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Many European countries (including Germany, Belgium, France, and England) were faced with industrial decline, creating a new issue in the territories: Brownfields sites inside or on the periphery of industrial cities. The post-industrial contemporary vulnerability involves prospective and strategic planning choices in terms of rehabilitation, requalification, or in terms of destruction of the existing heritage. The research targets North-West European mining area brownfields requalification via the paradigm of territorial resilience with a view to a socio-economic revitalisation. What can be the vectors of a sustainable territorial recovery and what are the resilience indicators of those traditional industrial regions of Europe? By such research, the imperative commitment of political players and citizens to carry out a long-term proactive resilience of a space system to a major industrial heritage is demonstrated. Even if governance is not the only factor of territorial resilience, it remains a major sign in its vulnerable territories.  相似文献   

In order to enhance capacity building in the Pacific region, and to raise awareness on climate change and sea level issues, teaching and training modules were made available to the Pacific community through the "South pacific sea level and climate monitoring project" funded by AusAID. Numerous training workshops have been conducted through the project since its inception in 1991 and the project is now in its fourth and final phase. It was hoped that the goals of capacity building for the stakeholders on correct information of climate change and sea level have been understood and taken heed of. In addition, "The scientific educational resources and experience associated with the deployment of Argo" (SEREAD) project was also set up especially for ocean science in the Pacific island schools in 2001. However, it has been realized that the data from this project is more relevant to tertiary level rather than to secondary level students. Consequently, a survey was carried out to gauge the students' outlook towards the physical side of marine science. The survey revealed that more than 80% of both tertiary level and high school non-physical science students decided not to take the physical aspect of marine science sighting reasons that it is either a difficult subject, boring, too hard to understand or difficult to pass in the examination. Even amongst students taking physical science, only about 50% believe that the physical aspect of marine science is enjoyable. A minority of students at USP and high school take science as a subject and a small proportion from them take the physical science. From this scenario, it can be predicted that there will be a shortage of physical science graduates in the future. The confidence of the Pacific community in the work of scientists is built on faith. They appreciate the effect of science on their lives and support it but are unaware of the scientific methods involved. Therefore, for the sustainability of physical aspect of marine science in the future for the Pacific region, public awareness of climate change and sea level is vitally important and it should be widely promoted in the community as a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

The aim of the analysis is to understand if the risk capital carried by Business Angels (B.A.) could affect firms with high innovation propensity in creating more innovations than receiving risk capital from other financial operators. Innovation is a critical factor for the competitiveness of national system especially when the economy of the latter has come to maturity. For realizing "the successful exploitation of ideas, into new products, processes, services or business practices, and the critical process for achieving two complementary business goals of performance and growth, which in turn will help to close the productivity gap" (DTI's Innovation Report, 2003, p. 8), firms have to understand which are the right competences to increase. In this context, the authors have developed a framework that measures the propensity to innovate in the firms. The model considers the firm's competences (grouped into four macro areas as management, organization, ITC and marketing) to improve the creation, development and diffusion of the innovation. The work is structured as an empirical analysis as follows: (1) The authors analyzed a sample of 12 business plans (choices for high level of innovation in their business) that received risk capital from B.A. and other financial operators; (2) For each firm, their innovation propensity is measured through the author's model during their start-up period (the data analyzed are business plan's data); (3) After a period of time (3 years), the authors checked if the firms with high innovation propensity have created real innovation and if a correlation exists between risk capital origin (from Business Angels or not) and innovation propensity. The conclusion of the work is the finns with B.A.'s risk capital have a high innovation propensity and create after a medium term period more innovation compared with the others.  相似文献   

