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宪政体制变革的动力,源于新旧利益集团在政治博弈中对权力边界的制度化诉求。20世纪90年代以来,随着军人集团的没落,以及城市中产阶级与新资本集团的相继兴起,泰国宪政体制在各派利益集团的持续冲突与妥协中不断重构。通过完善公民政治权利、提高地方自治、加强立法权与行政权制衡、创设独立监督体系等制度建设,泰国的宪政架构开始从一元转向多元。尽管从短期来看,由于宪政体制与权力结构的错位,各派利益集团将围绕修宪议题展开针锋相对的政治博弈,从而引发社会分裂与政治动荡,但从中长期来看,随着政治权力结构日趋多极化,泰国宪政体制将在“权力制衡”的多元化道路上继续前行,进而为社会经济发展提供平稳有序的政治环境。  相似文献   

建设中俄黑龙江铁路大桥刻不容缓   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设中俄黑龙江大桥有利于巩固和发展中俄战略协作伙伴关系,有利于推动双边区域经济合作与发展,有利于整体提高现有铁路网运输能力和实现铁路口岸最佳配置,有利于促进跨国文化交流、旅游和提高边民生活水平,有利于中俄两国经济的发展,有利于中俄两国各级政府展示开放、合作和创新的形象,因此大桥建设刻不容缓。为加快中俄黑龙江大桥建设提出了五点建议。  相似文献   

中韩经贸合作与东亚自由贸易区构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚地区作为21世纪区域发展战略的制高点和经济最具活力的地区,越来越得到世界各国或地区的关注。以中韩两国之间的经济贸易合作推动未来建立一个东亚自由贸易区,是东亚地区各国或地区的一种应对未来挑战的积极探索。新的区域战略支点与运作需要建立和完善有利于区域经济贸易合作的集散功能、配置功能、服务功能和创新功能。有效运用中韩两国政府和市场的双重力量,以“互利双赢”的利益关系为导向,多渠道、多层次、多方式地协调、推进区域内经济合作。  相似文献   

东北地区农业组织的发展及其在农业产业化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北地区是我国重要的商品粮基地,区域农业发展对于我国的粮食安全和社会稳定意义重大,而实行农业产业化经营和对农业组织形式进行创新是区域农业现代化的必经之路。东北地区农业组织的主要类型可分为:龙头企业带动型、中介组织劳动型、专业市场带动型等。这些组织对农户发挥了不同程度的引导、组织、服务等功能,加速了区域农业产业化的进程,并发挥了重要作用。但由于东北农业组织仍处于起步的初始阶段,还存在一些缺陷和问题,不能适应农业产业化发展的需求,因此制定发展区域性农业组织的对策是推进农业产业化的当务之急。  相似文献   

This analysis begins with a general account of the political and humanitarian context of the Republic of Congo (RoC) before and after the signing of the Ceasefire Accords in 1999. In laying out the general context of the violence, it also briefly describes a number of interventions undertaken by the Government of Congo (GoC) and the international community to promote and ensure security. It reflects on the considerable confusion among stakeholders over the definitions, objectives and sequencing of each phase, from disarmament and demobilisation to reintegration (DDR)—a challenge not unique to actors in the RoC. This article offers a tentative glossary of terms to inform future efforts in the domain of DDR and closes with a consideration of the impacts and roles of key stakeholders in the DDR continuum, and some of the challenges they might face in the future.  相似文献   

采用MTT比色法、相对半定量RT-PCR法和放射免疫测定(RIA)法研究了不同浓度的胸腺九肽对离体培养的鸡脾淋巴细胞增殖转化I、L-2基因表达与分泌的影响。结果表明,用10 ng/mL和1 ng/mL胸腺九肽处理鸡脾淋巴细胞8 h后,能显著增加由ConA诱导的淋巴细胞增殖转化反应,显著提高IL-2基因的表达水平以及细胞培养上清液中的IL-2含量(P<0.05);100 ng/mL的胸腺九肽虽有增强脾淋巴细胞增殖转化反应以及提高IL-2基因表达和分泌能力的趋势,但与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05)。提示,胸腺九肽能增强鸡脾淋巴细胞的增殖转化反应,并主要在基因转录水平上促进IL-2的合成与分泌,其作用与剂量大小有关。  相似文献   

"党的十八大报告"提出了建设海洋强国的国家战略目标,国际实践启示我们,应对和处理海洋问题的关键是,在国内应制定和实施国家海洋战略、以及保障海洋战略实施的法律制度,以固化和保障这些海洋政策和措施的实施,实现海洋强国战略目标。鉴于我国的基本国情,我国重点通过发展海洋经济路径建设海洋强国的战略目标,应分阶段地实施,包括区域性海洋大国/强国和世界性海洋大国/强国等阶段,并指出了在各个阶段的具体目标和任务,以及实现这些目标的具体措施及基本指标,也论述了国家海洋战略的内涵及制定保障海洋政策和措施实施的海洋基本法的意义。  相似文献   

