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Bone remodeling is a natural process that is potentially problematic for radiographic comparisons because it can occur after antemortem (AM) imaging, thus interfering with the comparability of AM and postmortem (PM) radiographs from the same individual. While the effects of age-related remodeling have been studied, limited attention has been given to trauma-related remodeling with respect to radiographic comparisons. This report adds to the latter topic by presenting a case of AM clavicle fracture that developed into a pseudo-arthrosis over a 12-month period prior to the individual's death. Even though remodeling was discernable along the fracture margins, adjacent skeletal features on the PM radiograph remained unaltered and constituted compelling evidence for the identification. This case illustrates the potential of using both normal and pathological anatomy concurrently to maximize the surety of findings from radiographic comparisons.  相似文献   

The 1993 Supreme Court case Daubert v. Merrell-Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. underscores the importance of validating forensic science techniques. This research examines the validity of using posterior-anterior radiographs of the hand to make positive identifications of unknown human remains. Furthermore, this study was constructed to satisfy the requirements of Daubert's guidelines of scientific validity by establishing a standard methodology for hand radiograph analysis, testing the technique, and noting rates of error. This validation study required twelve participant examiners from the forensic science community, working independently, to attempt to match 10 simulated postmortem radiographs of skeletonized hands to 40 simulated antemortem radiographs of fleshed cadaver hands. The overall accuracy rate of the twelve examiners was 95%, while their collective sensitivity and specificity were 95% and 92%, respectively. However, the accuracy of each examiner was related to the amount of radiological training and experience of the observer. Six Ph.D. forensic anthropologists and four experienced forensic anthropology graduate students correctly identified all the matches. Participant examiners noted bone morphology, trabecular patterns of the proximal and middle phalanges, and distinctive radiopaque and radiolucent features as the anatomical features that aided the identification process. The hand can be an important skeletal element for radiographic positive identification because it contains 27 individual bones for comparative analysis.  相似文献   

DNA-based analysis is integral to missing person identification cases. When direct references are not available, indirect relative references can be used to identify missing persons by kinship analysis. Generally, more reference relatives render greater accuracy of identification. However, it is costly to type multiple references. Thus, at times, decisions may need to be made on which relatives to type. In this study, pedigrees for 37 common reference scenarios with 13 CODIS STRs were simulated to rank the information content of different combinations of relatives. The results confirm that first-order relatives (parents and fullsibs) are the most preferred relatives to identify missing persons; fullsibs are also informative. Less genetic dependence between references provides a higher on average likelihood ratio. Distant relatives may not be helpful solely by autosomal markers. But lineage-based Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA markers can increase the likelihood ratio or serve as filters to exclude putative relationships.  相似文献   

目的研究法庭科学混合血迹物证中不同个体成份逐一分离、识别的问题,建立适合混合血迹个体识别的分析技术。方法采用PCR-SSCP及测序技术,选择m tDNA D-loop区的HVI 16030~16481区域452 bp片段作为分析目标,对中国汉族两无关个体、三无关个体混合血迹进行分析。结果100份两个体混合血迹样品m tDNA 452bp的PCR产物经SSCP电泳分离,结果有95份样品完全分离开,分离成功率达95%;30份三个体混合血迹样品452 bp片段经SSCP电泳分离,结果有26份样品有1~3个个体完全分离开,分离成功率达84%。对其中3份两个体混合血样、2份三个体混合血样SSCP电泳分离后的谱带进行回收、测序分析,两个体混合血样每一份均可准确获得其中单一个体序列及以另一个体主要成份(峰值比达4∶1以上)的序列结果;三个体混合血迹中不同个体成份可以达到初步分离,1份可准确确定单一个体序列。对两个体不同比例混合样品SSCP分析,结果可以检测到较少成份的最低比例为20∶80。结论本研究建立的PCR-SSCP及测序分析混合血迹综合技术,是对混合血迹中不同个体成份逐一分离、识别的一种有效技术手段。  相似文献   

This case demonstrates a radiographic personal identification. A body was found but no positive results were obtained from the remains regarding the cause of death, the manner of death, or precise identification. At the autopsy, a characteristic radiographic deformity was found in the hip joints. After searching the registry of persons with congenital acetabular dysplasia and super-imposing the postmortem radiograph on the films of the registry, the identification was successful.  相似文献   

