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美国金融霸权与中国金融安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在金融全球化的浪潮中,中国金融市场与国际金融市场的互动必然会进一步加强。在美国金融霸权主导下的国际金融体系中,我国必须在金融开放过程中始终坚持金融主权,同时要采取有效措施,防范美国金融霸权,维护国家金融安全。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the development of financial management reform in the federal government. A series of reform initiatives culminated in passage of the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act that prescribes a wide spectrum of changes in federal accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting. The CFO Act may well be the most significant executive branch federal financial management reform since the adoption of the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921.  相似文献   

一、世界金融发展趋势随着高新技术的发展 ,尤其是计算机和信息技术的发展 ,全球的经济增长方式将发生根本性变化。金融作为现代经济的核心 ,在新经济时代 ,金融发展的大趋势之一就是金融全球化进程的加速。金融全球化会降低融资成本 ,为发展中国家增加资金来源 ,促进金融管理和运作水平的提高 ;同时 ,金融全球化也将扩大金融风险 ,因此 ,对发展中国家来说 ,金融全球化既是机遇 ,也是挑战。国际金融业的风险不仅是信用风险 ,还有利率风险、通货膨胀风险、通货紧缩风险、汇率风险、金融衍生工具风险、政治风险等 ,因此 ,新世纪、新经济背景下…  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,西方的知识分子和政治精英极力鼓吹和宣扬"新帝国主义",然而,2007年的次贷危机和2008年的金融危机不仅打破了这一幻想,并且表明金融危机的发生与新帝国主义有密切的联系.金融资本的扩张是帝国主义和新帝国主义的不变特征,而这种扩张正是新帝国主义金融危机发生的根本原因.金融危机的发生及解决方式宣告了"新帝国"梦的破灭,为建立更为合理的世界新秩序提供了条件.  相似文献   

一、计划经济模式下的金融体制新中国成立之始 ,我国社会满目疮痍、百废待兴 ,整个社会面临着重建的艰巨任务。在饱受战难之前 ,我国生产力发展水平就远远落后于世界发达国家水平、市场发育不完善 ,加上殖民地经济和后来四大家族剥削等方面的原因 ,经济结构严重畸形化。战争中 ,我国生产力又受到战争的严重摧残。因此 ,作为一个刚刚从战争中走过来的新政权 ,利用政府的力量来运用社会资源以实现经济的恢复和发展、提高人民的生活质量是一种很自然的选择。从经验上看 ,在发展中国家 ,经济的发展可以有两种类型的战略 ,一种是赶超型的经济发展…  相似文献   

This article surveys essential concepts and elements of New Zealand's state sector reforms, focusing on: the guiding philosophy—transparency and consistency; operating principles—the distinction between outputs and outcomes, purchaser and provider, government and departments, the principal instruments—purchase agreements between ministers and chief executives, delegation, performance measures. (© 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)  相似文献   

寇爱林 《学理论》2009,(12):238-239
在金融危机愈演愈烈之时,2009年春节佛教寺院相对于往年香火更旺。经济危机下的中国人也需要宗教的抚慰。佛教可以从教义、修持、仪轨和慈善活动等方面发挥作用,帮助人们化解因金融危机而造成的精神压力和心理问题,促进社会的稳定与和谐发展。  相似文献   

With the arrival of accrual accounting and "accrual output budgeting," there have been huge changes in the mechanism of central financial control in the budget-dependent Australian public sector. This article outlines and evaluates these changes. The new parliamentary appropriations arrangements are discussed, as is the increased role played by nonappropriated departmental "own-source" funding. The shift of emphasis from legislative to administrative financial controls is noted and analyzed. Consideration is given to the implications of this shift of emphasis, and of the increased complexity of the financial control framework, for fiscal transparency and democratic accountability.  相似文献   

Asset mobility is thought to constrain taxation, as firms with mobile assets can avoid taxation by locating their assets in low-tax jurisdictions. Firms with immobile assets then face higher taxes. By considering the political incentives that accompany widespread financialization, we identify a new limit to the targeting of immobile firms: Publicly traded firms with immobile underlying assets lose more value in financial markets when taxes are increased, as shareholders anticipate that these underlying assets cannot be withheld from taxation. When governments care about this loss in value, their incentive to tax immobile, publicly traded firms declines. Political concern for financial performance therefore limits the extent to which immobile assets can be targeted for taxation. We argue that broad-based participation in the stock market and democratic political institutions increase political concern for financial performance. We discuss the implications of the theory and findings for policy autonomy, firm ownership, and economic voting.  相似文献   

Government efforts to manage the financial crisis and to promote economic recovery have been extensive over the past three years. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been distributed—and much of it now repaid—from the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The Federal Reserve holds more than $2 trillion in mortgage‐backed securities, collateralized loans to financial institutions, and other assets and liabilities to maintain liquidity in the financial markets. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act injected more than $600 billion into the economy through tax breaks, loans, contracts, grants, and entitlements. Congress also passed the Dodd‐Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010. Yet economic recovery remains flat. The author examines the reform effort to date, key points of its primary focus, and the politics of implementing the reform as a factor in eventual economic recovery. One component of the reform, the creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, holds the greatest potential for changing the way consumers participate in the financial markets, but also has drawn the greatest debate and opposition. While regulatory reform alone will not revive the economy, a newly conceived and broadly participatory Consumer Financial Protection Bureau could simplify and streamline the complex linkages that contribute to the supply of credit.  相似文献   

农村金融资源配置问题研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然我国目前对农村服务的金融机构既有政策性的金融机构如农业发展银行,也有商业性金融机构如农业很行, 还有农民自己的合作组织农村信用社,但资金供给仍严重不足,金融资源配置中存在着难以克服的矛盾,农村金融资源不足 已严重影响农村经济的发展。本文对有关研究进行了综合和概括。  相似文献   

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