张凤鸣 《西伯利亚研究》2002,29(2):40-42,55
19世纪中叶俄国占领中国黑龙江以北、乌苏里江以东大片领土并向该地派遣驻军和移民后,俄国远东地区所需物资、尤其是农畜产品极度缺乏,所缺农畜产品中的相当大部分需从相邻的中国东北购买。19世纪后半期中国东北农畜产品的对俄输出,一方面满足了俄国远东地区对粮食、肉类和畜力的迫切需要,从而为该地区的经济发展提供了先决条件;另一方面,对中国东北农牧业的发展也起到了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

从海权的角度分析俄苏的兴衰是一个尚未有人进行充分探讨的问题。在数百年的争夺中 ,海权的扩张固然构成了俄苏崛起的一个因素 ,但从长远的角度看 ,对海权的过度追求又构成了俄苏走向衰落的根源之一。具体说来 ,从俄苏海权扩张西进、南下和东进 3条线路中 ,西进战略较为成功 ,并促进了俄苏的崛起 ;南下和东进战略虽有所收获 ,但都遭遇挫折 ,尤其是南下的世界扩张战略直接导致了苏联的衰落。从本质上来说 ,地缘政治条件的制约、俄苏海权过渡扩张所导致的一系列矛盾构成了俄苏海权战略失败并导致国力衰微的根源之一。  相似文献   


With the accelerating process of globalization and the development of its technological dimension, more and more opportunities and channels are available to the terrorist groups in the world to mobilize resources and advocates. “Islamic State of Iraq and Sham” (ISIS), as the most modern terrorist-excommunicative group (Takfiry), has been able to utilize the Internet and social networks highly adeptly. While ignoring the function of long-term structural and essential factors underlying the formation of ISIS, and also combining the networked society theory and triple forms of identities proposed by Manuel Castells with theoretical discussions on identity making, networking, and mobilization of media, the current article seeks to analyze the role of cyberspace and social networks as accelerating and opportunistic agents in mobilizing resources and disseminating ISIS. Using an explanatory analytical research method, the current article mainly intends to find a reply to the question: What has been the role of online social networks in connection with ISIS as an excommunicative and terrorist group? According to the research hypothesis, due to ISIS’s subtle, prevocational-emotional and targeted utilization of online social networks, the networks have played the role of an accelerator and opportunity maker in some areas including network building, guidance of public opinion, identity making, and the promotion of project identity of this terrorist group. The general conclusion obtained from the article is that ISIS, as the most terrifying and the most modern group equipped with cyber media, has been able to attract many forces out of fanatical religious groups, unemployed people, criminals, etc., worldwide. Additionally, with the recruitment of fanatics, ISIS has been able to accomplish identity making and network building. As a result, regional security and even security in Western countries is also highly endangered.  相似文献   

In its quest for security and under constant threats, the Israeli state has assigned wide-ranging powers to its intelligence services. These powers include deep incursions into individual liberties and privacy, powers of detention and interrogation, as well as involvement in assassinations. To ensure that those powers are only used legally and against real threats, a system of legal controls and parliamentary oversight over the intelligence community has developed incrementally. The article examines the development of intelligence oversight in Israel and analyses its performance and limits. The article begins by examining historical milestones in the development of intelligence oversight, including the Tubianski affair, official assassinations and ‘Committee-X’, and the ‘Bus 300’ affair. It then analyses the 2002 General Security Service Law and the work of the Intelligence Community Disciplinary Court and the Knesset Intelligence Sub-committee. The roles of Commissions of Inquiry and of the State Comptroller are discussed against the background of various intelligence failures and scandals. The article concludes with a discussion of the strengths and limitations of intelligence oversight in Israel.  相似文献   

This study provides a unique and innovative comparative investigation of the press coverage and citizens’ opinion towards the European Union (EU) and its bilateral relations with the three most important Northeast Asian countries, People’s Republic of China, Japan and South Korea. On the basis of media content analysis of mainstream national newspapers and opinion surveys of the general public and elite stakeholders, the analysis explores the extent to which media agenda and framing, the shared interests between the EU and the respective country, and social and personal connections influence citizens’ opinions of the EU and its bilateral relations in these three countries.  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地的战略思考   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
东北是我国最为典型的大经济区 ,对全国的贡献最大 ,但投入十分不足。东北地区存在的困难与矛盾最为突出 ,“东北现象”与“新东北现象”集中说明了这一点。但东北地区经济基础雄厚 ,具有很强的发展潜力。东北老工业基地改造与振兴是一个十分复杂的系统工程 ,应进行国有大中型企业改造及其体制、机制创新 ,发展高新技术产业与接续产业 ,大力发展民营经济 ,走农业工业化的道路。采取的对策和措施包括 :大东北战略 ,大力度的举措 ,切实可行的组织保证。  相似文献   

