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康海军 《法学杂志》2012,33(6):166-169
我国虽然在《刑法修正案(三)》中增补了有关恐怖活动犯罪的罪名,也相应加重了其法定刑,但是,我国还没有专门就恐怖活动犯罪的刑事诉讼程序作出规定。在反恐实践中,面临着采取反恐特别措施无法律依据、随意性大、取证难、审讯难等许多法律难题,而我国反恐怖斗争的长期性、复杂性和尖锐性却日益突出。因此,我国有必要抓紧对此作出相应的立法规定。  相似文献   

我国是社会主义国家,坚决反对一切形式的恐怖犯罪是我国政府的一贯立场。设立专门组织,应对恐怖犯罪恐怖犯罪对社会的危害十分严重,因此,各国政府都对之高度重视。为了更有效地应对恐怖犯罪,开展反恐怖犯罪的斗争,很多国家都设立了专门的反恐怖犯罪组织。如美国设有反恐怖犯罪联邦委员会,负责制定美国的反恐怖犯罪政策, 协调各有关部门的反恐怖犯罪工作,发生恐怖犯罪时在总统的直接指挥下,处理恐怖犯罪事件。此外,美国联邦调查局设有国内反恐怖犯罪联合行动中心和反恐怖犯罪处,主要负责国内恐怖犯罪的侦查、处置工作。  相似文献   

当前,我国边境地区的恐怖活动日益猖獗,恐怖袭击的破坏性和危害性越来越大,对公安边防部队进行反恐怖战斗提出了新的挑战。司令部作为部队组织反恐怖作战的指挥中枢,在反恐怖战斗中面临的问题不断增多,工作日益复杂而繁重。因此,研究反恐怖战斗中司令部工作的难点及对策,对于提高司令部工作效率,保障指挥员快速、稳妥、有效的定下决心和实现决心,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

李慎 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):92-94
反恐怖防范工作的理论研究首先要从研究其概念出发,澄清其与反恐怖情报信息工作、反恐怖侦察工作、反恐怖处置工作的异同,其次要在分析反恐怖防范工作的意义基础上指明反恐怖防范工作的主要内容和对象,最后阐述反恐怖防范工作应当坚持的主要原则和措施。  相似文献   

今年46岁的何挺曾任公安部刑事侦查局局长、反恐怖局局长,现任甘肃省省长助理、甘肃省公安厅厅长。在20多年的刑警生涯中,他被誉为"反恐怖尖兵",参与了新疆乌鲁木齐系列爆炸破坏案、武汉持枪杀人团伙案、广州白云机场劫机案等许多起特大案件的侦破工作,曾被评为中国国家机关十杰青年。  相似文献   

武警部队依法完成国家赋予的反恐怖任务,必须以完备的反恐怖法律体系为依托.武警部队有权制定反恐怖军事规章.这一规章与国家反恐怖法和中央军委可能制定的反恐怖军事法规是下位阶法与上位阶法的关系,并能起到支持和规范武警部队反恐怖军事行为的作用.  相似文献   

国际社会反恐怖活动组织犯罪及我国刑事立法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着恐怖组织犯罪对国际社会所造成的危害性日渐为国际社会所共识,国际社会打击恐怖活动组织犯罪的呼声也逐渐高涨。本文在概述了国际社会采取的反恐怖组织犯罪的措施及其刑事立法之后,研究了我国刑法关于反恐怖组织犯罪的规定及其适用  相似文献   

翟金鹏 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):89-91
收集反恐怖情报是反恐怖斗争取胜的关键,在反恐怖情报的收集阶段主要包括几个方面:反恐怖情报的概念、反恐怖情 报收集的意义、原则、反恐怖情报的不同分类以及反恐怖情报收集等方面,有效的收集反恐怖情报,可以挫败恐怖主义分子进行恐怖 活动的阴谋,把恐怖主义活动的阴谋扼杀于恐怖活动的预谋阶段。  相似文献   

