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A method for the quantitative comparison of slightly differing infrared spectra has been tested in a model experiment. The spectra of oil samples extracted from textiles have been characterized by absorbance ratios of some bands. These were compared and the significance of differences between them was tested using Hotelling's T2-test. It was found that the method enables the objective evaluation of the statistical significance of differences between the spectra.  相似文献   

Twelve different sets of confiscated ecstasy samples were analysed applying both near infrared spectroscopy in reflectance mode (1100-2500 nm) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The sets showed a large variance in composition. A calibration data set was generated based on the theory of factorial designs. It contained 221 N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA) samples, 167 N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDE), 111 amphetamine and 106 samples without a controlled substance, which will be called placebo samples thereafter. From this data set, PLS-1 models were calculated and were successfully applied for validation of various external laboratory test sets. The transferability of these results to confiscated tablets is demonstrated here. It is shown that differentiation into placebo, amphetamine and ecstasy samples is possible. Analysis of intact tablets is practicable. However, more reliable results are obtained from pulverised samples. This is due to ill-defined production procedures. The use of mathematically pretreated spectra improves the prediction quality of all the PLS-1 models studied. It is possible to improve discrimination between MDE and MDMA with the help of a second model based on raw spectra. Alternative strategies are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(5):363-368
This paper proposes a novel method for selecting subsets of wavenumbers provided by attenuated total reflectance by Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy able to improve the clustering of medicine samples into two groups; i.e., authentic or fraudulent. For that matter, we apply principal components analysis (PCA) to ATR-FTIR data, and derive two variable importance indices from the PCA parameters. Next, an iterative variable (i.e. wavenumbers) elimination procedure and sample clustering through k-means and Fuzzy C-means techniques are carried out; clustering performance is assessed by the Silhouette Index (SI). The performance of the proposed method is compared with a greedy variable selection method, the “leave one variable out at a time” approach, in terms of clustering quality, percent of retained variables, and computational time. When applied to Viagra ATR-FTIR data, our propositions increased the average SI from 0.5307 to 0.8603 using 0.61% of the original 661 wavenumbers; as for Cialis ATR-FTIR data, clustering quality increased from 0.7548 to 0.8681 when 1.21% of the original wavenumbers were retained in the procedure. The retained wavenumbers, located in the 1091–1046 cm 1 region, comprise the lactose typically hailed as key substance to discriminate between authentic and counterfeit samples.  相似文献   

Two techniques for analyzing contaminants released as gases from postmortem tissues were described and compared. One technique used gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS); the other, infrared spectroscopy (IR). Brain, lung, liver, blood and urine specimens were obtained from suspected drug-overdose victims whose deaths were contributed to or caused by inhalation of unknown gases or vapors during the period immediately preceding death. Gases from the postmortem tissues and liquid samples were separately admitted into an evacuated IR gas cell, the IR spectra recorded, and gas samples then removed for GC/MS analysis. Nitrous oxide, glue, and paint solvent constituents were identified and measured. Only the brain and lung tissues contained measurable amounts of inhalants. Both IR and GC/MS methods were adequate for normal confirmatory analyses; the GC/MS system was judged superior for fast routine efforts normally hampered by incomplete sample history.  相似文献   

Approximately 60 oil samples obtained from the chassis of various motor cars have been examined by infrared spectroscopy. The samples were oils from the engine, gearbox and back-axle. Differences in absorbance of some absorption bands in the infrared spectra (IR) of oil samples were observed. An optimal set of absorption bands was chosen, which was used for quantitative comparison of slightly differing spectra. The significance of differences was tested using Hotelling's T2-test.  相似文献   

目的建立一种普通办公胶水的检验鉴定方法。方法采用红外光谱法(FTIR)并结合二维相关光谱分析技术,对不同厂家生产的常用普通办公胶水,以及同一厂家生产的不同批次的胶水进行鉴别分析。结果若胶水的组成成分不同,则一维红外谱图的差异较大,若胶水的组成成分相近,则一维红外谱图的差异就不显著,甚至难以区分,但是以时间为微扰项,进行一系列动态分析,即使用二维红外谱图进行分析,也可轻易的将其区别。结论该方法增加了一维红外光谱的分辨率,可将一维红外光谱不能区分的物质,进行动态分析,由变化过程的差异从而进行区分,拓展了红外光谱的分析能力。  相似文献   