This study examines the reliability of age estimation utilizing the Pyle and Hoerr atlas in relation to a modern Scottish population. The knee radiographs of 442 individuals (168 females, 274 males) were age assessed using the Pyle and Hoerr atlas. Analysis showed that there was a strong correlation between chronological age and estimated age (females R² = 0.968, males R² = 0.952). For females, the atlas method was most accurate between the ages of 9 and 15 years of age with an underage of 2.27 months and an overage of 2.38 months. For males, the atlas consistently overestimated age from the age of 9 years to the age of 16 years from between 0.14 and 8.81 months. The standard deviation for females was 9.86 months and for males was 10.75 months. This study showed that the Pyle and Hoerr atlas can be applied to a modern population with small modifications.  相似文献   

Lin Y  Li L  Liu Y  Zhao ZM 《法医学杂志》2010,26(6):446-448
目的通过对X染色体SNP遗传标记的检测,探讨甲醛固定组织块的DNA分型策略。方法提取甲醛固定组织块的DNA,在用SinofilerTM试剂盒、MiniFilerTM试剂盒检测未能获得分型结果的情形下,采用多重PCR和飞行质谱技术对X染色体上的51个SNP位点进行分型检测。结果对于常染色体STR、miniSTR分型失败的甲醛固定组织块,X-SNP分型获得成功。结论对于甲醛固定组织块等微量、降解的生物学检材,若常染色体STR基因座分型失败,可尝试进行SNP位点的分型,以获得更多的遗传信息。  相似文献   

目的探讨锁骨薄层CT三维容积重建影像(CT-VRT)在身高推算中的应用价值,以期更新我国西南地区身高推算数据,为鉴定实践提供技术支撑。方法应用300例锁骨薄层CT-VRT影像,测量并计算左侧锁骨长(LCL)、右侧锁骨长(RCL)、双侧锁骨均长(ACL),分析身高与LCL、RCL、ACL相关性及性别差异,建立身高推算线性回归方程,并对所建模型进行回代检验。结果男性、女性ACL和身高的相关系数分别为0.534、0.707;LCL和身高的相关系数分别为0.484、0.680;RCL和身高的相关系数分别为0.523、0.695。分别建立ACL、LCL、RCL男女性身高推算线性回归模型。回代检验示ACL方程男性身高推算平均绝对误差(MAD)为4.48cm,女性MAD为3.51cm;LCL方程男性身高推算MAD为4.60cm,女性MAD为3.64cm;RCL方程男性身高推算MAD为4.49cm,女性MAD为3.59cm。结论建立的推算身高的回归方程具有统计学意义,模型预测精度较高,表明利用薄层CT-VRT影像测量的锁骨可运用于四川汉族人群身高推算研究。但模型R2较小,因此在应用ACL进行身高推算时最好结合其他指标。  相似文献   

Sex estimation is the grounds for an accurate identification of unknown human skeletal elements. The need for reliable methods distinguishing males from females based upon various skeletal elements is evident in cases of commingled, eroded and/or missing remains. The aim of this work lays on establishing criteria for sex estimation from the scapula and the clavicle in modern Greeks. A total of 147 left scapulae and 147 clavicles (66 females and 81 males) were used in the study. Eight and six measurements were taken on the scapula and clavicle respectively and data were subjected to principal components analysis (PCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA). Posterior probabilities for the classification of each individual are also calculated. Statistical analysis was carried out using the software PAST (Paleontological Statistics) and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) 18. The results supported the existence of pronounced sexual dimorphism, which was mainly attributed to size differences among the two groups. Univariate and multivariate methods of statistical classification showed high accuracy for all scapular and most clavicular measurements, verifying their value as sex indicators in the under study population. We recommend the use of this method for sex assessment from the scapula and the clavicle in cases exhibiting over 95% probability of correct classification. This is regardless of the overall high degree of accuracy reported here, as the method of choice in forensic contexts should always be case-driven.  相似文献   

颅顶矢状缝形态应用于个体识别初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨颅顶缝应用于个体识别的可能性。方法观察和分析30例中国成年人颅骨及颅顶矢状缝。结果中国成年人颅顶矢状缝长度为109-136mm,与年龄、性别无关,顶孔出现率为80%,其中40%呈不对称性分布。结论颅项矢状缝具有个体识别的生物学特征;本文提出的颅顶矢状缝的观测方法简单易行。  相似文献   

