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PPP协议的法律问题伴随着我国主推PPP模式而产生,然而我国PPP协议的出现也导致了理论与实务中对公私法律关系认知的模糊、界分的困难及争议解决方式的争论不休,同时也导致了若干学术概念的混同。以PPP协议法律问题中首先需要清楚认识公私法律关系的界分为主题,针对我国最高法院相关的判例所呈现出的问题,分析我国PPP协议在公私法律关系界分中的问题,提出构建我国PPP协议公私法律关系界分模式的建议,在当前具有实际意义。  相似文献   

法律判断大小前提的建构及其方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
郑永流 《法学研究》2006,28(4):3-18
法律方法效命于法律判断的形成,法律判断的形成是一个将大小前提进行等置的过程。在这个过程中,视事实与规范之间的不同关系,要运用各种方法去建构大小前提,即使事实一般化、使规范具体化。这些方法包括:客观目的探究,法律修正、正当违背法律,法律补充、反向推论等建构大前提的特有方法;观察、实验、技术鉴定、法医鉴定等建构小前提的特有方法;以及演绎、归纳、设证、类比、解释、论证、诠释等建构大小前提共同运用的方法。它们共同构成法律方法的体系。  相似文献   

法律人格概念的发生学机制,涉及到法律位格的古今学说史。古典罗马法中,法律位格从未被规定于普遍意义上的"个体—主体—实体"之"人",而是依据"身份地位"的不同层次,从上往下分配位格的各种减等形态,形成多层次、差序化的法律位格体系。现代的法律人格和法律主体概念摒弃了古典罗马法根据实践需要而设置法律位格,并灵活分配不同行为能力的传统。现代法律主体的诞生,是法律位格的简化和一元化的收缩过程,原本差序结构的法律位格被收窄到世俗化的人类中心主义的法律主体位格。人工智能革命也可尝试在法理学上纳入这一法律位格的拟制传统。根据物种位阶的规范主义立场,现代法人制度通过"位格加等"把人为设置的团体组织提升到具有一定法律位格的地位;"智能机器人"概念是对"智人"概念的模仿和拟制,人工智能概念是通过"位格加等"把机器人提升到自然人的法律位格。法律主体学说之现代性立场有其限度,从法律主体概念回归法律位格概念,是人工智能时代法理思想变革的重要契机。  相似文献   

During the last thirty years Mozambique has undergone two major processes of socio-political transformation, which have culminated in the creation of new legal systems. The first change took place atindependence in 1975, when a state-socialist system was adopted; the second came twenty years later when a liberal-democratic model was embraced. Setting out from Lotmanian semiotics,this paper analyses the political context of legal change in Mozambique. The analysis shows that the collapse of the radical project in the 1980s was linked to the new centre's failure to establish its metalanguage over the periphery, and to penetrate and transform the cultural memory of the rural population. During this period the political culture of the ruling party changed from rule-focused to expression-focused, becoming at the same time increasingly defensive and pragmatic. During the latest phase political debate has concentrated on local communities and the role of customary institutions. Both are burdened with contradictory textual memories, which the parties have failed to reconcile. However, due to its strong institutional position the ruling party has managed to maintain centralised control, albeit with an altered metalanguage to support it.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article analyses the roles and impact of Interinstitutional Agreements (IIAs) in the EU, taking into account their relationship to primary law. Concretely speaking, these roles range from (a) explicitly authorised specifications of Treaty provisions via (b) not explicitly authorised specifications of vague Treaty law to (c) pure political undertaking. Based on the distinction between the constitutional and the operational level of the political game, we challenge the assumption that IIAs usually strengthen the European Parliament. As our case study, the 1993 interrelated package of IIAs on democracy, transparency and subsidiarity, illustrates, the European Parliament is not the only institution that benefits from IIAs, especially if they lack a sufficiently precise Treaty basis. Furthermore, if Treaty provisions underlying IIAs are precise, they also tend to produce precise and thus legally relevant content. Conversely, if IIAs deal primarily with elusive concepts they are likely to be legally ambiguous or even irrelevant at all.  相似文献   

私人密码在电子商务中的法律地位和作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
私人密码在电子商务中是一个关键性的系统控制要素,其技术性和法律性应当受到同等的重视。私人密码具有私有性、唯一性和秘密性特点。应当设立私人密码一经使用即认为其进行了交易并应承担相应责任的原则,但应以软件密级程度过低、及时挂失或者系统遭黑客攻击为例外。在特定情形下,应适用公平责任。  相似文献   

李宇 《法学论坛》2012,(5):121-127
商业信托与普通信托有重要区别,委托人的地位与角色大相径庭。中国《信托法》借鉴日本法模式,赋予信托委托人诸多权利,可称为委托人法定权利模式。委托人的此种法律地位,虽适合于普通信托,但不符商业信托的功能及需求。原因之一在于对商业信托的特殊情形考虑不周,误植入仅适合于普通信托之规则。委托人法定权利模式之弊端,无法以增设委托人义务等方案予以补救,较为彻底的解决之道应为:委托人不对商业信托及其受益人享有权利。  相似文献   

