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何来‘断层’!舒芜(《中国社会科学》杂志社编审、著名作家和学者)有人说:“五四”新文化运动,反传统反得大彻底,造成了中国文化的断层。有不少人应和此说。我却不能理解,不知道何来“断层”!大概也是多年来讲起“五四”新文化运动时,讲得太热闹了:似乎舞台大幕...  相似文献   

一九八一年五月十五日下午六时许,中共中央政治局会议刚结束,列席会议的中共中央书记处书记、中央组织部部长宋任穷和人大常委会副委员长廖承志受党中央委托,立即从中南海的会议室驱车前往宋庆龄同志的住宅,把中共中央政治局一致决定接收她为中国共产党正式党员的喜讯告诉她. 在宋庆龄卧室的床前,廖承志同志握着  相似文献   

一九五三年,山西襄汾縣丁村村南的汾河東岸,發現了一些動物化石。經過山西省文物管理部門進一步調查,又获得了原始牛角、象的下頜骨、犀牛和馬的牙齒等化石,還有人工打擊的石片等。一九五四年秋,中國科學院古脊椎動物与古人類研究所同山西省文物管理部門等單位組成發掘隊,在這里又進行了系統的調查發掘。他們在以丁村為中心的長达十一公里、寬五公里的地段内,發現大批石器、動物化石和三枚人類牙齒化石。經古人類學家鑒定,这三枚牙齒,一為上内側門齒,一為右下二臼齒,另一為右上外側門齒,均属于一个十二三岁儿童个体的;从齒冠較高、體積較小、嚼面紋理不甚複雜及石化程度等特徵考證,比較早發現的‘北京猿人’進步,而比現代人原始,属于人类发展史上的古人階段的一種人類,故命名為‘丁村人’。  相似文献   

中央电视台《经济半小时》在《对话》栏目请吴敬琏先生从"问题"的角度谈了自己对股市的一些认识和看法,目的十分明确,即希望中国的股市走向规范健康,为投资者提供畅通和较为安全的投资渠道。但万万没有料到,吴敬琏先生当时的一番言论却引起了轩然大波,遭到许多媒体、学者、股民甚至重量级经济学家的"围追堵截"。有人指责他的"言论"有操纵股市之嫌,是最近股市下跌的直接"导火索";有人指责他"情绪化"、"偏激不专业"、"不是股民,没资格谈股市";甚至有些经济学家还给他戴了不少帽子,认为他"反感股市","否定股市的成就",暗含着否定"国企改革和改革开放"的意思。  相似文献   

最近,浙江省衢州市市委书记蔡奇到省会杭州推销20几个“衢州保姆”。对这件事,衢州有人评论说,市委书记应该琢磨大事,管全局,搞些沽名钓誉的小事,有失身份。但本人对蔡书记的所为拍手称快。 群众利益无小事。凡是涉及群众切身利益和实际困  相似文献   

1993年修宪时,在序言中增加了"中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度将长期存在和发展。"说到这件事,中国民主建国会的成员都为曾经在多党合作制度"入宪"过程中作出过贡献而感到自豪。  相似文献   

党的十二届三中全会《决定》指出:“社会主义的根本任务就是发展社会生产力,就是要使社会财富越来越多地涌现出来,不断地满足人民日益增长的物质和文化需要。”深圳青年提出了:“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”这个口号。经过实践证明,这个口号是完全符合党的《决定》的。过去,人们把“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”,视为资本主义的特产,似乎社会主义可以不讲时间,不讲效率。因此,“上班磨洋工,下班打冲锋。”成了一种通病。诚然,资本家提出了类似的口号,但他们是为了从工人身上榨取血汗,攫取更多的剩余价值。我们社会主义却是要创造出比资本主义更高的劳动生产率,使生  相似文献   

Change in diplomatic parlance hints at a further warming of Sino-U.S. ties, even as differences continue If there is one word that has emerged as a keyword in Sino-U.S. relations since 2005, that is "stakeholder." It first came up in a speech last September by U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, who proposed that China be a "responsible stakeholder" in the international system. To many experts in international studies, it indicated that Washington was setting  相似文献   

American television shows find a devoted Internet audience in China It is the end of an era! many Chinese netizens exclaimed after the four heroines of the ABC network’s hit TV  相似文献   

