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用番鸭白点病病毒人工感染雏番鸭后第 1、3、5、7、1 0、1 4d分别采集免疫器官和消化器官进行病理剖检和病理组织学观察 ,并测定血浆中的丙二醛 (MDA)和一氧化氮 (NO)含量 ,以研究白点病的发病机理。结果 ,感染后第 1d ,胸腺、脾、腔上囊开始出现肿大、出血和充血的现象 ,第3~ 7d病变较严重。胸腺以淋巴细胞坏死和减少为主要病变 ;脾除了淋巴细胞坏死和减少外 ,还有单核细胞浸润和髓窦红细胞淤积现象 ;腔上囊以淋巴细胞坏死和单核细胞浸润为主要病变。染毒后第 3d ,食管、腺胃、肝、胰、小肠等开始出现少量炎性细胞和红细胞浸润 ,第 5d时各消化器官都有不同程度的变性和坏死 ,随着病程的发展 ,炎性细胞和红细胞逐渐增多。第 1 0d时病变开始减轻 ,炎性细胞和红细胞浸润减少。血浆MDA含量在感染后第 3d开始升高 ,到第 5d时感染组显著高于对照组。血浆NO水平在感染后第 1d就开始升高 ,至第 7d达顶峰。试验结果提示 ,MDA和NO参与了白点病的病理过程  相似文献   

为了研究乳牛在产后期的生理性免疫状态,检测了产后期乳牛淋巴细胞及其亚群数量和淋巴细胞增殖活化功能及其变化。结果发现,乳牛淋巴细胞及其亚群数量和淋巴细胞增殖活化功能在分娩后第1 d最低,然后表现出缓慢上升的总体趋势。CD3细胞数在产后第15 d低于产后第1 d,到产后第30 d时达到最高值;CD4细胞数一直多于CD8细胞数;CD21细胞数在产后第15 d时达到最高值,以后缓慢下降;淋巴细胞的增殖活化能力在产后第30 d最高,未观察到淋巴细胞有明显的凋亡和增生现象。结果表明,乳牛免疫状态在产后第1 d最低,以后逐渐升高,第15 d时细胞免疫最低而体液免疫最高,第30 d时细胞免疫最强。  相似文献   

《海洋法公约》关于外大陆架申请期限的规定,导致大批国家近期向联合国大陆架界限委员会提出了申请。大陆架界限委员会的主要职能是在审议沿海国提交的划界案的基础上,就有关划定外大陆架外部界限的事项向沿海国提出建议。大陆架划界委员会所做出的建议既非一个司法式的判决,又非一个纯粹的参考意见。沿海国基于委员会的建议而划定的外大陆架外部界限具有"确定性和拘束力"。在当前的情势下,中国在掌握充分的科学技术数据编写好我们自己的外大陆架划界申请案的同时,还应注意妥善处理与日本、菲律宾、越南等周边一些国家之间的相关争端,以更好地维护我国的主权和国家利益。  相似文献   

俄罗斯经济对外贸,尤其是出口的依存度很高,外部行情的变化容易引起俄罗斯经济的波动。伊拉克战争影响石油市场价格走向,从而影响俄罗斯经济。  相似文献   

The survival of governments ultimately depends on the survival of its components. These components are politicians whose goal is to stay in office. There has been extensive research on the survival of leaders, but not on the survival of other politicians in government; and even less on how the survival of one affects the survival of the others. The purpose of this article is to take the first step in this direction by analyzing and precisely measuring the impact of the tenure of leaders on the tenure of foreign ministers. This article provides a systematic and formal investigation of the variables that affect the duration in office of foreign ministers. The investigation is based on a new data base on the tenure of more than 7,500 foreign ministers spanning three centuries. Although evidence shows that political institutions have significant impact on the tenure of foreign ministers, internal coalition dynamics such as affinity and loyalty toward a leader, uncertainty, and time dependence are better predictors of their political survival.  相似文献   

在全球化和信息化的背景下,国际关系的内涵和外延正在发生重大变化.以北京奥运会为聚焦点的国际互动显示了当代国际关系的新特点:新兴大国的中国同西方传统大国在价值观方面进行了新一轮的碰撞、竞争和磨合.形势的发展对中国外交提出了诸如新兴大国和国际体系间的关系、国家行为体和非国家行为体的有序互动、国际政治和全球治理、中国国际战略和内外统筹的有机协调等新任务.  相似文献   

