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本文论述了中国报业必须实施新闻精品战略的两个基本原因,概括了新闻精品之六大基本特征,要求中国报人牢固树立三种新闻精品意识,阐述了记者、编辑在实施新闻精品战略中的重要作用和具体要求,对中国报纸实施新闻精品战略具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

依法行政新论--一种制度哲学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈妮 《河北法学》2003,21(4):152-156
依法行政受到了百般曲解,其原因有:提出方式不对路,实践部门有意歪曲,法律规范不完备,制 度基础不坚实等等,赋予依法行政理论制度意义和哲学理念并重新进行制度构架是解除困境的 一种新思路。  相似文献   

我国法官的裁判文书说理欲实现规范化,必须重视法律论证,为每个主张与判断提供充分的理由。最高人民法院的指导意见表明经验法则是法官进行法律论证的重要理由。经验法则作为一种实践描述能够推动法律论证填补规范缝隙。在事实认定的论证环节,经验法则既是证明规则与证据规则的形成背景,更是事实推定的直接依据。只有妥善把握经验法则的盖然性,才能规避逆谬误与后见偏差等认知陷阱,合理借助经验法则论证三段论中的小前提。在法律适用的论证环节,经验法则是类比过程中相似点与规范效果之间相关性的判断依据。法官可以借助经验法则论证立法理由与事物本质,进而根据法律目的判断相似点的相关性。基于经验法则的法律论证既能回应当下释法说理的需求,也是法律论证理论扎根中国司法土壤的尝试。  相似文献   

人类基因提供者利益分享实现的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚志红 《河北法学》2005,23(2):104-106
人类基因提供者应分享基因专利带来的经济利益,但因与研究者信息不对称且缺乏正当的提供途径,基因提供者的利益难以实现。从基因提供者利益难以实现的原因入手,分析了利益分享的原则,论述了利益分享的方式,并提出了利益分享的途径。只有找到具体完备的实施方法,人类基因提供者的利益才能实现。  相似文献   

This contribution seeks to illuminate the looming phenomenon of demultilateralisation and the return of and to the nation state, i.e. closure. Whereas many reasons for opening and closure have been discussed by Habermas in his eminent essay, we aim at providing an additional dimension, taking a psychological point of view and analysing this proclivity from a behaviourally informed perspective. Following a short recapitulation of the evolution towards postnationalism, we briefly sketch the current phenomenon of demultilateralisation and renationalisation. We then contribute to the current debate by providing cognitive psychological insights drawing on well‐researched biases that offer the greatest potential to explain the current outbreak of closing tendencies, namely prospect theory, including the endowment effect, framing, the availability bias and so‐called hawkish biases. This may add an explanatory dimension to why nationalistic politics have become again the beguiling sanctuary of the people. We attempt to define scope conditions of closure.  相似文献   

法视野下的过度医疗行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过度医疗是医疗费用居高不下的主要原因之一,有很大的社会危害性,根源在于医疗行业的过度市场化,但因医疗行业的特殊性等原因,法律武器一直未起到应有的作用。为此要明确医疗过度的概念、表现、性质、要件、民事赔偿等问题,在实践中要正确区分过度医疗与适度医疗的界限,尤其要完善相关制度,解决医疗过度维权的难点和“症结”—举证和鉴定问题。  相似文献   

The birth and growth of a US West Coast information company is chronicled from its beginning as a part-time partnership to its status five years later as a small but profitable corporation providing information services to Government agencies as well as graduate students. Documentation Associates provides a search and retrieval service that includes brokering on-line data-base searches, and the investment required to set up and maintain this kind of operation is described. Some information-broker policies are discussed, e.g. service types, pricing methods, and the reasons for the wide disparity in data-base search prices are examined. The policies of Documentation Associates in the operation of its broker service are presented.  相似文献   

张月满 《政法论丛》2007,1(3):64-69
刑事证明中法律推理的客观性不仅应体现在事实领域内,也应体现在价值领域内。它对于练就司法人员的理性思维、培养尊重程序意识、实现法治等有重要作用。刑事证明中法律推理的客观性的建构依赖于刑事证明法律推理自身的客观性、遵循逻辑基本规律及推理主体正确的价值观。而“天然逻辑学”对我国刑事诉讼中法律推理的客观性具有指导及释明作用,可为其科学建构提供逻辑理论基础。  相似文献   

