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This article discusses state support of artists in the United Kingdom, focusing on the Arts Council England. To understand the present—or the future—support of visual artists, one needs to understand the past. Accordingly, the article begins with a brief history of the Arts Council of Great Britain from 1946, discussing Thatcher's reforms after the 1979 election. Tony Blair's New Labour continued many of the same strategies instituted by the Conservatives. At the same time as fiscal constraints and "enterprise culture" were imposed, the mission of the Arts Council was broadened to include both geographical representation and a more populist agenda. A review of the contemporary arrangements for state support of artists in the United Kingdom shows that many of the tensions that exist within today's Arts Council were institutionalized in its early days. The article concludes with a comment on what the current situation may portend for the future.  相似文献   

Recent research on arts and cultural audiences has attempted to go beyond the traditional social science surveys that assess attitudes or attendance to capture an understanding of how audiences actually experience the arts and what benefits or impacts those experiences provide. The study reported here contributes to this growing body of research by presenting in-depth case studies of four individuals and their chosen cultural experiences at various times through their lives. The authors used Dervin's Sense-Making Methodology to guide the informants through highly structured but open-ended interviews designed to prompt self-reflection and elaboration of what each experience meant to them. Informants were selected from a larger database because of the richness of their interviews and the insight these interviews offer to the understanding of people's engagements with culture. By considering multiple cultural experiences for each informant, it was possible to gain a clearer sense of the context in which these experiences took place and how informants were impacted personally. In addition, the case studies showed how informants' respective struggles with personal and identity issues moved with them across their cultural experiences.  相似文献   

电影既是一种文化事业,也是一项文化产业,在影视批评中除了要坚持艺术标准外,商业标准也不可忽视,但商业标准不等于票房价值,而是指导演是否具有观众意识.至于影视文本的商业性的获得,一方面在于迎合观众的口味,另一方面则在于文化语境的培育、维护与引导.  相似文献   

Arts management has commonly been analyzed as a microcosm of the art field, in which struggles between artistic, economic, administrative, and societal considerations are constantly being fought. Using the field theory of Bourdieu, scholars have attempted to uncover levels of functional differentiation within arts organizations, and interpreted differentiation between artistic considerations and economic and administrative considerations as a core element in defining the artistic autonomy of such organizations. In this article, I present an alternative approach to the interpretation of artistic autonomy in arts management. Through the stories of three artistic directors and the way in which they run their theatres, I aim to show the theory of justification (developed by Boltanski and Thévenot) and shed new light on the interpretation of arts management, as well as on the understanding of artistic autonomy more generally.  相似文献   

姜涛 《北方法学》2011,5(1):34-43
刑事政策分析是根据政策目的与刑法修正之间的关系,选择最优刑法修正模式的过程。以宽严相济刑事政策为分析框架,《刑法修正案(七)》就是政策的工具理性与价值理性交错的产物,它在规则上体现了政策的内容,在价值上融合了政策的理念,在实践中树立了政策的形象。而要在刑法修正中追寻工具理性与价值理性的整合,则应处理好犯罪化与非犯罪化的并轨运作、犯罪要素与刑罚要素的合理配制、立法理念与立法技术的同步提升三个基本向度问题。  相似文献   

张喻忻 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):60-63
我国物权法关于占有制度的立法也只有五条,为了更好地促进立法的进一步完善,必须对占有制度本身所具备的价值进行全面的研究。占有制度产生的初衷就在于止暴安良,维护社会的和平与秩序;先占、时效取得制度能有效地维护社会秩序;占有制度划定利益、分配利益、调整利益,确保社会秩序;人们按占有制度设立的模式去行为,可以形成秩序,并形成对其行为的合理的预期,避免了整个社会的混乱状态。  相似文献   

高师文科生科学文化素质的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该调查报告,以国际公认的公众科学素养的标准,调查江苏高师文科生科学文化素质的现状,发现文科生科技知识贫乏,科学素养低下。高师对在文科生中开展科学文化教育不重视;已开设综合性科技知识课程的,又存在教学内容上的缺陷,忽略科学方法、科学思想、科学精神的教育。报告探讨了在高师文科生中开展科学文化教育的必要性,提出了选择科学文化教育内容的原则,以及开展科学文化教育的方式与关键  相似文献   

哈特与德沃金的论战是上个世纪最重要的论战之一,其中最具争议的论题是法律哲学的本质和特征为何。作为对哈特批评的正式回应,德沃金的详细地分析了哈特法哲学的特点,即其不参与性和中立性,并认为这种主张属于现今流行的“阿基米德式哲学,”应加以批判,因为在学者和法律实践者对法律的理解间并没有他们宣称的巨大差异。最后,德沃金认为法哲学的本质和特征在于以他提出的阐释的方法来理解相关政治价值,尤其是要以合法性价值为基础来诠释法律的本质和特征。  相似文献   

Arts education in the United States, especially in public schools, has been neglected and its public funding has decreased. This is partly due to the difference in the conception of public education policies and the arts. The theory of economic goods and an analysis of two current education policies demonstrate that public education is treated as a public good that is needed by all people, and therefore funded with tax dollars. Because the arts are common goods that different people value in their own terms, education in the arts is treated as nonessential and funded sporadically in public school settings. Based on the theory of the commons, the author suggests that nonprofit arts organizations are equipped to deal with the common good and diverse nature of the arts and can provide sustainable arts education that fills the gap of arts education in public schools.  相似文献   

