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“法治”在当代中国逐渐成为大家耳熟能详的概念.从中国具体法治实践看,无论在学界还是法律实践部门,尽管都在使用“法治”概念,但实际上是对大陆法系“法治国”或“法治主义”的继受,这对中国的法治建设产生了一定的积极意义的同时也带来了一定的消极影响.如何实现走出继受,建构起拥有自己发展个性的法秩序模式,成为摆在我们面前一个义不容辞的使命.  相似文献   

王国龙 《法学论坛》2012,(3):126-134
发生在陈金钊和范进学之间有关法律解释问题的争论,扩及到对诸多相关法律理论问题上的争论。双方秉持各自"反对解释"抑或"如何解释"的立场,从对"法治反对解释"命题的"真/假"之争不断地上升到对相关法律解释学的学科属性之争、司法观之争、法律观之争以及法治观之争等。无论是主张守法主义的法律意识形态,还是主张能动主义的法律意识形态,实际上,法治时代同时需要这两种不同的声音。  相似文献   

In this paper it is argued that different understandings of the requirements of the Rule of Law can to a large extent be explained by the position taken with regard to two interrelated distinctions. On the one hand, the Rule of Law can be regarded as either a principle of law or as a principle of governance. On the other hand, the requirements of the Rule of Law can be regarded as defining either a minimum standard which something has to meet in order to be law or as an aspirational standard identifying what it means to be good law. In combination these two distinctions define a range of perspectives on the nature of the Rule of Law that are complementary rather than mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

依法治国建设社会主义法治国家是我国宪法确定的治国方略,因此对社会主义法治理念的定位,必须坚持法治这一最高原则,在社会转型基本完成以后,我们应该进入法治时代。法治时代是一个讲法律理性和逻辑方法的时代。法治时代的法治理念承载不了太多的内容,我们应该在坚持宪法和法律至上的原则下,熟练掌握法律思维、法律方法、追求社会公平正义,使人人成为法治的缔造者。  相似文献   

自余杭法治指数初创至今,法治评估实践在我国已历经15载,现俨然成为中国法治实践学派的标签。那么量化法治实践中究竟如何才能保证法治评估的有效性和准确性?要回答这一问题,首先需要对我国现有法治评估的有效性和准确性进行科学检验。在明确界分法治评估有效性和准确性概念基础上,采用验证性因子分析法、探索性因子分析法对我国4项法治评估的有效性进行检验。经检验,我国法治评估的有效性特征表现为:结构效度低,理论构想的整体符合度低。采用主成分分析法、重新赋值法对我国8项法治评估的准确性进行检验,结果表明,余杭法治指数、四川依法治省评估、中国法治满意度评估等3项准确度低;江苏依法行政评估等1项准确度一般;中国法治政府评估、广东法治政府满意评价、广东法治社会满意度评价、上海法治满意度指数等4项准确度高。文末根据检验结论,提出保证法治评估有效性和准确性4个方面的实验研究路径。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of the Law and Economics movement on legal decision making. Focussing on the position of the leading intellectual figure of this movement, Richard Posner, the author shows how his theories imply a silent revolution in American jurisprudence. Starting from the criteria of economic efficiency and wealth maximization, seen in the light of American pragmatism, Posner upholds anti-formalist interpretation of statutor law by judges based on the principles of free market economics. His theory starts from the assumption that statutor law has become more and more ambiguous and open-ended and thus, as in the case of antitrust law, judges can freely interpret legal provisions on the basis of free market postulates. This position has broader implications in the debate about the meaning of the rule of law: Posner's position implies abandoning the emancipatory core of the liberal tradition.  相似文献   

This work discusses a worldview and a methodology concerning ideological approaches by which Marxists can understand and transform the world, based on well-defined value truth, theory and philosophy. The work builds on the Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which highlights the following priorities to which XI Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era must adhere: putting the people first, maintaining self-confidence and self-reliance, upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, adopting a problem-oriented approach, applying system thinking, and maintaining a global vision. Furthermore, this work argues that these priorities should be applied to promote the rule of law in China’s new journey. As the starting points of analysis and understanding, the meta-theory and “six must-dos” follow the general principles of Marxism in interpreting and promoting socialist concepts, theory, law-based path and legal system in the New Era with Chinese characteristics. The metatheory and the “six must-dos” provide the logical foundations and fundamental compliance with XI Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law. Only by applying these “six must-dos” well can we understand and implement XI Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, enhance the rationality, initiative, foresight and creativity of our work in comprehensively promoting the rule of law in China.  相似文献   

