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李海明 《现代法学》2011,33(2):48-54
先行给付与代位求偿是保险法上的通例,《社会保险法》第41、42条涉及该通例并规定为工伤保险基金先行支付制度。先行支付制度包括垫付性先行支付和保险性先行支付,也称为用人单位未依法缴纳工伤保险费型先行支付和由于第三人的原因造成工伤型先行支付。在社保强制性不足的背景下,该制度设计有着明显的缺陷,鉴于其积极的人本价值和宽容的制度理性,不宜弱化先行支付制度之实施,应当通过完善社保强制性、加大违法成本、强化惩戒措施来保证该制度的有效实施。  相似文献   

As members of the Working Group on Genetic Testing in Disability Insurance, the authors of this alternative opinion describe their areas of disagreement with some of the conclusions in the paper written by Susan M. Wolf and Jeffrey P. Kahn.  相似文献   

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides for federal disability insurance for disabled workers and their families through the Social Security Disability Insurance program and the social safety net for low-income disabled individuals through the Supplemental Security Income program. For the Mental Disorders (12.0) listings in the SSA Blue Book, psychologists provide consultative examinations, a form of medicolegal consultation (Chafetz; The Clinical Neuropsychologist 24:1,045–1,063, 2010). Psychologists also provide consultation directly to the Administrative Law Judges for cases going on appeal, or they might work directly for a Disability Determinations Services facility as an examiner for cases with mental disorders. This article describes the role of the psychologist in the Psychological Consultative Examination and its medicolegal context. Problems with non-credible behavior, particularly malingering, must be accounted for by the psychologist, which ultimately can help SSA with the validity of its decisions.  相似文献   

Predictive genetic testing poses fundamental questions for disability insurance, a crucial resource funding basic needs when disability prevents income from work. This article, from an NIH-funded project, presents the first indepth analysis of the challenging issues: Should disability insurers be permitted to consider genetics and exclude predicted disability? May disabilities with a recognized genetic basis be excluded from coverage as pre-existing conditions? How can we assure that private insurers writing individual and group policies, employers, and public insurers deal competently and appropriately with genetic testing?  相似文献   

This article considers the future of genetic testing and disiblity insurance, and explores the potential for discrimination when using genetic information.  相似文献   

This article discusses the disability insurance industry in order to provide context regarding the potential impact of genetic testing on disability insurance. It describes disability income insurance, exploring both the protection it offers and its main contract provisions. It goes on to describe the private insurance market and the differences between group and individual insurance, and concludes with implications of genetic testing with respect to the private disability insurance market.  相似文献   

This article argues that, under existing jurisprudence, the disability insurance business will be harmed, not benefited, from broad access to the results of genetic testing identifying people with higher than species-typical genetic propensities for illness.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse how social workers in the social services describe crime victims and their role in supporting these victims. Based on focus groups with social workers in the social services, it is established that social workers discriminate between a categorical understanding of crime victims and an assessment of individuals in need. The categorical understanding of crime victims is connected to weakness and innocence, and the discussions are constructed with a focus on women and children. However, when the social workers move beyond this idea and describe individual victims of crime they have met, they attribute a more complicated picture and acknowledge the complexity of crime and victimization. The social workers give themselves a vague role regarding support to victims of crime. They consider themselves as able to connect individuals in need with helping resources, but they do not regard themselves as resources in this area. According to the social workers, an individual should not receive support from the social services just because he or she is categorized by them as a victim of crime. One conclusion is that the category ‘crime victims’ has not gained acceptance among the social workers.  相似文献   

As a result of Ireland's accession to the EU, a series of social security reforms establishing equality of treatment of females and males with regard to entitlement to and rate and duration of receipt of unemployment compensation was implemented during the period 1973 to 1986. Using modern time series econometrics we estimate their impact on the transitions to and from the female unemployment compensation claimant state. The results indicate that the changes had important implications for the level of take-up of unemployment compensation; and for the level, and responsiveness to the determinants, of its relinquishment.  相似文献   

基因检测技术与基因隐私权法律保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,基因检测引发的相关法律和道德问题备受争议。基因隐私权有别于一般隐私权,其有特定的内容、性质及特征,在犯罪DNA库建立、亲子鉴定、雇佣及保险过程中进行基因检测应严格遵循知情同意、知情选择及信息安全等原则,此外也要兼顾公众知情权。应当建立符合中国国情和技术发展的保护机制,以实现合理使用遗传信息与保护基因隐私权的利益平衡。  相似文献   

