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二战以后 ,生存哲学成为德国人普遍关注的问题。伯尔在他的短篇小说《轶事 :关于职业道德的沦丧》中 ,通过对一个渔夫经历的描写 ,批判性地揭露了由于战争所造成的整个社会伦理道德意识普遍下降的现实 ,也再现了下层人民在贫困中对生活原有本质的另一种创造精神。  相似文献   

明治政府推行的一系列改革措施不仅使日本走上了资本主义的发展道路,也在一定程度上改变了女性的社会地位。岛崎藤村在长篇小说《家》中描写了各种女性形象,具有明显时代特征的"贤良型"知识女性、"屈从型"传统女性、"谋生型"劳动女性、"卖身型"贫困女性。通过这些女性形象可以了解当时日本女性的生活状况与社会处境,进而了解她们的社会地位。  相似文献   

关于日本主妇再就业的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本社会自古以来就存在着浓厚的传统性别分工意识,男主外,女主内,这是日本人根深蒂固的社会观念,也可以说是日本大众一般的生活模式。但是近年来,各种资料显示,日本女性的就业队伍正在不断扩大,她们的生活模式似乎也在悄悄地发生着变化。尤其引人注目的是已婚女性中中年及中年以上再就业主妇的显著增加。所谓主妇再就业,指的是女性以结婚为契机,辞去工作,步入家庭,在一段时期内专心于家务及养育子女。等到孩子们基本自立,可以独立生活时,再次重新参加工作。据日本总务厅统计局昭和57年的劳动力调查统计,就业女性中,35岁以上层占女子就业总数的58.9%,超过半数。昭和62年的《就业构造基本调查》表明,从事计时零工的女性中,35-59岁者居多,占全体的63.5%。另外,平成元年进行的对受雇用女子有无配偶的调查报告中显示,就业中女子中,已婚者人数远远超出了未婚者,占68.2%。从这些事实来看,近年来,日本女性就业的主力军可以说是那些再就业的主妇们。  相似文献   

陈静 《法国研究》2013,(3):34-38
安妮·埃尔诺的作品《悠悠岁月》在写作手法上可谓独树一帜,在“社会自传”的基础上,它彰显了女性自我书写的非凡和大气。作者用印象派的本色笔触再现作为女人的真实生活,一张张老照片则充当了时代的标志,将个人和集体的回忆同时激活,加上互文手法的频繁使用使得整个作品意义更为丰富,可读性强,而对女性身体特征的客观描写则犹如打开了一部女性的生存和发展史。  相似文献   

2014年12月16日,新华网刊文《习总书记首谈"四个全面"意味着什么》;12月17日,人民网刊文《习近平首提"四个全面"吹响治国理政"集结号"》。作为中央级新闻网站最重要的两家,新华网与人民网这前后的一问一答,已将"四个全面"上升到了治国理念当中,丰富了执政话语。与此同时,也进一步诠释了外界对习近平这一"新设计师"的...  相似文献   

漆瑗 《当代韩国》2005,(3):75-80
笔者曾读过一些韩国女作家创作的小说,为她们对女性自身社会角色、职能责任的清醒认识所打动,并撰写了《论韩国当代小说中的女性意识》一文对此进行了专题探讨。那么,女性群体在韩国男作家笔下的命运、价值如何,这与女作家的创作有何差异以及这种差异与韩国男、女作家创作时的性别意识又有怎样的关系?带着这些问题,笔者系统地阅读了近十年来《高丽亚那》季刊选登的36篇短篇小说,拟围绕上述问题发表一些粗浅之见。一主要人物形象的二元状态纵观《高丽亚那》季刊中的小说,如果以个案而论,每一位作家所描写的背景、人物形象、情节内容、艺术风…  相似文献   

著名的法国现实主义小说《包法利夫人》完成于1856年并于1925年由翻译家、小说家李劼人译成中文,十年之后译者本人的文学创作《死水微澜》在中华印书局出版。这部《死水微澜》被誉为李劼人学福楼拜式的现实主义文学的第一代表作,它的问世引来中国文学界的重视,特别是在文化大革命以后,关于两部小说的文学评论不断涌现。在这些文章中,我们发现关于《包法利夫人》和《死水微澜》两部小说的文学比较的文章虽然很多,但是很少有人从作者本身的角度来深入研究两位女主人公结局不同的原因。本文试图从两位作者的政治主张、文学选择、人生态度等几方面去了解作者的创作构思,进而找到两位女性生活经历相似但结局却不同的真正原因。  相似文献   

