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The global financial crisis changed the global economic order—it also changed the way people think about that order.Once accepted principles and practice have now come into question or are altogether discredited.While the developed world gets its house in order,developing countries are becoming a new engine of global growth and a pulling force for advanced economies.The World Bank recently published its analysis of this trend in a book called The Day After Tomorrow:A Handbook on the Future of Economic Polic...  相似文献   

China is accelerating the construction of new infrastructure,which is expected to create new drivers for economic growth,especially in sectors like new consumption,new manufacturing and new services.It will accelerate the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks,industrial Internet and data centers,a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee said on March 4.  相似文献   

It's a catchphrase you often hear in Shenzhen among the business elite.Beijing and Shanghai may be the top choices for multinationals,but Shenzhen is the paradise for innovative startups with Chinese origins,said Yang Ting,Vice President of Mindray,a company that embodies that message.  相似文献   

二十世纪九十年代以来,天然植物药在全球日益受到重视。国际社会对中医药认同度大为提高,许多过去对中草药采取谨慎甚至排斥态度的国家,现在正逐渐改变认识。目前世界上已有130个国家和地区使用中医药,有80%的发展中国家依靠草药防治疾病。欧美国家也出现了“中药热”,美国人已有30%服用植物药。美国的一些医学院已开办了传统医学的专业课程。美国FDA宣布,不再要求中草药产品是已知结构的单体纯品,可以是成份固定、  相似文献   

科学发展观是我党在发展观上的重大突破。经济增长方式是发展现的具体体现,传统粗放型的经 济增长方式阻碍了科学发展观的实施,推进体制改革与制度创新是实现经济增长方式根本性转变的重要保证。  相似文献   

The low contribution of consumption to economic growth has become a source of anxiety for Chinese economic officials. With a sharp decline in exports as a result of the international financial crisis, the Chinese Government hopes that consumption will become a new engine of economic growth. The aim of promoting domestic demand is very clear in the 4-trillion-yuan ($586-billion) economic stimulus package the government approved last fall. How should we assess the present situation of consumption in China and...  相似文献   

从路径依赖看新一轮经济增长竞赛   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟召将 《中国发展》2007,7(1):52-56
中国各地经济高速增长引起了新一轮经济增长竞赛,影响经济平稳发展,增长模式、诸侯经济、评价体系、政府职能等方面的路径依赖是引发增长竞赛的根本原因,要改变这种情况,需要克服路径依赖,完善市场经济体制,增强科技在经济增长中的作用,科学界定政府职能,完善干部评价体系等方面努力。  相似文献   

Xiongan New Area, established on April 1, 2017, is an economic zone about 100 km southwest of Beijing. It is the third new area of national significance after the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area.  相似文献   

正Some foreign media and scholars have recently claimed that the economic slowdown in China has affected the world economy.Their argument,however,has been proved groundless by economic data.China recorded a 6.9-percent GDP growth in 2015,which garnered applause throughout  相似文献   

IN 20l3 China's new leadership steered the country onto a fast and stable development track in accordance with the people'sexpectations. Aiming for an economic growth rate of about 7.5 percent for 2014 is both achievable and neces- sary. To reach this goal against the backdrop of a sluggish global econo- my, China needs to rely on domestic demand, which in large part arises through investment. To spur invest- ment by local governments, the issue of financing platforms should be fun- damentally addressed. From a long- term perspective, local governments should be allowed to issue bonds. Further, to promote investment in the field of industrial modernization, more financial support and better gov- ernmental coordination are needed.  相似文献   

消费升级为经济增长提供强劲动力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国居民的三次消费升级对经济发展起到了重要的拉动作用.目前以改善住行条件为代表的新一轮消费结构升级开始启动;由消费升级带动的高成长产业成为产业升级和经济增长的主要动力.从某种程度上讲,当前经济回升的拉动力量与居民消费结构的升级有很大关系.它拓宽了产业发展的空间,也扩大了市场化投资的空间,进而支撑了我国新一轮经济的快速增长.目前,我国居民的消费结构已进入加快升级阶段,新的消费热点开始启动.未来我国居民的消费活动将进一步活跃,消费增长率将稳步提高,消费总量持续高速增长.把握消费升级的契机,消除消费梗阻,不仅有利于形成新的国内市场空间和经济发展空间,也有利于经济的持续快速协调发展.  相似文献   

增长与发展是两个内涵不同的概念,但长期以来人们往往不予区分,结果导致经济发展步入有增长无发展或有发展无增长的误区。因此,仔细斟酌与体味两者的不同,绝不是经济学家的文字游戏,在实践上将两者有效地结合起来,对我国实现“十五”计划具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Individual interviews and focus groups with 35 experienced foster parents explored strategies that facilitate the functional adaptation of children transitioning into their care. Findings from this qualitative study suggest functional adaptation is enhanced by unconditional commitment by foster parents, “claiming” behaviors of foster children and parents, establishment of routines, support of birth family relationships, and advocacy for the youth across systems. Implications of this study support the vital role that foster parents have in helping children adapt to placement, and indicate that agencies can provide increased support for foster parents to better meet the needs of foster youth.  相似文献   

狠抓思想政治工作培养新型预备警官   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设高素质公安队伍 ,关键在教育 ,广大青年警官的培养关乎公安队伍的未来 ,因此 ,提高公安队伍素质和战斗力的重要措施 ,在于坚定不移地走政治建警和科教强警之路。发展公安教育是科教强警的根本大计 ,各级公安机关要从战略的高度出发 ,高度重视公安教育工作。而思想政治工作则是统摄公安队伍教育的灵魂 ,要培养新型高素质警官 ,必须狠抓思想政治工作这一生命线。  相似文献   

新增长理论对经济增长的内生因素的强调,对规模经济和技术溢出效应的分析,对于一国如何利用国际贸易促进国内经济发展具有明显的启发。从新增长理论在理论上探讨经济增长导向的贸易发展战略,对我国外贸战略的制定和执行有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

社会必要劳动时间具有多种含义 ,决定商品价值量的社会必要劳动时间是多种含义的统一。理解社会必要劳动时间必须在其逻辑形成过程中全面把握。社会必要劳动时间的形成受多种因素的影响 ,这些因素的变化会影响社会必要劳动时间的水平 ,从而影响商品的价值决定。  相似文献   

正As the novel coronavirus epidemic situation improves, tourism, one of the hardest-hit industries during the outbreak, is bouncing back.According to a report on China’s tourism market during the Dragon Boat Festival released by popular online travel agency Ctrip.com, during the three-day festival on  相似文献   

Li Dongmei,a liquor salesperson at Majiapu outlet of Merry Mart in Beijing,has seen a drop in sales at the store recently. Because her income is directly tied to sales, fewer customers mean less take-home pay. Days between New Year Day and the Spring Festival,which falls on February 10 this year,  相似文献   

This paper summarizes empirical findings and results from the author's most recent research publication in Chinese: China's Unbalanced Economic Growth. It studies China's economic growth with a special emphasis on its regional disparities. It provides an analysis of China's overall economic landscape as well as an empirical study of China's unbalanced regional development. Based on its quantitative findings and results, the author predicts the emergence of ten Chinese metropolitan economies in the early twenty-first century and recommends a regional development strategy as well as implementation policies for China's future development. The major empirical findings, results and conclusions of this research are outlined in three sections: the first describes China's economic future—the emergence of ten regional metropolitan economies, the second reports the empirical findings of China's national and regional economic disparities and discusses policy implications, and the third investigates China's future economic growth and discusses its growth limitations.  相似文献   

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