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日本绿色少年团是公益社团法人“国土绿化推进委员会”领导下的少年儿童组织,以学校或地区为单位建立,旨在通过森林学习和志愿服务等方式宣传与践行绿化行动并培养儿童社会责任。从组织教育角度看,其目标指向少年儿童未来责任与当下品质培育的有机统一,实践活动内容注重“绿色”主线下个人成长与社会服务相结合。日本绿色少年团的社会实践活动以多维方式促进儿童的社会化,包括以真实世界体验推进儿童角色社会化、以社区环境保护促进儿童道德社会化、以社会服务活动提升儿童认知社会化、以互助合作方式训练儿童交往社会化等。开展社会实践活动的路径主要有成人的示范和实践活动引导、学校与社区联携共育以及网络展示和宣传普及等。借鉴相关经验,中国在推进少年儿童组织社会实践活动时需要注重保持社会实践活动的开放性、注重设计地域性的社会实践活动、注重社会实践活动中问题解决能力的训练、注重推进社会实践活动的可持续性等问题。  相似文献   

文化外交战略是战后日本恢复和平民主国家形象、推广日本文化的国家发展战略之一。青年国际交流是日本文化外交战略的重要组成部分,其中内阁府主导下的青年国际交流事业拥有丰富的交流内容、严格的招募选拔机制和官民协作的运作模式。半个多世纪以来,实现了文化外交和培养日本青年的双重目标,建立了世界性"事后活动组织"。不仅促进了日本文化和价值观念向海外传播,而且在塑造日本国家形象、提升国家软实力中也发挥着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

战后日本的海洋思想在经历了由"强化对海洋资源属性的认知"向"对规范人们各种海洋活动制度认知"的变迁后,20世纪90年代再次发生了变迁。其思想变迁,以日本学者掀起的"海洋文明论"为发端,以日本政府智库举办的"海洋国家研讨班"活动及政策提案为依托,以国家制定的《海洋基本法》和《海洋基本规划》为法律保障,最终上升为"新海洋立国战略"。这一过程,呈现出层级式递升的特点。与之相应,日本国家在发展方向的择取上,一度向以日美同盟为后盾的从属性或附属性"海上帝国"的道路迈进。  相似文献   

"心心相印"伙伴关系是20世纪70年代末日本提出的发展与东盟国家关系的新目标,该目标致力于实现日本与东盟国家的相互理解和相互信任。印尼作为东盟中的大国,是日本重点经营的对象。日本主要从两大路径来推动两国"心心相印"伙伴关系的建设,一是改变对印尼援助方式,从注重自身经济利益转向促进印尼经济社会发展能力的建设,以获取印尼的信任;二是积极开展文化外交,通过教育、文化交流促进两国国民的相互理解。在具体实施过程中,日本采取的策略包括:官方资金支持和政策引导,官民协作推进;注重两国的对等地位;将文化理解与社会责任寓于经济活动之中;加大与印尼在民生领域特别是落后地区民生领域的合作;保持合作项目的机制化和常态化,并注重事后影响力的维持。日本构建与印尼"心心相印"伙伴关系的经验对中国与印尼关系发展具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自“海国”思想形成以来,在日本海权思想的发展中,日本学界、战略研究界对东南亚的认知发生了显著变化。东南亚在明治时期被视为日本“潜在的海外殖民地”,在二战时期被视为“大东亚共荣圈”的重点区域,在战后因“南海”战略价值重获重视,到如今被视为日本建立“海洋国家联盟”应当联合的对象以及日本建立地区主导权的重要抓手。在日本海权思想的演进中,其东南亚认知的变迁对日本海洋战略的形成与发展、日本与东南亚国家的关系以及中日关系都产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

刘迪 《新民周刊》2012,(32):23-23
日本在高速增长时期,曾遇到很多重大经济、社会困难,但国家、地域社会及住民通过积极互动,及时对社会对立进行了整合,反而促进了经济、社会稳定发展。近代社会以后,权利意识增强,维权类型的大型群体抗议活动增加。以日本为例,战后日本大规模群众抗议,基本可分为经济型、环境型、纯政治型。当然,很多抗议活动很难归属某一单纯类型。最近...  相似文献   

谈基于国际理解教育的日本中学英语 教学改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
早在 70年代初 ,日本的有识之士就曾明确提出要培养国际性人才 ,教育应该国际化。日本主管教育改革工作的专门机构———中央教育审议会在 1996年 7月 19日的《日本第 15届中央教育审议会第一次咨询报告》中再次强调“培养拥有广阔的视野 ,在国际社会中能够与异质文化的人们一起发展 ,共同为人类作出贡献的新一代 ,是至关重要的。为此 ,必须大力促进学校的国际理解教育”。一、日本的国际理解教育及其产生的背景1、日本的国际理解教育日本的国际理解教育是面向 2 1世纪的新的教育观念 ,其基本涵义是指通过学校的各种教育措施和教育活动培养…  相似文献   

