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<正>The West Pacific has become a new hot spot in the tense East Asian security situation.Aside from the dispute between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands,which is far from being resolved,the South China Sea(SCS)issue is catching a lot of attention,especially given China’s island and reef construction(IRC)activities on its Nansha Islands.On April  相似文献   

华盛顿近东政策研究所是美国国内从事中东问题研究的专门机构,也是对美国的中东政策具有重要影响的思想库.自1988年起,该研究所每逢美国大选之年都召集两党部分政要和中东问题专家组成"总统研究小组"(the Presidential Study Group),撰写并向新一届政府提交研究报告,就美国的中东政策提出对策建议.17年来,总统研究小组共向政府提供了5份此类报告,即:<建设和平>(Building for Peace,1988)、<美国-以色列持久合作>(the U.S.-Israel relationship:Enduring Partnership,1993)、<在中东建设安全与和平>(Building for Security and Peace in the Middle East,1997)、<乱中行:新世纪的美国与中东>(Navigating through Turbulence,2001)及<安全、改革、和平:美国中东战略的三大支柱>(Security,Reform,and Peace:The Three Pillars of U.S.Strategy in the Middle East,2005).  相似文献   

Security is a basic need and a prerequisite for the existence and development of the human society. For this reason, countries of the world have one and all prioritized peace and security issues and hope to have a favorable international security environment. For almost half a century after World War II, the world remained in a state of tensions and confrontation between the West and the East in the Cold War. The traditional concept of security at that time was characterized by antagonism; …  相似文献   

10+3(ASEAN Plus Three,简称APT)是东盟10国与中、日、韩3国建立的一种对话合作机制,是目前唯一只有东亚国家参加的合作机制。它是由马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔提出的“东亚经济论坛”演变而来的。1990年,马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔提出包括东盟与中日韩的“东亚经济集团”(East Asia Economic Group-EAEG)设想(后改称“东亚经济论坛”East A-sia Economic Caucus-EAEG),当时,由于该论坛排斥美国参加,遭到美国反对,东亚国家也  相似文献   

I.The advantages and potentiality of land and - in West China1. West China boasts large amount of land and resources with sufficient reserves ofgreat potential.West China consists of ten Provincial whiz (provinces, autonomous regions and one municipality directly under the central government) and covers an area of 570 million hectares,namely 56. 5% of the national total. The per capita land occupation here is 1. 92 hectares,which is 2. 5 times that of the country's average.A comparison of m…  相似文献   

After seven years of operation of the ASEAN 10+3 mechanism, the first East Asian Summit will be held in Malaysia at the end of the year. This epoch-making event in East Asia signifies a big step toward regional integration in East Asia, attracting worldwide attention, and even a prediction has been made that 2005 will become “the first year to establish East Asia Community.” The fundamental motive force of East Asia integration comes from extreme overlapping of national interests and …  相似文献   

Despite the "nominal consensus" reached between the United States and the EU on the "Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative" (BMENA) in June 2004, the two sides have not joined their hands to "democratically reform" the Middle East due to their divergent strategic calculations. The United States continued to pursue its "Greater Middle East  相似文献   

<正>The core idea of strengthening "Asia Oriented Diplomacy" of the coalition government led by Japanese Democratic Party (DPJ) is to focus on North East Asia and "vigorously build up trust  相似文献   

ⅠThe year 1991 witnessed drastic changes in the Middle East, which beganwith the outbreak of the world-shaking Gulf War(January 17) and culmi-nated in the convening of the spectacular Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid(October 30), which is the first face-to-face meeting between the Arab countries  相似文献   

4月26日,由美国非政府组织政策态度中心(Center on Policy Attitudes)及马里兰大学的国际和安全研究中心(CISSM)联合主办的国际政策态度项目((PIPA)发表了一份题为“穆斯林公众对美国政策、袭击民众及基地组织的看法”的民意调查报告。该报告对摩洛哥、埃及、巴基斯坦、印度尼西亚四国的城乡穆斯林进行了家访式问卷调查,结果显示:大多数穆斯林对美国及其对外政策持消极态度,  相似文献   

