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李剑 《现代法学》2006,28(3):98-105
市场力量一直是反垄断法最为核心的概念。在市场力量的测量上,通常包含绩效法和结构法两种方法。绩效法的理论以经济学的理论为基础,更能反映市场力量概念的实质。但是,由于现实世界信息的不充分,该方法所必需的很多关键数据无法准确、有效地获得,从而在根本上影响到绩效法的实际使用。相比之下,结构法以市场份额为基础进行分析,而市场份额的数据则相对更为容易获得。尽管市场份额并不能替代市场力量,但其具备的经济特性使得其在信息不充分下可以作为市场力量的良好代理。然而,深入考虑信息不充分所带来的影响,又会使得相关市场被界定在一个狭窄的范围之内,从而削弱市场份额的代理作用,最终形成一个悖论:由于信息不充分而使用市场份额,又由于信息不充分而削弱市场份额的作用。因此,对于信息不充分在反垄断法中的影响,既要充分考虑,同时又不能过分强调,而如何把握则仍然是具有挑战性的问题。  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - We investigate the relationship between stability and market power in the Indian banking system for the years 2005 to 2019. For this purpose, we employ three...  相似文献   

Forty‐two journalists who had been sued for invasion of privacy were asked to describe the impact of the lawsuits on their professional lives. Findings indicate that most of the journalists felt changed by the experience—despite nearly all of them prevailing in formal legal proceedings. The changes they described were categorized as “defensive” (adjusting routines to minimize the likelihood of a similar suit) far more often than “instructive” (changing fundamental journalistic practice), and there was little evidence of a chilling effect from the suits, but the journalists clearly felt some degree of sting from the litigation. Just as the Iowa libel study discovered ten years earlier from the plaintiffs' perspective, this study has found from the defendants' perspective that litigation against the media—court outcomes notwithstanding—is by no means futile.  相似文献   

市场的自由和市场秩序是市场法治的两大组成部分:仅有自由而无秩序的市场虽"活",但却"乱";仅有秩序而无自由的市场是"不乱但也不活".只有把二者结合起来才能作到市场"活而不乱".但要让市场真正作到"活而不乱",谈何容易!中国至今没有完全摆脱"一放就活,一活就乱,一乱就收,一收就死"这一恶性循环.所以,如何处理好市场自由和市场秩序的关系,仍是市场法治化的核心所在.  相似文献   

一、重新认识期货市场功能 多数人认为,期货市场的功能主要在于发现价格机制和为套期保值商提供规避价格风险。这种定义在期货市场的确流行了很长时间,并在将来的期货市场还会存在。但是,笔者认为:(1)期货市场也为投机商或擅长博采者提供了一个场内交易的机会,而这种场内交易使得投机者的行为趋向合法化和规范化;(二)期货市场将促进国民经济的发展,即起到了蚯蚓松土的作用,对经济有推动和调节资金流向的作用;(3)期货市场给金融市场带来了附加值,从而推动金融人才和金融品种的素质的提高;(4)qe(Over-he-c…  相似文献   

This analysis reveals that traditional market power measuresare biased under the conditions of multi-market participationand demand interdependence. Specifically, when complementary(substitutable) demands dominate, traditional market power measuresare biased upward (downward). A similar bias carries over tothe evaluation of mergers. To wit, mergers that simultaneouslyincrease market concentration and multi-market participationcan result in lower prices even in the absence of merger economies.It follows that merger guidelines that place undue emphasison market concentration can lead policymakers to block (approve)mergers that enhance (diminish) consumer welfare.  相似文献   

北京的七月是火红的季节,火红的季节里发生红火的事情。7月17日,信息设备资源共享协同服务标准化工作组召开会议,联想、TCL、康佳、海信、长城五大企业负责人共同出席,信息产业部副部长娄勤俭指出,企业应成为标准制定的主体(具体请参见《中国电子报》2003年8月5日第3版)。此次标准化工作组的建立,昭示着我国的企业逐渐转变竞争观念,希望参与到标准的制定过程中来,掌握市场主动权,更好地与国外同行竞争。标准是游戏规则,技术标准的背后是专利,专利的背后是巨大的经济利益。在国际贸易过程中,存在着关税壁垒和非关税壁垒。随着贸易的自由化…  相似文献   

Market Funds and Trust-Investment Law   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

论国家与市场规则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代市场经济条件下 ,市场规则是市场秩序的基本准则 ,反映市场运行机制的客观要求。国家必须以法律的形式保障其成为各市场主体共同遵守的行为规范 ,从而使我国社会主义市场经济正常有序地健康发展。  相似文献   

樊蓉  张玮 《犯罪研究》2009,(3):59-62
非法经营罪是我们打击新型经济犯罪的最有力的武器。到目前为止,国家立法机关和司法机关单就堵漏条款确立的非法经营犯罪行为多达6种形式,即:非法买卖外汇、从事非法出版物、非法经营电信、非法传销、生产、销售添加“瘦肉精”等禁止药物的饲料、哄抬物价、谋取暴利。随着我国改革开放进程的进一步深化,市场经济快速发展,经济犯罪的形式愈加多样和隐蔽,司法机关对非法经营罪的使用度也越来越高。针对证券领域的复杂经济行为的性质较难认定的情况,2008年1月2日最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、中国证券监督管理委员会联合发布了《关于整治非法证券活动有关问题的通知》。然而如何准确依据刑法和相关司法解释认定证券领域的非法经营行为,以及对于不断出现的诸如经营期货股指、外汇保证金等最新型业务的经济行为是否能够认定为非法经营罪,已经成为摆在司法机关面前的一道现实难题。  相似文献   

