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生态移民是以保护环境和提高人民生活质量为目的的有计划、有目的的政府行为。它是一个意义深远的系统工程。生态移民工程不应成为某一地区或某些地区孤立实行的工程,对一个国家来讲,生态移民工作应该是一个整体性的工作,必须从社会公平和民族平等原则出发,对整个国家的整体角度统筹规划。搞好我国生态环境保护工作中生态移民的跨省安置和划定大片的无人区的问题应成为一个很重要的方面,本文对此提出了一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

China orders another increase in interest rates as the country gears up to calm inflationary jitters.The purchasing managers index tumbles to a 28-month low,a reflection of weaknesses in the manufacturing industry. Chinese steelmakers reel from severe costs inflation.The government adds a new category of "micro-enterprises" in a move to help small businesses.The Swiss food giant Nestle launches a bid to acquire Chinese candy maker Hsu Fu Chi.  相似文献   

检察机关民事审判监督是一个颇有争议的问题,长期以来,在实践中这一方面的工作是一个薄弱环节,检察机关民事审判监督作为民事诉讼审判监督程序的重要组成部分,应该充分发挥起作用。写作此文的目的,就是引起理论和司法实践中对检察机关民事审判监督程序的关注,以求不断改进和加强此项工作.推进司法公正。  相似文献   

The goal of the Healthy Families America Research to Practice Network (RPN) was to foster communication among academic researchers, community-based evaluators, and practitioners to integrate science-based prevention practices into practice settings. The RPN goals were guided by and are a response to the limitations of past and current research paradigms in the social sciences. Accomplishments included creation of a 40-member researcher-practitioner council, development of a national Program Information Management System, and completion of a 4-year national Implementation Study, employing data from over 100 sites in nine states. The discussion examines what was learned about this rare experiment in creating practitioner-scientist partnerships and the impact of the RPN on child abuse and neglect prevention. A five-year plan to sustain and strengthen a practice-research collaborative is recommended.  相似文献   

非法采矿现象的蔓延源于暴利,刑事打击不科学反而助长了非法采矿的势头。非法采矿的危害不仅仅是国有矿产权,还包括对矿业市场进入制度、公众健康与安全、生态环境权以及社区关系等方面的危害。非法采矿属于系列犯罪,必须对非法采矿进行综合惩治,并依罪数理论评价和处断,才能及时、准确地惩治犯罪。非法采矿罪是基本罪,由此导致共同犯一罪或数罪、牵连犯罪、想象竞合犯罪以及异质数罪等。对非法采矿的罪数处断,分别从一重罪处断后进行再处断,这就依靠罪与罪的平衡原理去体现罪刑相适应原则。非法采矿犯罪具有许多其他领域不存在的犯罪特色。  相似文献   

The present work has a two-fold aim: (a) to verify the difference in civic behavior enacted by socially engaged young people in a lasting and structured form, sealed by membership in an organization, on the one hand, and in non-engaged young people, on the other hand; (b) to identify a pattern of characteristics (personal, social, and familial) able to explain civic behavior. Participants, 577 young adults from ages 19 to 29, filled out a self-report questionnaire. The results of the t test for independent samples confirm the presence of the difference between means of scores on the civic behavior. Moreover, data confirm a model in which civic behavior is predicted by personal identity, engagement values, family discussion of current events, the quality of previous membership experiences in socially oriented groups (membership), and finally, in a mediator position, by sense of community. The present study has many implications for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

妇女和发展的范式是西方女性主义与发展主义在建构和实践中结合而形成的,是针对发展中国家在发展中赋权的理论体系和实践框架。这一范式本身对于充分发挥妇女的能动性、提升妇女的地位有着积极的意义,但由于其在本质上存在着西方女性主义思潮和发展主义的建构性,虽然针对了发展中国家妇女的现实,但在不同的发展社会文化语境下依然出现了一系列实践困境。在中国和非洲坦桑尼亚的实践显示了这一框架与当地社会文化可能产生的不适应性。在中国,应用妇女和发展范式的干预在技术层面出现了不适应性,在结果上出现了"机会和福利异化"的现象;而在坦桑尼亚推广非国际主流妇女和发展范式的中国玉米密植增产项目,却使当地妇女提升了收入,产生了"逆向赋权"现象。这都显示出妇女和发展范式遭遇到发展中国家性别社会关系的复杂性景观。  相似文献   

