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通过战略地图来描述GW公司的战略,实现平衡计分卡四个层面(财务、客户、内部流程、学习成长)的整合,分解关系战略重点的绩效目标和指标,构建一个具有共同语言基础的可视化战略地图。  相似文献   


This research addressed two main research questions: (1) Is constructive performance feedback positively related to perceived fairness of performance appraisal? (2) Does trust in supervisors mediate the relationship between constructive performance feedback and the perception of a performance appraisal as being fair? Using the 2018 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey dataset, we employed the structural equation model to analyze the relationship. Findings revealed that constructive performance feedback and trust in supervisors were positively and significantly associated with perceived fairness of performance appraisal. Further, trust in supervisors partially mediated the relationship between constructive performance feedback and perceived fairness of performance appraisal.  相似文献   

American scholars identify strategic human resource management (SHRM) with human resources (HR) system and firm performance. Major definition of SHRM is human resource management (HRM)-firm performance relation. HR system is important to set HRM-performance link, because HR system includes interrelated HRM practices. Most prominent set of SHRM is interrelated HRM practices, because it establishes the link between individual performance and firm performance. There is a debate in SHRM theory what factors set relationship between HRM and performance. This study argues that individual performance is a moderator between HR and performance. Interrelated HRM practices are important to enhance individual performance. Therefore, interrelated HRM practices are crucial to SHRM. Finally, American scholars view that HR system is important in SHRM, because it establishes high performance work system (HPWS), and HPWS is expected to increase individual performance and then firm performance. Therefore, American model of SHRM might be HPWS, individual performance, and firm performance. HR systems establish HPWS. Therefore, scholars tend to system approach in SHRM, because it includes interrelated HRM practices in SHRM.  相似文献   

The use of outcome-based performance management as a means of coordinating and monitoring the production of decentralized public services has been growing. At the same time, it has been associated with significant problems, notably difficulty in controlling opportunistic behavior. However, alternative service delivery models based on open collaboration and coproduction, which can control opportunism, require initial trust between partners, and are often vulnerable to corruption, complacency, and rent-seeking. Thus, open collaboration models appear to need additional mechanisms that would promote trust building between partners even where trust is initially low, together with ensuring accountability and reducing opportunism. Based on a review of the recent business literature on networked production, the paper puts forward a service delivery model based on benchmarking, iterative planning and design, and error detection and correction mechanisms.  相似文献   

曾豪杰 《学理论》2009,(7):30-31
社会主义核心价值观中内含的“富强”、“民主”、“文明”、“和谐”、“民本”等价值观所要求的“服务”、“社会”、“市场”取向理所当然地应贯彻落实在政府绩效管理的各个方面和各个环节之中。然而,当前我国政府绩效管理价值取向在实践中存在不少偏差,需要从多方面采取措施进行重塑。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国公共部门人力资源绩效管理的现状与不足,提出了完善公共部门人力资源绩效管理的对策。通过建立和完善绩效管理体系,提高人力资源管理者的能力水平,构建科学合理的绩效目标和考核标准,改进考核方法,并且加强绩效考核结果的应用,改进个人绩效。  相似文献   

组织存在的目的就是要解决组织绩效实现的问题,因此如何提高组织的绩效水平,是所有组织所必然关注的关键。本文从三个角度讨论了组织成效。首先是组织基本运行效能:从分工的效能、流程的效能解决组织运行标准化,实现如何降低组织对人的依赖性,并使平凡的人做出不平凡的业绩。其次讨论的是制度的效率问题:结果是行为产生的,而行为产生于动机,因此,通过有效的制度设计来引导动机是非常重要的。第三个方面强调了资源效率问题: 组织资源都是有限的,如何使有限的资源最大限度集中于组织最终成果,是组织成效中又一关键的问题。不论在理论上还是实践上,目标管理是最有效的思想体系和方法体系。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the infrastructure of total quality management (TQM) in Kuwaiti public administration. The research was based on a questionnaire administered to a random sample consisted of 600 government officials from various Kuwaiti ministries. The basic elements of TQM which were investigated relate to work relations, administrative procedures, and professionalism. The objective of the study is to improve quality of public services through diagnosing and strengthening positive points, shedding light on the negative aspects, and giving recommendations on how to enhance services' quality. The study results showed that public administration employees are highly adaptable to TQM requirements. Statistically significant variations were found in adaptability to TQM requirements due to gender, age, educational level, job level, and work relations with regard to many aspects. It is recommended that decision makers in Kuwaiti public administrators take some measures to enhance TQM orientation such as simplifying administrative procedures, making greater compatibility between employees and type of work, investing more resources on continuing education of public administration employees and conducting field studies concerning adaptability of other government bodies (public institutions, public companies, etc.) to TQM requirements to see similarities and differences between them and the ministries in this regard and draw appropriate lessons.  相似文献   