Chinese exporters have been on the ropes in recent times,taking severe body blows from accusations of below-quality or dangerous products being exported to the United States.At a press conference on August 27,Li Changjiang,Minister of  相似文献   

在中共的當代政治史上,‘整’這個字眼,怕是出现最多的了。諸如整黨、整风、整顿……不勝枚舉。作爲解决黨內自身矛盾,且獲得自我發展、自我完善的這個‘整’,也算是中國共産黨區別於其它政黨的一個傳統吧。在這個傳統中,有過十分成功的經驗,如‘延安整风’;也曾有過十分惨痛的教训,如‘文化大革命’,是整那些曾經革過命的人,它的是非功過,人们已有诸多深刻而叡智的總結,無庸筆者赘述。但從延安整风到當前整顿黨的不正之風的漫长歲月中,人们發现有個带有规律性的现象:中共在成爲執政黨以前,‘整’好的經驗多,而在成爲執政黨後,未整好的教训却不少。如果承認這個现象,還需進一步探索其病源。整,既然是指不諱疾忌醫,自然少不了高度的自覺意識。毛泽東舉過‘照镜子、洗灰塵’的例子,講的就是這個意思。執政黨既要擔負起時代赋予自己的歷史重任,變贫弱中國爲富强中國,那是断断少不了及時發现和改正自身缺點、錯誤的自覺意識的。高度的自覺意識從何而來?當然首先來自於馬克思主義、來自每個黨员對共産主義的坚定信念。但是僅此還不  相似文献   

Government and industry join forces to combat Internet addiction and inappropriate content in online gaming According to figures from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,China’s online gaming population had reached 330 million as of June 2012. In other words,  相似文献   

China is a large country, whereas Slovakia is a small country.This is something that Slovakia's Ambassador to China Zigmund Bertok repeatedly mentioned in an exclusive interview with Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei shortly after Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico’s official visit to China.Despite the sharp contrast in their geographical size, the two countries are enjoying a fruitful cooperation that is, in the words of the ambassador, "appropriate for their positions."The following are excerpts of the interview:  相似文献   

<正>The concept of "Made in Internet" was introduced by Jack Ma,Chairman of Alibaba Group,at the 2017 Global Netrepreneur Conference held in Hangzhou,capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province,on July 11."Made in Internet,"according to Ma,is the overall progress in technologies,operations,products and services that industries and companies of all types can realize in the new retail era by using the  相似文献   

‘We Are Fine!'     
正Catching up with a family that survived an earthquake By Chen RanIt’s been eight years since the moment that shook their lives.Cheng Piyi has started all over again in Chengdu,capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province. From 5 a.m. to midday for six days a week, Cheng, 45, drives a food delivery truck for a company started by his brother-in-law. His wife, Huang Guiqiong, 44, works there as wel.  相似文献   

正As demand for social service soars, the government takes measures to train more qualified workers Liu Siting is always busy in her local community, collecting sanitation fees, putting up notices and explaining g arbage-sorting ideas.The 22-year-old college graduate is a social worker based in a residential community in Beijing's Chaoyang District. She is one of the 1,000 new social workers recruited by the Beijing Municipal Government in July. It's really not an easy job, due to a lack  相似文献   

<正>Recently, I gave a class of postgraduate writing students the assignment to write an original essay on this topic: Moon Cake Mystery, Methods, and Magic. The guide  相似文献   

正The room was dark,quiet and empty except for a single couch,a book shelf,and a few very peculiar posters—we had 60minutes to escape.My friends and I feverishly began searching the place for clues on how to get out of the locked room,announcing anything suspicious to try and help each other out But don't worry;we'd paid for the experience ahead of time.We were playing a game called"escape the room,"or mishi taotuo in Mandarin Chinese,which translates to" secret  相似文献   

The latest remaking of a classic novel has sparked debates over whether commercial production methods can convey its essence  相似文献   

说话是人的本能,鼻子底下一张嘴,除了吃就是说。然而要把话说实说真说准,却并不是一件简单的事儿。就是当今颇具影响的“实话实说家”、中央电视台主持人崔永元对此也叹难经:“‘实话实说’,实话难说也! 说实话,是一个人立身  相似文献   

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