壹不到监狱,不知道这种零距离的震撼。湖北十堰70多名市直单位"一把手"偕配偶走进监狱体验半天"高墙铁窗"生活。《人民日报》发表评论《让警示教育有更多切身感》。贰我与其他接待员和保安都受到过口头威胁。巴黎埃菲尔铁塔的一名女性工作人员向法新社抱怨。由于扒手实在猖獗,5月22日一批工作人员离岗避险,造成临时关停。  相似文献   

韩国的女性们,我们的母亲。 在历史的桎梏中坚强地活过来的女性们,我们将她们的故事编成了两本书。 讲述了从韩国近代到现代活跃于政治、社会、文化、艺术各领域的48位女性的生活。 该书的意义在于记录了长期以来被历史排除在外的女性的生活,而更为重要的是该书从新的视角出发研究女性的历史。  相似文献   

本文使用深度访谈方法,访谈了居住在北京、天津的9位韩国已婚女性,考察了跨国移居后她们的劳动情况。移居后,她们作为儿媳妇的压力和家务劳动量减少,但增加了监督保姆的劳动,在夫妻间的情感劳动方面也面临新的压力,而且子女年龄小的女性仍承担较多的照顾和教育子女的劳动。她们中有不少女性中断自己的工作来到中国,主要从事家教、教师等工作,也有一些人成为个体经营者,也有不少没有3-作的女性学习汉语等课程,为未来做准备。移居后她们更加虔诚信仰宗教,通过参加志愿者服务活动,跨出私人家庭领域,促进了韩国人社会和中国社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

According to the classic rentier state theory literature, the political activity of Kuwaiti merchants effectively ceased after the government acquired oil rents. More recent works explain business alliances with the government through the competition for resources between the capitalist class and the population at large. This article argues that the merchants’ political position vis-à-vis the ruling powers has not been consistent and has shifted between ‘voice’ and ‘loyalty’. To explain the choice of political action by the Kuwaiti business community the article compares the merchants’ role in two major contentious events—the popular uprising of 2011 and the 1989 pro-democracy movement. Despite the similarities between them, in 1989 prominent business figures were in the vanguard of opposition, while after 2011 they chose to re-emerge as government allies. The comparison suggests that the shift from ‘voice’ to ‘loyalty’ can be explained by the changing political field. I contend that the rise of new social forces and new types of political opposition antagonized business and forced it to side with the government in order to pursue its vital rent-seeking interests.  相似文献   

Can Nacar 《中东研究》2016,52(5):772-786
This article examines an important source of social unrest in Ottoman ports where ships could not be tied directly to the quays. In such places, boatmen ferried goods and passengers between the shore and ships that anchored offshore. Many of these boatmen wanted to work on the queue system because it provided work and income security to them. However, merchants and a few boatmen viewed this system as a major obstacle for their business to survive and grow. The Ottoman government also took part in this debate. However, rather than acting as a unitary actor, various components of the government adopted different positions on the issue. In the early twentieth century, these actors with different views and goals were involved in a series of conflicts. These conflicts forced Ottoman ruling elites to change their policies about the boat queue system several times at least but did not result in a decisive victory for one side or the other.  相似文献   

阿摩罗补罗是缅甸贡榜王朝时期的国都,也是当时滇缅贸易中华商前往经商的重要目的地。在滇缅贸易的发展过程中,部分华商开始寓居阿摩罗补罗,并与缅族发生通婚,形成华人社区。在阿摩罗补罗从事贸易的华商可分作"行商"与"坐商",前者为常年往返于滇缅的马帮商队,后者在缅定居并有固定经营场所。两者在贸易中保持密切合作,"行商"使"坐商"与中国保持人口和商品的流动;"坐商"则掌握了销售渠道,使"行商"所携商品能够行销当地市场。在贸易活动的影响下,华商在当地逐渐形成了独有的社会组织和生活方式。  相似文献   

During World War I, Martynas Jankus became the most well-known deportee in the Lithuanian-speaking world. This article uses a variety of sources, including his wartime letters, diary, and postwar memoirs, to explore which factors were the most important in enabling him to survive deportation, how representative he is of the larger population of deportees from East Prussia and their experiences, and how his life as a deportee was affected by laws and agreements at the international and domestic levels.  相似文献   

?erif Mardin, one of Turkey's most prominent sociologists, recently stated that ‘there is a deep silence about the working class in Turkey'. This article will try to analyse the factors that cause this ‘deep silence', which, paradoxically, is observed even by the competing Kemalist and Islamic political actors. In other words, the ‘deep silence' refers to the common perspective on the working class of the otherwise different and competing groups. This can be called their solidaristic view, the purpose of which is essentially to provide solidarity among government officials, merchants and peasants that eventually formed the basis of European corporatism. Although it outlines the historical manifestation of the solidarist view, this paper focuses particularly on how Islamic actors maintain that view. This is a problem that requires the examination of various factors around a key question. How is it that competing groups are in harmony in the matter of their ideological positions on the working class?  相似文献   