In this article, we interrogate how the logic of the drone reconfigures state terrorism through the politics of (in)visibility. We argue that the everyday life of the drone can be both dull and disastrous, and thus demonstrates how state and non-state terror operate around different logics of visibility and witnessing. Enhanced sight and interpretation of data wrought by drones are distinct from the politicised act of witnessing. State terrorism, however, benefits from the privatisation and depoliticisation of the witnessing of the event through a minimisation of those who appear “visible”. Further, through the language of technology and security, drones help to classify the witnessing of the event. The event produces terror without witness, and without premonition, invoking the omnipresent power of god and thus blending divine retribution with profane catastrophe. We claim that state terror seeks to: (1) limit the exposure of the state to the act of witnessing and remembrance; and (2) through the ethos of privatisation, legalistically control the narrative of violence. In our conclusion, we discuss the implications of warfare in relation to (in)visibility, memory and drones.  相似文献   

从19世纪末叶开始,日本为了与沙皇俄国争夺在中国东北和朝鲜半岛的权益,把目光指向远东和中国的东北地区,以各种形式展开了间谍情报活动。谍报活动采取的是官民一体、官民结合、官利用民、民促进官的方法。  相似文献   


Two characteristic features of the age of globalisation are (i) the increasing areas that are being moralised and an inflation in the production of discourses on ethics, and with it (ii) an increase in the salience of nonsense in public discourse and mass media content. While scholars and media pundits argue that the proliferation of discourses about morality and global ethics is aimed at moral regeneration and an elimination of nonsense, this article argues that on the contrary, the proliferation of moralising and the formulation of codes of ethics result in an increase of nonsense in public discourse and are eliminating freedom of speech and critical scholarship. Taking a Nietzschean and Machiavellian perspective, this article seeks to unveil the discourse on ethics as a strategy and tactic in the global clash of civilizations, whereby moralising and ethics are used as weapons of war. Today the fabrication of politically correct global ethics is an intellectual treason and poses a greater danger than terrorism.  相似文献   

2012年5月8日,中国社会科学论坛(2012年国际问题)在北京新闻大厦隆重召开。作为中国社会科学院的学术品牌之一、中国唯一的拉丁美洲和加勒比问题年度国际论坛,本论坛从2005年至今已经连续举办了八届,此次年度论坛的主题是  相似文献   

Initially the anarchists did not call for terrorism, but by the 1880s, it erupted as the result of harsh socio-economic conditions in Europe and America, regional and national traditions of social warfare and justified regicide, government repression of more peaceful and organized forms of protest and labor activity, the spellbinding examples of the Paris Commune and the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, the invention of dynamite and anarchist incitement to ‘propaganda by the deed’. These ignited chain reactions of social protest, repression and revenge. While the number of assassinated heads of state and government, and of monarchs of major countries was unprecedented, the anarchists, outside of Spain, killed relatively few people. Nonetheless, the anarchists’ desire for dramatic signs of vindication, the authorities’ and the public's fears of a vast anarchist conspiracy and the media's hunger for sensational news combined to create the mirage of a powerful terrorist movement sweeping through nations and across the world.  相似文献   

18~19世纪俄国的交通联系严重受制于地理环境,土路铺设困难,春秋季节土路不易行车。铁路大规模兴修前,水路因成本低,无需大量投入,载货量大而长期唱主角,欧俄各地尽享众多河流泛舟之利,地区劳动分工更明确,生产与市场的联系更密切,粮食、木材和金属等大宗商品流通更顺畅。河运与农业生产的需要大体吻合,农业生产是季节性的,农产品的运输也是季节性的。工业生产需要连续进行,无论是原料的供应,产品的销售都需要及时畅通,产销脱节无疑会制约工业生产的发展,乌拉尔的冶金业即是明证。由此,工业革命的发端和迅速兴修铁路则预示着河运的黄金时代已过。  相似文献   

One of the principal challenges facing individual states and the international community is the threat of ungovernability, of the declining ability of governments to govern. This comes in two forms, the rise of a range of internal economic, social, and political problems beyond the ability of governments to cope with; and actions of governments that increasingly alienate their citizens. Ethnic, religious, and political upheavals that leave millions dead or homeless and require increasing international intervention to deal with have become features of the international political landscape. Among the most serious challenges to the stability of governments and to the possibility of sustainable democratic institutions is the rise of various international criminal organizations able to defy local governments and to operate with great freedom across international community does not respond. There must be an effort to strengthen institutions and capabilities to deal with the growing problem of organized crime and ungovernability.  相似文献   

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