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自严复提出"信达雅"翻译标准以来,翻译界便展开了热烈的讨论,其中肯定者有之,质疑者亦有之.甚至有人提出,严复在翻译实践中,并没有遵循自己提出的翻译标准.其实,严复的翻译思想有其深刻的合理因素,其翻译实践大体上也是遵循其自己提出的"信达雅"标准的.  相似文献   

德国功能学派目的论和严复信达雅翻译理论分别是中西翻译史上最具有代表性的翻译理论之一。试图对其两者渊源、内容、历史意义、局限性进行比较,来浅谈其各自理论特点。  相似文献   

正著名文学翻译家、文化评论家傅雷先生,早年留学法国,长期从事翻译工作,辛勤笔耕,译著宏实,现出版有《傅雷全集》20卷,其中有翻译罗曼·罗兰长篇巨著《约翰·克利斯多夫》,传记《贝多芬传》、《米开朗基罗传》、《托尔斯泰传》,巴尔扎克的《高老头》、《欧也妮·葛朗台》、《幻灭》等,均成为译界的名篇,被誉为"信达雅"的完美楷模。他写给儿子傅聪、傅敏的《傅雷家书》,刊印一百多万册,感动了数百万的国内读者。傅雷有出色的才华,是一位有良知和正义感的爱国知识分子。他为人坦荡,秉  相似文献   

在整个人类历史上,语言的翻译几乎同语言本身一样古老。事实上,翻译是促进各民族沟通交流的重要手段,翻译活动对人类历史进步做出了不可磨灭的贡献。在中西方两千余年的翻译历史中出现了多次翻译高潮,大规模的翻译活动在世界历史进程中发挥着不可替代的作用。基于翻译历史的角度,从翻译活动的主要影响出发,探讨了翻译的主要影响对当代外语教育的启示。  相似文献   

申奥 《学理论》2012,(24):151-152
从古至今较著名的中国传统十大翻译,成为文本翻译的指航灯。口译作为翻译的基本形式,有着与文本翻译不同的工作要求,必然有不同的评价标准,但目前较为著名的口译标准,多是自我的经验总结。梳理了著名的翻译标准,文笔翻译与口译活动的不同,以及著名的口译标准,在口译研究跨学科的发展形势下,新的口译标准的诞生势在必行。  相似文献   

雷乐 《各界》2013,(8):90-91
摘要:佛教向中国引入、传播和发展的漫长历史中,翻译起了巨大的作用。从有确凿可考的文献算起,佛经翻译也有两千多年的历史了。作为中国翻译史的开端,佛经翻译功不可没。本文主要概述了佛经翻译的历史以及作用,并从“文”、“质”的角度谈谈佛经翻译的佛经翻译之根本。  相似文献   

王炜 《学理论》2009,(31):224-225
翻译的多个层面中都存在着“马赛克”现象,刨根究源,是因为翻译本身具有多重性。本文从翻译是“马赛克”这个隐喻出发,着重讨论翻译由于自身多重性而显现的“马赛克”效应。  相似文献   

将接受美学运用到对翻译过程的理解,能更系统地看到读者期待视野对翻译行为的影响。选取了清末政治小说与侦探小说的政治化接受翻译作为典型事理,具体分析了在当时的历史文化背景下,读者期待视野对小说翻译的影响,以及这两种文类的翻译小说对本土创作的影响。  相似文献   

鲁迅和林语堂都是中国20世纪初的翻译大家,有着各自不同的翻译思想.他们对翻译文本和翻译策略的选择以及对翻译标准的看法都有很大的差异.对比研究两者的翻译思想之后可以发现,他们不同的翻译目的以及对待传统文化与文学的不同态度使他们形成了截然不同的翻译思想.  相似文献   

仲晓娟 《学理论》2012,(26):106-107
系统功能理论是一个近年来影响较为深远的理论,对翻译起着一定的指导作用,它重新定义了翻译的本质、标准以及过程,研究了系统功能语言学的语域理论并在此基础上总结了其对翻译幽默语篇的启示。  相似文献   

Texts reviewed:

P. N. Medvedev/M. M. Bakhtin (1978) The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship; translated by A. J. Wehrle. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

Pierre Macherey (1978) A Theory of Literary Production; translated by Geoffrey Wall. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.  相似文献   

