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非法拘禁罪行为构造研析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
旨在剖析非法拘禁罪的行为构造。首先就非法拘禁罪之客观行为进行了本体研析,界定了"拘禁"与"其他方法"之内涵。随后,从基本构成时间和从重或加重构成时间两个层次,探究了非法拘禁罪客观行为的时间限定问题。在此基础上,述及非法拘禁罪客观行为之前提条件,并认为非法限制他人人身自由的行为,在必要时也可以非法拘禁罪论处。  相似文献   

刑事羁押期限:立法的缺陷及其救济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学设计刑事羁押期限应坚持谦抑原则。坚持刑事羁押的谦抑原则、缩减羁押期限是法制宽容精神的体现 ,是无罪推定原则的必然要求 ,是保证刑罚及时性和刑罚效果的需要 ,体现了对犯罪嫌疑人和被告程序主体地位的尊重。从立法上看 ,我国刑事羁押期限制度有诸多缺陷 :规定的依附性和不完整性 ;羁押期限较长 ;羁押期限与涉嫌犯罪的非比例性 ;决定羁押期限延长程序的不公开 ;重新计算羁押期限的立法过于原则等等。建议将羁押期限的立法规定独立开来 ,同时适当缩减拘留、审查起诉和审判的期限 ,废除补充侦查制度 ,明确规定重新计算羁押期限的法定情形 ,严格控制对羁押期限的延长。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中拘捕与羁押制度分立问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊学勇  陶杨 《河北法学》2005,23(4):96-99
羁押中所存在的问题是我国刑事司法实践中的顽疾,一直得不到彻底的解决。因此必须从制度层面上寻找出我国羁押制度的内在缺陷。我国刑事诉讼立法上未对拘捕与羁押进行区分,而设置了拘捕与羁押一体化的结构。这种结构上具有天生的缺陷,是我国羁押中存在问题的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

耿连海 《政法学刊》2004,21(6):35-37
现行犯是指正在预备犯罪、实行犯罪或者犯罪后即时被发觉的人。刑事诉讼法规定对现行犯可以适用先行拘留。对刑诉法所规定的"先行拘留",理论和实践中众说纷纭,诸如立案前拘留、逮捕前拘留、无证拘留和有证拘留等等。这些观点均有违立法精神,造成了司法实践中对拘留的适用无所适从。先行拘留和拘留是有区别的,对现行犯可以先行拘留,应当理解为"先抓获后拘留"。  相似文献   

刑事案件"延长羁押期限"问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖荣辉 《河北法学》2008,26(1):181-185
我国现行的延长羁押制度对于成功地展开刑事追诉活动,防止嫌疑人、被告人逃避侦查和审判,避免其毁灭证据、串供甚至威胁证人、被害人等,都是卓有成效的;在不断的延长羁押过程中,嫌疑人、被告人也丧失了再犯新罪、自杀以及危害社会的能力。但作为一种沉重的代价,延长羁押制度法治化水平也确实是不高的,无论是延长羁押法定、程序保障、比例性等实体性原则,还是权力监督、司法救济等程序性原则,都没能在我国延长羁押制度中得以确立。拟通过分析延长羁押制度存在的问题,有针对性地提出改革、完善现行延长羁押制度的具体对策。  相似文献   

In many countries, the law permits state authorities to detain noncitizens before deportation. Typically judicial decisions about preremoval detention must be made within a short period of time during which deportable noncitizens are held in police premises, and depending on the country detention may last just one month (e.g., France) or up to 18 months (the Netherlands). While previous research has explored various dimensions of noncitizen detention including the legal procedure, health consequences, the condition of detention centers, and the lives of deportable noncitizens, the empirical assessment of the determinants of decisions on preremoval detention are largely unexplored. Using data from court proceedings of police petitions of detention in Spain and a quantitative strategy, in this article we undertake an empirical analysis of noncitizen detention combining personal background of deportable noncitizens, legal factors of the case, and the behavior of different actors involved in the procedure. To do it, we fit models that take into account variation occurred at judicial district levels. Results indicate, on the one hand, that relevant actors involved in the procedure use different informational cues to decide on cases. On the other hand, the role of prosecutors and attorneys during hearings proves also relevant to predict detention.  相似文献   