国际战略研究中心(曾译作战略与国际问题研究中心,Center for Strategic and International Studies,CSIS),是美国具有保守色彩的重要战略和政策研究机构,素有“强硬路线者之家”和“冷战思想库”之称,与石油财团关系密切。40多年来,国际战略研究中心网罗了大批国际关系学界大腕和政坛精英,奠定了自身在美国乃至世界战略政策研究机构中的龙头地位。近年来,它加强了对亚太、中国大陆和台湾的研究,在对外政策方面的主张较前温和,是对共和党政府具有重大影响力的思想库之一。  相似文献   

应南非“非洲社会高级研究中心”(The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society,CASAS)和“人文科学研究院”(Human Sciences Research Council,HSRC)的邀请,以贺文萍研究员为团长,李智彪研究员、安春英副研究员、张永蓬副研究员为成员的中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所代表团一行4人,于2005年11月21日~12月2日在南非进行了学术访问和交流。此次活动分为两个阶段,一是参加由“非洲社会高级研究中心”与西亚非洲研究所联合主办的“中非关系:过去、现在与未来”国际学术研讨会;二是赴“人文科学研究院”总部及其两个分部、威茨…  相似文献   

正The 35~(th) Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council was convened in Geneva from6-23 June 2017.Both with ECOSOC Special Consultative Status since 2011,Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center and Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers’Legal Aid and Research Center where I work sent a 4-member delegation led by me to the Session.This is the first time that NGOs from China attended the entire  相似文献   

正Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center expresses thanks to the Special Rapporteur(SR) for his report. The report details the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and violence on children, and provides many useful solutions.As an organization engaged in protection of children's rights, protecting children from violence is the focus of our work.  相似文献   

The Chinese Association for International Understanding and the China Center for Contem-porary World Studies jointly held a seminar“Developing Countries and WTO: Experience and Lessons to Cope with Economic Globalization”in Beijing in middle March 2001. More than 50 experts and scholars from the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation…  相似文献   

After the upsurge of domestic turmoil in Tunis last December,unrest spread rapidly through North Africa and the Middle East,having a profound effect on current international relations.It will continue to affect relations between the major powers and the international system as a whole for some time to come.The regional turmoil of North Africa and the Middle East is of particular interest to International Political Economy(IPE)studies.It seems to embody a geostrategic conflict between the US and the EU in contending for leadership in North Africa and the Middle East.It is also an expression of the competition for dominance of the global financial structure between the major powers during a period of transition in the international system.Lastly,it is a manifestation of America’s struggle to maintain its global economic hegemony.  相似文献   

<正>The 10thNortheast Asia Youth Forum,with the theme of China-ROK-Japan Youth Employment Guidance,sponsored by Moral Re-Armament/Initiatives of Change(MRA/IC)-Korea was held in Seoul and Cheonan from August 12 to 17.Seventy five college students from 37 universities sent by China International Youth Exchange Center,Moral Re-Armament/Initiatives of Change(MRA/IC)-Korea and Japan Society attended the Forum.Lee Boksil,Vice-Minister of Ministry of Gender  相似文献   

“伊加特”是“东非政府间发展组织”(Intergov-ernmental Authority on Development,IGAD)的中文简称,该组织于1986年1月成立,其前身是由东非国家组成的“政府间抗旱与发展组织”(The Intergovern-mental Authority on Drought and Development,IGADD)。1996年3月,在内罗毕首脑会议上,该组织决定将其改为现名。同时,其职能也由解决抗旱、抗荒漠化扩展至解决政治、经济发展、和平与安全等问题。伊加特的宗旨是:在推行和平与安定的基础上,加强成员国的相互依存,从而发展该地区的合作,将之建设成为在政治、经济、社会、文化教育、人道…  相似文献   

The East China Sea which covers a total area of 750,000 square kilometers is a semi-closed sea lying between the eastern coast of China's mainland and the Pacific Ocean, bounded on the west by China, on the east by the Kyushu and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, and on the north by Jichu Island of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Yellow Sea, and connected with the South China Sea by the Taiwan Strait on  相似文献   

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