The issue of student loans has been under public discussion for some time, but another change in their finances which affects many of them has not been debated so much in public — and that is the removal of their housing benefit … It is very unfortunate that, just as the wish of students to participate in higher education is growing, they should be discouraged in this particular way.  相似文献   

林嘉  黎建飞 《法学家》2005,(1):75-77
一、研究概况 对于<劳动法>颁布实施十年的成就,普遍认为这是我国劳动保障法制建设的里程碑,促进了劳动保障立法的进程,确立了符合市场经济体制需求的劳动关系,切实维护了劳动者的合法权益.这十年也是我国体制转轨、经济转型导致就业格局和就业形式发生重大变化、劳动关系日趋复杂的时期,因而对完善<劳动法>提出了新的要求.如何有效遏制农民工权益受到侵害的问题,如何建立适应农民工、失地农民、乡镇企业劳动者的社会保障体系;如何在经济全球化背景下使劳动就业和社会保障的发展既适应我国经济社会发展水平,又不与国际劳动标准相冲突的问题;以及在完善社会主义市场经济体制过程中,如何处理好旧体制遗留事项,顺利实现制度过渡的问题都是劳动保障法制建设面临的挑战.  相似文献   

关怀  姜俊禄 《法学家》2001,(1):72-75
一、2000年劳动法学和社会保障法学研究概述 2000年是劳动法学和社会保障法学学术活动频繁和学术成果丰硕的一年.……  相似文献   

一、研究概况 2005年的学术研讨活动频繁,国际学者与国内学者、理论界和实务界进行了卓有成效的交流,取得丰硕成果.5月12日至13日,中国人民大学劳动法和社会保障法研究所在北京组织召开了中国-法国社会保障法高级论坛,中法两国专家和学者分别就社会保障的发展、医疗保险和养老保险中存在的问题进行了研讨;7月22日,国务院法制办公室政法劳动社会保障法制司与中国人民大学劳动法和社会保障法研究所联合召开<劳动合同法>研讨会,针对劳动合同立法过程中遇到的热点问题进行了研讨.10月21日,中国劳动法学研究会年会暨劳动合同法理论研讨会在上海举办,会议就劳动合同法的立法宗旨与原则、劳动关系与劳动法的主体、商业秘密与竞业限制、解雇保护、劳动派遣、非全日制就业等法律制度进行了探讨.  相似文献   

黎建飞 《法学家》2004,(1):91-93
一、研究概况 <劳动法>实施近十年,与时俱进地完善<劳动法>成为2003年自两会以后的话题.对<劳动法>的修改与建议、<劳动法>修改的必要性、国际劳工标准与我国<劳动法>的修改等论述频繁地出现在报刊中.在劳动法和社会保障法的理论探讨中,学者们关注基层劳动保障工作中的法制规范建设,讨论灵活就业在劳动保障中的积极意义,对工作场所的性骚扰进行劳动法层面的思考,分析非公有制企业女职工劳动力保护的问题与对策.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(102):22965-22966
These proposed regulations reflect recent statutory amendments which delay for one year (from January 1982 until January 1983), for all except a very small number of individuals who file their tax returns on a fiscal year basis, full-implementation of section 302, Pub. L. 95-216, the Social Security Amendments of 1977. Section 302 reduced from 72 to 70 the age at which social security beneficiaries are no longer subject to an earnings test.  相似文献   

最高人民法院将“两金”排除出赔偿范围的原则及理由均有待商榷.以加害人有无赔偿能力作为是否赔偿“两金”的适用原则,有悖宪法平等原则.“两金”系物质损失而非精神损失,排除“两金”既无助于降低空判,也不利于附带民事调解的达成,更不符合法律位阶原则的适用.赔偿“两金”既体现了对生命权、健康权的尊重,也有助于强化权利救济和维护司法权威,并符合我国的历史传统.由此,建议将“两金”重新纳入刑事附带民事赔偿范围.  相似文献   

This note offers a short summary of intellectual roots of social security and taxation as institutions. The emphasis is on very basic ideas, spanning a bridge from the German historical school to recent French thought. The purpose is, of course, to show the breadth of intellectual options.  相似文献   

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