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余涛 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):81-86
当前在疑难案件中,法律的正确适用是司法的核心问题及公众关注的焦点。但由于"法律观"的差别,使得疑难案件的法律适用存在诸多问题。从学术史及方法论角度看,学者们处理疑难案件有各种方法,但最终都依赖对"法"的正确认识及案件事实与法律规范之间的关系的澄清。只有在个案事实与规范的融贯中,在实践理性理论框架内,通过类推等方法,发现、鉴别法律规范才能使疑难案件得以恰当处理。  相似文献   

The study of corruption in Chile suffers from the lack of a pre-existing body of academic research on which to draw for historical or contemporary analysis. This situation may be partially explained by several factors. Firstly, academic research tends to be reactive rather than proactive, in the sense that issues rarely become researched until they are either topical, or perceived to be problematic and significant. The configuration of historical circumstances in Chile has meant that corruption has been perceived to be considerably less widespread and less overt than in other parts of Latin America. For reasons which will be examined below, Chile is quite clearly not in the same league as Brazil, México or Venezuela in terms of corruption in the political system, and therefore the body of existing research has tended to focus on those cases where corruption is evident and more easily observable. Secondly, the lack of research material may also be partially explained by the nature of corruption in Chile. It undoubtably exists, but it has been characteristically low-key, assuming its own particular characteristics which have become known as corrupción a la chilena. Low-intensity corruption is undoubtedly more difficult to categorise, define and measure in comparison with flagrant abuses by individuals, sectors of society or ruling parties, and this may also be a contributory factor. A third factor may be that such low-intensity activities may become such an integral part of the political culture that they become accepted ways of the business of politics and therefore fail to even raise objections from public opinion. Only when the political environment changes do these issues become perceived as unacceptable. However, what is beyond dispute is that corruption has and does exist in Chile but it is influenced by the political culture of a particular period and by the political and social context.  相似文献   

尽管教育学的主题随着时代精神的变化而变化,但教育学的核心问题、基本问题则始终未变,教育学的发展需要围绕这些问题进行始终不断地反思,我们需要与前人进行不断的对话。今天教育学的学术建构尤其应回到教育学的经典思想之中。我们需要树立“大教育学”的观念,不应仅仅停留于所谓纯粹的教育学典籍,而是将目光投向所有凝聚着教育思想与智慧的典籍中去。随着教育学学术性的确立,教育学学科发展需要我们重新明确教育学的学科视阈,并着力在实践关怀的同时进行学术性的重新建构。  相似文献   

袁则文 《行政与法》2013,(11):58-63
近年来,由于信访困境的不断凸显,信访问题受到了学术界的持续关注,信访制度研究也由此不断走向深入,同时信访制度及其价值在学术界也引发了诸多的争议和思考.在制度定位和价值取向方面,学界基本认为其经历了一个角色和功能变迁与位移的过程;在信访制度运行现状方面,学界基本肯定其具有一定的积极作用,但目前信访制度的运行就整体来讲并不理想;在信访制度的改革取向上争议颇大,形成了诸多观点与改革设想.  相似文献   

通过仲裁程序来洗钱和进行其他形式的欺诈在仲裁中鲜有发生,但一旦出现将为仲裁员带来一大难题。研究这个领域的学者是极少的,本文将分析他们关于仲裁员调查欺诈的方法以及当欺诈被发现时仲裁员应如何处理的建议。这些学者着眼于若干个独立的关键问题。然而,笔者认为如果能够合并审视这些问题,并据此形成足供仲裁员于面临仲裁中欺诈时的参考,如此整合式的思考,应是更好解决此一难题的方法。本文将关注以下重点:仲裁员的义务、仲裁员处理欺诈的方法、当欺诈被觉察时的处理方法,以及向有关机关汇报欺诈和保密义务的遵守之间的关联。本文将据此作出结论:当一个仲裁员发现当事人有利用仲裁程序来洗钱或者其他形式欺诈的嫌疑时,他应即进行调查,而不应该将问题留待司法机构依照司法程序解决;仲裁员在欺诈发生时,有义务即时调查处理。然而,有些仲裁员对其是否应就仲裁中欺诈即时调查处理,并不确定。因此确定此义务的存在,有助于釐清仲裁员的疑问。笔者认为,当一个仲裁员确信欺诈切实发生时,他应暂停据此协议而为之仲裁程序,并且即时将相关信息通知有关当局。  相似文献   

The debate over scientific issues has made a difficult transition from the scientific community to the public-polity process. The traditional view of scientists undertaking “pure” science in their laboratories did not envision government intervention into scientific and technological discovery through administrative agency regulation of risks associated with the results of such research. Yet examples of government regulation of technological risks abound as the nation grapples with nuclear power issues, new-drug testing, and environmental issues, to name a few. This paper considers whether the presently constituted regulatory apparatus is capable of responding to dramatic advances in technology in a timely and effective way. Concluding that it is not, the paper examines the circumscribing characteristics of the regulatory process. Then it discusses alternate approaches for regulating the risks posed by science and technology without doing too much violence to due process or the notion of public participation in the regulatory function.  相似文献   

