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无论在大陆法系的德国,还是英美法系的美国,平等规范都是司法审查最为借重的依据之一。但是,由于平等规范与其它宪法规范相比更为抽象和空洞,它的具体适用问题也更显复杂。实践中,德美两国各自发展出了完全不同的审查标准去适应“平等”判断的要求。由于立法者的裁量余地是其所共同面对的问题,它构成了贯穿平等规范审查标准理论发展的一条线索,是从理论上澄清平等原则审查标准之原委所不可逾越的部分。因此,有必要从立法者的裁量余地入手,对德美两国的不同审查标准进行比较分析,借助“原则”理论,从立法者裁量余地变化的原因的角度,对审查标准背后的运作机理进行解读。  相似文献   

官僚制是一种被设计来有效执行公共政策的理性的组织结构,然而在一个高度复杂和技术导向的社会中,官僚机构不但是公共政策的执行者而且是主要决策者。  相似文献   

Theory suggests that Congress should delegate more policymaking authority to the bureaucracy under unified government, where lawmakers are less worried about the president orchestrating “bureaucratic drift.” Yet, all unified governments come to an end, making broad delegations potentially advantageous to future lawmaking coalitions (“coalitional drift”). We seek to assess how lawmakers simultaneously limit the risk of each of these pitfalls of delegation. Our answer is rooted in Congress’s ability to spur agency rulemaking activity under unified government. Specifically, we expect statutes passed under unified government to require agencies to issue regulations quickly and for enacting coalitions to use oversight tools to influence agency policy choices. Such “proximate oversight” allows coalitions to cement policy decisions before a new election changes the configuration of preferences within Congress and the executive branch. We assess our argument using unique data on both congressional rulemaking deadlines (1995–2014) and the speed with which agencies issue regulations (1997–2014).  相似文献   

Members of Congress frequently collaborate on policy initiatives, reaching out to colleagues in both parties to find common ground on solutions for the problems faced by their constituents. Using a novel dataset of over 30,000 “Dear Colleague” letters sent by members of the 111th Congress, I use the collaborative relationships that exist in the earliest stages of the policy process to measure the social influence of legislators. I demonstrate that districts represented by members of Congress who are better connected to their colleagues receive a greater share of federal grant money. I argue that this is because collaborative legislators are well‐positioned to be influential allies to strategic bureaucrats who want to maintain a broad base of support for their programs in Congress. Thus, devoting resources to building relationships with their colleagues is one way members of Congress can more effectively support the communities they represent.  相似文献   

This study is the most comprehensive analysis of the election of black state legislators in the American South. We start with the election of Leroy Johnson to the Georgia Senate in 1962, the first African American to win a state legislative seat in the modern South. We also document the election of all subsequent African Americans who were the first to enter their southern state legislative chambers. Next, we assess the factors influencing the election of southern black state legislators from the 1970s through 2015. Because of notable long-term changes to the southern electorate and alterations in the racial composition of legislative districts, there has been substantial variation in the likelihood of electing black lawmakers. Our final analysis highlights the undeniable reality and broader significance that the increasing share of southern African American state legislators has occurred at the same time that Republican representation has grown at a greater rate.  相似文献   

Increasing gender diversity in American policing has long been a focus of reform efforts since the 1960s. Although the proportion of women in the profession improved initially and research has focused on the gender breakdown of police organizations in general, less scholarly and empirical attention has been directed to female representation in positions of power (i.e., supervisory and management roles). Using data from the 2013 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey, the current study examined the prevalence as well as the organizational correlates of female representation in supervisory (e.g., sergeants), mid-level management (e.g., lieutenants) and chief executive roles in departments across the United States. The findings indicate a number of factors associated with female representation in supervisory and mid-level management positions, including the size and type of agencies, geographic region of the country, and potential indicators of professionalism. Policy implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore how the features of districts affect representation activities in the Chilean Congress. Based on an analysis of interventions by deputies in the so-called Incidents Hour (Hora de Incidentes), we argue that district conditions affect the kind of appeals that deputies make. Specifically, we test two main hypotheses: a) that the degree of rurality of districts predicts greater use of policy intervention at the local level (local credit claiming), and b) that distance from the centre is an incentive for deputies to taking a position on local issues (local position taking). This article contributes to an understanding of how institutional spaces in the Congress serve not only as instruments for legislation but also, and with equal relevance, for representing constituents at the district level.  相似文献   

