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六四式手枪弹壳发射顺序的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩均良 《刑事技术》2004,(4):15-18,19
目的 研究六四式手枪射击弹壳的排序规律。方法 对已知顺序实弹射击取样 ,显微观察弹壳上发射过程中形成的痕迹 ,通过统计、归纳 ,从中发现与排序有关的痕迹特征 ,及其与发射顺序之间的关系。结果 研究发现 ,因子弹发射顺序不同 ,弹壳上出现的抛壳挺痕的高低 ,弹底边缘压擦痕的有无轻重 ,推弹突笋痕迹的形状位置与发射顺序有关。结论 根据抛壳挺等痕迹的具体形态 ,及变化特点 ,可判断出六四手枪弹壳的发射顺序。  相似文献   

自制小口径手枪的检验与探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着《中华人民共和国枪支管理法》的颁布实施以及近年来公安机关对枪支、管制刀具管理力度的加大,使持枪暴力犯罪案件得到了有效控制.但自行制造小口径手枪进行贩卖,牟取暴利,导致非法携带该类枪支、弹药进入公共交通工具及公共场所,用于商务活动,持枪作案的犯罪案件不断发生.仅我地区近年来就在进站上车的旅客中查获此类枪支百余支,对社会治安构成了极大威胁.我国《刑法》第125条,第30条规定对非法制造,携带枪支、弹药进入公共场所和交通工具应追究刑事责任.据此,对自制小口径手枪的击发及杀伤性能进行检验鉴定,就成为法律诉讼活动中的关键依据.笔者就近年来对此类枪支进行检验鉴定中的一些作法和体会作以下介绍,以求有所裨益.1 自制小口径手枪的构造及特点1.1 送检的自制口径手枪外形多采用仿照国产“五四”、“六四”式手枪制造,亦有少数为仿照国外“转轮”式及“毛瑟枪”外形制造,其形状各异,种类各不相同,外观颜色多为金属材质本色,少数表面涂抹有黑色油漆,其外形具有多样性的特点.  相似文献   

1案情简介1998年6月4日21时30分,某市一居民陈某外出时,在自家门前被人枪击死亡。现场勘查时在尸体北侧5米处提取五一式手枪弹头一枚,但未发现弹壳。经检验,现场弹头上有4条明显的右旋膛线痕迹,其特征与五四式手枪发射子弹形成的膛线痕迹特征相同。据此,侦查工作围绕可能接触五四式手枪的有关人员全面展开。在排查中发现某部队军械所转业人员金某某具备作案动机和时间,并在其住处查获自制图1在金某某处查获的自制手枪图2自制手枪结构图手枪一支(图1),经检验,确定现场弹头即为该枪发射。2自制手枪的结构自制的手…  相似文献   

1案件简介1998年2月6日,湖南省某医院于某在家属区里被杀,现场提取“51”式手枪弹头、弹壳各一枚,由于现场提取“51”式手枪弹头没有线膛痕迹,需区分是制式“54”式还是仿“54”式手枪发射。检验发现:弹头没有线膛痕迹,弹头表面的擦划线条与弹头中心轴平行,线条没有明显旋转方向,未发现坡膛痕迹。弹壳上有击针痕迹、抛壳挺痕迹、弹底窝痕迹。笔者从枪的结构上寻找区分是否为制式手枪发射的依据。  相似文献   

QSZ92式9mm手枪枪弹痕迹检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1枪弹简介QSZ92式9mm手枪是我国最新研制成的军用手枪(见图1),该枪使用DAP92式9mm普通弹(见图2),也可发射9mm“帕拉贝鲁姆”手枪弹,发射方式为半自动;闭锁机构为枪管回转式闭锁;击发方式为击锤式;拉杆分离式发射机构;可单动或联动发射;除有手动保险针、还有击针保险和跌落保险;具有膛內有弹指示、弹匣余弹显示及空仓挂机。DAP92式9mm普通弹外形尺寸与国外9mm“帕拉贝鲁姆”手枪弹相同,并可与该弹通用。枪弹技术参数见表1。图1QSZ92式9mm手枪;图2DAPQSZ92式9mm手枪弹表1枪弹技术参数QSZ92式9mm手枪9DmAmPQ手SZ枪92弹式口径:9mm膛…  相似文献   

本文对六四式手枪射击弹壳上遗留弹膛螺旋槽擦划痕迹的形成、稳定性、变化、鉴定价值以及检验中的一些问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

使用“77”式、“64”式手枪,击发“64”式7.62mm手枪弹,通过对射击弹头痕迹的观测、统计、和研究,确定判断“77”式和“64”式手枪射击枪种的基本方法。  相似文献   

1案件简介 2007年3月24日,某县公安局派出所民警杨某在办公室内与同事张某发生争吵,杨从身上掏出一支64式手枪上膛后对着张某恐吓时,瞬间6发枪弹发射完毕,致使张某脚部受重伤。为弄清事实真相,当地公安局将该64式手枪(枪号:19013402)送交我地区枪弹室进行检验。  相似文献   

捷克产“M52”式7.62mm手枪是近几年来我国涉枪案件中出现率较高的一种外国枪支,由于其能使用国产“51”式7.62mm手枪弹,且射击弹壳痕迹与“54”式7.62mm手枪有许多相似点,因而检验中往往难以区别.笔者对近几年来已破获的一些“M52”手枪射击弹壳痕迹进行了实验研究,并与“54”式7.62mm手枪射击弹壳痕迹进行了比较,发现二者存在许多差异点,现报告  相似文献   