Absorbance peak areas of nitrile (2240 cm(-1)), carbonyl (1730 cm(-1)) and CH (1370 cm(-1)) groups were obtained for 48 colorless acrylic fibers by infrared (IR) microspectroscopy. The carbonyl signal, related to the comonomers most commonly used in acrylic fibers, was ratioed against the nitrile and CH bands, pertaining to the backbone of the polymer chains. The ratios A1730/A2240 and A1730/A1370, a relative measure of the comonomer content in the fiber, were used to differentiate the samples. A decrease in the crystallinity of fibers has been noted with increasing comonomer content. Relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) of the ratios were 1 and 3% for repetitive analyses on the same location and along the length of the same single fiber, respectively. When different fibers of the same sample were examined, results were reproducible within 6%. This simple method can greatly enhance the evidential value of colorless acrylic fibers, being able to discriminate them and thus helping the Court to better assess their significance.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(4):288-291
A significant amount of research has been carried out on fibres to aid the forensic scientist in determining the significance of these when found on a victim or suspect. This work has focused on open-air environments, and as such no research has been undertaken to examine the persistence of fibres on bodies in the burial environment.Wool and cotton fibres, known to fluoresce under ultraviolet (UV) light, were transferred onto the skin of four porcine (Sus scrofa) carcasses (two carcasses per fibre type). The number of fibres transferred was recorded from images taken under UV light. The remains were subsequently placed in four burial sites and left interred for 14 days. After this period the carcasses were excavated and lightly brushed down to remove the soil layer that had adhered to the skin. Once again photography under UV light was used to record the number of fibres which persisted on the skin.Results showed that after 14 days, wool and cotton fibres remain on the surface of the buried carcasses. In no circumstance was there a total loss of fibres suggesting that in such scenarios, the likelihood of finding fibres is high but the initial number of fibres transferred would be strongly diminished. This has important implications for both the excavation protocol for buried remains and the subsequent analysis for physical evidence.  相似文献   

傅立叶变换红外光谱法检验静电复印墨粉   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 通过对静电复印墨粉进行检验 ,达到对不同厂家及不同型号墨粉区分的目的。方法 首先利用电熨斗加热提取复印件的墨粉 ,然后利用傅立叶变换红外光谱法对 9个墨粉厂家和 2 4种牌号进行检验。结果可以达到厂家区分和大部分牌号区分 ,区分率达到 95 .7%。结论 本研究对实际应用有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

扩增Amelogenin基因用于生物检材种属鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的扩增Amelogenin基因测定血痕或组织的种属,以确定在法医学检验中的应用价值。方法收集猪、羊、马等10几种常见动物的血痕或肌肉组织,应用PCR扩增Amelogenin基因,PAGE电泳,银染后观察结果。结果哺乳动物猪、牛、狗、羊、马、驴动物血痕扩增产物为1条带,片段长度102bp。猕猴检见106bp和112bp两条带,与人血痕没有区别。兔、猫、鼠血痕未检出特异性片段。其它常见物种鳝鱼、青蛙、鸭、鹅、鸽、鹌鹑、麻雀等均未见扩增产物。结论扩增Amelogenin基因进行种属鉴定,方法简单,灵敏度高,可应用于法医检案。  相似文献   

We investigated Raman scattering from human blood as a function of parameters that are relevant for forensic field analysis, such as substrate, sample dilution, individual from which the sample originates, and age of the sample. Peaks characteristic of blood components and in particular the hemoglobin peaks were routinely detected when blood was deposited on substrates that are not strongly luminescent, such as plastic, metal utensils and dry wall. Raman scattering from blood proved quite sensitive and blood samples with a dilution up to 1:250 could be measured for an excitation power of ~2 mW measured at the sample plane. The sensitivity of Raman scattering to diluted blood allowed measurement using blood reconstituted from fabric substrates, thereby alleviating issues related to luminescence and scattering from the substrate. The dependence of Raman scattering on sample age and individual was also investigated. We found that the relative intensities of scattering peaks depended on sample age and history. For example, the relative intensity of oxyhemoglobin peaks decreases after blood has dried. Fresh blood drawn directly from a donor without intermediate storage exhibits also scattering peaks at 1155 and 1511 cm(-1) which disappear after drying. The origin of these peaks is under investigation. We noticed, however, that they were not found in blood that had been stored for longer than one week in EDTA containers before analysis, thus requiring the use of fresh blood for future studies and validation purposes. The relative intensity of scattering peaks was also found to be somewhat dependent on the donor and, for a same donor, on the day on which blood was drawn.  相似文献   

A population survey was carried out to analyse examples of the coloured fibre population that may be expected to exist in both front- and top-loading domestic washing machines during Spring, in Sydney, Australia. White cotton T-shirts were washed both individually, and with a normal household wash load, then taped to recover extraneous fibres transferred during the wash cycle. Twelve thousand one hundred and seventy-eight fibres were classified according to length, colour and generic class. Cotton fibres were most prevalent (69.4%), followed by man-made fibres (24.2%). The most common colour/generic class combinations were black/grey cotton (27%), blue cotton (20%) and red cotton (15.6%). Other combinations generally represented under 2% of the total fibre population. Two thirds (65.9%) of the recovered fibres were under 2 mm in length, the proportion of fibres decreasing with increasing fibre length. Variations in machine type did not affect the distribution of fibres with respect to fibre type, colour or length.  相似文献   

目的建立利用傅里叶红外图像系统无损检验添改数字的检验方法。方法采集同种同品牌、同种不同品牌及不同种书写材料书写的数字1改为4和3添加为8两类样本的红外图像,根据红外吸收的光谱信息对其添改进行检验。结果同种不同品牌及不同种书写材料对红外吸收强弱不同,形成的红外图像有差别;同种同品牌书写材料对红外吸收强弱没有明显差别。结论该检验方法不损坏检材,重现性好,并且纸张成分对其分析结果基本上无干扰。  相似文献   

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