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The author discusses the recent attempt by constitutional theorists to develop a theory about the empowerment of political community through law. Having outlined the civic republican position, he then examines Ackerman's example of the difference between marriage and love, as an analogy for law and politics, or in republican terminology, "constitutional" and "ordinary" politics respectively. These oppositions are set up around the purchase they offer to the question of community. In turning Ackerman's example against him, his objective is to show that the language of law inhibits rather than facilitates the quest for community.  相似文献   

Recent legislation on migration and citizenship in Europe and the EU framework on integration require migrants to meet integration requirements in order to enter, reside, reunite with their families and naturalise in the host country. Mandatory language course attendance and examination tests are viewed as means of enhancing integration, which is now framed as a ‘two way’ process or a contractual agreement between migrants and the host society. Despite the deployment of the notion of a contract, integration is, in reality, a one way process aimed at procuring conformity, discipline and migration control. Civic integration rests on an artificial homogenisation and displays the same elements of paternalism and ethnocentricity that characterised past initiatives. The civic integration paradigm is a crucial feature of a renewed, albeit old‐fashioned, nationpolitics used by political elites to provide answers to a wide range of issues and to elicit support for a controlling state in the first decade of the 21st century.  相似文献   

Zoosemiotics 2.0     
This paper discusses how major changes in methodology, ideology and the points of view of researchers have given linguistics a new opportunity to study animal semiotics and return to the “animal language” question. The article presents new linguistic perspectives from language theory but also from sociolinguistics, language development studies or the study of sign language. This paper shows how these perspective changes have scientifically modified the way linguists approach animal communication and cleared a path for new study fields such as biosemiotics and zoosemiotics. The second part of this article introduces other significant evolutions in various scientific fields, such as biology, neuroscience or ethology, but also philosophy, and how these changes are going in the same directions as linguistics’. It demonstrates how animal linguistics is without doubt a completely interdisciplinary subject where efficient research is only possible by paradigm changes in all related fields. The last part of the paper introduces some of these possible new study prospects.  相似文献   

2007年修改的《民事诉讼法》及相关司法解释未从根本上完善民事抗诉制度.法学界关于民事抗诉制度的争论一直末达成共识.制度缺陷和理论争辩使民事抗诉制度陷于存与废的纠结之中.民事抗诉制度仍有存续的必要;强化之路在于民事抗诉权与刑事检察权的有机结合.  相似文献   

温树斌 《河北法学》2012,(2):187-191
2007年修改的《民事诉讼法》及相关司法解释未从根本上完善民事抗诉制度。法学界关于民事抗诉制度的争论一直未达成共识。制度缺陷和理论争辩使民事抗诉制度陷于存与废的纠结之中。民事抗诉制度仍有存续的必要;强化之路在于民事抗诉权与刑事检察权的有机结合。  相似文献   

公民文化是政治学中十分重要的概念。在阿尔蒙德和维巴的研究中,公民文化和政治社会化息息相关,可以说,它们是支撑民主制度的核心要素。我国在建设宪法政治的过程中,也必须认真对待公民文化对于宪法政治的支撑作用,并从宪法社会化的角度出发,探索公民文化对宪法政治建设的推动作用。对我国来说,正确处理公民文化和宪法制度的关系至关重要。  相似文献   

解读WTO《政府采购协议》(GPA)规定可以发现,其对政府采购投诉人范围的最低要求是,给予那些在相关政府采购过程中拥有利益的包括实际参与供应商和潜在供应商在内的直接供应商以投诉权.在我国,依《招标投标法》及其配套法规规定,政府采购投诉人既包括直接供应商亦包括间接供应商;而依《政府采购法》及其配套法规规定,可能只有直接供应商中的实际参与供应商有权提出质疑投诉.给予那些在相关采购过程中拥有利益的直接供应商和部分间接供应商(包括分包商和联合投标体成员)以政府采购投诉权,更为合宜.  相似文献   

多年的刑事抗诉司法实践以无可争辩的事实,证明了其在保障司法公正等方面具有不可替代的作用,但是现有刑事抗诉制度也存在提起条件不明确、履行抗诉的程序不完善以及对被害人权益保护功能发挥不足等一系列问题。这些问题的存在已经严重制约了刑事抗诉职权的履行;因此,必须进一步细化刑事抗诉提起的标准,分别按照二审程序抗诉和审判监督程序抗诉的不同特点完善刑事抗诉程序,切实保障刑事被害人的抗诉请求权,增强抗诉请求对检察机关的制约效力,以充分保障其合法权益。  相似文献   

The study examines gender disparities in civic engagement: volunteering, religious affiliation, and other group membership (such as social clubs, recreational groups, trade unions, commercial groups, professional organizations, or groups concerned with children like the PTA or boy scouts) as reflected in the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) - Waves 1 and 2 datasets collected in years 2001–2002 and 2004–2005. This comparison was conducted with special focus on female former offenders. After controlling for socio-demographic and mental health variables, adjusted odds ratios indicated that female former offenders were at increased likelihood to be civically disengaged than their male counterparts. Policy implications of study findings involving females offenders are discussed.  相似文献   