“9.11”事件以来,国际社会更加注重国际反恐怖的合作机制。国际反恐怖的复杂性与艰巨性是人类历史上最严峻的挑战,国际反恐怖的各国实践是建立国际反恐怖合作法律机制的政治、经济和法律基础。只有在国际反恐怖合作的法律原则——包括国家主权平等原则,政治、经济与法律等相结合的原则,在联合国框架下的利益协调一致原则——的基础上,建立国际、区际法律合作途径,加强国际反恐怖的司法协助与技术合作,才能取得国际反恐怖的最终胜利。  相似文献   

当前我国诱发恐怖爆炸的国际国内因素广泛存在,袭击目标向涉及国计民生的重点要害单位及重要交通枢纽转移,已经严重威胁我国的安全和稳定。我国应建立反恐怖爆炸的紧急处置机制,加强爆炸物的监管,建立健全反恐怖爆炸的情报信息研判机制,加强内部基础防范建设,构建全方位的反恐防控体系。  相似文献   

中国反恐的国际视角是在关注和解决国内产生恐怖主义的原因基础上,应研究影响国内恐怖主义活动外部原因,总结国际联合反恐成效与经验,探索新形势下加强反恐国际合作的思路,在更加开阔的国际视野下开展中国反恐斗争,从而更有力地打击和防范针对中国的恐怖活动并更有效地履行中国反恐的国际义务。  相似文献   

首例"核暗杀"事件嫌疑犯的引渡风波,发生于《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》生效前后,突显了国际反恐合作与不引渡问题之间的现实矛盾和激烈冲突。如何消除引渡障碍和加强国际反恐合作,成为国际社会必须面对和亟待解决的问题。通过对各种对策的分析可以发现,"审罚分离"是有效消除障碍、加强合作并缓解反恐合作与不引渡这对矛盾的良策。这一国际社会的新举措,对于已签署该公约的中国,尤其是对于完善中国的有关引渡合作,更具有积极的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

TODD LOCHNER 《Law & policy》2008,30(2):168-193
Using Justice Department antiterrorism efforts as a case study, this article expands upon existing theories of pretextual prosecution by distinguishing a law enforcement system that employs a pretextual strategy from one that employs what I term technical or disingenuous prosecutions. Contrary to Justice Department claims, the data suggest that since September 2001, federal investigators continually have referred a large number of specious antiterrorism matters to federal prosecutors. The data further suggest that federal prosecutors are more likely to be engaging in technical or disingenuous prosecutions than pretextual prosecutions.  相似文献   

关于反对国际恐怖主义的若干国际法问题研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
反对恐怖主义的实践包含了很多值得研究的国际法问题 ,特别是以下问题 :恐怖主义的定义 ;反恐对传统国际性框架的影响 ;联合国在反恐中的法律地位 ,这些问题似乎显得格外突出 ,急需我们去思考和研究。  相似文献   

While the U.S. struggled to quickly mobilize a coordinated national homeland security office after the September 11 attacks, the National Security Council (NSC) has been responsible for monitoring security in the Republic of China since the Nationalists moved to Taiwan in 1949. Although its primary mission has been to prevent Taiwan from being invaded by Mainland China, recent world events have awakened us to a need for security, a need that seemed to have faded away after the end of the Cold War. Although not a strong probability, Taiwan is still a possible target of terrorism because of its close relationship with the U.S. Thus, it is worthwhile to explore the role of NSC in antiterrorist efforts. The NSC plays a vital role in coordinating executive agencies in antiterrorism efforts. The NSC's antiterrorist measures cover the whole spectrum of the executive branch ranging from law enforcement to non‐law enforcement efforts. The tradition of collaboration among the military, police, and private security in Taiwan may help the NSC to smoothly coordinate these three parties.  相似文献   