导语 ,即论文的开篇语 ,是导入本论的开场白。导语写得好 ,论文就成功了一半 ,为导入本论辅垫了一条好路。本论 ,又称正论 ,它是分析论证论题的部分 ,也是警学论文写作的重点。结尾 ,又称结束语 ,即收尾。如果论文里没有结尾 ,就会显得尾秃。写论文结尾 ,要短小精干。  相似文献   

请求权竞合问题在民法中的争论由来已久,所谓请求权竞合就是一个法律事实,符合多个法律构成要件,从而产生多项请求权基础。关于请求权竞合的解决各国没有具体的方案,我国司法实践中允许请求权的有限竞合。请求权竞合问题的解决不论理论方面还是实践中都有待完善。  相似文献   

Child- and family-centered care has permeated the practices of child welfare as a means to address fragmentation. Case management appears promising, but the approach is still in its infancy. This article aims to provides an understanding of the emergent organizational vision of a new approach to case management at multiple organizational levels. The authors conducted a case study on the implementation of Intensive Family Case Management in a Dutch organization that provides child and youth protection services. The focus is on the continuous and bottom-up process of visioning, which has helped to define the shared organizational vision. The key finding was an emerging, widely shared vision that is congruent at many organizational levels and that contrasts starkly with the old work approach. The conclusion is that innovative child- and family-centered approaches to case management are inherent to a multi-level organizational system that is consistent with the approaches it advocates, being embedded in organizational structures and embodied in practitioners’ mindsets.  相似文献   

Chien-Min Chao 《当代中国》2002,11(33):605-612
The transition of power from the KMT to the DPP in Taiwan has not been easy. Instead of bringing in a new way of thinking, it is noted that ideology is too ingrained for the new ruling party to make a break from it. Instead of providing a new form of governance, the DPP has proved to be inexperienced at coping with the intricacies of a modern democratic polity. Rather than building new state-civil society relations, the DPP has been unable to expand its outreach to segments beyond its traditional constituencies. Most painful has been the effort required to try to change the general mindset from confrontational to accommodative. The DPP went on to form a minority government and to challenge the still powerful now-opposition KMT in almost every important policy debate. Consequently, components for effective governance such as coordination, compromise, institution-building, etc., are rare stock. The inherent factional schism is hurting the party as virtues like coherence of policy, coordination of bureaucracies, and even channel of command are compromised. Ethnic incongruence seems to be aggravating the situation.  相似文献   

治安本质论   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
从词源和古籍考证的角度开始对治安的本质进行探究,治安实质上是国家对社会的统治、治理和控制;从韩非对治安的论述开始,广义的治安的含义并未改变。治安事实上体现了国家的本质,国家的职能是由对社会的暴力统治和对公共事务的管理两部分组成的。国家依靠物质手段对社会进行控制;警察是国家机器的重要组成部分。“社会治安”的概念在事实和内在逻辑上存在矛盾。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to conduct a multi-method evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of a youth development program for military dependent youth entitled, Youth Action Program. The dimensions of an ecological program are used to examine the program post-de-facto. The comparison with elements of ecological programming provided reasons as to this program's perceived impact and its weaknesses. A multi-dimensional evaluation is employed that examines the processes and outcomes in their natural settings. Youth and parents overwhelmingly believed that this program had made a positive difference in their lives. Youth demonstrated an improvement, although not significant, in their self-concept; however, participating youths' levels of social isolation and withdrawal from social contact remained at a high level. The results and need for future research are presented related to evaluating youth development programs and the ecological model.  相似文献   

