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CLAD in a white fleece coat and pink woolen hat, Purbu sits on the thick carpet of her new two-storey house and sips from a bottle of juice. The small table beside her is piled up with candies and snacks, glossy Tibetan-style furniture fills the room and the windows, whose thick glass keeps out the harsh winter wind, offer a view of her spacious yard from which a yak peeps curiously into the room. Enjoying an hour of leisure, our hostess confesses that sometimes she is not sure if she is in a dream, and has to pinch her-  相似文献   

Earliest Extant Carvings Beifudi prehistoric site in Yixian County, Hebei Prov- ince, dating back to the Neolithic Age of 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, first discovered in 1985. A dozen carved clay masks in cat, monkey and pig as well as human likenesses have been unearthed in Beifudi. One mask of a human visage has a mouth and nose in relief and pierced out eyes. The first engraved clay artifacts ever found in ruins of that age, these masks add several millennia to China's history of carving.…  相似文献   

LI YUNLONG 《人权》2010,(1):10-13
Poverty generally refers to material destitution, namely, conditions under which a person's or a family's life is not up to the lowest socially acceptable standard. Lacking some necessary means of livelihood and services, they live in great difficulty. Poverty deprives a person of his or her naturally endowed value and of life's basic necessities. Poverty is a deprivation of the most basic human right and an insult to human dignity.  相似文献   

ZHAN ZHONGLE  SU YU 《人权》2010,(2):26-31
During the process of human rights protection worldwide, poverty is increasingly attracting attentions from the international community. Whether the right of getting out of poverty can be regarded as a basic human right is still undetermined, at least it has become an unavoidable focus in the human rights area. In the article, I plan to discuss the significance of poverty eradication to human rights protection, review the efforts and achievements China has made in this regard and analyze, examine and introspect the existing problems.  相似文献   

The Qiang are a monogamous people. Before a couple become husband and wife, they go through a good many rites such as engagement and wedding ceremonies. When a young man takes a fancy to a young woman, he sends a matchmaker to sound out her family. After getting approval from the head of the family, the husband-to-be goes to his fiancé's home to organize an engagement banquet and consults to fix the date of the wedding. At the appointed time he entertains his fiancé's relatives and friends at her home, and prepares the betrothal gifts. During the whole engagement process, the bride-to-be is supposed to keep out of public view, hiding away in her room or at the home of a relative.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Communist Party of China in governance and human rights is an important issue in China's socialist mod- ernization and construction of political civi-lization, and is a major issue of right and wrong marred and confused internationally. Over a long time, out of their anti-China and anti-communist need, international hostile forces have deliberately vilified the CPC's gov-ernance as totalitarian, autarchic, and encroaching on human rights. The negative impact of …  相似文献   

The human rights education is an educational activity aimed at cultivating the sense of respect-ing human rights. International organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), the State, local groups, families, schools, communities and citizens all have their respective and irre-placeable roles in it, while the State is the main body responsible for promoting human rights education. At a time when human rights have walked out of scholars' studies and statues of constitutions and laws towards society and life. That is to say, at a time when the slogan of human rights is materialized, there arise some outstanding questions such as: Who are to be the educators? Who are to be educated? What should be taught? How is the education conducted? This article is to present an initial analysis of the issues associ-ated with the State as the major actor in human rights education.  相似文献   

MARIE is a tour guid from France's Cote d'Azure. She didn' waste a minute of her 20-day tour ofChina. In addition to the usual sight- seeing and eating out in restaurants, she and her companions also attended an intensive Chinese training course. Marie wants to be a Chinese tour guide in her native land. She reckons that as France attracts more and more Chinese students, knowing the language will get her a better job. The current "Chinese language craze" was not inspired simply by the co…  相似文献   

Helping orphans with disabilities has been the main occupation of 60-year-old Li Zhaoping -"Mom" to the 100 or so children in her care -for the past 20 years. QUALIFIED pediatrician Li Zhaoping makes it her business to seek out and treat Chinese orphans with congenital disabililie That her vocation is based on love and compassion is plain from the way her face lights up when she speaks of the 100 children in her care. Li is chairperson of the Beijing International Committee for Chinese Orphans (BICCO), and her extended  相似文献   