Generally regarded as synonyms, the Rule of Law and the Rechsstaat are different. There are between the two legal institutions substantial differences that we must distinguish rigorously. The idea of the public power submission to the law —expressed through both theoretical constructions— has gone beyond the State borders and, progressively, made its way into international scenario. For some authors, the root for the application of the principle of the Rule of Law to interstate relationships, within international society, could date back to the XVIII century. However, it was until a few years ago that the Rule of Law analysis, from a sttrictly international point of view, started to take off. In this article the author analyzes the differences between the Rechsstaat and the Rule of Law in order to study the extension of these conceptions and how it could be applied to highlight the preeminence of law at international level.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although the concept of Rule of Law has been revived and developed vigorously by mid-twentieth century conservative political theorists, contemporary legal positivists have not been impressed. The author reviews this confrontation, outlines the logic for a strong theory of Rule of Law, and surveys the leading attempts to provide compelling grounds for such a theory.  相似文献   

Abstract. Can the label “law” apply to rules as amoral as the enactments of the Nazis? This question confronted the courts in Germany after 1945. In dealing with it, the judges had to take sides in the philosophical debate over the concept of law. In this context, the prominent voices of the legal philosophers Gustav Radbruch and Hans Kelsen could not go unheard. This paper draws on what could have been the “Radbruch‐Kelsen debate on Nazi Law.” In examining the debate, it will argue for a substantive account of the morality of the law, as expressed in Radbruch's Formula.  相似文献   

从相连于哈耶克重要问题的《法律、立法与自由》一书,可以获知哈耶克的“法律、立法与自由”研究中隐含着两条截然不同的分析路径一是在试图教导立法一脉理论主张下的研究,二是经由引介其知识观所主张的重构发现法律一脉的阐释。在邓正来的论文集《规则·秩序·无知》一书中,论及哈耶克问题的解释路向大体上是基于教导立法这一脉理论来的。因此,另一条可能性的哈耶克解释路径就能从重构发现法律这一脉理论的路线开始。  相似文献   

This contribution introduces the mathematical theory of information that ‘informs’ computer systems, the internet and all that has been built upon it. The aim of the author is to invite lawyers to reconsider the grammar and alphabet of modern positive law and of the Rule of Law, in the face of the alternative grammar and alphabet of a data‐driven society. Instead of either embracing or rejecting the technological transitions that reconfigure the operations of the law, this article argues that lawyers should collaborate with the computer scientists that engineer and design the affordances of our new onlife world. This is crucial if we want to sustain democratic participation in law‐making, contestability of legal effect and transparency of how citizens may be manipulated by the invisible computational backbone of our rapidly and radically changing world.  相似文献   

公丕祥 《法学论坛》2021,36(1):5-12
习近平法治思想的创立,是马克思主义法治思想中国化进程的第三次历史性飞跃。在中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃的历史进程中,习近平法治思想应运而生。面对着新时代具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争,习近平法治思想深刻回答了在中国这样一个超大型的东方大国为什么实行全面依法治国、怎样实行全面依法治国这一重大时代课题,为新时代伟大社会革命中的全面依法治国、建设法治中国、推进国家治理现代化提供了科学指南。  相似文献   

有关刑事法治的丰富论述是习近平法治思想的重要组成部分,可以将习近平法治思想中的刑事法要义概括为“宽严相济,以发展眼光看问题”的刑事政策论、“完善对违法犯罪行为的惩治和矫正法律”的刑事立法论、“守住防范冤错案件的底线”的刑事司法论、“综合施策、标本兼治”的犯罪治理论。习近平法治思想中的刑事法要义在吸收国际社会刑事法治文明成果的同时,较为集中地体现了对中华法治文明的传承与弘扬。刑事法治建设与刑事法研究必须以习近平刑事法治思想为根本遵循,深刻领悟和把握习近平刑事法治思想的博大精深,避免做西方刑事法治经验与理论的“搬运工”。  相似文献   

