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This article is based on the 1991 Swedish Election Study and sets out to analyse gender differences in voting behaviour. To increase our understanding of the dynamics between the parties and women and men in the Swedish electorate, an analysis of gender-based "party images" is undertaken. Party images refer to policy orientations and the analysis thereof is empirically based on three sets of open-ended questions about the most dent issuer in the election. The main purpose is to investigate to what extent women and men who vote for the same party in an election. in their mind. have differing images of the party they cast their vote for. With large differences in party images it can be put into question if women and men vote for the "same" parties even if the party label is the same on the ballots they choose on election day. The results show that for the Social Democratic Party and the Conservative Party there was to a large extent an agreement between the male and female voters in their party images in the 1991 Swedish Election. This was also true for the Christian Democratic Party. Among women and men who voted for the other five parties analysed in the article, a larger degree of gender-based disagreements in the party images was found.  相似文献   

针对当前警察院校女生普遍存在的一些心理问题进行分析,阐述了加强警察院校女生心理教育的必要性,有针对性地提出了解决这一问题的应对策略,利于和谐校园的创建和稳定。  相似文献   

经济园区的建立和发展使得大量非公企业落户上海,同时吸引、聚集大量不同群体的职工,其中女职工占有相当大的比例。经济园区内经济利益多元、劳动关系多样,必须充分发挥工会女职工组织在经济园区内凝聚、引导、服务、维护女职工的重要作用。  相似文献   

对于女性异化现象,女权主义者早已有过论述。女权主义以异化理论为基础,结合当代现实,探索了女性在自身、社会、家庭中的异化。从经济基础决定上层建筑的角度,发现了产生女性异化现象的原因,为进一步消除女性异化现象提供富有价值性意义的启发。  相似文献   

痴迷邪教者女性居多,其原因与女性的社会地位与心理状况有关。因此,要防范邪教对女性的诱惑,从社会来讲,必须倡导人文关怀,建立良好的社会支持系统;提高和健全女性的心理素质;普及科学知识,弘扬科学精神;加强社会主义精神文明建设;树立全社会良好的道德风尚;从女性自身来讲,应发扬“四自”精神,努力学习科学文化知识,全面提高自身素质,尤其要注重提高自身的心理素质。  相似文献   

The author examines the status of female migrant workers in Santiago, Chile, in the 1980s, with a focus on the level of poverty and social inequalities. Aspects considered include "the dramatic transformation in domestic service, the increase in the number of non-migrant, lower class women participating in the economy, and the limited and precarious status of women's employment in the more dynamic sectors of the economy." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

同为美国20世纪初最具代表性的文学巨匠,德莱塞和菲茨杰拉德处于同一时代背景之下,在创作的年代上有交集也有先后之序。然而由于各自不同的生活经历,个性心理以及所受不同哲学思想的影响,他们的写作技巧和文体风格迥异。因此,其笔下的女主人翁形象也大相径庭。德莱塞描摹的几乎全为被享乐欲望腐蚀的下层阶级女子,而菲茨杰拉德塑造的都是拜金虚荣的都市女郎。本文通过分析两位作家关注的不同社会阶层女性的人格丧失和道德沦丧的深层原由,展示了那个时代美国社会的浮华与喧嚣以及深藏其后的衰败。  相似文献   

赵小明  韩旭东  石彬 《学理论》2012,(16):110-111
随着我国高等教育从精英化到大众化的转型,高校女生教育越来越受到重视。在介绍心理资本概念的基础上,从培养高校女生健康的人格、构建和谐高校校园文化、高校女生心理资本构成要素三个方面论述了心理资本视角下的高校女生教育方法。  相似文献   

我国政治领域女性领导发展中的问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
女性走上政治领导岗位,对国家和社会公共事务有一定的决策权和管理权,在当今世界被视为提高妇女地位的重要方面,也是衡量一个国家社会发展和文明进步的标志之一.我国政治领域的女性领导的发展在党和国家的关怀下取得了一定的成绩,同时也存在着一些不可忽视的问题.本文试图从制度、文化和女性自身等方面对解决这些问题提出对策建议.  相似文献   

Recent contributions in the domains of governance and regulation elucidate the importance of rule‐intermediation (RI), the role that organizations adopt to bridge actors with regulatory or “rulemaking” roles and those with target or “rule‐taking” roles. Intermediation not only enables the diffusion and translation of regulatory norms, but also allows for the representation of different actors in policymaking arenas. While prior studies have explored the roles that such RIs adopt to facilitate their intermediation functions, we have yet to consider how field‐level structuring processes influence (and are influenced by) the various and changing roles adopted by RI. In this study we focus on the mutually constitutive relations between field‐level change processes and the evolving roles of RIs by studying the rise of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)/Local Governments for Sustainability, an RI serving as a bridge for sustainable urban development policies between the United Nations and local authorities. Using ICLEI as an illustrative case, we theorize four different processes of regulatory field structuration: problematization, role specialization, marketization, and orchestrated decentralization. We discuss their implications for RI roles in the field and further theorize the changing dynamics of trickle‐up intermediation processes as an RI gains power and influence.  相似文献   