Umut Erel 《Citizenship Studies》2011,15(6-7):695-709
This article suggests reframing the study of migrant women's mothering from a question of integration to an engagement with citizenship. Drawing on research with Polish migrants to the UK, it illustrates how migrant mothers and children construct complex belongings, referencing local, national (UK and Polish), transnational and supra-national levels of belonging. Migrant mothers' sense of ethnic distinctness goes hand in hand with universalistic discourses of belonging. The notion of competent mothering is a key aspect constituting the migrant mothers' narratives of ‘good citizenship’. Their narratives challenge the devaluing of their mothering practices as migrants, negotiating not only national but also class and racialized identities so that the figure of the well-educated Polish child symbolizes legitimate mobility and belonging. The article concludes by developing elements of a research agenda on migrant women's mothering as a citizenship practice.  相似文献   

This article asks why the German Foreign Ministry supported Hitler's radical reconstruction of Germany's eastern policy. Already by the fall of 1933, Germany was turning to an alignment with Poland against Soviet Russia ‐ the reverse of Germany's decade‐long Rapallo policy. The author identifies three principal factors that influenced the conservative, typically anti‐Polish diplomats in the Foreign Ministry to support the scheme: fear of a Polish‐Soviet alliance hinted at by recurrent intelligence reports; internal pressure from army and state police officials; and the constraints of the international system.  相似文献   

Zygmunt Bauman 《Society》1990,27(6):71-81
He is a frequent contributor to The Times Literary Supplement, The Jewish Quarterly,and other journals. His most recent book is Modernity and the Holocaust.  相似文献   

Tokarska-Bakir’s paper considers the deep-rooted cognitive habits among informers and reporters belonging to the Polish post-war, anti-Communist underground organization Wolno?? i Niezawis?o?? (Freedom and Independence) with regard to their perception of Polish Jews. The organization's archive is preserved in the National Archives in Krakow in Poland, and it thoroughly documents its members' social beliefs and fears. A theory of pogroms formulated by Senechal de la Roche understands the pogrom as an act of social control. Using the archival documents with that theory in mind, Tokarska-Bakir analyses Wolno?? i Niezawis?o?? in relation to the anti-Jewish pogroms that took place in Rzeszów, Krakow and Kielce in the years immediately following the Second World War.  相似文献   

Party institutionalisation is a central problem in political science. The literature tends to understand it as a syndrome and therefore has difficulty explaining variations. This article suggests a new approach based on the transaction between a legislative party and its deputies, the failure of which is observable in party switching. Three routes to institutionalisation are identified by appealing to the vote‐seeking, office‐seeking or policy‐seeking motivations of deputies. Poland has had a large volume of party switching, along with wide variation in the incentives facing differently‐motivated deputies. Survival analyses of switching in four Polish parliaments find that vote‐seeking is the most likely route to institutionalisation for Polish parties. Moreover, in this article a concrete hypothesis is established for comparative testing: legislative parties can survive as long as their popular support exceeds 40 per cent of their share in the previous election.  相似文献   

This article presents a typology of meanings which Polish activists attribute to their roles in Polish organizations of civil society. The main object of interest is the social identity of activists which emerges through the process of engagement in an organization. After analysing interviews with members of organizations, six ways of playing the role of an activist were distinguished. First of all, it turns out that most activists understand their role as a particular job. However, it is also equated with being an expert. Further meanings emerging from the interviews link such activism with being a representative and having a task to fulfil. Finally, there is also a definition which is shared by those who treat their activism as an inherent part of their lives. It is often connected with perceiving it as a particular kind of sociability. The findings of this study point out the professionalization of civil society organizations.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):34-44

Literary antisemitism presents problems for both teachers and students. Censorship is wrong and impractical; ignoring antisemitism in texts might lead to the reinforcement of antisemitic attitudes. Teachers should therefore encourage student engagement with the problem and discuss literary antisemitism openly.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(4):31-34

An examination of Mann's literary works and his personality reveals a complex attitude to fews. Literary antisemitism was common in his novels and stories but during his lifetime he denounced antisemitism and joined forces with Jewish organizations to fight Nazism.  相似文献   

'Parallel' divisions of identity in Poland are a thing of the past – and perhaps the future – but not the present. Yet contemporary Poles are still politically divided by identities – albeit by 'nested' Polish/European identities rather than by 'parallel' ethnic identities. They are not divided between Polish and European identities, however, but between exclusive and dual identities – in essence a division between parochial and cosmopolitan identities. Contrary to fears that Europeanism in Poland especially might be narrow, culturally restrictive, or even racist, our data show that dual identities reflect broader cosmopolitan perspectives as well as specifically European or Western sympathies. There is a real significant difference of values between exclusive and dual identifiers which extends well beyond attitudes to Europe – and far beyond attitudes to the EU in particular. To a considerable degree this is a difference – some have argued a conflict – between traditional and modern Poland, between secular and devout Poland, between educated and ignorant Poland, between young and old Poland, and between hopeful and fearful Poland.  相似文献   

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