新三板是经国务院批准,依据《证券法》设立的全国性证券交易场所。但是,除《证券法》第39条提到了其他证券交易场所外,《证券法》对新三板并没有具体规定。我国现行《证券法》遵循了主板逻辑和公开发行逻辑,而新三板市场不是主板,它具有特殊性。因此,新三板市场难以适用《证券法》,甚至一旦适用了《证券法》的某些条款,可能会阻碍新三板市场的正常发展。《证券法》对新三板市场的某些制度(尤其是做市商制度)的运行还存在一定的法律障碍,这是行政法规或规章克服不了的。我国应该通过修改《证券法》以及制定一部单行的证券法特别法——《全国股转系统监督管理法》,为新三板市场的相关制度运行提供法律依据。但从长远看,我国《证券法》应以多层次资本市场逻辑和交易逻辑取代主板逻辑和公开发行逻辑,以实现逻辑的转换。  相似文献   

权利与权力是法律文化和法学范畴中最基本最重要的两个词汇。二者关系的变迁构成了法秩序的变化,在市场经济和实行“法治”的转型中的中国社会如何认识二者关系,如何制约公权力,培育私权利成为至关重要的问题。  相似文献   

许明月 《中国法学》2004,(6):106-113
经济法是对经济社会化的一种法律回应,计划经济和市场经济体制下都可能存在经济法 经济法干预的经济,应当是一国的经济体而不仅仅是市场。就经济法与政府的关系而言,政符是主体,经济法是手段  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore various factors that may regulate or stabilize levels in market offenses. Instead of assuming that illegal markets are ‘out of control’, evidence is advanced to demonstrate, on the contrary, that there are indeed limits to growth in criminal markets. This is presented along three principal and interconnected arguments. First, social norms limit the ability of suppliers to shape demand for illicit goods and services. Using public opinion surveys, it is concluded that the more objectionable the moral status of an illegal market, the smaller the pool of potential consumers and sellers. Second, there are considerable obstacles that confront suppliers of illegal goods and services accumulating capital and upward mobility. The consequences of product illegality inhibit the organizational growth capacities as well as the geographic expansion of illicit firms. Third, while impunity via corruptible alliances do cancel some of the effects of product illegality, this impunity is not a constant that can always be depended upon. To the extent that corruption varies across jurisdictions and over time, illegal entrepreneurs may come to realize that impunity is intrinsically limited in scope and volatile in nature and over which they essentially have very limited control. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

论市场文化与经济犯罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李锡海 《法学论坛》2006,21(3):5-14
犯罪是文化的产物,特定的犯罪类型必然与特定的文化形态密切联系。从这个意义上讲,经济犯罪是市场文化的产物。转型期的市场文化为经济犯罪的诱发提供了丰厚的土壤。具体讲,市场文化观念的负效应是滋生经济犯罪的温床,市场文化与传统文化的冲突是诱发经济犯罪的动因,市场文化建设中的不良倾向是诱发经济犯罪的重要条件。因此,提升市场文化,从各个方面加强市场文化建设,才能有效地控制经济犯罪。  相似文献   

The true governance challenge within Europe remains the resolution of conflict within the Internal Market and the identification of efficacious solutions, to its regulatory and redistributive problems. Absent the legitimising sovereign power once furnished by the national constitutional settlement and without recourse to a pre-political principle of pluralist self-limitation, Europe's law must supply a pluralist and contested internal market polity with authoritative adjudication on the meaning and content of institutions of market governance, including 'law' itself. In the endeavour to 'socialise the market', or to re-establish the determinative links between society, politics, and the market place caste asunder by a rationalising process of European economic integration, Europe's law is seemingly returning—via judicial dialogue between national and European courtrooms—to the ancient legal grammar and semantics of 'reasonableness' and 'equity'. Such an adjudicative return serves: (i) the processing of reasonable pluralism within the market in the light of deliberative values: and (ii), the re-establishment and maintenance of the law's factual (non-natural), logical (internally coherent and impartial) and moral (real-world) legitimacy.  相似文献   

一、什么是市场法? 首先,对多数人而言市场法的概念是陌生的,在理论界也只有个别学者零星地提到它.[1]市场关系作为法的调整对象更多地体现在经济法的概念中.但经济法是一个相当模糊的概念,学界对它存在许多不同的理解.[2]有人将经济法看作是企业的法,[3]或将调控法视为经济法的核心,[4]也有人从法律发展的角度理解经济法,把经济法视为私法批判的最重要词汇加以使用,称之为私法在实证运用中的新发展.[5]  相似文献   

磨砺“权力制衡”之剑——试论行政监督中的以权制权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政监督的实质就是权力对权力的制约,就是居于优势地位的权力对相对弱小的或起码平行的权力主体的约束。因此,行政监督的效能如何,关键取决于行政监督系统能否具有独立的、位高权重的地位。本文在借鉴了中国古代和西方国家行政监督可资借鉴的成功经验的基础上,在客观的剖析了我国现行行政监督体制中存在的诸多问题的基础,提出了在经济全球化和社会主义市场经济条件下构建强有力的行政监督体制的对策和设想。  相似文献   

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