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Chen  Xin 《Asia Europe Journal》2022,20(1):9-13
Asia Europe Journal - The China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) is a balanced, high-level, and mutually beneficial investment agreement. It not only sets up a new legal framework for...  相似文献   

Asia Europe Journal -  相似文献   

Asia Europe Journal - Poland was among vocal critics of the acceleration and finalization of CAI talks by the end of 2020. Among the reasons were doubts about the timing and political circumstances...  相似文献   

Asia Europe Journal - Spanish elite’s perceptions of the European Union-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) are positive given its economic and normative prospects and...  相似文献   

The standard view of contemporary unipolar politics is that systemic constraints impede the translation of American power capabilities into influence over security outcomes, rendering the United States (US) much less capable than its material capabilities imply. Challenging this logic, William Wohlforth and Stephen Brooks argue that systemic constraints under unipolarity are largely inoperative with respect to the security policies of the unipolar power. Indeed, the US is uniquely positioned in today's world to convert its enormous capability advantages into influence and usable power. While World out of balance is a masterwork of logical and rigorous argumentation, Brooks and Wohlforth, in their exclusive focus on the hegemon and its policies, do not attempt to offer a general theory of unipolarity. Thus, they do not consider the possibility that unipolarity does not constrain any actors or the issue of system change. This essay advances two routes out of unipolarity: (1) a ‘delegitimation’ phase followed by regular balancing behavior and (2) a sudden and dramatic shift from unipolarity to multipolarity brought on by an unforeseen US collapse.  相似文献   

朱丽没有想到自己会同楼上的邻居玛格丽特翻脸,本来嘛,楼上楼下住着,都说远亲不如近邻.说起来,平时她们的关系还是不错的,在澳洲住了十几年,玛格丽特逢年过节的时候还常常送小礼物给朱丽.  相似文献   

<正>The words that Xi Jinping said at the 47th World Economic Forum(WEF)have really surprised just the most inattentive people.During his visit to Davos,where leaders,entrepreneurs and  相似文献   

This article is concerned with some initial reflections on the distinctive features of Development Studies (DS). The aim is to trigger further debate, rather than attempt ‘closure’. Discussion of the nature of DS is timely because of the expansion of taught courses at various levels during the previous decade; because of sustained critiques of DS in recent years; and because DS has entered a period of introspection – illustrated by several journal special issues and events – to identify its defining characteristics. The author argues that DS is a worthwhile endeavour (how could a concern with reducing global poverty not be?), but the field of enquiry needs to think about how it addresses heterogeneity in the ‘Third World(s)’ and how it opens space for alternative ‘voices’.  相似文献   

"9·11"事件掀开国际恐怖活动史上最为血腥的篇章,也迫使国际反恐进入一个新的阶段.越来越多的恶性恐怖袭击事件显示,恐怖主义已成为世界和平与发展的重大威胁.然而,在国际恐怖主义依然十分猖獗的同时,国际社会仍未找到有效打击与遏制恐怖主义的应对之策.  相似文献   

当前欧盟内部各种矛盾突出,维系欧盟前行的"深化"和"扩大"两个车轮停摆,欧元区呈分裂之势,原指望解决劳动力匮乏的"申根协议"难以实施。随着德国对推进欧洲一体化热情减退,德法两国"火车头"作用减弱,加上美国干预力度的加大,欧洲逐渐走下坡路的势头恐怕难以避免。  相似文献   

为中国—东盟自由贸易区建设和中国—东盟博览会在南宁举办服务,满足社会各界及海内外人士了解中国和东盟各国有关资讯的需要,由广西社会  相似文献   

欧洲经济缘何比较稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲经济受惠于共同的经济政策、统一的大市场、欧元的启动、社会保障体系健全等积极因素,一直处于稳定发展中.但另一方面,劳动成本过高、对新技术的投资力度不够等原因已严重地阻碍着欧洲经济的发展.  相似文献   

In recent years, as the big and medium cities like Beijing are developing rapidly, the high-rises emerged row upon row. The technical cleaning of the internal and external environment has gradually drawn concern. Personnel training for the job has also become a new job. In order to promote cooperation between Yandu Langsu Cleaning Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd, a Sino-Japanese joint venture and Tongliao City in personnel recruitment and training, I went with some company staff from Aug. 8…  相似文献   

The armed organization “Basque Fatherland & Liberty” undertook a struggle for an independent homeland vis-à-vis Spanish central government over half a century ago. But today, the author argues, the ETA appears doomed for three reasons. First, Spanish statesmen of the late 1970s agreed to limited autonomy for Basque-dominated provinces, and over time this undermined militancy. Second, Paris has become a strong partner to Madrid in pursuing ETA members—who once could hide readily amidst French Basques. And finally, Spanish policing is now excellent. With good intelligence and professionalism, varied internal security forces have been confronting ETA gunmen and tracking down the personnel of proscribed support groups. Thus, a resilient Spanish democracy offers a case study in how terrorist groups may end.  相似文献   

国际秩序走向何方?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这次全球性金融危机还在继续.一些国家经济缩水,社会动乱导致政府垮台,全球应对新型挑战的努力也因为关注点转移而打了折扣,或受制于此而力不从心.金融危机对国际政治、经济、社会甚至安全等方面的综合性影响是严重的.  相似文献   

From modern Asian academicians point of view European integration is multidisciplinary phenomenon. It is considered as such simply because those educators view the phenomenon from various perspectives e.g. trade and business, economics, security, law, politics, social and other relevant issues. Even though focal points of interest among Asian educators are diverse in nature but they can, perhaps, be categorised into following groups: The first group pertains to economics interest, particularly for those who wish to explain and analyze the effect of economic integration within and outside the EU. Equally interested are those who are active in the subject of world economy such as global trade and commerce. They view the EU as world economic major player similar to USA, Japan and newly emerging economy such as China–more or less as competitors between each other. The second group has a political motivation and views the EU as the most successful modern political integration. Particularly those academicians who wish to learn from the process of political integration, e.g. regionalism and enlargement of the EU. Pertaining to this group are international relations people, who, in some cases, shifted their focus to the EU as a result of the initiatives of the institutions of the European Union itself. They are also interested in the true understanding and relations among the EUs member and non-member countries. Other international relations concern such as the extent to which security and defense are becoming issues in the EU falls within this group as well. The last and perhaps the largest group views the EU social order through the method of comparative analysis among civilized societies. Comparative studies of the EU social structure and its development with other societies may bring solutions to various social problems. This group hopes to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the societal aspect of integration and hope that experiences gained through comparative analyses such as comparative law, comparative government and its welfare system, political economy of regional integration, the true effect of the acquis communautaire, etc. would contribute to new knowledge.  相似文献   

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