王丽 《行政与法》2004,(9):72-74
官僚制度下形成了官僚制组织及其成员以理性为基础的价值取向,但是新公共管理运动的兴起,使官僚制组织及其理论受到了冲击,新的社会需求要求政府公务员树立新的价值取向。我国作为后发展中国家,在对官僚制组织体制进行反思和改革的过程中,应形成具有我国特色的公务员价值取向。  相似文献   

随着各国贸易保护战略的推进,反垄断法作为政府进行经济调控的工具,与贸易保护政策间的互动关系日益紧密。对外贸易反垄断豁免正是各国为满足贸易需求而普遍适用的竞争政策,它对于促进一国对外贸易发展、提高国际竞争力、保护国内产业利益具有特别的功能和效果,但其适用也受到限制。根据发达国家的有关立法和实践,我国《反垄断法》下的外贸豁免制度尚需完善,惟有如此方能确保其必要的贸易保护功能得以有效发挥。  相似文献   

试论竞争政策与贸易政策的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王先林 《河北法学》2006,24(1):36-39
竞争政策与贸易政策都是基本的经济政策,并且在主要方面都体现为相应的经济法律制度.在现代社会,竞争政策与自由贸易政策在追求的目标和面临的现实条件方面具有一致性,在功能上具有相互促进和补充的作用,但是两者在作用的领域、价值观念和取向以及具体处理和作用的方式等方面存在内在的差异性和潜在的冲突.  相似文献   

Telephone town halls are an increasingly prevalent method for members of Congress (MCs) to communicate with constituents, even while garnering popular criticism for failing to facilitate engagement and accountability. Yet scholars have paid little attention to the events and their effects, and even less to how they might be improved. To remedy this problem, we report on a field experiment in which four MCs joined their constituents in telephone town halls. Overall, participation in an event improved constituents’ evaluations of the format in general, and of the MC in particular. Furthermore, we studied how these events might be improved by evaluating a reform—a single‐topic focus with predistributed briefing materials—designed to enhance deliberative interaction. This reform enhanced effects on opinions of the format without significantly altering effects on attitudes toward the MC. Our results suggest that telephone town halls hold promise for constituents, officeholders, and democratic practice.  相似文献   

我国国际私法关于“公共秩序”立法的审视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
熊育辉 《时代法学》2005,3(4):60-69
"公共秩序"是国际私法上一项必不可少的制度,但它的内涵和外延却具有相当大的弹性和模糊性,这一特性既可以说是它天生的缺陷,更可以说是它的生命力之所在.就当前采用这一制度的各国立法司法实践与国际立法的重要走势及对这种走势的科学分析来看,中国目前的立法将"公共秩序"表述为"社会公共利益"是不准确的,有关立法与司法实践中存在种种不当,须加以改进.  相似文献   

This article addresses the current focus within urban cultural policy on using art as a tool in urban development. Based on theories of participation, democracy, and public art, the article sets out to investigate critically the concept of placemaking. The discussion is based on an analysis of the public art project Placemaking, which took place during 2015 in eight municipalities around Copenhagen in Denmark. I argue that, when used as a tool in urban development, participatory public art engenders contradictory encounters. These encounters challenge the cultural political effort to democratize art and culture.  相似文献   