国内学者对俄罗斯政治学的研究经历了 3个发展阶段,目前,该学科已日益系统化。俄罗斯学者始终关注俄罗斯发展的道路问题,并致力于政治社会学和法学特别是宪法学的研究。西方学者注重考察俄罗斯的政治变迁过程,突出重要政治事件研究,同时也侧重政治制度的专题研究。当前,俄罗斯政治研究中的重大问题包括 5点。俄罗斯政治学科的发展完善必须建立在更加广泛的学科基础上,并需要正确运用研究方法。  相似文献   

中国的中东政治研究伴随着时代的变化而波动起伏,经历了初创时的短暂繁荣,文革时的曲折、停滞,改革开放以来的恢复发展,进而呈现蓬勃发展之势。中东政治研究不仅在研究范式上取得突破,领域不断拓展,而且形成了具有中国学者视角的若干观点。目前,中东政治研究的不平衡性问题明显,原创性仍显不足,学科体系和学科理论尚在形成中。  相似文献   

杨然 《东南亚纵横》2008,(12):18-20
本文所提出的社会阶层概念主要是依据经济收入和社会地位来划分。革新和开放使越南的社会阶层发生了巨大的变化,由原来比较平均的,收入分配差距较小的局面向着阶层差异比较明显的局面转变。与革新开放前相比,当前越南的社会阶层结构也有了较大的改变,新出现了经营者阶层。据越南有关部门的统计,在1996~2006年10年中,在越南全社会成员平均收入成倍增长的基础上,收入较高阶层与收入较低阶层的收入差距从1996年的7.3倍增长至2006年的8.4倍。  相似文献   

对捕食线虫性真菌菌丝、分生孢子、厚垣孢子、捕食性结构的发育过程和特点及其在 0 .4g/L玉米粉琼脂固体培养基和液体培养基中的生长情况进行了研究。结果表明 ,捕食线虫性真菌菌丝在 0 .4 g/L玉米粉琼脂固体培养基上呈树枝形放射状生长 ,有的菌株还可以在 0 .4g/L 玉米粉液体培养基中呈絮状生长 ;分生孢子位于垂直的分生孢子梗顶端或近顶端部 ,多数出现在菌丝的生长后期 ;厚垣孢子在菌丝上呈插入性生长 ,在老的培养基中容易发现 ,且与捕食线虫性真菌的种类有关 ;捕食性结构在受到活线虫幼虫的刺激之后才会产生 ,而线虫虫卵与成虫并不能导致捕食性结构的产生。  相似文献   

中国和印尼关系是亚太地区重要的双边关系。然而历史上两国关系发展却并不顺利。苏哈托统治时期,中印尼关系长期处于中断状态。即使在亚洲乃至世界各国纷纷与中国建交、复交的情况下,印尼仍坚持不与中国复交,其中原因非常复杂。文章从国际政治认知心理学的角度,着重从历史包袱、诱发定势和认知相符这3个方面分析印尼对中国的错误知觉及其对印尼决定与中国复交的影响,并就构建两国友好关系的心理基础提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that aimed to assess the impact of the 2015 drought in South Africa on commercial livestock producers, with specific reference to the associated drought adoption strategies. The study was based on primary data collected from 350 commercial livestock producers from seven different provinces. The findings revealed that the effect of drought had a significant impact on average herd size, livestock feeding, and sheep flock. Commercial livestock producers did not receive any form of assistance from the government. The majority of the farmers did not have any preventive measures in place during the drought. The study recommends that the government and policymakers should introduce a mechanism to support commercial livestock farmers when drought strikes.  相似文献   

国家安全:范畴与内涵——一种现实主义的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战时期,当安全问题在国际关系中的"高级政治"地位还不可动摇的时候,罗伯特·基欧汉就已经在他于1977年出版的<权力与相互依赖>一书中,敏锐地捕捉到了经济的相互依赖给国家安全象征主义带来的挑战:"国家安全"概念的含糊性变得更加明显,因为各种各样往往是互不一致的卷入都以国家安全为借口①.  相似文献   

The Himalayan state of Sikkim, India was hit by an earthquake in 2011 that caused widespread devastation. This article reports on the housing reconstruction project in the state, focusing on three questions: what are the key planning decisions, what are the main implementation challenges, and what are the lessons learnt? The findings indicate that key planning decisions need to be taken on implementation mechanisms, financing strategies, beneficiary identification, housing design, and procurement. The main implementation challenges are enabling homeowner involvement, slow progress, timely procurement, and stalled house construction. The article also identifies useful lessons for other agencies involved in reconstruction.  相似文献   

