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UPON a fellow entrepreneur from Shenzhen coming to the capital, that evening his Beijing associate took him out to dinner, followed by drinks at the famous Sanlitun Bar Street and an hour or so of Karaoke at the Cash Box Party World. At midnight, when the sleepy host intimated it might be time to go home, his guest replied in genuine astonishment, "But it's at this hour that Shenzhen nightlife really gets going!"  相似文献   

Changes in Focus     
正The massive State Council restructuring creates new ministries,cuts or merges others The institutional restructuring plan ofthe State Council,China’s cabinet,was adopted on March 17 at the FifthPlenary Meeting of the First Session of the 13thNational People’s Congress(NPC),the nationallegislature of China.It is the country’s"biggest  相似文献   

AUTHORITATIVESCHOLARSplaceChina'ssocialdevelopmentatthe"lowermediumlevel"comparedtotherestoftheworld.Chinahasgonethroughseveraltwistsandturnssince1949andmanypeople'sliveshavechangedforbetterorworseasaresult.However,todayageneralimprovementisevident.Since1978inparticular,manypeople'slifestyleshaveimprovedatagreaterpacethanintheprevious30years.Chinesehavenotonlyimprovedontheirdiet,clothing,housingandtheproductstheyuseeveryday,buttheirdisposableincomehasalsogrownaswell.BytheendofJune,19…  相似文献   

SUITED senior officials,shaggy singers and slouch-ing Internet potatoes movedaround each other with anuneasy lack of familiarity atthe opening ceremony of the Intel i-CafeMusic Studio in Zhengzhou on an icylate November day. The dignitaries wereofficials from the Department of Cultureof Henan. the central Chinese provinceof which Zhengzhou is capital. Wearinga surfeit of black, white and brown hairdye, the would-be rock stars were mak-ing a rare public foray. Most of themweren't familia…  相似文献   

<正>On June 7,Xinhua News Agency published an article on its website on how the essay topics of the gaokao,the national college entrance examination,mirror the changes in China.The following is an edited version ofit:With this year’s national college entrance exam,which took place on June 7-8,Gan Fubao has col ected all 40 exam papers since the test was resumed in 1977.The 70-year-old from Nanchang,capital of east China’s Jiangxi Province,holds a deep  相似文献   

With this year's national college entrance exam, which took place on June 7-8, Gan Fubao has collected all 40 exam papers since the test was resumed in 1977.  相似文献   

Golden Changes     
正Besides rapidly increasing tourist numbers and revenue,the travel habits of people are also significantly changing When China’s National Day holiday(October 1-7)first became the socalled golden week in 1999,some  相似文献   

Dramatic Changes     
正The TV drama industry seeks new growth amid the development of online platforms The Hengdian World Studios, located in the eponymous small town in the eastern province of Zhejiang, is one of China’s largest film and TV production bases.But it is used less frequently these days.  相似文献   

Nation al legislature ame nds Basic Law annexes to improve Hong Kong's electoral system The top legislature adopted a package of legislative changes to improve Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(SAR)'s electoral system on March 30.The amended Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law of Hong Kong SAR were passed at a session of the National People's Congress(NPC)Standing Committee with all 167 committee members in attendance unanimously voting for it.  相似文献   

Global Changes     
A review of the year’s international political and security situation In 2010, despite the generally stable international environment, significant changes occurred seen in international relations. This is due largely  相似文献   

Capital Changes     
THE handover clock in Tian’anmen Square counting down the seconds till Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, smatterings of Cherokee jeeps, yellow miandi mini-buses and red Xiali taxis amid a sea of bicycles, and waistbands sporting bibiji are characteristics of the 1996 Beijing streetscape long since gone.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,“女权主义”的表述渐渐隐匿到“女性主义”表达的背后,这是女性主义在后现代视野中所发生的嬗变。后现代女性主义不再以争取男女平权为主要宗旨,而是将关注的焦点从权力转向女性本身,主张消解本质主义和二元对立,承认两性差异,提倡建构一套女性话语。  相似文献   

OVER just 40-plus years of development since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy,a poor village built on reclaimed tidal marshes in east China's Jiangsu Province has emerged as an eco-friendly,industrialized urban center with modern facilities matching any major city.Situated on the south bank along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,Yonglian Village in the town of Nanfeng in Zhangjiagang City has seen an earth-shattering transformation.During the annual sessions of the 13th National People's Congress(NPC)and the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)in 2021,Wu Huifang,NPC deputy and secretary of the Party Committee of Yonglian Village,accepted an exclusive interview with China Today,sharing Yong-lian's experience in making growth benefits available to all,guaranteeing people's political and civil rights,and achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

INNER Mongolia Autonomous Region, which covers an area of 1.18 million sq km, has recently emerged as a major player in China's bur-geoning economy. its GDp growth has ranked first among China's 32 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities for five successive years. Since 2000, its GDp has risen from national 24th to 17th.  相似文献   

<正>As the yuan gradually wins trust from global investors,it's more widely reserved,used and invested One year has elapsed since China's currency,the yuan or renminbi,was officially included into the International Monetary Fund's(IMF)Special Drawing Rights(SDR)basket of currencies.Gaining the IMF reserve status marked a significant step in the internationalization of the yuan.The SDR is a synthetic reserve currency created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement  相似文献   

<正>How far can the IMF’s new chief push the organization? On July 5,former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde took the oath as the new managing director of the International Monetary Fund(IMF),  相似文献   

<正>China’s population has increased to 1.37 billion,including 1.3397 billion on the mainland,said the National Bureau of Statistics when releasing results of the country’s sixth national population census at the end of April.The country also has the world’s largest elderly population of 178 million people aged 60 and older,  相似文献   

"When I first came to Beijing 30 years ago, there were hardly any cars. Today, as I stand on the steps to the Great Hall of the People, I bear full witness to the dramatic changes that have taken place in 30 years," said Henry Kissinger, former U.S. secretary of state, prior to the opening of the 16th CPC National Congress.Since China adopted its policy of reform and opening-up in 1978, great changes have taken place. Having resolved the problem of housing, feeding, and clothing 1.3 billion people, the government now provides them with the opportunity for further intellectual growth. An increasing number of Chinese people from all walks of life have realized career development. They constitute the motivating force behind China's changes. The following people, who were delegates to the 16th CPC National Congress held last November, exemplify this force. - Ed.  相似文献   

On scientists confirming that sex is a channel for HIV AIDS infection, the sexual emancipation that had flourished in America and Europe since the middle of the last century subsided. More stress has since been placed on family issues. A disaster can thus change moral standards and senses of value, as well as behavior.  相似文献   

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