This study attempts to measure the performance appraisals system of the state-owned enterprises in Vientiane Capital City from their operation. Meanwhile, the state-owned enterprise performances are measured through standard evaluation form, annual report, and technical performance evaluation. The data used in this analysis are primary data provided through a questionnaire by the state-owned enterprises in Vientiane Capital City, the capital of the Lao PDR. The results are mixed results. On the positive side, the operation performance evaluation of the state-owned enterprises focuses more on profit making, and encourages the directors, chiefs, and staff toward continuous improvement in their operation. On the negative side, the state-own enterprises face some risks as a result of operation performance evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper is an exploratory study that investigates the status of new public management (NPM) and the obstacles to its implementation within the Republic of Lebanon. The study employs a qualitative approach that examines two complementary data sources. The first data source is obtained from an extensive review of documents related to NPM that are available in the public domain such as policy initiatives and governmental projects. The second data source is obtained from in-depth semi-structured interviews with 40 stakeholders. Data is analyzed, using an iterative thematic content analysis. The findings suggest that the main obstacles that have inhibited the implementation of NPM in most public agencies in Lebanon include: the politicization of administration in the public sector, the lack of stability in the country, the non-targeted inconsistent and insufficient training, several institutional dysfunctions and organizational challenges, the absence of a country-specific applicable model of public management and the unsystematic and non-institutionalized link between concerned international organizations and the Lebanese public agencies. This research is significant as it provides a foundation for institutional practices to improve the design and implementation of NPM in the country. It also contributes to the relevant academic literature and fills a gap in the research on NPM in Lebanon. The paper provides policy recommendations needed to respond to the recurrent calls for administrative reforms in the Arab world especially in the aftermath of the popular uprisings in many of its countries.  相似文献   

Contracts and performance management, along with the concept of consumerism, have become the fundamental metaphors for New Public Management (NPM) and key changes in the public service. ‘Doing well while doing good’ and finding generally acceptable accountability measures for social services have become the perennial aspirations of planners, service providers and funders. This article examines the contingent factors and rationales behind the quality movement and recontracting exercise in reforming the delivery of personal social service programs in Hong Kong within the framework of New Public Management (NPM). It explains the use of long‐term relational contracts rather than the standard business contracts between the government as funder and non‐profit organisations as service providers. It also deals with the complex relationships among quality issues, quality standards, consumerism, accountability, performance indicators, and performance management.  相似文献   

CompStat模式自从在美国第一大警察局——纽约市警察局诞生以来,便以其在情报引导与绩效管理方面的显著作用而引人注目。拟就这两个层面,对这一模式产生之初的情况与现在的发展状况进行梳理,并对该模式将来的发展方向进行探讨。  相似文献   


This study examines the diversity-performance link by focusing on two types of diversity—gender and functional—in the context of governing boards of 24 quasi-government agencies in Korea over 16?years (2000–2015). Although public management scholarship contains evidence regarding the importance of diversity in public organizations, there is little consensus on what constitutes diversity and how it affects public sector performance. This study expands the scope of dialogues by highlighting multidimensional characteristics of diversity and the contingent nature of diversity effects. Multiplicative interaction models confirm that there are distinctive effects of different types of diversity on performance, and the relationship is moderated by the size of the group to which minorities belong. While the effect of board gender diversity is limited in our data, the effect of having a female chief executive is positively significant with decreasing marginal effect as the number of board members increases. On the other hand, the relationship of functional diversity in the boardroom to agency performance is negative, while the negative marginal effect decreases and becomes positive when board size rises above a critical number.  相似文献   

The central position of this article is that validation and interoperability are paramount for the effective and ethical use of biometrics. Illuminating the relevance for policymakers of the science underlying the security and privacy aspects of biometrics, this article calls for adequate and enforceable performance metrics that can be independently corroborated. Accordingly, the article considers biometrics and forensics for the dual challenges of addressing security and privacy using smart identity management. The discussion revolves around the concepts of “personally identifiable information” (PII) and interoperability with emphasis on quantitative performance analysis and validation for uncontrolled operational settings, variable demographics, and distributed and federated operations. Validation metrics includes expected rates of identification/misidentification, precision, and recall. The complementary concepts of identity and anonymity are addressed in terms of expected performance, functionality, law and ethics, forensics, and statistical learning. Biometrics encompasses appearance, behavior, and cognitive state or intent. Modes of deployment and performance evaluation for biometrics are detailed, with operational and adversarial challenges for both security and privacy described in terms of trustworthiness, vulnerabilities, functional creep, and feasibility of safeguards. The article underscores how lack of interoperability is mostly due to overfitting and tuning to well‐controlled settings, so that validation merely confirms “teaching to the test” rather than preparation for real‐world deployment. Most important for validation is reproducibility of results including full information on the experimental design used, that forensic exclusion is allowed, and that scientific methods for performance evaluation are followed. The article concludes with expected developments regarding technology use and advancements that bear on security and privacy, including data streams and video, de‐anonymization and reidentification, social media analytics and cyber security, and smart camera networks and surveillance.  相似文献   

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