王兴伟 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):502-504
Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a difficult novella.The last cry of Kurtz,"The horror! The horror!",is ambiguous,complex,and metaphorical in meaning.This paper tries to make a thorough analysis of all the possible meanings of the words,hoping to reveal its relation with the themes and facilitate a better understanding of the story.  相似文献   

经济建设与文化建设高度融合是现代社会发展的重要特征。这种相互依赖与相互促进的共生关系也构成二者各自发展的关键制约条件。现代社会的发展,经济与文化密不可分,“经济文化化、文化经济化”已经成为潮流和趋势,蓝色经济区包含着浓厚的文化色彩。这种文化作为一种生产力,对经济发展有着巨大的驱动力。山东经济发展之所以取得令人瞩目的成就,一个重要原因就在于其独特的传统文化模式即文化在山东的改革与发展过程中产生了全面而深刻的影响,构成了山东经济发展强劲的内在动力。在蓝色经济区建设中,以文化产业的建设和发展推动蓝色经济区建设,藉以推动文化产业的发展,形成经济、文化协调发展的良性互动关系尤为重要。  相似文献   

WITH the arrival of spring rains,the mountainous Nujiang Grand Canyon in the northwest of Yunnan Province is covered in clouds of mist.The blending of mist and mountain scenery creates a mystical am-biance that heralds the change of seasons. Nestled in the central lush area of the Nujiang Grand Canyon is a county named Fugong.It covers an area of 2,756.44 square kilometers,and borders Myanmar with a borderline stretching some 142 kilo-meters.The place is of great significance to ecological preservation in southwest China.It is also home to more than 20 different Chinese ethnic groups,which include the Lisu,Nu,Bai,Dulong,Naxi and Pumi.The Lisu and Nu people represent the majority of local ethnic groups.The area is alive with diverse cultures living in a harmonious atmosphere.  相似文献   

Up and Atom!     
A Tibetan fox emoji package recently made its way across China's digital waves. The man featured in the emoji pack appears to be at a loss, looking at you with a sense of disbelief. The big square face, coupled with deeply set eyes in a haze-like setting, almost reflect the human reenactment of a Tibetan fox. As netizens deemed the expression simply too funny to just let go, they quickly upgraded the GIF to the next level, transforming it into a full-fledged emoticon package.  相似文献   

"法治中国"的正式提出使得我国法治改革不再停留在国家和政府层面,而拓展到社会之中,提倡建设"法治社会"。"法治社会"建设将法治改革落位到社会层面,使得社会个体获得应有的尊重,这是一种法治的回归。单靠自上而下的模式已经难以实现法治中国,因此需要借助一种批判竞争式民主的理念改革——协商性民主,从而建立一种基于平等、公开的博弈平台,实现公民真正的当家作主,推行属于广大民众的法治社会,并在"法治中国"的建设中得以贯彻。  相似文献   

透视"城中村"--我研究"村落终结"的方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李培林 《思想战线》2004,30(1):21-26
"城中村"是中国城市化过程中出现的独特现象,村落终结具有与农民终结不同的特殊机制。[1]村落终结不仅仅是非农化和工业化的问题,甚至也不是变更城乡分割的户籍制度问题,而是最终要伴随产权的重新界定和社会关系网络的重组。在村落研究方法方面,传统村落研究中使用"文本概括法"和"文学概括法"来处理个案调查的访谈资料,当代学者试图提炼出某种村落研究的理想类型或象限图式,但这些方法都存在着局限性。因此,需要另辟蹊径,建立一种关于中国村落终结的具有普遍解释力和更广泛对话能力的理想类型。  相似文献   

培养高素质公安干部队伍 ,学校教育是关键 ,而教师更是关键的关键。为此必须加强公安院校的师德建设 ,要求教师不要满足于做教书匠 ,要做人师即为人师表。学校要利用各种渠道营造建设良好师德的氛围 ,为迎接新世纪的挑战打好基础  相似文献   

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