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THE Prince of Peace Children‘s Home represents the dreams of Kenneth Yeung that have become a concrete reality in Tianjin‘s Wuqing District.This modern orphanage and reha-bilitation center started trial opera-tion late last year and will celebrate its formal inauguration this July.  相似文献   

IN June, China suffered its worst liquidity crisis in over a decade. Fortunately, the Central Bank reversed the situation by extending liquidity operations to responsible financial institutions.  相似文献   

zhao chuandong 《人权》2006,5(5):26-27
Of the 55 ethnic minorities, 22 each has a population of less than 100,000. These minority people are relatively backward in economic and social development and poverty haunts them. In 2005, the State Council launched a 5-year program to support the development of these small ethnic minorities and the State Development and Reform Com-  相似文献   

Of major events in China over the past three decades, most Chinese would list the resumption of National Examination for the Entrance of University as number one. In December 1977, 5.7 million Chinese participated in the national exams, the first since the catastrophic Cultural Revolution (1966-76). One year later, the country's reform, opening up and modernization drive was launched.  相似文献   

IN a 2005 New York Tunes report titled: "China Is Bright Spot in Dark Report on the World's Diminishing Forests," Ms. Mette L. Wilkie, forest officer of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), was quoted as saying: "Asia lost about 3,000 square miles of forest a year in the 90s, but gained nearly 4,000 annually since 2000. Almost all of that change has occurred because of China's new forest policy." The article concluded that widespread tree planting in China has slowed the rate at which the earth's forested land is dwindling. So what's been happening on the ground?  相似文献   

THE last sleeper was laid at Lhasa Railway Station on October 15, 2005. sig naling completion of the world's highest railway.According to a project spokesman, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway's trial operation is set for July 1, 2006, and its formal in- auguration is scheduled to take place a year later, on July 1, 2007. Tibetan peo- ple living on the "roof of the world" will then have access to railway transporta- tion for the first time ever. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway stretch- es 1.956 kilome…  相似文献   

IF the sheer number of deals the American National Basketball Association (NBA) has with Chinese television stations around the country is anything to go by, basketball is big business in China these days. In addition to arrangements with 51 local and regional broadcasters in China, the NBA has concluded marketing contracts with 20 major Chinese companies. Millions of Chinese watch NBA games, and 30 percent of the traffic to NBA.com originates in China.  相似文献   

The separatist World Uyghur Congress led by Rebiya Kadeer was behind the deadly July 5 Urumqi riot, in which more than 190 people died and more than 1,000 were injured, sources with the government said.  相似文献   

Beiji Village is the highest geographical point in China by latitude.With an annual mean temperature of -4.29 °C, the region is only just warm enough to avoid continuous permafrost.  相似文献   

Known as “sea-turtles“ for their foreign experience, overseas Chinese students now find their career arena at home.  相似文献   

EVERY time we had dinner, I felt awkward when my Chinese morn repeatedly asked me to eat more. My mom in America would never push me like that. Finally I couldn't tolerate it anymore, so I asked why she did that. She told me it was because she loved me and really looked upon me as her own child, and she worried about whether I felt hungry. From that point I understood that Chinese people had led a poor life in the past. What worries parents most is whether their children have enough food. Although their lives have dramatically improved, they are used to voicing the old concerns. I still don't feel easy with constant requests to eat, but when my Chinese mom tries to persuade me to eat more, I always thank her with a smile instead of feeling angry."  相似文献   

THIS year could well be described as China's "European Year," Premier Li Keqiang having visited the continent twice. In fact, he has been to Europe four times since taking office last year. Moreover,his presence at the 1oth Asia-Europe Meeting in Milan, Italy, on Oct 16-17 has brightened prospects for the new Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which President Xi Jinping proposed last year, becoming operational.  相似文献   

Professor Li Luming of Tsinghua University and his research team have developed what they call intriguingly a "brain pacemaker." With the hardware tests and animal trials completed to the satisfaction of international safety standards and norms, the potentially revolutionary device is now set to begin human clinical trials.  相似文献   

THERE is nothing shy about China's new generation of Olympic sportsmen. Born almost exclusively in the 1980s, the athletically gifted young men and women who will represent China at the 2008 Games are far more willing to open up to the public than their predecessors, and like 20-somethings everywhere, they are at home on the Internet, managing their own fan blogs and communicating with their peers online.Their uninhibited self-expression has attracted the attention of commercial advertisers, and occasionally some less welcome interest, and they are celebrated as China's "new generation" in sports circles, ready to take center stage in August before a world audience.  相似文献   

正I have been pursuing my Chinese dream for 30 years,"declared M.Noyan Rona at the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream,held last December in Shanghai.In fluent Chinese,Rona,chief representative of the Turkish Garanti Bank’s Shanghai office,at the forum related his 30-year-long tryst with China.  相似文献   

The Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture,known in ancient times as Hezhou,is located on the upper reaches of the Yellow River in south-central Gansu Province in western China.  相似文献   

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