邱兴隆 《现代法学》2000,22(6):155-156
学术需要批判。学术批判是一种极其严肃的事业、一种建设性的事业与一种承先启后的事业。  相似文献   

The authors analyze how different financial modes matter to the creativity of artists—whether they facilitate or interfere with the creativity that leads to artistic achievements. They first discuss the importance of the creative process and the various factors involved—personality characteristics, environmental factors, and motivation patterns. They next distinguish and analyze the nature and rationales of various modes of financing the arts, dividing these modes into government, the market, and the third sphere. Finally, the authors analyze the interrelations among the creative process and financing when applying a social support system. The investigation thereof relies predominantly on earlier work in the field of cultural economics. The results of a survey conducted among Dutch visual artists form the empirical basis of this article.  相似文献   

论我国反垄断法的价值目标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
折喜芳 《河北法学》2006,24(4):48-53
在<反垄断法>即将出台之际,讨论我国反垄断法的价值有着极其必要的现实意义.反垄断法保护竞争并不是目的,而其仅仅是实现社会经济效率这一反垄断法终极价值的基本手段之一.而且反垄断立法不应并列多重价值目标,而应将经济效率作为根本价值目标,这是适应我国发展规模经济的客观需要,也是我国反垄断法中规制行政垄断的必然要求,同时也符合世界各国反垄断立法的发展趋势.  相似文献   

梁剑兵 《时代法学》2008,6(1):23-28
将“人的权利”作为学界公认的法律价值基准,其本身存在着法的目的与其二元论哲学基础的背反。在权利本位学说主导下,传统法的价值基准决定了法律的伦理基础是利己主义的,而以人类自私为正当性的法律价值基准实际上是人类沙文主义的一种表现。21世纪构建人与生态环境之间和谐秩序的要求必然导致法律价值基准从“人权本位”向“生命本位”的转移与重构。在新的法律价值基准中,人的权利不再是对其他生命权利的排斥,而是对其他生命权利的包容和支持,人将构成其他生命在法律权利方面的代言人。  相似文献   

党的十九届五中全会提出2035年"全体人民共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展"的目标,成为我国进入新发展阶段后党制定的关于共享发展的新坐标,这是以人民为中心发展思想的生动体现,也是实现全体人民共同富裕和人的自由全面发展的必由之路.但实现这样的目标还面临着思想观念、现实生产力、体制机制等主客观阻滞因素,为此本文提出从高质量...  相似文献   

周予同先生主编的《中国历史选》在各高校历史系中已使用多年,但在校注方面还存在诸多问题,如古今地名对照多有差错,标点亦有误点,少量字还存在讹误,许多清代人物的资料出处亦与事实不符,本对书中的有关问题予以考证。  相似文献   

In this article, I present a review of financial and management accounting literature on the arts and cultural sector. My objective is to understand to what extent this literature is able to offer a critical perspective on the study of performance evaluation practices in arts and cultural organizations, as it is currently missing in the arts management literature. Adopting a critical perspective means shifting the focus of research from the technicalities of evaluation rules and procedures to their embodiment by the different organizational and societal actors of the arts and cultural sector.  相似文献   

犯罪论体系的核心内容是价值判断,如何实现合理性的价值判断是犯罪论体系构建的首要目标。对于价值判断,在大陆法系犯罪论体系的发展过程中存在过实证主义、新康德主义、现象学和目的论等解决途径,这些解决途径都难以在实质和形式两个方面保证价值判断的合理性。根据主体间性和法律论证理论,如果能够以法益保护原则、责任原则和罪刑法定原则作为犯罪论体系中价值判断的前提,并且遵循一定的程序要求就可以最大限度的实现合理性要求。  相似文献   

穆中杰 《政法论丛》2006,3(4):17-23
地方立法立项机制就是指立法建议项目由有关主体提议产生,经享有立法规划(计划)编制权的主体在协调有关各方的基础上,结合本地实际情况博弈论证后,决定其是否列入地方立法规划(计划)的带有规律性的运行模式。它具有立项主体的特定性、立项过程的协调性、立项实施的指导性三个特征;其发展可以划分为五个发展阶段。地方立法立项机制今后还将长期存在,我们可以从十个方面进一步对其进行完善。  相似文献   

论法的和谐价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
法的和谐价值就是法所具有的那种协调不同主体或同一主体之间多种、多样、多变的价值追求、从而促进人们之间的和谐、促进社会和谐的价值。它表现在:协调和化解不同的利益;缓和矛盾、化解矛盾;协调个人与国家、公平和效率、发展和稳定等诸多方面的关系,来促进和谐。发挥法的和谐价值,就要在立法上准确认识客观利益和准确选择适当的法律调整方法,司法、执法中尊重和保障人权,以及加强法律监督特别是宪法监督。  相似文献   

保险产品的多样化与经营机制并未有机相辅,新《保险法》仍未修订的原则性条款使司法主体在保险诉讼案件中难以掌握具体法律标准,司法裁判的结果不能有效均衡保险争讼双方的权义配置,须在民商法和经济法双重法律范畴内考察保险关系,以保险立法理论和价值理念为进路确立保险纠纷解决的归责标准。  相似文献   

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