黄进贤 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):32-35
现行民事诉讼法将检察机关抗诉范围限定为生效民事裁判,导致未生效民事裁判的检察监督出现缺位,不利于及时保护国家利益、社会公共利益和维护社会秩序稳定。当前全国人大常委会已启动民事诉讼法的修正程序,应以此为契机,将未生效民事裁判纳入抗诉范围。此外,为保障未生效民事裁判抗诉权的正确行使,还应将其与民事公诉权和参与诉讼权有机结合,明确限定检察机关提起、参与民事诉讼的范围。  相似文献   

论刑事抗诉工作的基本原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
检察机关的刑事抗诉工作 ,主要是履行对刑事判决、裁定进行监督的检察职能 ,目的在于通过对确有错误的刑事判决或裁定提出抗诉 ,实现对审判权的制约 ,保障刑事法律得到统一、正确实施 ,维护和促进司法公正 ,因而在检察工作中具有十分重要的地位。但从近几年检察机关刑事抗诉的情况看 ,这项工作还存在不少问题 ,表现在对抗诉工作的重要性缺乏足够认识 ,对纠正错误裁判存在畏难情绪和各种顾虑 ,对刑事抗诉的标准掌握得不尽科学 ,以及行使抗诉不够慎重 ,等等。这些问题的存在 ,一方面导致部分刑事抗诉案件的质量不高 ,不少案件被撤回抗诉或者驳…  相似文献   

刑事抗诉运行机制实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事抗诉具有实现对人民法院的审判活动进行法律监督、实现被害人权利救济、实现诉讼经济效益三重价值功能,刑事抗诉的价值追求就是把三重价值功能有效地发挥出来。应以制约权力、保障人权为基点,以实现刑事抗诉价值为目标,完善我国的刑事抗诉制度。  相似文献   

刑事抗诉是我国刑事司法实践中一个重大的理论和实践问题.长期以来,刑事抗诉普遍存在抗诉数量不多、力度不大、效果不佳的现象.通过对抗诉案例的实证分析发现,抗诉质量不高的主要原因表现为:抗诉的理由阐述不充分、案件分歧的焦点抓不准、检察机关上下级之间没有形成合力以及审判机关内部的请示制度的影响,等等.提高抗诉质量,增强抗诉效果,应当强化监督意识,完善刑事立法,准确界定抗诉理由以及普遍适用量刑建议等.  相似文献   

This essay examines civic education and the representational capacity of the Internet. Of concern is encouraging citizens to think about law and politics as something more than just a zero-sum process and the Internet as a public forum. These observations take a semiotic approach to the representational character of the Internet. I recommend alertness and responsiveness to the complexity of public affairs and skepticism about anything else other than provisional and hypothetical social analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that political liberalism is not the “minimalist liberalism” characterised by Michael Sandel and that it does not support the vision of public life characteristic of the procedural republic. I defend this claim by developing two points. The first concerns Rawls's account of public reason. Drawing from examples in Canadian free speech jurisprudence I show how restrictions on commercial advertising, obscenity and hate propaganda can be justified by political values. Secondly, political liberalism also attends to the identity, and not just the interests, of its citizens. It attempts to cultivate certain virtues of character. But it does so in a way that does not entail the acceptance of a comprehensive or perfectionist doctrine. Rawls's defence of neutrality of aim does not mean the state should be neutral towards all the views its citizens espouse. I conclude that political liberalism shares little with the doctrine Sandel claims is embedded in American law.  相似文献   

本文主要根据笔者在东京高等法院出庭作证的“鉴定书”和“补充意见书”,针对日本政府的“《中日联合声明》放弃论”和“日华和约有效论”的观点和主张,从国际法和一般法律原则的角度,结合历史事实进行了较为全面和深入的研究和分析,在驳斥日本政府反论的同时,论证了中国民间战争受害者拥有对日索赔的权利。  相似文献   

我国民事抗诉制度始终身处救济型的定位,既有悖于检察机关的法律监督者身份,也使抗诉的现实功用一路下滑,终至角色尴尬、权能虚化的境地。为从根本上逆转这一颓势,改革应以监督型抗诉替代救济型抗诉为基本方向,实施策略则是在纯粹的法律监督导向下重塑抗诉制度。如此,抗诉的事由首先将被限于程序违法和国家利益、社会公共利益受损;其后,检察机关理当自主地行使监督权,拥有独立提起抗诉和迳行启动再审审理的能力和权力;最后,检察机关的参与造成了再审审理的对象及主体结构上的特殊,有必要另设与之相宜的独立抗诉再审程序。  相似文献   

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