The following text discusses an issueof legal interpretation status in continentalsystem of law. Exploring a metaphor of theinterpretation as a translation, it emphasizesits creative aspect, which has been deniedoften in modern times. Reminding the Romanorigins of contemporary continental legalsystems, it uses historical arguments to accentthe intrinsically inventive character of legalinterpretation.  相似文献   

司法鉴定意见在诉讼中占据重要的地位,但因鉴定意见具有较强的专业性,在法庭质证中普通人很难对其进行实质审查,虽然当事人可以聘请专家辅助人参与质证,但由于对专家辅助人的适用缺乏可操作规定,以至于严重影响这一制度的执行。如何发挥专家辅助人在鉴定意见质证中的作用,需要制定一套科学的程序来保障。  相似文献   

行政协助的法律定位与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马乐  田园 《行政与法》2005,(5):91-93
行政协助制度是行政程序法上的一个重要制度,但对这一制度的研究在我国却显得相对落后。随着行政职权的有限性和专业化与管理事项日益复杂化之间矛盾的不断加深,建立行政协助制度已成为解决现行管理体制弊端的必然要求。本文从对行政协助的法律定位入手,界定了行政协助的涵义、特征及与相似概念的区别,在此基础上进一步提出了从程序和责任两个方面对行政协助进行有效的法律控制。  相似文献   

中国法学教育经历了曲折的发展历程。十一届三中全会以后,法学教育取得了令人瞩目的巨大成就。在高等教育改革不断向纵深推进、国家实施“依法治国”方略的今天,法学教育既享有难得的发展机遇,又面临新的挑战。法学教育呈现新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

民法典编纂初始,权威学说都主张将民事法律行为概念恢复为德国法上的法律行为。《民法总则》虽然依旧使用民事法律行为的概念,但很多学者却将其解读为法律行为。行为是个含义广泛的范畴,我国法学理论中的法律行为已为法哲学范畴,成为社会行为价值体系中的重要链条。民事法律行为是法律行为的一种,决不应等同于法律行为。民事法律行为除商事行为和民商事法律关系事实层面的行为外,还应包括主体对客体的支配行为等类型。民事法律行为在行为主义和法律行为类型价值体系中处于基本的核心地位。如此可以更准确地表达与构建科学的民商事法律行为类型体系和话语体系,并真正达到"加强市场法律制度建设,编纂民法典"之目的。  相似文献   

法律监督在我国监督体系中的地位与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的监督体系是一个对权力进行多角度监督制约的有机统一体。法律监督是检察机关依法对法律的执行和适用情况进行的有法定效力的监察、督促工作,其本质属性是权力制约。检察机关的宪政地位决定了法律监督在我国监督体系中的独特地位,具有其他监督形式不可比拟的优势,在监督体系中发挥着独特的、不可或缺的作用。  相似文献   

法制宣传教育,是一项回应国人对法治的呼唤和法治对国人的期待的伟大事业。在法治不完善的前提下,法制宣传教育过于理想化和简单化的宣传策略是不行的,简单地让公民相信或信仰法律的正义和力量是不够的、甚至是适得其反的。我们能期待于公民“法律意识”的,乃是一种对待法律的理性态度。  相似文献   

International economic life and the striving for more effective utilization of the advantages of the international division of labor has led to the creation of special economic zones in many countries. These exist in various forms in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, France, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Hungary, Mexico, Ireland, South Korea, and a number of other countries. As regards the USSR, we have posed the question of forming joint venture zones, or free economic zones (hereafter FEZ) where it will be possible to provide conditions more advantageous than in other regions of the country or in other branches of the economy not only for foreign capital investments and the activity of joint ventures and foreign firms (tariff advantages, tax advantages, etc.), but also for the economic activity of Soviet state and cooperative enterprises.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role of intergenerational status attainment for legal careers. By decomposing the earnings gap between elite and nonelite lawyers at two points in their careers, we find that inherited cultural capital produces an earnings advantage as soon as lawyers begin their careers and that this gap persists over time. We further find that the processes underlying this gap change as lawyers make their way through the profession. While in early careers, the elite advantage is due to stronger starting endowments, the advantage for junior lawyers results from a more complex process, which combines starting endowments, professional capital gained during the first years of practice, and the rate at which endowments are differentially rewarded in the profession. Elaborating on work that identifies the importance of maintaining and concentrating diverse forms of capital in the legal profession, we explain the process through which elite lawyers gain and retain their advantage over time.  相似文献   

张海燕 《法学论坛》2020,(3):141-150
微信群主与群成员之间是一种法律调整之外的情谊关系,两者行使微信平台赋予的比如建群、退群或移除群聊等功能权限的行为属于情谊行为。但这并不意味着微信群不受法律调整,法规范层面已对群主和群成员权利义务作出规定。对于群主而言,因其对微信群负有法定管理职责,若群成员之侵权行为损害他人合法权益,则群主应当承担共同侵权责任。群主对于微信群内可能产生的风险具有较强的控制力,其管理职责本质上属于一般注意义务的范畴,这与以一般注意义务为理论基础的安全保障义务具有内在关联性。微信群内的群聊行为与《侵权责任法》第37条规定的群众性活动性质上均属于不特定多数人参加的活动。因此,当群成员侵害他人合法权益时,群主应当承担补充侵权责任。但如果群主已经在功能权限范围内采取了必要措施,则认为其尽到了管理义务,应予免责。  相似文献   

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