The subject matter of the analysis in this paper is jus in bello and the very possibility of its existence. On the face of it, the concept that in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, the use of force against one's opponent should be somehow regulated and limited, which is stranger, and its origin is more difficult to explain, than the concept that human societies should live together in peace or that wars should only be begun on some ethical or legally acceptable grounds. It is likely that limits on the use of force, or at least pressures to keep it within a ritualized framework, are property of human beings that enabled our ancestors to live together as social animals. Something similar would have been applied for groups of such beings. Even though the tendency to regulate the use of force in war has existed in the earliest times, this is not a simple task and sets against this effort there are a number of factors that encourage the freest use of violent methods and weapons: The war is a serious business and the desire to win at all costs is very strong, the logic of war leads the combatants to employ all the forces that can be freed from elsewhere and make use of all available advantages and means, a combat is an emotional mater not only rational, etc. Against these forces, the factors that work in favor of the legal regulation of the use of force are: The existence of at least a basic common identity, a situation in which war does not have the characteristics of total war, ear of reprisals by the enemy, the principle of proportion of force used to the objectives, the existence of an approximately comparable moral code and warrior code of honor on both sides, and the need to legitimize war. The extent to which a given war will abide by legal regulation of the use of force depends on the result of the balance of the opposing factors listed above.  相似文献   

During historic development, that the stress put in international law on protection of national minorities was strengthened or weakened depends upon a momentary interest of states. In (general) international law up to now, the term of "national minority" has not been legally defined. It has been done only for Europe. A group can be classed as a national minority if it is numerically smaller than the rest population of the state. It is not in a dominant position, its culture, language, religion, race, etc. are distinct from that of the rest population, its members have a will to preserve their specificity, its members are citizens of the state where they have the status of a minority and as a specific condition frequently added, and at the same time such a minority should have a long-term presence on the territory where it has lived.  相似文献   

Megaprojects have distinctive characters when compared with smaller construction projects. Cost overruns and time delays are quite common. Risk management of such projects is quite complex, and many risks are not evident at the beginning. We deal in detail with serious political risks that are quite strong especially in Central and Eastern Europe. At the end, the author outlines the economic impact of the project as well as possible lessons that were acquired during its realization. In the present paper, the author analyzes the process of completion of Units 3 and 4 of the nuclear power plant (NPP) in Mochovce--the largest megaproject ever realized in Slovakia. Large and complex projects, especially highways, bridges, and NPPs are unique in that their construction ventures into the jurisdictions of many other utilities and disciplines, and they tend to affect large industrial or commercial areas. As such, they influence and get influenced by many stakeholders. Project managers who are not attentively interacting the project environment are likely to face difficulties during planning and execution of their projects. Stakeholder management is a major activity in projects. This is further emphasized when projects are large and complex by nature.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to represent the concrete situation of urban remains regarding existing level of recycle rate, with managerial and runner's skills in this operation, funds and projects that are educe to this part and what is the perspective for the future. The methodology is based on surveys, data from the environment office and other sources. The augmentation of recycle rate is considered as an important and difficult part with a cost that exceeds the main cost of public health, which we pay today or will pay in the future. The conclusion is that this situation in Elbasan city is going to be worse.  相似文献   

The paper describes the genesis of the industry's needs for training employees whose main purpose is to stimulate ones to be more innovative. Responded to this demand, academic centers helped in the development of training strategies and concepts. The paper brought the closer concepts of training in range and effect that they have brought. An attempt was made to approximations, summary, and evaluation of programs that have been implemented in the framework of academic consortia, among governments founds, academic development, and companies competing in the regional and international telecommunication markets. Analyzed cases of such cooperation, for programs in which several people were involved, as well as beneficiaries of the projects in which were several thousand employees. Efforts made in these programs indicate good practice for those who would like to emulate or improve programs. Experiences that were collected and described in this paper are the ideal start for similar initiatives that may be taken without regard to the scale and location of economic participants.  相似文献   

Although the village and town government is at the minimum level of political organization in the state administrative system, it is responsible for the layout and organization of rural public facilities, commonweal projects, and for providing the countryside with public goods and services. How they fulfill their duties have a direct impact on the rural stability and development and on the whole country and society. With the establishment of socialist market economy and faster rural urbanization, the functions of the village and town government have changed to a greater extent. However, in the social transition period, phenomena like "the vacancy", "the offside" and "the dislocation" still exist in the operation of the village and town government. Through function analysis of village and town governments, this article analyzes the problems which the public service faces in building a new countryside, and proposes the feasible ways in function restructuring to the public service orientation for village and town governments. These are of great realistic significance for the construction of new socialist countryside and public-service-oriented government.  相似文献   