In January 1999, a team of Finnish forensic experts under the mandate of the European Union (EU forensic expert team, EU-FET) performed forensic investigations in a sovereign state, in Kosovo, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). The team served as a neutral participant in the forensic investigation of victims of an incident at Racak, which was receiving considerable international attention. The Finnish team performed forensic autopsies, monitored forensic autopsies performed by local experts and verified findings of earlier executed autopsies. The victims had sustained varying numbers of gunshot wounds, which were established to be the cause of death. The manner of death remained undetermined by the EU-FET, because the scene investigation and the chain of custody for the bodies from the site of the incident to the autopsy were impossible to verify by the team. The events at Racak were the first of those leading to charges by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) against the highest authorities in power in the FRY for crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs of war.  相似文献   

A difficult dental identification of fragmented Vietnam War remains was made without the benefit of roentgenogram comparisons. The identification was strengthened by the highly unusual finding of a healing extraction site.  相似文献   

Four kinds of DNA probes that recognize hypervariable regions (HVR) were studied for parentage testing and individual identification. Allele frequencies and their confidence intervals among unrelated Japanese individuals were obtained. Codominant segregation of the polymorphism was confirmed in family studies. Two a priori probabilities were calculated for each HVR locus: the exclusion probabilities for an alleged father/mother/child trio and for an alleged parent/child duo, and the probabilities of matching of genotypes of two unrelated individuals or two siblings. The ease of availability of the probes and their highly discriminating polymorphic patterns mean they could be very useful for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study was undertaken to determine if dental implants can be radiographically differentiated by company type to aid forensic identification of the deceased. Recognition of dental implants on intraoral radiographic images was assessed in a blind study using a radiographic examination guide to highlight differences between dental implants. Inter- and intra-examiner comparisons were conducted and a computer program (Implant Recognition System®) was evaluated to see whether it improved the accuracy of implant recognition. The study found that dental implants could be radiographically differentiated by company type. The Implant Recognition System® in its current form was of little benefit for radiographic assessment of dental implants for forensic odontologists. Prior knowledge of implant types, with a McNemar's statistical value of 92.9, proved to be most significant in identification.  相似文献   

Santa Catarina is a small, developed, and relatively safe state in South Brazil. Despite having positive social economic indicators, it still faces multiple challenges regarding forensic practices for personal identification. The objective of this paper is to discuss the recent advances and current challenges in the region, from the perspectives of anthropological and dental postmortem human identification, missing persons, and disaster victim identification (DVI) from 2019 to 2021. The recent creation of a Forensic Anthropology Sector (SAF) in the state’s official forensic institution (Polícia Científica—PCI) has significantly improved identification of unidentified remains and optimised resources available for DNA analysis. However, SAF is still quite understaffed, which negatively affects the recovery of skeletal material, its preparation, and the time needed for filing reports. Santa Catarina has passed legislation for missing persons in 2015, 4 years prior to the sanction of federal laws implementing the national policy for the disappeared. Nonetheless, a lack of integration between stakeholders remains a problem that PCI has tried to circumvent with the Conecta Programme, a multidisciplinary and integrated initiative between families of the missing persons, police agencies, and the Public Ministry. The programme aims to collect not only reference DNA samples, but also relevant anthropological and dental data. It also offers facial progression services in cases of disappearances that occurred many years ago. Despite a history of disasters in the state, PCI still needs to implement international DVI standards at an institutional level. Recent training on Phase 1 DVI procedures, integrated with other responding institutions, indicates better preparation for future disasters. There are many challenges ahead for Santa Catarina’s forensic institution and professionals that have yet to be addressed, but the overall situation on routine personal identification, missing persons initiatives, and DVI has improved over the last 2 years.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the video superimposition technique for the identification of a skull by comparing it with photographs of missing persons is based on the fact that the human skull, unlike any other part of the human skeleton, shows unmistakable individual characteristics. In order to obtain a quantification, the individuality of human skulls is defined in terms of craniometric data and their probability distribution. First calculations based on the coordinates of some important encephalometric points of 52 European skulls suggest that there are individual aspects comparable to those of fingerprints. Under certain conditions, the video superimposition technique can establish very strong evidence for the identity of an unknown skull, provided that it is applied correctly and carefully.  相似文献   

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