If Beijing is the debutante in hasty preparation for her coming out party in 2008, then her younger, raucous sister is leaving behind a rebellious youth to take on a welcome air of maturity. As prospects look good with the announcement from Monaco of the winning bid to host Expo 2010, the city is sitting on the cusp of rightful global presence.  相似文献   

A traditional Chinese saying goes, “Married daughters are the water splashed out,” meaning in a patriar- chal system, a married woman is the property of her husband’s family and has nothing to do with her parents’ family. Old biases die hard. The same…  相似文献   

MA Jihui,41,is bent over a piece of embroidery in front of her tent.In the distance behind her loom the ruins of a village - Luobozhai,home to her and hundreds of other Qiang families before the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.Dense cherry trees encircling the area have come into full bloom.heralding spring and foretelling a fruitful summer.Beyond them is a lotus-shaped,snowcapped mountain veiled in fluffy clouds.  相似文献   

WANG Yan is the mother of a one-year-old girl. With breastfeeding over, she is at her wits’ end trying to choose a brand of baby formula for her child. The powdered formula her friend bought for her from the Netherlands turned out to be not suited to the child’s physique. She used a Japanese brand at local supermarkets before an unfortunate outbreak of foot and mouth disease  相似文献   

GAO Ping‘s candid artistic expression effectively communicates to art lovers a feeling of tranquility and peace. Her inspiration springs largely from scenery,the urban scenarios of her Cities series imbued with the spiritual. Metaphors implicit in the realist and conceptual images of her paintings—in tacit dialogues between human forms and mystic symbols against an urban backdrop—expand to the full the cityscape concept of her paintings.  相似文献   

IN the Zhengyi Roadstreet garden, at thecenter of Beijing,stands a sculpture of ayoung girl, her innocentbeauty set off perfectly bythe surrounding luxuriantgrowth of trees and flowers.Carved by famous Chinesesculptor, Situ Zhaoguang,the sculpture is entitledReading, and is one of hisearlier works, created in theearly 1980s, with the aim ofbreaking out of the confinesof convention. Over the pasttwo decades, he has creatednumerous sculptures of thehuman form in which thewarm, sweet aspect of…  相似文献   

Psychological health is gaining more attention, especially among China’s urban population A couple of months ago, Wu Miao found herself trapped in a bout of depression whilst on maternity leave. On the one hand, she and her husband were strapped for cash as raising a baby turned out to cost a lot more than they had initially expected, and she was earning much less during the leave. On the other hand, her mother-inlaw was temporarily staying with them to help take care of the baby, but this resulted in the occasional bickering over household trivialities.  相似文献   

To Eat,or Not     
Genetically modified foods are gaining ground in China,but public skepticism remainsEvery year,Wang Xiuqiong defies a particular norm in the name of tradition:She makes her own moon cakes.As summer comes to a close,supermarkets and other shops around China quickly fill up with the Chinese pastry around the Mid-Autumn Festival,which fell on September 19 this year.The holiday food is a popular gift for friends,family and colleagues.But keeping with tradition can prove difficult,as Wang,a native of Beijing,soon found out.Soybean oil is Wang’s secret ingredient in her moon cakes,but this year she learned that most soybean oil sold in supermarkets is genetically modified(GM).  相似文献   

For seniors undergoing new changes due to age, the Internet can be just what the doctor ordered As a financial director in a private company in Shanghai, Gao Shengyi had a busy career. Now, after retiring, life is busier still.The 68-year-old volunteers to teach other retirees how to crack the mystery of smartphones and apps and when she is not teachi ng or volunteering she is traveling. She has been to 50 countries, sharing photos and posts on her travels on social media. In short, Gao exemplifies how the older generations too are embracing the Internet and new technology to get more out of life.  相似文献   

Human Rights, the first international journal specializing in human fights in China, has been officially launched. This is something new in the annals of Chinese publishing history and also a mater of importance in the building of human fights theory in China. The launch of the journal is an indicator of China's steady opening up and social progress and the healthy development of China's human fights. For a considerably long period of time after the founding of New China, due to the influence of the ultra-  相似文献   

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