“法的目的”研究与争论虽绵延几千年,但缘于对法治的渴求、理性的推崇等原因,始终徘徊在传统的主观论与客观论之间.这不但有悖客观常理和法学科学性原则,而且终将会动摇公共秩序和危及市民社会建构.鉴于此,有必要在归结传统理论中法的目的基础上,对其进行批判与反思,进而从马克思主义法律思想的视角出发,在法解释学语境中重新考察法的目的,并申明加强“法的目的”研究有利于增强中国法律自信、扩大中国法律话语权.  相似文献   

It has been remarked that the ‘rupture thesis’ prevails within the Anglo-American legal academy in its understanding of the legal system in Nazi Germany. This article explores the existence and origins of this idea—that ‘Nazi law’ represented an aberration from normal legal-historical development with a point of rupture persisting between it and the ‘normal’ or central concept of law—within jurisprudential discourse in order to illustrate the prevalence of a distorted (mis)representation of Nazi law and how this distortion is manifested within the discourse today. An analysis of the treatment of Nazi law in two major 50th anniversary publications about the 1958 Hart–Fuller debate, and a review of representations of the Third Reich within literature from the current discourse, demonstrates that the rupture thesis continues to be reproduced within jurisprudence. An examination of the role of Nazi law in the Hart–Fuller debate itself shows that it can be traced back to the debate, where it was constructed through a combination of conceptual determinism and historical omission. It concludes that the historical Nazi law has great significance for the concept of law, but neither positivism nor natural law has properly theorised the nature of the real Nazi legal system.  相似文献   

坚持党的领导是贯穿习近平法治思想的一条主线。正确处理党的领导与依法独立办案的关系,既是贯彻落实习近平法治思想的重要内容,也是司法理论与实践必须回答的重大问题。中国共产党对司法工作的领导具有坚实的历史基础、法理基础和宪法依据。党的领导是依法独立办案的根本保障,坚持依法独立办案本身就是体现党的领导。正确把握党的领导与依法独立办案的关系,必须首先弄清楚党的领导是指党中央的集中统一领导,地方党委对司法工作的领导主要是管方向、管政策、管原则、管干部。各级司法机关党组织必须确保党的领导在司法机关内部得到贯彻落实,依规依法管人管事管案,发挥整体性的引领、管理、监督、保障作用,确保法律统一正确实施。  相似文献   

试论合同法中的诚实信用原则--从规范的角度进行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈年冰 《法律科学》2003,2(6):59-66
诚实信用原则起源于罗马法,确立于1907年的<瑞士民法典>.作为合同法基本原则的诚实信用原则,在不同的国家有着不同的立法表达方式,我国现行<合同法>规定的体系完整的义务群,是诚实信用原则的很好体现.诚实信用原则与合同法规范在产生依据、表现方式、适用等方面有着诸多不同的特点在我国合同法中,诚实信用原则具有重要的功能,它是合同当事人的行为准则,是立法者保证合同法内在精神统一性的重要概念和技术手段,是授予、也是限制法官自由裁量权的依据.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平同志创造性地运用马克思主义原理,密切结合中国实际,全面阐述了在新时代如何坚持和发展中国特色社会主义司法制度,如何在推进国家治理现代化的过程中推进司法体制和司法能力的现代化等一系列重大理论与实践命题,形成了丰富、严谨的司法改革理论体系。习近平法治思想中的司法改革理论具有鲜明的时代特征和深邃的理论内涵,其以创新性为统领、以人民性为根本、以科学性为内涵、以实践性为导向,是对中国特色社会主义司法制度理论与司法改革实践的创新发展,必将在深化司法改革、建设法治中国的道路上发挥指引作用。  相似文献   

习近平法治思想对法治的基本价值、理念进行了本土化诠释、时代化丰富和理论性创新。其立足我国国情民意和新时代历史方位,对人民民主、宪法法律至上、公平正义、人权保障、权力监督、法律平等等法治基本价值话语作了深层思考与理论凝练,传承发展了我们党长期以来形成的法治价值理念,揭露了西方法治价值理论的缺陷和偏颇,体现了法治价值普遍性与特殊性的统一,为全面依法治国、建设法治中国提供了价值导向和遵循。深入研究习近平关于法治价值的重要论述意义重大,有利于全面深刻理解习近平法治思想的真谛,有利于提升习近平法治思想的感召力与实践力,有利于增强中国特色社会主义法治理论在国际社会的话语权。  相似文献   

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