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September 21 is the UN-designated International Day of Peace. One of the activities in China to mark this year’s observation was a China-Finland friendly exchange activity held at the Beijing residence of the Finnish ambassador.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the CPAFFC, President of the International Friendship League— Seychelles Group Marie-Nella Azemia led a del- egation to pay a goodwill visit to Beijing, Liaoning Province and Jilin Province from August 18 to 26, 2005. President of the Chinese-African Peo- ple’s Friendship Association Yang Fuchang, Vice President of the Liaoning Provincial People’s As- sociation for Friendship with Foreign Countries Wang Yonggui and Vice President of the Jilin Provincial …  相似文献   

HEBEI Province has, within14 years, created aninternational acrobaticscompetition arena -theChina Wuqiao InternationalAcrobatic Festival (CWIAF),equal in popularity to the MonteCaro International Circus Festival in Monaco, and the Paris"Tomorrow and Future"International Acrobacs Festival.Named after the Chinesebirthplace of acrobatics -Wuqiao County in HebeiProvince, seven sessions of theCWIAF have been held since itsinauguration in 1987. More than2,000 acrobats, with 210 pro-gra…  相似文献   

Transnational investments are a growing engine of globalization and have transformed world economic landscapes. They are also a crucial element of international exchanges and cooperation. The economic interdependence fostered by globalization has turned many old foes into mutually reliant trading partners.  相似文献   

The big bus of the Sichuan Tours I boarded set out from Chengdu in early morning, heading for Jiuzhaigou, a world-class natural reserve, to the northwest of the city. The vast Chengdu plain covered with blooming yellow rape flowers presented a sight as mag-  相似文献   

在中国内陆腹地,鄂渝湘三省(市)交界处,有一座秀丽、富饶、充满生机的滨江园林城市——宜都。地处湖北省的宜都,方圆1357公里,上锁巴楚山地,下接江汉平原,是西南地区交通要塞。 自古以来,宜都就有“楚蜀咽喉”,  相似文献   

Equal treatment for Chinese enterprises in the U.S. was an agenda item in the second round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). By the end of 2010, American investment in China exceeded US $60 billion, while China’s investment in the U.S. was only one-f ifteenth of that, around US $4 billion.  相似文献   

正THE time-honored Beijing Tongrentang brand has achieved its longstanding goal to go global.The leading Chinese pharmaceutical company has opened 95 stores in 17 countries and regions out of the mainland,as well as a research and development center in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

<正>Young people from around the globe familiarize themselves with whole-process democracy As a member of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang,Tang Kun,a professor at the Vanke School of Public Health with Tsinghua University,believes he has a channel to voice his concerns and commendations regarding China’s political decision-making process.  相似文献   

CHAOYANG Park was resplendent with windmills and kites, and resounded to sonorous bagpipes at the second Beijing Chaoyang International Spring Carnival.  相似文献   

KUNMING in central Yunnan Province is he largest city in Chi-na's extended south-vestern frontier. Two housand years ago, it was a hub on the Southern Silk Road that connected inland China with Southeast Asia and a converging point on the Sichuan-Yunnan-Vietnam passageway. Today, as the capital city of Yunnan, it is home to 26 ethnic groups and a popular destination for tourists and business travelers from around the world.  相似文献   

In recent times,countries of South Eastern Europe have made clear their strong desire to develop by learning valuable lessons from the development model and experience from China.  相似文献   

The 2002 Tianjin Interna- tional Children's Culturaland Art Festival cosponsored bythe CPAFFC and the Tianjin Mu-nicipal Government was held inTianjin from July 28 to August2, 2002 with the aim of enhanc-ing understanding and friendshipthrough art exchanges betweenchildren of different countries soas to promote world peace andjointly create a happy future.  相似文献   

回首历史,通辽市有着辉煌的记忆,全国商品粮基地、畜产品基地、产粮大市……然而,随着国家粮食短缺时代的结束,经济体制由计划经济向市场经济转轨,以粮食生产为主导产业的农业经济型态成为制约通辽市经济社会发展的瓶颈,地区经济发展陷入了尴尬的境地。“农业大市、工业小市、财政穷市”压得通辽人抬不起头来。桂冠失落了,通辽人没有趴下,他们重新审视自己的资源、区位、产业优势,以1999年撤盟设市为起点,开始由农业经济型态向工业经济型态的历史性跨越。他们在全区率先提出了农牧业产业化的发展思路,将通辽市的经济社会发展放到全区、全国的大盘子里进行统筹谋画,寻找自身的不足,充分挖掘比较优势,提出了“坚持‘双增双进’,打造‘三大基地’,实现‘两个转变’”的发展方策,从此,三千里科尔沁草原奏响了雄浑的发展乐章,掀开了通辽市崛起的序幕。  相似文献   

Interview With Reynald H.Katz PIMM is the product of one visionary mind, namely that of trade specialist and entrepreneur Reynald Henry Katz who started early as a self-made businessman trading handmade jewelry.Katz's in- novative approach and talent for sales have served him well throughout his remarkable career,a career that has taken him to the United Kingdom,the United States,the Middle East and China,before eventu-  相似文献   

Inauguration of the 2002 Beijing International Urban Sculptural Art Exhibition also saw the opening of the Beijing International Sculpture Park on Yuquan Road, Beijing. The park houses 140 statues.This exhibition is aimed at promoting exchanges and cooperation among sculptors across the world, integrating urban sculpture into everyday life, and encouraging innovation in this sector. It is expected to bring inspiration to Beijing as regards new concepts in urban construction, through exchanges with other nations. This exhibition constitutes interaction between the public and art, and dialogue between China and the world.The works on display are Beijing's latest attraction, and add a touch of modernity to this ancient city. Some are to be placed in sports stadiums during the 2008 Olympics.  相似文献   

THE intention behind biennial art exhibitions is for different countries to present and share their native culture and to learn about that of others. Since it began in 1895, the International Art Biennale has been a main medium for international cultural exchange. The theme of the First Beijing International Art Biennale is Creativity: Contemporary and Locational.  相似文献   

The Hiboo International Cup Soccer Friendly, sponsored by the Hiboo International Group, kicked off on May 13 in Dongguangtou, Fengtai District, Beijing. The event will last until June 10 when the first whistle blows at the FIFA 2006 World Cup games in Germany, and provides the perfect teaser for local soccer fans to get in the World Cup mood. The Hiboo Cup is played between teams from China and seven foreign embassies' representatives, from the United States, Mexico, France, the African Union, Malaysia, South Korea and Netherlands. Come out and support your favorite team and join in the fun.  相似文献   

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