对于高等教育是否需要均衡发展,学术界有不同的看法。考察日本高等教育发展轨迹,我们认为,日本高等教育的发展实践,是在关注和实现教育机会均等尤其是高等教育入学机会均等的前提下,逐步促进均衡发展的。在教育机会均等、为经济发展服务、高等教育大众化、终身学习理念等价值观的指导下,通过促进体系均衡、大学分散化政策、大学扩张政策、大学抑制政策、高等教育计划、建立闪耀着个性光辉的大学等多种途径不断选择和调整高等教育政策,努力消除差别。从战后的改造高等教育体系到自由放任发展再到通过计划调控促进高等教育均衡发展,体现了日本对高等教育发展路径的主动选择。  相似文献   

党的“十四”大以来,我国已把教育的发展摆在整个国民经济优先发展的战略地位。幼儿期是人的良好行为、习惯的培养和智力开发的关键期,幼儿教师对促进幼儿身心的健康发展起着非常重要的作用。正如《中国教育改革和发展纲要》中指出的那样,“振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。建设一支具有良好的政治业务素质、结构合理相对稳定的教师队伍,是教育改革和发展的根本大计”。日本的学前教育经过大约一个世纪的发展,到198O年,小学一年级学生中受过正规幼儿园和保育所教育的儿童超过90%,其普及率在世界发达国家中仅次于法国…  相似文献   

全球率先进入超老龄社会的日本,自20世纪80年代以来一直致力于探索认知症专业护理居住服务模式,构建可持续社区综合护理体系,积累了诸多实践经验。以日本官方开放数据资料为基础,通过梳理其认知症养老居住福利政策的发展历程,探讨不同时期认知症护理的建设重点。借鉴日本经验、结合中国现状,提出增设认知症专业护理服务、发展社区嵌入型护理机构、建立健全长期护理服务体系、搭建社区综合一体化医养融合服务模式等对中国具有现实意义的启示,有利于构建中国专业化、高效率、可持续、综合一体化的认知症专业护理居住支援体系,实现认知症老人有服务、有尊严的晚年生活。  相似文献   

The 1960s were undoubtedly the most culturally productive period in the contemporary history of Iran. During these years, artistic trends as well as art historical practices attempted to present the idea of national art, while the intellectual atmosphere was charged with the conflicting ideologies of the Cold War. The Pahlavi state's cultural policies, based on its pro-Western and at the same time nationalist visions, were in contrast with most intellectuals' attitudes towards art, which mainly followed leftist ideologies. Within such an ideologically charged space, the idea of combining Euro-American modernism and traditional views formed the dominant discourse of modern Iranian art. This article maps the interconnections among artists, art historians and cultural custodians in 1960s Iran, and explores the ways in which nationalist, nativist, modernist and communist-Marxist ideologies influenced the artistic trends as well as art historical narratives. After focusing on the ways art history was introduced through Orientalist viewpoints in Iran, the article will shed light on the role of visual artists within the intellectual community of the 1960s. The idea of ‘national art’, epitomised in the movements of Saqqa khanih and Talar-i Iran, will then be analysed. Finally, the article will evaluate these artistic activities within their ideological framework.  相似文献   

The moral education of the people has been viewed historically as a function of good government in China. Models have played an important role in this educational process, constantly making people aware of correct behavior and correct ideas. Since 1949, so-called propaganda art in the People's Republic of China has played a major supporting role in the many campaigns that have been designed to mobilize the people, with the propaganda poster being the favored vehicle to convey model behavior. In the twenty-first century, state-inspired education and the posters it produces are fighting an uphill battle to grasp the attention of the people. This illustrated article discusses the state of state-sponsored propaganda art and highlights the various social and artistic pressures that weigh on the propaganda poster in the era of reform. The author examines the changes in the government's communication strategy, and focuses on the changing way in which propaganda art has been used in the reform era, the technical innovations that have been applied, and the topics that have been selected by the government as subjects for propaganda campaigns. The patriotism of the late 1990s is a topic that receives special attention. Finally, hypotheses are presented about the possible alternative applications of the medium in the light of recently published propaganda posters.  相似文献   