高岩 《各界》2007,(4):73
1The difference of language formsMen and women's language forms are different.There were sev-eral systematic differences between men and women's versions of theindicative and i mperative verbal paradigms.For example,when awomantalked with a man,the woman …  相似文献   

Though the defense ministry has been a bastion of male power, a growing number of states have appointed women to this portfolio. What explains men's dominance over these positions? Which factors predict women's appointments? With comprehensive cross‐national data from the post–Cold War era, we develop and test three sets of hypotheses concerning women's access to the defense ministry. We show that women remain excluded when the portfolio's remit reinforces traditional beliefs about the masculinity of the position, particularly in states that are engaged in fatal disputes, governed by military dictators, and large military spenders. By contrast, female defense ministers emerge when expectations about women's role in politics have changed—that is, in states with female chief executives and parliamentarians. Women are also first appointed to the post when its meaning diverges from traditional conceptions of the portfolio, particularly in countries concerned with peacekeeping and in former military states with left‐wing governments.  相似文献   

刘宁  崔建周 《理论探索》2007,(6):115-118
近年来,政府在促进赴疆采棉女性人口中,尊重女性人口的意愿,强化引导功能;多方协助配合,为采棉女性人口提供全方位服务;坚持以制度为保障,维护采棉女性人口的基本权益;拓宽思路,探索市场经济条件下政府服务的新途径与新方式.这一成功经验的启示是在实现农村劳动力转移过程中,政府应当对促进农村女性人口予以高度重视;必须深入研究符合我国国情的农村劳动力转移方式;政府要结合转变职能的要求,在促进农村女性人口流动中强化服务功能;政府要以创造性精神和创新性工作,在促进农村女性人口流动中发挥作用.  相似文献   

大学生性教育在大学中已经开展多年,但是真正有效的针对女大学生的教育模式却很少。本研究针对100名女大学生进行性教育工作坊研究,通过实验组和非实验组进行对比分析,进而验证工作坊模式的有效性。  相似文献   

Poverty rates are particularly high among households headed by single women, and childbirth is often the event preceding these households’ poverty spells. This paper examines the relationship between legal access to the birth control pill and female poverty. We rely on exogenous cross‐state variation in the year in which oral contraception became legally available to young, single women. Using census data from 1960 to 1990, we find that having legal access to the birth control pill by age 20 significantly reduces the probability that a woman is subsequently in poverty. We estimate that early legal access to oral contraception reduces female poverty by 0.5 percentage points, even when controlling for completed education, employment status, and household composition.  相似文献   

从高校图书馆女性馆员岗位成才的必要性入手,分析了阻碍女性馆员岗位成才的因素,并对女性馆员岗位成才的途径进行了探讨。借以引起高校有关部门对女性馆员岗位成才的足够重视,帮助女性馆员在工作岗位中发挥出最大的作用,为图书馆的创新发展做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

Finnish women attained universal suffrage as the first in Europe, together with the majority of men, in 1906. Since 1906 the number of women in the national parliament has increased from about 10 percent to more than one-quarter. Earlier, women were more successful in the socialist parties, but nowadays this left-right difference has diminished. Women candidates obtain least votes in the rural parties and in the least developed areas where pressure toward uniformity is high. The earlier east-west difference has almost disappeared. Voting for female candidates is more common among women than among men. Education, employment, working in a white-collar job, high family income, and urban residence increase the probability among women to vote for a female candidate. Among men, those in the highest and lowest social status groups are more favourable towards women candidates than those in between. Middle class men seem to be most afraid of losing status if more women become political actors.  相似文献   

张艳亮  梁征 《学理论》2012,(9):170-171
目前河北省高校开展女生足球选项课并不普遍,对影响女大学生选修足球选项课的因素进行探讨,同时提出对策并对教学效果进行分析,结果显示,采用适当的对策,经过系统、科学和适量的足球教学,普通高校女大学生经过足球专项训练可较好掌握足球基本战术,并因此更加喜爱这项运动,对加深足球运动的理解和感受,提高体育锻炼的兴趣极为有益。  相似文献   


Do female leaders affect voters' perceptions of political parties' placement on the left-right spectrum? Using public opinion data on 269 parties in 35 countries between 1976 and 2016, I show that female-led parties are perceived as more moderate than male-led organizations, even when accounting for voters' prior beliefs about the party and the organization's stated policy positions. I then demonstrate that these results cannot be explained by the policy platforms authored by male- and female-led parties. The electoral manifestos produced by female-headed organizations are neither more left- leaning nor more moderate than those authored under male leaders. Together, these results provide important insights concerning citizens' (mis)perceptions of parties' ideological positions, party leaders' effects on voters behavior, the importance of gender stereotypes in politics, and the policy consequences of women's increased access to power.  相似文献   

黄碧蓉 《学理论》2010,(23):111-112
随着社会发展,各个行业都向女性敞开大门,越来越多的女性进入领导行列。但由于传统观念对性别角色的区别对待,形成对女性领导发展的阻碍,因此,拟从该角度出发探讨性别差异对女性领导人格发展的影响,提出发掘女性领导潜在双性化人格的必要性。  相似文献   

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