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<正>Merkel positions Germany as China’s innovation partner German Chancellor Angela Merkel is both a well-known and well-liked foreign political figure in China.A household name,many Chinese people have respect for her country’s economic collaboration and partnership with China.Merkel has also become a bit of a household legend.She once famously told Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan that she likes to cook and makes her husband breakfast in the mornings.  相似文献   

OVER the past 46 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union(EU),bilateral relations have experienced some setbacks,but dialogue and cooperation are the cornerstone of China-EU relations.Sharing broad common interests,their cooperation is greater than competition.The two major civilizations have dialogues and exchanges;they are not institutional rivals.China's 2021 Government Work Report outlines the direction and prospects for the development of Chi-na-EU relations.In the face of major changes unseen in a century,China-EU relations will continue to develop and deepen,which will have a positive and far-reaching impact on the world's political and economic pattern.  相似文献   

<正>Looking ahead at 2023,all-around engagement,dialogue and cooperation are a sure path for China-Europe relations.FOR Europe,the year 2022 is seen as aturning point,prompted by the Ukraine conflict that has plunged Europe into an unprecedented regional security crisis not seen since World War II. In addition,the serious consequences of the energy crisis,rising prices and the real threats of economic recession,social instability,and refugee issues are all serious causes for concern.The t...  相似文献   

长江和黄河养育了古老而伟大的中华民族.而今,长江水系却水多成患,黄河及其它水系少致灾.  相似文献   

台商的企业文化管窥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中华传统文化为基础的台商企业文化正在兴起.台商企业已逐渐重视仁爱、诚信等伦理道德观念,表现为对员工一视同仁,自己以身作则,对客户诚实守信,对社会真诚回馈.这种企业文化提高了企业的竞争力,促进了企业的健康发展.虽然也存在着歧视、虐待甚至体罚员工的问题,但是,对企业文化建设的重视已成为大趋势.  相似文献   

WHENVISITINGChina,headsofforeigngovernmentsalwaysreviewannonorguardofthethreeservicesoftheChinesePeople'sLiberationArmy(PLA).Theorderly,dignifiedranksofthehonorguardembodythemajestyofChinaandtheChinesearmy,andconveytheChinesepeople'sfriendshiptoallpeopleoftheworld.RichardNixon,aformerpresidentoftheUnitedStates,wroteinhismemoirs,"China'shonorguardisthebestamongallIhavereviewed.Theyaretall,strongandtriminuniform.AsIpassedthelongranks,everysoldier'sheadturnedslowlyasiftheywerehypnotiz…  相似文献   

MONEY and a career are two means to a better life; money secures the approval of one's peers, and as a result, one becomes part of the elite. Making the acquaintance of and working together with such people is an exchange of intelligence, and also an inte…  相似文献   

WHEN Wu Wei moved to Beijing in the 1950s,he was told by locals that the city had nearly 4,000 marked hutongs or lanes lined with courtyard homes,and countless smaller ones off the record books. These tightly-knit communities that occupy old and labyrinthine  相似文献   

从反全球化运动看全球化的未来趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪末期,当全球化运动如火如荼推进时,反全球化运动突然爆发。反全球化运动形成的根据,源于全球化进程中的缺陷与失弊,如国际社会的不平等;世界性生态危机;全球政治、化的冲突和摩礤。反全球化运动将是一个长期的历史性现象。反全球化运动不可能阻止全球化进程,却对全球化产生合理的制衡、规范意义。从反全球化角度审视,21世纪的全球化发展将呈现理性、公正、可持续发展、多样化等特征。  相似文献   

人的一生是漫长的,人的一生也是短暂的。社会上的每一个人历经了童年、少年、青年、壮年几个年龄段以后,都要进入老年阶段。此后,人的体力、精力将会不以人们的意志所转移而渐渐开始走下坡路,就如下山之前的夕阳那样失去了光芒四射的活力。于是,如何度过这人生绎站中的最后历程,既是每一个人所必须面临的选择,也是整个社会必须正视和关注的一个重要的社会课题。社会养老势在必行自古以来,养儿防老乃是我国世世代代沿袭下来的一种传统观念,直至社会已进入21世纪的今天,家庭养老依然是我国广大老人群体安度晚年的基本模式。上海市…  相似文献   

