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为有效破解群体型就业艰难的困境,当代大学生应该加强人力资本的自我投资意识,积极探索和努力构建自我管理、自我超越、自我学习、自我发展为内容的自我主导型学习模式,以推动人力资本价值高端化之目标的实现。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告提出,要"实施创新驱动发展战略",要"促进创业带动就业",高校应重视并切实加强大学生创新与创业能力的培养。笔者针对大学生创新、创业教育的现状提出,大学生特别是工科的创新、创业教育,需要整体设计、整体部署、一体实施,形成"创新是创业的基础,创新促进创业"和"创业是创新的实践,创业反哺创新"的工作格局,使创新与创业形成良性循环,实现创新与创业的互促共建,保障高校人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

论中国特色学生事务管理模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国政治、经济体制改革的不断深化,高等教育事业迅速发展,学生事务管理专业势必成为一门前景广阔的新兴专业.构建中国特色的高校学生事务管理模式,是我国社会转型和发展模式变革,以及学校健康发展的迫切需要,也是中国教育问题的挑战与应对之策.对我国国情的研究是学生事务管理模式创新的前提,理想的组织结构与以人为本理念确立是学生事务管理模式创新的灵魂,探索新的学生事务管理模式是我国学生事务管理创新的动力.  相似文献   

警校大学生自我同一性教育是其人格发展的基础.警校大学生自我同一性教育中运用TA责任模式,可以改善目前公安教育中重集体轻个性、社会责任感不足、人际交往能力差的现象,更好地完善警校大学生的人格.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查方式建立AHP的层次结构模型和判断矩阵,并用AHP模型对影响高校学生创新思维培养的各因素进行有效性分析,为高校学生创新思维培养提供重要参考。  相似文献   


Students experience many forms of victimization at school, yet few studies address more than one form of victimization. In this study, we explored the incidence of multiple forms of peer victimization, including direct verbal and physical, relational, and sexual harassment victimization among urban middle school students. We examined the overlap and gender differences among victimization experiences. Further, social cognitive theory was used to better understand how victimization experiences influence beliefs about the acceptability of aggression. Youth in 6th through 8th grades (N=111) completed self-report measures assessing peer victimization experiences and normative beliefs about aggression. Results revealed overlap between victimization experiences, suggesting that students commonly experience multiple forms of victimization by peers. Males who were sexually harassed held the strongest beliefs supporting aggression in situations without provocation. Our findings suggest that direct physical/verbal, relational, and sexual harassment victimization are inter-related experiences among youth, and these experiences differ by sex.  相似文献   

<正>Access to leading universities more difficult than ever for students from rural areas As a sophomore majoring in English at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at Tsinghua University, Zhao Jun has learned the true meaning of spiritual solitude over the past year.  相似文献   

GUO YIWEI 《人权》2008,(1):38-38
A book on the legal rights of citizens has been published by the China Procuratorate Publishing House.  相似文献   

<正>In the last couple of years,China has moved to a different level in attracting foreign students,becoming one of the top six nations to host international students.New data show there are as many international students in China as there are in  相似文献   

Ioriginally made an appoint-ment for an interview withJohn. a Spanish student atTibet University. but when Iarrived at his dormitory at theagreed time, the only person therewas his classmate, Ruben Warela.Since Joho had urgent business Ihad to change my plans and makeRuben, who never dreamt hewould ever be buttonholed by a reporter, especially in Tibet, thesubject of the interview.Ruben, 29. is from New York.After graduating from college, he worked for a government aidagency.For him, the…  相似文献   

THESE days students from Europe, the USA, Korea and Japan are a common sight in all major cities of China. Like Chinese students, they read under trees and chat in the corridors. In their free time they go to local agricultural produce markets, or chat on-line at a nearby Internet cafe. Residents in the vicinity of the Huazhong Normal University say that they have made friends with many of the overseas students that have come to Wuhan in the past two decades.  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的高校学生在遭遇挫折和困惑时,会采取自杀的方式来结束生命以彻底否定自己,这无疑对我国的传统教育敲响了警钟.从自杀现象本身所引发的高校学生心理问题亟待引起家庭、学校、社会的重视,进行生命关怀刻不容缓;对于高校而言,采用思想政治教育手段去干预高校学生的心理问题已成为高校教育的重中之重.  相似文献   

"五卅"运动,已尘封了83年.回顾历史, "五卅"运动由工人运动变成了工人、学生运动.运动的性质由爱国主义变成共产主义,青年学生由在校生转变成坚不可摧的反帝先锋.这种不畏强权、崇尚真理、追求自由、奋不顾身、勇往直前的英勇斗志,是我们中华民族的宝贵精神财富.  相似文献   

江总书记"七·一"讲话之后,全党全军都广泛开展了学习和实践"三个代表"的活动,军队院校也专门开会研究如何使"三个代表"思想进入教材、进入课堂、进入学员思想.本文针对教员在教学内容、过程、职能、方式中如何发挥作用,从而达到真正用"三个代表"思想武装学员进行了系统探讨.  相似文献   


A preventive, community-based program was designed to facilitate high school transition and reduce dropout. Participants in the study were ninth grade, predominantly Hispanic inner-city students. School absence was used as a variable to identify students who were at high risk for failure. Compared with low- and middle-absence groups, the high-absence groups' failures and class rankings deteriorated consistently across time points. In addition, over time, high-absence group students experienced more pronounced increases in school absence and decreases in academic achievement relative to low- and middle-absence counterparts. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for dropout prevention programming.  相似文献   


Why are some students not willing to tell adults about a possibly violent situation in their school? In this study, 1,100 students in the Mid-South were surveyed on their knowledge of, and willingness to tell about, a possibly violent situation, their involvement in behaviors that are related to school violence, and their school's climate. About 1/3 of students knew of a potentially violent situation, and about 3/4 were willing to tell an adult. However, students who were involved in antecedents to violence and/or who had an unfavorable view of their school were much less likely to tell an adult about such situations. Efforts to prevent school violence should be designed with these factors in mind.  相似文献   

俄罗斯大学生与捷克、中国大学生价值取向的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在前社会主义国家的政治、经济主导思想经历了重大变革后,社会学家们开始对近十年来这些国家的青年学生价值观及其结构表现出极大的兴趣.本研究也着眼于此,需要指出的是:第一,我们所研究的主体是价值取向而不是价值观,因为价值取向的概念较价值观更为广泛一些;第二,所强调的不但是青年而且是大学生--社会中最求进步、最活跃、能在最大程度上影响社会变革中价值观和前途的群体;第三,分析青年学生价值取向在某种程度上可预测不同的社会趋向.  相似文献   

公安院校学员管理工作应抓住管理者与被管理者两个关键环节 ,处理好二者之间的关系。注重提高管理者的管理意识 ,活化管理思路 ,采取综合措施 ,发挥学员主观能动性 ,提高学员的政治素质和文化修养等综合能力 ,培养出更多的优秀的公安预备警官。  相似文献   

张春霞 《理论月刊》2005,(4):146-148
当代大学生由于成长环境的巨大变化,他们的理想信念、思想观念、思维方式和行为方式也相应地发生了巨大的变化,这给大学生教育工作带来了许多新问题。在新的教育背景下,学生工作的关键不是“管”而是“育”;教育者的任务不只是刚性的管理,应该是更多的柔性的关怀、渗透、包容和引导。  相似文献   

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