In his book The Imaginary Institution of Society, the French philosopher Castoriadis wanted to explain the radical change of societies and their diversity; the social imaginary matters, and explains social change. But what is it today? The Castoriadis's answer is mainly a criticism of the imaginary of the bureaucratic society (perfect anticipations). He hoped more autonomy. In the paper, it is proposed this interpretation of the imaginary of the city: The main myths are personal strength, chance (here the reference is Ulrich Beck's book The Risk Society), and individual happiness (the reference being the works of the French philosopher Lipovetsky). One is able to explain the discrepancy between public policies (including city planning) and the real social needs. It exists because the doctrines used lag behind the "social imaginary significations". The concerned fields are the beauty of cities, spatial segregation, women in the city, environment, drugs, etc.  相似文献   

Currently, the enterprise performance becomes a hot topic because it inherently captures all areas of the enterprise activities that should be combined so that the enterprise is prosperous in the long term and has a long-term perspective of existence. New approaches to measure and evaluate the enterprise performance are being implemented, which come from the traditional system based on financial indicators, and also other aspects of a non-financial character are added to them. The modern way of performance evaluation is based on the assumption that the company is efficient if it is able to achieve pre-defined strategic objectives. A new set of financial and non-financial performance indicators are identified, which helps to monitor and control decision-making and strategy realization in small and medium industrial enterprises. This paper shows the importance and necessity of the use of the non-financial indicators in measuring the enterprise performance. These indicators are nowadays commonly used tools for the performance evaluation in all areas of the enterprise. The concepts of ISO (International Standardization Organization) standards, TQM (Total Quality Management) concepts, and Balanced Scorecard concept belong among the most common concepts defining the necessity of measuring with the non-financial indicators and describing also the concrete areas of the enterprise evaluation.  相似文献   

Improvements in information and communication technologies have reshaped production and consumption relations during the post-modern era. Societies have tried to adapt themselves to the requirements of new knowledge-based economy. It has also become vital for the organizations to meet the needs of knowledge society. Whether they are public or private, organizations play key roles in the transformation processes of the societies and economies. It is important for the organizations not only to use the latest information technologies, but also create social structures, which can ease information flow throughout the organization. Social network studies that are quite different from traditional approaches in sociology can be very useful tools to understand arid manipulate organizational networks. The results of several research activities have shown that actors use their social connections to reach information, resources and possible opportunities (Garguilo & Benassi, 2000). It is not enough to use advanced information technologies in an organization to build an effective knowledge distribution system regarding the social network perspective, it is required to understand the patterns of social interactions between actors and to find a fit between technical structure and social structure for effective knowledge-based organizational design. Structural holes theory (Butt, 1992) emphasized the importance of brokerage roles of the actors in a social network. Structural holes are unconnected actors (individuals, groups or organizations) in a social network (Burt, 1992). If there are numerous structural holes in an organization, there will also be quite a number of brokerage opportunities for some actors in the organizational networks. Brokers are the bridges and gatekeepers who are controlling information flow in the organizations. It is vitally important to explore brokerage patterns in an organizational network for an effective knowledge based design. This study is a conceptual framework aiming at bringing an explanation to socially created information flow structures in the organizations by using structural holes theory.  相似文献   

This paper basically discusses the financial crisis that is taking place in Europe. There is a fear that this economic crisis will take hold of Europe if it is not controlled. Europe is one of the biggest economies of the world so almost all the countries over the globe are also having a threat of facing the financial crisis. This paper also looks for the opportunities that the Balkan countries will have due to this financial crisis in Europe. The fall in the economy of Europe has also affected the economic conditions of the countries of Balkan region especially Albania and the GDP values of these countries have decreased.  相似文献   

Unlike social development, community development could not be achieved without participation. Participation is participating in decision making, to choose a community project, plan it, implement it, manage it, monitor it and control it. People can make a contribution to the planning process at the implementation stage, only if they are presented with a well articulated and feasible framework of approaches, objectives, alternative, etc. The paper focuses on the definition of social development, community development and participation in order to elaborate them. Main question of this article is: Participation is a vehicle to achieve development that community members can be involved directly in development process. This is theoretical research that method of data collection is document method.  相似文献   