本文为准确推断射距提供了参考依据。通过从不同射距分别对新鲜白净猪皮发射22发64式、23发77式手枪弹的实验,研究了射距与射入口孔径及射入口周围烧伤、烟晕、火药颗粒、挫伤轮、擦拭圈之间的特征关系。结果表明这两种枪支射距在10cm内有烧伤痕,25cm内有烟晕,10cm以外均有明显的挫伤轮与擦拭圈,64式手枪95cm、77式手枪100cm内可见火药颗粒,并经检案应用,证明本实验结果对推断射距有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

手枪实用射击训练对射击教学的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李阳 《政法学刊》2003,20(6):79-81
根据现代警察手枪实用射击训练新内容、新方法,提出在新形势下的公安院校射击教学改革的新思路,改革手枪射击教学训练的内容和方法,有针对性的采取灵活多变的教学方法和教学手段,力求公安院校射击教学有所突破。  相似文献   

七七式手枪推弹突笋痕与发射顺序的研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
目的研究七七式手枪射击弹壳的排序,找出射击顺序之间的关系。方法通过已知顺序的实弹射击取样,用显微镜观察弹壳上连续射击过程中形成的推弹突笋痕迹,经过统计、归纳,从中发现与射击顺序之间的关系。结果根据弹壳底面的推弹突笋痕迹变化规律判断出七七式手枪发射子弹的顺序。结论为指导涉枪案件的检验鉴定提供依据。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In order to assess whether or not the class and individual characteristics of a firearm change over time, five different makes of Turkish self-loading pistol were tested and were each fired a large number of times. The class and individual characteristics were identified for each pistol and the first fired cartridge case was compared with the subsequent consecutive 250th fired cases for each pistol. It was found that there were slight changes in some of the individual and class characteristics; however, this was not statistically significant and did not affect the ability of the firearms examiner to match the first fired case to the last fired case for each firearm tested.  相似文献   

七七式手枪弹头发射顺序的规律性研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的研究总结七七式手枪射击弹头的排序。方法对已知顺序的实弹射击取样,显微观察弹头上连续射击过程中形成的痕迹,通过统计、归纳,从中发现各痕迹与射击顺序之间的关系。结果根据弹头上的磕碰痕迹、顶压痕迹的出现规律判断出七七式手枪发射子弹的顺序。  相似文献   

Abstract: Firearms identification is based on the fundamental principle that it is impossible to manufacture two identical items at the microscopic level. As firearm manufacturing technologies and quality assurance are improving, it is necessary to continually challenge this principle. In this study, two different makes of 7.65 mm Browning/.32 Automatic caliber self‐loading pistols of Turkish manufacture were selected and examined. Ten pistols with consecutive serial numbers were examined and each fired 10 times. The fired cartridge cases were recovered for comparison purposes. It was found that for each make of pistol, the individual characteristics within the firing pin impression, ejector, and breech face marks of all 10 pistols were found to be significantly different.  相似文献   

Databases have been used to record data in forensic science, such as fingerprints, shoeprints, and photos. In traditional databases, we use “text” as the “keyword” for retrieving data (text-keyword retrieval); however, in some applications, “text” is not proper to describe the searching target, and in this case, “image” plays an important role. In this paper, we use “image features” as the “keywords”, and show its potential for building up a prototype of pistol image databases.In current firearm databases of forensic science, the retrieval method is still by text-keyword retrieval. For experienced forensic examiners, this kind of databases may satisfy their requirement. However, for people who have little gun knowledge, how can they find the possible gun candidates or similar guns in the databases, if there are not any available words or marks on the gun? In this paper, we try to retrieve similar pistol images by the pistol shape instead of “text-keyword”. This method can narrow down the searching range while identifying pistols by firearm databases.There are more than 300 pistol images in our pistol image database. From the experimental results, we can retrieve the similar pistol images in top five candidates for each pistol image.  相似文献   

In shooting scene reconstructions, risk assessment of the situation can be important for the legal system. Shooting accuracy and precision, and thus risk assessment, might be correlated with the shooter's physical movement and experience. The hit patterns of inexperienced and experienced shooters, while shooting stationary (10 shots) and in running motion (10 shots) with a semi‐automatic pistol, were compared visually (with confidence ellipses) and statistically. The results show a significant difference in precision (circumference of the hit patterns) between stationary shots and shots fired in motion for both inexperienced and experienced shooters. The decrease in precision for all shooters was significantly larger in the y‐direction than in the x‐direction. The precision of the experienced shooters is overall better than that of the inexperienced shooters. No significant change in accuracy (shift in the hit pattern center) between stationary shots and shots fired in motion can be seen for all shooters.  相似文献   

The defendant, the driver of the questioned car, allegedly extended his right arm over the passenger seat and fired a single shot from a 380 pistol out the passenger window with the pistol's breech within the car. A simulation of this shooting scenario using the same model car, but different year, was conducted to quantitate gunshot residue (GSR) contamination of interior surfaces within the car. The test car's dash and headliner/window frame above the pistol had the heaviest GSR contamination. The dash GSR from airborne deposition documents a firearm discharge within the vehicle. Transfer from GSR‐contaminated hands or clothing to the dash is unlikely. The heavy GSR contamination of the headliner/window frame above the pistol likely documents the window from which the pistol was fired, but additional experiments are needed to verify.  相似文献   

An experimental study was made of gun-shot wounds inflicted by shots from a modern stub-barrelled pistol 9mm Glock 19. The study has ascertain characteristics differentiating injuries inflicted by shots from this pistol: specific recoil injury, specific topography, intensity and distribution of begrime, gunpowder and metal particles and relevant lesions. It was found that depth of penetration under the skin depends both on shooting distance and the position of the particle from the inlet.  相似文献   

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