公共政策的工程品格   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张顺 《行政与法》2004,(12):20-22
公共政策具有工程活动的所有特征,政策活动是改造社会的工程活动。社会科学是公共政策的理论指导,公共政策是社会科学理论在实践中的综合应用。公共政策学应借鉴工程学的研究方法,实现公共政策理论与实践上的创新。  相似文献   

公共政策:谁之政策?何种政策?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈潭 《行政与法》2004,(5):9-11
公共政策是公众的政策,它既是多数人的政策,也是少数人的政策,但并非少数个人或特殊阶层谋取私利的工具。公共政策应该是公正的政策,公平的政策,公开的政策。公正性、公平性、公开性是公共政策的基准性价值,是体现政策公共特性的基本维度。公共政策通过提取、分配、管制、象征等基本功能,实现自由、安全、秩序和繁荣,最终维系公共利益。本文从三个方面的设问揭示:公共政策的本质就是个人偏好与集体选择的制度安排。  相似文献   

再论社会公共利益的法律保护——案例法的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金彭年  蒋奋 《时代法学》2007,5(1):48-53
虽然我国法律规定有对社会公共利益的保护制度,但这一制度没有得到足够重视,执法部门在实践中也没有用好这个制度。本文以新近发生的三个事例作为引子,提出社会公共利益是指以社会公众为利益主体的,涉及整个社会最根本的法律原则、道德的一般原则及隐藏于它们之后的与时代相适应的公平正义观念;其具有公众性、普遍性、客观性特点,内容上至少应包含平等、正义和秩序。  相似文献   

Legislators' private financial holdings affect policy decisions. Due to financial self‐interest, we theorize that legislators whose personal investment portfolios include equities from firms affected by proposed policies vote for legislation that benefits those firms. We also theorize that legislators with greater personal exposure to equity investments support policies that benefit equities markets generally. We create a novel data set of legislators' personal stock investments and examine major congressional actions since the 1990s on financial deregulation and market intervention. US House members who own stocks in firms who benefit from financial deregulation vote for deregulation. House members with greater exposure to financial and automotive stocks support the financial and auto bailouts, respectively. General exposure to equities markets is also associated with support for key legislation boosting markets. The normative implications are significant, as legislators' private interests influence decisions in the public sphere.  相似文献   

We examine here some of the interactions of research and policy over the past several decades. The “rehabilitation period” was effectively terminated by nulleffect evaluations of various rehabilitation techniques. The “just deserts-utilitarian period” was fed by research estimates of the deterrent and incapacitative effects of criminal justice activities. The more recent “overt politicization period” saw the earlier attempt to bring rational and theory-based perspectives to policy development replaced by much stronger emphasis on political concerns. We explore possible ways to reestablish the research-policy connections. This paper was prepared for the Plenary Session,Journal of Quantitative Criminology 10-Year Anniversary, 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, MA.  相似文献   

政策失灵是世界各国共有的现象。我国学界主要从理论和实践两个方面分析了政策失灵的内涵、类型、成因、对策等,不断加深对政策失灵问题的认识。但目前政策失灵研究还存在基本概念界定不清、理论创新不足、视角较为狭窄、研究深度不够等问题。深化政策失灵研究,需要在学理上对其内涵进行清晰界定,构建政策失灵的分析模型;将政策失灵与政策过程相结合,将思辨分析与实证分析相结合,分析政策失灵的具体表现、内在机理、应对思路,增强政策失灵分析的中国特色和理论创新。  相似文献   

郭强 《知识产权》2012,(4):76-80
知识产权制度是政府公共政策体系重要组成部分之一,其功能在于维护知识权利秩序并保证实现知识进步效益目标.从政府政策视角,探讨我国实施知识产权战略过程中的“知识产权导向”问题,并将我国部分省市对《国家知识产权战略》中“强化知识产权导向”的政策理解和细化措施进行比较分析,提出:在建设创新型国家总政策的指导下,应全面调整和完善地方各级知识产权政策,构建科学合理、强调知识产权导向作用的知识产权公共政策体系.  相似文献   

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