The attacks of 11 September 2001 and the reaction to them has been the gravest challenge to date to the Human Rights Act 1998. The Antiterrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 has expanded the remit of the Terrorism Act 2000 and there has been a new concentration on antiterrorism by government. This article assesses the impact of human rights law on the debate about liberty and security following 11 September. It considers how the provisions of the Human Rights Act have influenced the formulation and interpretation of anti-terrorism laws, and examines the role of the judiciary in adjudicating on disputes between the individual and the state. It ends with some general discussion about the security-driven challenges to human rights that lie ahead.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the perception that displacement in terrorism is inevitable; that antiterrorism efforts merely relocate terrorism in some way. Using quarterly time-series data from the Global Terrorism Database (1994–2013) and the vector autoregression framework, we test the following hypothesis: the target-hardening efforts within the United States (US) after September, 11, 2001 reduce attacks on domestic US targets, but increase attacks on US targets abroad. To provide a more comprehensive test, we also provide dynamic impact factors and variance decompositions. The results of this intervention analysis show no support for displacement, and instead provide support for a diffusion-of benefits hypothesis. We also discuss how criminological and especially crime-prevention knowledge can guide and encompass the study of terrorism.  相似文献   

The article analyses the impact of post-2001 counterterrorism policies on the autonomy of law, focussing on American and British measures and adopting social systems theory as a theoretical framework. Contemporary societies are conceptualised as social systems in which law operates as an autonomous subsystem. Its autonomy primarily is based on constant reference by decisions to the binary coding “legal/illegal” associated with the application of specific legal principles and procedures. Following the terrorist attacks of 2001, the structure of societal differentiation has been under attack from a twofold risk. A political risk is posed by armed organisations such as Al-Qaeda because of their threats to states sovereignty. An additional risk in relation to law depends on extraordinary powers, such as those established by certain recent antiterrorism legislation and several executive provisions. States attempt to subordinate decisions related to the new counterterrorism policies to the test of their “efficiency/inefficiency” in guaranteeing security, at the expense of questions about their “legal/illegal” nature and legal constraints. An analysis of the special detention at Guantanamo Bay provides evidence of a complex set of decisions endangering the autonomy of law.  相似文献   

Research Summary
The criminal use of firearms presents a unique challenge to policymakers and is the subject of scientific study in fields such as criminology, public health, sociology, and law. Previous research has described firearm use by terrorists in the United States as uniformly common; however, little systematic attention has been focused on this phenomenon. Although valuable, progress in this area has been hampered by the absence of reliable quantitative information. Using data from the American Terrorism Study and the U.S. Sentencing Commission, we examine the firearm-offending characteristics of 923 federal felons and 336 terrorists.
Policy Implications
Findings indicate that many systematic differences exist between terrorists and other types of federal felons and that terrorists are more likely than other felons to be convicted of firearm-related crimes. We recommend that official efforts to monitor weapons sales—such as the Brady Act—continue to include those named on the terrorist watch list and that those named on the list be subject to additional law-enforcement scrutiny when attempting to purchase firearms. These efforts should be coordinated by federal law-enforcement agencies to facilitate the effective use of existing antiterrorism mechanisms in both blocking purchases and garnering intelligence on terrorists attempting to obtain firearms.  相似文献   

论法治中国的科学含义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪习根 《中国法学》2014,(2):108-122
超越既有学术观点,在主客体二元互动关系中厘清法治中国的科学含义是法治中国从抽象符号具象化为行为逻辑的首要前提。主体维度的法治中国涵摄了主体的法治自觉、自信、自立与自强;客体维度的法治中国聚焦于从依法治权与依法维权的二元对立转向互信、和谐的权利与权力关系模式与治理格局,致力于构建友爱的党民关系、友善的政民关系和友好的法民关系;在时间维度上,法治中国是中国模式的历史养成与现实创新的统一;在空间维度上,法治中国旨在谋求中国在全球的法治话语权、法治治理权、法治管理权和法治发展权。  相似文献   

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