The paper provides an overview of the most important results of a project on EU–Korea economic and regulatory relations funded by the European Commission. The paper first outlines the emergence and development of EU–Korea relations. In the second part, the paper presents the main findings clustered in three thematic areas. A first thematic area focuses on a discussion of the EU–Korea Free Trade Agreement. The second cluster analyzes EU–Korea cooperation on regulatory policies with a main focus on cooperation in the policy areas of security (arms trade and control), chemical regulation, environmental regulation, education, development cooperation and industrial policy. The third part focuses on EU–Korea cooperation concerning regional and international issues. In the third part, the paper presents the main recommendations which were formulated on the basis of the project.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, military support and security services in hostile environments have been increasingly traded on the market for force. Surprisingly, how exchange is organised on the market for force remains predominantly focused on the neoclassical model, which assumes anonymous exchange, and sellers compete through price and quality of product for customers. However, the model seems to be incomplete as it describes some empirical patterns, yet not others. Why are service backgrounds clustered together and why do specific nationalities dominate the market in the Iraq and Afghanistan war? Why are they not distributed evenly as price and quality competition would suggest? The argument here is that social factors need to be taken in to account, i.e. personal relationships. The logic being that sellers and customers trade through existing relationships, and familiarity is the dealmaker, rather than price. The article takes on the challenge to develop a sociological conceptualisation of the market able to integrate both logics. Finally, the approach is put to the test on the labour market for Western security operators. The results demonstrate that personal relationships play a significant role to explain exchange on the market for force, yet co-existence with the neoclassical logic.  相似文献   

As the communication world becomes more complex and participatory, social networking sites (SNSs) have emerged as a platform with the potential to invigorate democracy and political engagement. However, the value of SNSs in politics remains contested among researchers. The study reported on in this article was based on a survey of 600 university students, aged between18 and 35, to examine the relationship between social media use and political engagement among the youth in Kenya. The study focused on the extent to which SNSs facilitate consumption of political information and the role of SNSs in influencing political interest, knowledge and behaviour among the youth. The study found that reliance on SNSs is positively associated with political participation; however, this influence is limited, and though useful, it does not radically transform political engagement. Therefore, the capacity of SNSs to shape opinion and influence political preferences is limited but internet based political activities like posting and distributing campaign information and consumption of political content have a bearing on political participation. The study concluded that while SNSs do not seem to have a major direct impact on political choices among users, politicians and other campaign actors cannot ignore the opportunity provided by these platforms in the voter mobilisation process.  相似文献   

菲律宾国内各政治集团对菲律宾南海政策的制定产生程度不一的影响。基于维护本国利益的国家本位意识和立场,菲律宾各政治集团在南海问题上的共识有:坚持菲律宾所占据的南海岛礁的“主权”;要求以《联合国海洋法公约》为依据来解决南海争端;坚持南海仲裁“裁决”,等等。而硬实力的不足、美国安全承诺的不确定、中国在南海问题上的克制与和平立场以及菲律宾民情等因素导致菲律宾各政治集团在一定程度上达成通过和平方式解决南海问题的共识。除了对策略手段运用的不同理解导致的分歧,菲律宾各政治集团在南海问题上的分歧主要体现在对于菲美同盟及菲美双边军事协议存在着认同与强烈反对的不同声音,其深层原因来自于要求独立自主的反美民族主义与菲律宾国家安全需要之间的矛盾。菲律宾后续仍可能试图以南海“仲裁”结果对中国进行“软”抗争;菲美军事安全合作仍有强化的可能;中菲南海双边谈判以及共同开发协议有可能会随着菲律宾国内政治形势的变动而受到影响,存在较大变数。  相似文献   

本文以1997年7月~2001年12月和2008年4月~2009年7月的月度哦计数据②为基础,运用定量比较的方法,从对外贸易、股市、GDP、利率、货币供应量、财政支出等角度,对东南亚金融危机与美国次贷危机给中国经济造成的影响和危机期间的宏观经济政策作了详细的研究。结果表明,美国次贷危机对于我国经济的影响要大于东南亚金融危机,但是由于及时调整了宏观经济政策,采取了更加积极的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,当前我国GDP的季度增长没有太大的波动。  相似文献   

This article reports on the experimental use of blogs as a teaching tool in a course on negotiation and mediation. The blogs were of two kinds: individual "journal" blogs accessible only by the student author and the course instructor, and a class or collective blog, accessible by all members of the course. The use of blogs builds on the familiar use of journals as a tool for reflection and personal review and adopts the technology of online communication with which the student body is increasingly familiar and comfortable. The article reports on the student response to this development and the perceived impact on extended peer-to-peer communication, cooperation, and skills development. This note also briefly places this experiment in the wider context of the widespread use of blogging, online social networking, and — more ambitiously — the promotion of critical and deliberative skills through the use of information communications technology.  相似文献   

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