The study focuses on the institution of boarding schools (Russian: internat) in Soviet Tajikistan in the 1950s and 1960s and its role in the education and training of the new national generations of skilled professionals in the fields of industry, science, culture, art and healthcare, which in turn contributed to the development of their country. Along with the de-Stalinization of education and subsequent polytechnization, as well as flexibility in the use of Soviet institutions, the internats were transformed from a purely Soviet project into a more inclusive Soviet-Tajik project at the national level for the training of new young national-Sovietized professionals. These professionals combined the qualities of Sovietized and local (national), with their distinctive norms, traditions and values, into a totally new form. The boarding school system turned into a factory for bringing up national-Sovietized specialists and cadres.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to vindicate the part played by certain Spanish aristocratic women in the management, conservation, and transmission of their artistic patrimony in the decades around the turn of the twentieth century by creating art collections and displaying them in their own homes. The works were exhibited in rooms that were decorated and furnished to suggest historical ambiences in which French trends rubbed shoulders with styles that had been developed in Spain throughout its history, turning their homes into devices that recreated past times. Similarly, retrospective views of Spanish art were the focus of leisure and entertainment activities driven by ladies from the upper echelons of society through the performance of tableaux vivants. The focus of this study will be Trinidad Scholtz Hermensdorff, Duchess of Parcent.  相似文献   

The article aims at deepening the reconfiguration of expertise used today in public action against AIDS in the French‐speaking part of Belgium. Built onJurgen Habermas' pragmatic model of expertise, the hypothesis of a “spaceof interdependence” between public action and expertise has been developed. This angle allows to examine the proximity regime, the transactions andtheir reciprocal adjustments. The reconfiguration of expertise and what isat stake in terms of recognition are put in the context of the Belgianpolitical landscape (emergence of Ecolo) and the perception of AIDS in thewhole Europe (normalisation of AIDS). In order to refine the pragmaticmodel, we have complemented our relational framework with the integration ofagonistic dynamics of medical, associative and sociological expertises inpublic action against AIDS.  相似文献   

The development of Taiwanese party politics reached a milestone in the 2000 presidential and 2001 legislative elections. The island's pre-existing three-party system underwent a marked reconfiguration. With the split of the Kuomintang (KMT), two new parties emerged but one existing party nearly collapsed. Party politics in Taiwan have shown a continuous process of proliferation of new parties. This paper analyzes the underlying logic that drives the reconfiguration of the Taiwanese party system. A political-institution perspective is employed to show how social cleavages, mixed electoral incentives, and government formation work in dictating the transformation of the party system. This paper is supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, under Grant NSC 92-2414-H-001-019, NSC 93-2414-H-001-002, and NSC 94-2414-H-001-012.  相似文献   

本文从欧盟与北约两个国际组织角度对变化中的跨大西洋安全关系展开了剖析。文章认为,欧盟作为新的安全行为者的出现,在扩大并改变欧盟原有特性的同时,推动跨大西洋安全格局发生缓慢而深刻的重组。一方面,欧盟-北约"战略性伙伴关系"的建立与发展不仅对欧盟和北约意义重大,而且具有深远的安全和政治后果。另一方面,虽然欧盟与北约的关系是塑造跨大西洋安全关系、更广泛的美欧关系乃至全球安全格局的重要因素之一,但"战略性伙伴关系"真正实现的道路并不平坦。  相似文献   

Using the example of the present casualization of labor the following article demonstrates the ??surplus value?? of a perspective on corporate activities that is enriched by insights gained from the field of the sociology of labor. Beginning with a reconstruction of the state of the art on casualization processes of dependent labor it is shown that there has indeed been an intense discussion about the erosion of the so-called standard employment relationship (Normalarbeitsverh?ltnis) and the advancing casualization of dependent labor. The question regarding the casualization of the corporate activities, however, has hardly been recognized. The article will demonstrate that there actually is an ongoing casualization of corporate activities. Moreover, the vital factors for casualization processes in corporate activities will be elaborated. Subsequent to these points, the text raises the question of the implications of a ??twofold?? casualization of labor and its social mediations. In a final step, the article focuses on the systematic-methodological potential of founding research in a theory of practice.  相似文献   


Figurative art made in Central and West Africa for the global market is a form of tourist art – a category that has been plagued in art historical research by misconstrued concepts such as the authenticity of traditional/precolonial art. Following its categorisation as a commodity, studies focused on the decontextualisation of the object, thus marginalising the producing culture. In this article I investigate the role of the artist in preserving tradition and the role of the trader who, as cultural broker, exoticises the object. Since it can be argued that these are acts of decolonising, African tourist art can be regarded as a product of the postcolonial exotic, as defned by Graham Huggan (2001). Accepting the inescapability of postcoloniality, tourist art can be repositioned as a successful attempt to preserve and promote African cultural traditions and identity in the new era.  相似文献   


The article argues for the Africanisation of the South African education system, most critically at high school and tertiary levels. Using both experiential and theoretical reasoning, it seeks to present a compelling argument for the value of teaching our children, using methodologies, examples and stories they can relate to. It argues that this relatability is what will best develop the cognition of learners and better equip them to turn knowledge into action. The South African education system has often been seen as lacking a critical thinking and problem-solving element, and the article argues that this limitation is embedded in the abstractness of our curricula. The article presents a short case study highlighting just how little about Africa some of our best learners know. It ends by offering practical suggestions about how the education system could incorporate critical African knowledge in its learning models.  相似文献   

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