This article is a just study about political situation in the Near East. Everything that is connected with Israel and Palestine is analysed shortly. Starting with the explanation of a Jewish concept, the society of the State of Israel is described. Being a non-integral society, it has deep roots in the Bible--in Jewish traditions. It is the only nation whose start of history is described in the Old Testament. So, Jews are not occupants who come from a strange country. Their ancestors used to live in Palestine for already 4000 years. A national or Zionistic movement united them for a great struggle--to re-establish the State of Israel. At the beginning of the 20th century, Jews used to be a minority in the land of Palestine while the majority was comprised by Palestinians. It is a wonderful national and religious phenomenon that Jews survived the horrors of Holocaust and did not lose the hope--to return to the land of Abraham. The war started between the Palestinians and Jews when independence of Israel was proclaimed. In the other part, the author will review the relations between the Jewish State and the Arabian world, and political system, and will try to provide the ways of solutions of the conflict for the peace and security in the Near East.  相似文献   

Economics is the youngest of all sciences. Its task is to identify the secondary consequences, but it requires a perception of general consequences, including effects which are brought by an implemented or proposed economic policy not only to a certain special interests in short periods of time but also to a general interest for long periods, which somewhat contradicts the assumptions of many economic doctrines. Thus, the current state of economics or management science is difficult to be called autonomic. Economists "have opened" the domain previously reserved for "hard indicators" on the human aspects of the assessment of effectiveness. What is more, the discovery of regularity in the sequence and independence of market phenomena, in particular, a markdown role of the "invisible hand of the market" and "government interventionism" put into question the validity of the dogmas of traditional British or American schools, as a consequence of the operation of schools with the teaching of economics. This paper is the attempt to show the failure of the most popular scientific economical schools, including neoclassical ones in the area of human performance, comparing with Austrian School principles.  相似文献   

This paper develops the issue of economic transition linked to a democratic transition that a developing country, Tunisia, is living following the revolution of 2011. Tunisia has made a profound change, it is currently developing new institutions, however, it is not an annuitant country, its activities and economic performances depend on political stability and the choice of the implemented politico-economic system. The question is whether the operating political forces will affect the direction of structural changes, thus toward a transition of breakage or the direction of adaptive transition. Neo-liberalism, practiced for 30 years, has developed an entrepreneurship structured as small and medium enterprises, whose performances are variable according to the sector and the state role. With the revolution, the country entered in a phase of political, social, and economic instability. A new constitution is passed, the political system installs the multiparty system, the country has a tradition of openness to the rest of the world, the challenges are numerous and the question of the role of the state in the economic sphere is very acute. The analysis is based on the observation of facts and the review and analysis of data relating to politics and economy, observed in the period before the revolution and after the revolution.  相似文献   

This paper is an exploratory study that investigates the status of new public management (NPM) and the obstacles to its implementation within the Republic of Lebanon. The study employs a qualitative approach that examines two complementary data sources. The first data source is obtained from an extensive review of documents related to NPM that are available in the public domain such as policy initiatives and governmental projects. The second data source is obtained from in-depth semi-structured interviews with 40 stakeholders. Data is analyzed, using an iterative thematic content analysis. The findings suggest that the main obstacles that have inhibited the implementation of NPM in most public agencies in Lebanon include: the politicization of administration in the public sector, the lack of stability in the country, the non-targeted inconsistent and insufficient training, several institutional dysfunctions and organizational challenges, the absence of a country-specific applicable model of public management and the unsystematic and non-institutionalized link between concerned international organizations and the Lebanese public agencies. This research is significant as it provides a foundation for institutional practices to improve the design and implementation of NPM in the country. It also contributes to the relevant academic literature and fills a gap in the research on NPM in Lebanon. The paper provides policy recommendations needed to respond to the recurrent calls for administrative reforms in the Arab world especially in the aftermath of the popular uprisings in many of its countries.  相似文献   

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