近年来,日本防卫战略逐步实现了从“本土防御型”向“对外干预型”的重大转变。从日美安保体制的角度加以审视,我们可以发现:战后日本防卫战略转变的酝酿、策划和实施的阶段正好与日美安保体制的建立、重构和加强的历程相吻合,这说明二之间存在着某种因果联系。国内因素固然是促使日本防卫战略发生蜕变的根本原因,但日美安保体制也是纵容日本走向军事大国道路不可忽视的重要因素。  相似文献   

何云峰 《长白学刊》2010,(1):134-139
在七千人大会上,来自各方面的与会者议论纷纷,表达了一个共同心声,期盼政治沟通正常化。党中央和毛泽东顺应人心,果断决策,让大家“出气”,使得会议的政治沟通充分开展,让大家舒心满意。但七千人大会也留下了遗憾,由于未能建立保证政治沟通正常充分展开的制度和机制。大会所开创的政治沟通的良好局面未能持续多久就发生逆转。  相似文献   

姚伟 《长白学刊》2009,(3):105-109
当前中国的转型并非简单的市场转型,而是向由政府再分配制度、市场交换制度、社会网络资本多元共生、动态互补的综合性制度结构转型,这必然对我国社会分层机制和阶层结构产生重大影响。因此,我们应把社会网络纳入社会分层研究,在把相对独立的社会网络分层机制作为研究主题之一的同时,综合功能论、制度建构论、网络结构观与个体建构论的分析视角,强调社会分层的网络嵌入性。  相似文献   

Improved urban living conditions have prompted mass moves from dilapidated one-story dwellings in traditional courtyards to well-equipped apartments in multi-story tower blocks.
Neighborhood committees governing areas of pingfang, or one-story houses, formerly consisted of local inhabitants, often housewives or retirees. Their main task was managing the community according to government guidelines. This entailed distributing government subsidies to poverty-stricken inhabitants, and keeping track of the floating population. As the lack of privacy in traditional residential courtyards made family quarrels public matters, a main function of neighborhood committees was also that of medi- ating domestic disputes.  相似文献   

2017, the Moulin Rouge, Paris. A young Chinese man dressed in a traditional Miao costume was stopped by a doorman because the theater dress code recommends "elegant attire." "What I'm wearing is the formal costume of my hometown, the dress code." He explained. The doorman let him in and sighed, "I like your outfit. Where can I buy it?"  相似文献   

通过对帕森斯AGIL理论与社会治理核心要素的契合点进行分析,探讨枫桥经验优越性与成功实践,以期对新时代社会治理提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

自2012年日本政府"911购岛"闹剧以来,中日关系持续恶化,在日华侨华人生活深受影响。尽管习近平主席于2014年11月应约会见了来华出席APEC领导人非正式会议的日本首相安倍晋三,实现了近3年来两国首脑的首次会面,但中日关系在短期内难以有大的改善,中日关系的变数还是很大,对在日华人的生活环境和生活质量的影响还会加深。因此,继续发挥在日华侨华人社团、媒体的作用,为未来中日关系的好转与重建打下民间情感的基础尤为重要。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发全球金融危机的根本原因是制度性问题,布雷顿森林体系的制度设计存在先天性缺陷.在此制度基础上,1980年代金融制度创新出现了异化:既有制度创新过剩,金融衍生产品过度扩张,杠杆效应无限放大;又有制度创新不足,金融衍生产品蔓延,监管缺乏无所约束,最终引发全球金融危机.避免或减弱全球金融危机的关键在于打破对游戏规则制订权的垄断.  相似文献   

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