拘役刑作为我国刑罚的五种主刑之一,在我国1979年和1997年的刑法中均有规定,但其作为一种短期自由刑具有一定的缺陷,其存废之争也开始兴起。本文在简要介绍我国拘役刑的概况后,将具体分析废除我国拘役刑的理由,最后提出废除拘役刑后我国的刑罚体系的完善方案。  相似文献   

科学客观地确立司法拘留与民事拘留的关系,不仅是拘留理论深入研究的需要,也是拘留立法和拘留实践发展的需要,本文在考察对该关系的众多观点的基础上,认为当今的司法拘留与民事拘留是一种广义交叉关系和狭义全异关系,主张这两种关系中的“民事拘留”名称应被具有个别性的具体名称所取代。  相似文献   


About 2 million minor children in the U.S. have at least one parent incarcerated for criminal offenses. There are about 33,000 undocumented persons detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in jails and federal detention centers around the country, and 79% of the minor children of these detainees are U.S. citizens. There are few government programs that measure and respond to the harm caused to these children by the incarceration and detention of their parents, and the negative effects on these children are largely ignored in public policy debates about incarceration and immigration detention. I argue that we have an obligation to these children based on (1) the special status of children, (2) the harm caused to children by the arrest, detention and incarceration of their parents, (3) current incarceration and detention policies even in the presence of alternatives that would, on balance, create less harm.  相似文献   

我国在最新修订的法律及各种规范性文件中对羁押制度进行了修改与完善,其中修改后的《刑事诉讼法》确立了必要性审查程序,而最新的《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》则对此进行了细化,通过多个条文予以具体规定,对审查主体、内容、方式等问题进行了初步的规定。由于法律和司法解释的规定都相对比较原则,导致该项制度在实施过程中仍存在程序规定不细致、审查标准不明确等问题。我们应在理清羁押及羁押必要性审查的概念、羁押必要性审查的理论基础及价值目标等基础理论的前提下,梳理出我国羁押必要性审查制度的立法现状,并在此基础上正确理解我国羁押必要性审查的性质、涉及的诉讼阶段、审查的案件范围、实施审查的工作主体等基本问题,进而结合基层检察工作实际,构建一套符合立法意旨且切实可行的羁押必要性审查机制。  相似文献   

A number of important developments in juvenile justice during the decade of the 70s are identified. Data were obtained from a sample of juvenile detention facilities in the late 1960s and again, from the same sample, in the late 1970s. The data obtained included the perceived purpose of detention, information concerning the detainees and personnel, and procedural and program information. The two sets of data were compared to determine whether the developments in the juvenile justice system were reflected in the detention segment of the system.  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法和相关解释将对犯罪嫌疑人精神病鉴定的期间不计入羁押期限,是值得商榷的。应该认识到犯罪嫌疑人精神病鉴定在性质上类似于羁押,在德国和我国台湾等国家和地区,其是鉴定留置的一种类型,法律对其规定严格的实施要件,以防止对相对人权利不当的干涉。我国应从人权保障出发,在刑事诉讼法修改时,重新定位对犯罪嫌疑人精神病鉴定,并完善相关制度设置。  相似文献   

羁押场所巡视制度研究报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
作为一种程序外的酷刑预防机制,羁押场所巡视制度通过邀请社会公众不定期地、未经事先通知地访问看守所,巡视看守所的羁押条件、羁押执法活动是否符合我国法律、法规的相关规定,有效地提高了看守所被羁押人的待遇、促进了监管机关执法的规范化。制度的试行还向社会公众传递了看守所规范执法的积极信息,增强了公众对看守所的了解与信赖。该试点研究通过比对试点前后的相关数据,包括衡量看守所条件、权利保障状况的指标得出了上述结论。  相似文献   

Food  Drug Administration  HHS 《Federal register》2004,69(108):31659-31705
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing a final regulation that provides procedures for the detention of an article of food, if an officer or qualified employee of FDA has credible evidence or information indicating that such article presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals ("administrative detention"). The final rule implements the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act), which authorizes the use of administrative detention and requires regulations establishing procedures for instituting on an expedited basis certain enforcement actions against perishable food subject to a detention order.  相似文献   