In modern democracies, politicians' accountability is often linked to the disciplining mechanism of electoral control. For politicians in their final term, this mechanism is impaired. Using a novel data set covering 910 members of the UK House of Commons active within the period 1997–2010, we investigate how reduced electoral control affects last‐term MPs' trade‐off between work effort inside parliament, leisure, and outside interests. Our main contributions lie in providing the first explicit consideration of (1) MPs' final‐term intra‐/extraparliamentary work balance and (2) MPs' reasons for leaving parliament (i.e., retirement, career change, electoral defeat). These extensions provide important fresh insights concerning the boundaries of elections' disciplining power.  相似文献   

In 1971, the Tennessee legislature enacted legislation providing for mandatory jail sentences and driver's license revocations for anyone convicted of driving while intoxicated. This new law had no demonstrable impact on the highway traffic fatalities rate-the intended objective. This paper explores the reasons for this apparent lack of impact. Data suggest that, while there was some increase in the severity of sanctions imposed on drunken drivers, there was still a consistent tendency to suspend the jail sentences and grant drivers restricted driving privileges. Nor is there any reason to believe that the police intensified their efforts to apprehend larger numbers of drunken drivers. Thus, the more severe sanctions threatened in the new law were generally mitigated in practice. Some possible interpretations for this are offered.  相似文献   

缪因知 《财经法学》2021,(2):98-116
作为审计人的注册会计师事务所具有信息输出的不独立性、信用输出的独立性和责任承担的不独立性。我国《证券法》对审计人设定了基于积极防范义务的过错推定责任,这种责任模式重于以美国为代表的中介机构仅在知情、实质性地参与虚假陈述时承担责任的模式。当发行人和审计人存在实施虚假陈述的共同故意,或一为故意一为重大过失时,应视为主观的共...  相似文献   

This article deals with the legal and moral imperatives arisingout of the Kapo trials, which took place in Israel between 1951and 1964. Section 2 considers substantive aspects of the IsraeliNazi and Nazi Collaborators Law (adopted in 1950), as well asthe moral quagmire embedded within this Law. Section 3 exploresthe dialogue that these trials advanced (and the dialogue thatthey failed to advance) in Israeli society. Section 4 offerssome reflection on the reasons why these trials have been expungedfrom Israel's collective memory. The authors also attempt toshed some light on the impact that this deliberate collectiveforgetting has had on the construction of Israel's nationalidentity and examine the central role that judicial institutionshave played in reconstructing the past and providing meaningfor the Kapo trials as a nation-building mechanism.  相似文献   

Not only a large number of developing countries but also transition economies have established free economic zones (FEZs) with the aim of attracting foreign capital by providing tax incentives, creating employment opportunities, and promoting exports and regional development. Tax investment promotion schemes include profit tax exemption, free or accelerated depreciation, investment tax allowance, subsidy for investment costs, etc., the effects of which on firms’ investment decisions can be compared based on the net present value model. This study suggests that even a low corporate tax rate combined with generous depreciation rules does not provide incentives for investors when the inflation rate is high. A case study on Najin–Sonbong FEZ in North Korea delivers a wide range of more crucial economic and political reasons why such a development project can fail, although tax concessions offered there are more favourable than those in China and other Asian nations.  相似文献   

In this article, I review the scant literature on gay men’s involvement in violence, gangs, and crime, which characterizes gay men as having little opportunity for agency. In discussing the popular culture, academic, and political reasons why this population has been neglected from study, I identify existing stereotypes that have shaped representations of gay men. I challenge our societal and disciplinary assumptions by presenting examples from my interview-based and partially ethnographic study of 53 gay gang- and crime-involved men, who both respond to and actively resist stereotypes about them. I also critically reflect on whether a continued lack of attention to queer populations in the criminological and related literatures is desirable today, but conclude the article by providing suggestions for scholars looking to conduct research with LGBT populations, especially within criminology and criminal justice.  相似文献   

The ongoing substitution of human decision makers by automated decision-making (ADM) systems in a whole range of areas raises the question of whether and, if so, under which conditions ADM is acceptable and fair. So far, this debate has been primarily led by academics, civil society, technology developers and members of the expert groups tasked to develop ethical guidelines for ADM. Ultimately, however, ADM affects citizens, who will live with, act upon and ultimately have to accept the authority of ADM systems.The paper aims to contribute to this larger debate by providing deeper insights into the question of whether, and if so, why and under which conditions, citizens are inclined to accept ADM as fair. The results of a survey (N = 958) with a representative sample of the Dutch adult population, show that most respondents assume that AI-driven ADM systems are fairer than human decision-makers.A more nuanced view emerges from an analysis of the responses, with emotions, expectations about AI being data- and calculation-driven, as well as the role of the programmer – among other dimensions – being cited as reasons for (un)fairness by AI or humans. Individual characteristics such as age and education level influenced not only perceptions about AI fairness, but also the reasons provided for such perceptions. The paper concludes with a normative assessment of the findings and suggestions for the future debate and research.  相似文献   