明代,尤其是16世纪以后,中国人开始大规模地往东南亚地区经商和移民,至清初以前,东南亚各地华人华侨的职业以经商为主,商贾小贩和亦工亦商的手工匠人是其主体.他们凭借自身的辛勤努力和卓越的商业智慧赢得了事业的成功,并极大推动了当地商品经济的发展.因此,了解明代东南亚华商的经营活动及其经营之道,是了解海外华人开拓史的基础,本文即对此作一粗疏探讨.  相似文献   

Liberal elites in nineteenth-century Peru were eager to attract European immigrants to help modernise their country. The majority arrived independently bringing commercial skills, while a minority, contracted as colonists, settled in the tropical lowlands. This article focuses on two European communities established in the central Andean region, where immigrants from northern Italy excelled as merchants and families from the Austrian Tyrol became smallholders. Through a reconstruction of one family's history, which draws on personal letters and a photograph, the article explores the experiences, character and socio-economic transformation of these communities and the significance given to European-ness and whiteness.  相似文献   

This article explores the conflict between Omani traditional culture1 ?1 Bearing in mind the complexity of defining culture, it is defined in this article as what people in Oman think, value, believe and hold as ideas. Thus, culture in contemporary Omani society includes values that are derived from the long-established tribal and Ibadi religious institutions, social structural systems of life and behaviour. View all notes and modern change by examining the practice of kafa'a 2 ?2 In Arabic, kafa'a literally means ‘equality’. In Islamic legal terminology, kafa'a in marriage refers to the equivalence of the man and the woman, as defined by certain criteria. Specifically, an aspiring husband should be equal or superior to the proposed wife in terms of socio-economic status in order to be accepted as a suitable husband in marriage. In practice, therefore, kafa'a actually perpetuates and indeed promotes inequality between people because it legitimates discrimination against people judged to have lower socio-economic status. Further information on kafa'a in marriage and its legal and historical development in Islamic tradition can be viewed in Amalia Zomeno, ‘Kafa'a in the Maliki School: A Fatwa from Fifteenth Century Fez’, in R. Gleave and E. Kermeli (eds), Islamic Law: Theory and Practice (New York: IB Tauris, 1997), pp. 87–105; and Farhat J. Ziadeh, ‘Equality (Kafa'a) in Muslim Law of Marriage’, The American Journal of Comparative Law, 6(4) (1957), pp. 503–511. View all notes in present-day Oman. kafa'a—which refers to the notion that the husband's family should be equal or superior in terms of social, religious or economic background to the wife's family if the marriage is to be accepted—exemplifies a type of social and legal inequality that is at odds with State rhetoric on equality but congruent with the type of hierarchical social structure traditionally valued by Omanis, which tolerates a high degree of inequality between individuals and groups. I argue that the recognition of kafa'a as a condition of marriage in Article 20 of the Omani Personal Status Law serves to, in effect, reinforce traditional tribal and religious cultural practices in Oman.  相似文献   


This article analyses the trajectories of two transnational networks present in the Chinese city of Yiwu: Afghan merchants who trade goods in and out Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan; and Uzbek traders (citizens of either Tajikistan or Uzbekistan) who commercialize their merchandise in and out Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Russia. Our aim is to capture an ethnographically grounded understanding of informal markets and economies by analysing the notion of trade ‘outside the law’, including the contested yet widely used category of the ‘smuggler’. By paying attention to the fluidity of trading practices ‘outside the law’, we also address the uses and limitations of metaphors widely used in scholarly analysis of informal markets: notably those of ‘lower’ and ‘higher’ forms of globalization, and the transposition of formal-legal and informal-illegal exchanges onto the notions of economic ‘centres’ and ‘peripheries’.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the metaphor of the religious market, this article presents an analysis of the proselytising strategies the Hare Krishna, a new Hindu worshipping community in Ghana, has developed in order to survive in Ghana's competitive religious economy. It demonstrates the creative ways in which the group negotiates the contours of this market, incorporating Pentecostal methods into its preaching culture, exploiting an ongoing debate between agents of African Religions and Pentecostals on the appropriate place of tradition in Ghana, and establishing its credentials as a religion whose culture is compatible with both African religions and Christianity, yet with deeper insights into the mysteries of life.  相似文献   

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