The moral, as opposed to legal, justification for the preventive detention of terrorists is the topic of this article, and, in particular, for the preventive detention of members of extremist Islamist terrorist organizations, such as Islamic State (IS) and Al Qaeda (AQ). The article argues that preventive detention of terrorists is morally justified under certain circumstances. Its argument for preventive detention of terrorists is analogous to that used to detain enemy combatants as prisoners of war. However, rather than relying on the possession of the properties definitive of the legal status of a combatant, it relies on demonstrable possession of constitutive features of functionally integrated membership of a terrorist organization. Membership in this sense of a terrorist organization creates the presumption of a standing intention to commit murder, or at least to assist others to do so, in the service of the organization’s political ends.  相似文献   

Based on a random sample of 300 youth detained prior to trial in a Southwestern Indian Community, this paper analyzes the pre-trial incarceration of American Indian adolescents. It discusses two major similarities between the detention of adolescents in this Indian community and the detention of adolescents nationwide, including the minimalization of the potentially deleterious effects of incarcerating adolescents and the detention of minor offenders. It also emphasizes divergences between the detention of adolescents in the Indian community and the detention of adolescents nationwide: a much higher rate of detention and recidivism on the reservation; the multiplicity of legal jurisdictions to which Indian adolescents are subject; administration of the reservation detention facilities by Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) personnel with minimal training in adolescent services; the unique power of BIA police to determine unilaterally who will be detained initialy; and the extreme lack of alternative resources for adolescents and families within the Indian community.  相似文献   


While numerous studies have examined pretrial detention and felony case outcomes, little empirical attention has been devoted to misdemeanor pretrial detention. We theorize that misdemeanants detained for a longer proportion of time will plead guilty quicker because the costs of fighting their charges in jail often outweigh the sanctions they face. Utilizing data on 165,630 felony and misdemeanor cases from Miami-Dade County, Florida, during a 4-year period (2012–2015) we assess whether the effects of pretrial detention length on the timing and content of guilty pleas differ across lower-level and upper-level courts. Survival analyses and multinomial logistic regressions indicate that misdemeanor cases overall and those involving lengthier pretrial detention are resolved faster, with most resulting in non-carceral sanctions such as credit for time served (CTS). Given that misdemeanors make-up the bulk of U.S. criminal cases, these findings reveal important insights about how pretrial detention impacts case-processing dynamics in lower courts.  相似文献   

封红梅 《行政与法》2013,(12):118-123
新颁布的《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》从羁押必要性审查权归属、审查启动方式、审查内容、审查方式、审查效力等方面细化了羁押必要性审查制度,但调研显示,该规则在实施中却遭遇了困境,这种实施困境主要是因为审查人员存在认识偏差、审查内容设置不全面以及审查实施流程、审查期限、审查激励等制l度缺位造成的.为此,需进一步明确羁押必要性审查的价值、增补羁押必要性审查内容、设计羁押必要性审查实施流程、增设羁押必要性审查期限等制度,并将“安全变更羁押措施率”作为考核指标.  相似文献   

对五个省看守所的调研发现,总体上看守所实施刑事诉讼法的相关文本规定取得了良好的效果,修改后刑事诉讼法赋予看守所相应的职责,比如保障律师会见权、讯问在看守所内进行、对三个月以下的短刑犯执行刑罚等直接与看守所相关的条款,都得到了严格的遵循与适用.另一方面从更为宏观的角度上来看,看守所实施新刑事诉讼法的现有成效只是良好的开端,许多间接相关的条款,比如保障民事权利、法律援助等,甚至是看起来与看守所执法无关的条款,比如录音录像、非法取证的固定取证等,都有必要继续研究,拓展看守所的相关功能,创造条件予以适用,真正、完整地贯彻刑事诉讼法的立法精神与文本规定.  相似文献   

Critical Criminology - This article challenges state-sponsored violence in Australia by exploring the experiences of young Indigenous people in youth detention and refugees in immigration detention...  相似文献   

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