This paper takes as its starting point recent major changes in arrangements between the federal and provincial government in Canada concerning the sharing of costs for health insurance programs. The switch from a shared cost (conditional grant) to a modified block funding system was motivated by federal desires to limit and make predictable their expenditures, by provincial desires to increase the flexibility of their allocation of funds and by a mutual desire to limit any growth of health care costs as a proportion of GNP. Concerns related directly to improving medical care delivery were insignificant The changes will effectively centralize responsibility for program financing and program delivery, thus providing a powerful incentive for provincial governments to apply very strong measures to control costs. For reasons largely external to the relationship between public sector insurers and the suppliers of medical services, these attempts are unlikely to be successful in the short run. The probable impact of this difficulty on government and members of the health care delivery system is assessed.  相似文献   

The recent jailing and threatened jailing of journalists seeking to protect confidential sources has prompted Congress to reopen debate on legislation providing journalists with a statutory right of confidentiality. This article explores debates over eighty-six newsmen's privilege bills introduced in the House of Representatives between 1972 and 1975, after the Supreme Court of the United States decided Branzburg v. Hayes. The article identifies the primary policy differences, motives and perspectives of key advocates, and reasons for the failure of any bill to become law. It examines arguments for and against a privilege and the four major areas of policy disputes: the range of protections from absolutist to qualified protections, the problem of defining “journalist,” protection of only confidential information or all newsgathering material, and whether a federal privilege statute should apply to state proceedings. In doing so, the article provides historical context to contemporary legislative debates.  相似文献   

In June and November 2000, the European Parliament and the Council adopted two Directives referring to ‘the principle of equal treatment irrespective of’ in their title, one relating to racial and ethnic origin, the other to disability, age, religion and belief or sexual orientation. A thorough reform of Directive 76/207/EEC on the principle of equal treatment for women and men in employment matters is pending between the European Parliament's second reading and adoption while this is written. Community secondary legislation on equal treatment of persons has thus expanded in scope and number of reasons which must not serve as starting points for differentiation. Does this signify progress in legal protection against personal discrimination? While not providing a ready answer, this article proposes an analytical framework to answer this question, concentrating on conceptions of equality in general and in particular on the problems multi‐dimensional discrimination might pose for the law.  相似文献   

Public sex has been the focus of a number of academic texts in recent years, but while some comment more generally on how the media have presented specific forms of public sexual activity, it remains unclear how the media have constructed these undertakings. The phenomenon consists of a number of subcultures aimed at providing sexual enjoyment in public settings in different ways. There has been evidence that those engaging in public sex undertake significant risk that, while motivating for those taking part, can lead to a number of tragic consequences. Some of these consequences include physical attacks by members of the public as well as susceptibility to robbery and even abduction. This article will explore one of the possible reasons behind an unfavourable view of public sex in the public conscience- the mass media, and in particular, newspapers in the United Kingdom. The way in which the media have constructed various forms of public sex will be explored, as well as the information provided in reports, and in particular, the detailing of locations of Public Sex Environments (PSEs).  相似文献   

What do exclusionary reasons exclude? This is the main issue I address in this article. Raz appears to endorse what I label the “motivational” model of exclusionary reasons. He stresses that within the context of his theory of practical reasoning, exclusionary reasons are reasons not to be motivated by certain first‐order reasons (namely, the first‐order reasons which conflict with the first‐order reasons that the exclusionary reasons protect). Some of his critics take him to be committed to another model of exclusionary reasons which I label the “consideration” model. According to this model exclusionary reasons are reasons not to consider or think of the conflicting first‐order reasons. I argue that Raz's account of the exclusionary function of decisions suggests a third model of exclusionary reasons which I label the “reconsideration” model. In the reconsideration model, exclusionary reasons are reasons not to reconsider the balance of first‐order reasons. In this article I show how the reconsideration model differs from both the motivational and the consideration model and how it can account for the exclusionary function not only of decisions but also of personal rules and authoritative directives.  相似文献   

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