization at NUS. Implications for universities in other late-comer countries seeking to catch up in the global biotech race are discussed.   相似文献   

跨国银行监管体制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
岳彩申 《现代法学》2001,23(4):106-110
本文对当今世界各主要国家的跨国银行监管体制进行了比较 ,分析了不同类型的跨国银行监管体制的优缺点 ,对目前世界各国的跨国家银行监管体制的发展进行了评价。在此基础上 ,本文对中国的跨国银行监管体制的改革提出了建议。  相似文献   

发展中国家技术性贸易壁垒的发展走向及我国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国际贸易的发展,技术性贸易壁垒越来越成为国际贸易中的重大障碍。发展中国家的技术性贸易壁垒在产生中存在很强的被动性,技术性贸易壁垒的法律和程序体制不健全且缺乏必要的透明度,在实施技术性贸易壁垒的过程中协调性也差。但是我们也应当注意到发展中国家正在通过自身的努力和广泛参与国际合作,技术性贸易壁垒的发展速度不断加快,制度也越来越完善,与发达国家差距将不断缩小。我们应当吸取它们的经验,完善我国的技术性贸易壁垒体系,积极应对国外的技术性贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

沉默权制度的发展、利弊与限制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沉默权制度作为诸多国家在刑事诉讼中保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人人权的一项重要制度,有必要对其历史发展、利弊及现今限制等问题予以了解,这对我国正在酝酿的刑事诉讼法的整体修改以及相关问题的废、改、立具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, one of the key concepts of sustainable development, has dual grounding; the pressures developed countries place on the global environment; and the technologies and financial resources they command. Though the developed countries are reluctant to admit the first grounding, the developing countries have a strong leverage to induce the former to accept differentiated treatment in their favor.Thus, this principle has become to be reflected in some conventions in the field of environment and development. The reflection of this principle takes two forms: one is "double standards" in environmental protection standards as well as their implementation in favor of developing countries; and the other is assistance by developed countries for sustainable development of developing countries. At present, "double standards" seem to be inevitable, but, they must be temporary measures in view of the integral and interdependent nature of global environment. And, in order to overcome these "double standards", the attainment by developing countries of their sustainable development seems to be indispensable. In a substantial number of environmental conventions, developed country parties assume obligations to assist development country parties. However, these obligations are confirmed to "incremental costs" necessary for implementation of the convention concerned, and do not extent to assistance for sustainable development in general. Changing consumption and production patterns seems to be one of the most important aspects of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, since this concept takes issue, for the first time, with the pattern of development pursued by developed countries. However, this concept has much difficulties in translating into international legal terms.Though it may be difficult at present to characterize the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities to be a customary norm of international law, it is surely a basic principle of international law, and as such, may operate as a guiding principle for law-making, as well as for the interpretation and application of conventions in the field of environment and development.  相似文献   

王志华 《行政与法》2010,(3):98-101
我国行政诉讼法明确把行政诉讼之原告限定为行政相对人,此种形式上为保护相对人的作法在实质上并不利于充分保障相对人的合法权益,而且也限制了其他行政争议通过司法途径解决之可能性,很多国家都承认行政主体的原告资格,我国行政诉讼法应借鉴其规定并明确认可行政主体的原告资格。  相似文献   

短期自由刑改革方式比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在短期自由刑的利弊问题上折衷说是科学的。对待短期自由刑的科学态度是 :保留但应予以改革完善。短期自由刑的改革已经成为当代世界各国刑法改革运动的重要组成部分。世界各国在短期自由刑改革问题上主要存在两种方案 :一种是替代型方案 ;另一种是完善型方案。我国当前应从以下几方面进行改革 :建立短期自由刑易科非监禁刑制度 ;完善刑事犹豫制度 ;变通短期自由刑的传统执行方式。  相似文献   

Institutional regionalization has come very late to East Asia compared with Europe, but its pace has dramatically increased since the mid-1990s. Many agreements, including bilateral ones such as those signed between Japan and Singapore, or pluri-lateral ones such as those between ASEAN countries, cover an ever increasing number of countries of the East Asian region, including Japan, India, and China. We first analyze Asian integration as a de facto, spontaneous, development of trade. Trade specialization in Asia has often been described as guided by the different levels of development of the countries participating in the regional integration. It constitutes a vertical division of labor between poor countries exporting natural resources and/or labor-intensive products to developed countries exporting machinery, sophisticated parts and components, and high-tech products. This trade structure is radically different from the European horizontal division of labor (exchange of different varieties of similar goods). Then we look at the micro-economic level how Japanese firms tend to integrate Asia into their international network, with Japanese partners being used as relays for Japanese export of semi-manufactured products. Last we present a simulation with the MIRAGE model of a scenario of general regionalization in which all the regions of the world develop preferential treatment for neighboring countries. These agreements are limited to industrial products with particular attention to the automotive sector. The main results are that Asia is the main winner in such a scenario, and within Asia it is Japan and Korea that will be the main winners. In fact, because developing Asia is one of the most protected regions of the world, the impact of liberalization is also the highest. Second, Japan and Korea are best placed to profit from these regional agreements, because other developed countries are excluded from the market of developing Asia. They also have superiority in manufacturing goods whereas countries like China might have problems upscaling their industrial production. Nevertheless our model did not take into account the voluntary pace of development chosen by China and that she will use her powerful state system to avoid being locked into low-tech, low-value-added products.
Michel FouquinEmail:

《欧陆法律史概览:事件、渊源、人物及运动》是美国法学院协会"大陆法史系列丛书"中的第一卷。此书除第一编、第九编外,其他七编均以国别为经,又以各国法律发展中的主要时期为纬,描述各国法律发展中的几大要素,即事件、渊源、人物及运动。在很大程度上,它不仅是一部介绍欧陆各国(不包括斯拉夫法系、拜占庭法系及匈牙利法系)法制史概况的书籍,还是一部法学史作品。意大利法、瑞士法、斯堪的那维亚法及西班牙法等内容研究角度别致,内容新颖。本书的用功最勤之处,不在于它的理论建构,而在于其正本清源,旨在说明什么是真的法律史。法学译著应该注意主要遵循"名从主人"、"约定俗成"、"服从主科"和"尊重规范"等翻译原则。  相似文献   

张虹 《河北法学》2005,23(1):108-110
随着计算机网络服务的日益发展,许多新的法律问题接踵而至,给我国现有法律体制提出挑战.其中一个十分迫切的问题就是,如何针对网络上发生的非法行为,合理地界定网络服务提供者的责任.这个问题不仅关系到这一新兴行业的生存与发展,而且也关系到对网络服务消费者及相关权利人权益的保护.为此,通过对欧洲有关国家及欧盟的有关立法规定的分析,归纳它们在关于网络服务提供者的民事责任规定上的若干特点,并阐明其对中国相关立法的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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