张怀印 《河北法学》2007,25(10):170-174
尼日利亚宪法和非洲大多数国家一样,发端于殖民地时期,受到原宗主国宪法模式和宪法原则的深刻影响.自1960年独立以来,尼日利亚宪法走上了一条曲折的探索道路,经历了由民选政府治理到军政府统治再到民选政府统治的转变.随着民主化浪潮在非洲各国的扩展,尼日利亚于1999年举行多党大选,并颁布了新宪法.然而,新宪法颁布后受到了国内外学术界的批评,在实施过程中也面临一定的问题.了解尼日利亚宪法曲折的发展道路及其完善的宪法制度,并深入探讨其面临的困境与发展出路,将有助于更好地认识非洲国家宪法发展的现状与发展趋势,对于我们国家的宪政建设也不无裨益.  相似文献   

In this second part of a two-part article some issues and challenges of education law in South Africa are discussed. With reference to recent case law it is shown that an educational jurisprudence is developing, after which the issues of academic freedom and the autonomy of universities are analysed within the framework of the Constitution and other legislation affecting universities. The constitutional distribution of powers between the national and provincial governments, and the effect on education of the fact that both spheres of government have legislative powers over education, are discussed at some length. The view is taken that outstanding issues in this regard may have to be clarified by the intervention of the courts. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relevance of cultural diversity in studies of women in scientific professions. It is based on a qualitative study of 18 African women in academic scientific careers and representing several English-speaking countries. I investigate how women who seek and gain entry into academic scientific careers are positioned in the academic hierarchy and whether their rate of progress is impeded by exclusionary practices in their professional fields. I also examine whether other interacting circumstances such as development issues, colonial legacies, and the influence of patriarchal states and cultures create somewhat different types of constraints and options for women in academic settings. I address these concerns by investigating the following issues: (1) early career experiences (academic, political, and economic concerns, (2) response from important others (professional colleagues, administrators, and students, (3) reflections on career barriers (faculty rank, research productivity, and perceptions of job satisfaction).JEL Classification: J16, J24  相似文献   

刑法学研究中的十关系论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国的刑法学从体系到内容都需要变革;为了实现这种变革,需要克服刑法学研究方法的缺陷,妥善处理好解释刑法与批判刑法、刑法理论与司法实践、学理解释与有权解释、基本理念与具体结论、形式解释与实质解释、字面含义与真实含义、归纳方法与演绎方法、规范解释与事实认定、传统问题与热点问题、本土理论与外国理论之间的关系。  相似文献   

王轶 《中国法学》2013,(1):71-79
依据民法学问题的讨论是否与民法规则的设计或适用直接相关,民法学问题可被区分为民法问题和纯粹民法学问题。民法学界关注和讨论的不少问题,属于与民法规则的设计或适用不直接相关的纯粹民法学问题,其主要包括事实判断问题、价值判断问题和解释选择问题。民事法律事实的类型区分属于纯粹民法学问题中的解释选择问题,我国民法学界就此存在详细区分说、简略区分说与折中说的对立。在三种学说都符合逻辑自洽且富有学说解释力标准的前提下,简略区分说更能满足民法学界对民事法律事实进行类型区分的各种主要学术目的,因而是更为可取的学说。  相似文献   

Eminent domain should be regulated, the key to which is procedural restraints. Initiating procedure can organize, adjust, and setup a system of due process for claiming land acquisition, which serves to facilitate bargaining for an objective price. Since the exclusivity of property rights is affected by eminent domain power, applying transaction rules in the market to assess the fairness of the compensation is difficult. Currently, the procedural injustice is the key to the abuse of eminent domain powers, and the procedural deviation reflecting in laws and guarantees are either too vague or absent. Thus it is proposed that an institutional reform should include procedural openness, liability for procedural errors and disposition of judicial review in advance, with the aim to guarantee the legitimacy, effect, and security of land acquisition. CHENG Jie, professor in constitutional law, works at the law school of Tsinghua University. Prof. Cheng got her Ph.D of law from the law shool of Peking University. Her research covers: Open government and constitutionalism, freedom of the press, land taking and eminent domain power, and the Basic Law of Hong Kong. During the years of 2003–2004, she was a Fulbright visiting scholar at Yale Law School, focusing her studies on freedom of information and information security issues. In academic research, her recent publications are Open Government under Law-Essence of Constitutionalism (2002), Judicial Review in Land Taking Disputes (2004) and Dual Track Politics of Judiciary in Hong Kong (2006)  相似文献   

关于"税权"概念的法律思考--兼与张守文先生商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
税权的主体、标的和内容不具有同质性,难以总结出一般的特性和共性,只能对税权的各项子权利作个别的描述,所以无法将"税权"定位为所有税法权利的上位概念,而只能在非严格的意义上将其视为税收权利的简称.对任何法学概念,不管是借用概念还是固有概念,都必须严格界定其内涵与外延,不根据本学科内在发展规律的需要随意移植其他学科领域、特别是政治宣传领域的名词与制度,会造成学科理论基础的不稳定以及体系的紊乱,有碍于本学科的长远发展.  相似文献   

非诉行政执行是具体行为强制执行的主要方式,以杭州市为实证,从该市非诉行政执行在行政强制执行和法院执行案件中所占的比重,分析其所面临的影响行政效率、客观妨碍具体行政行为执行、固有的程序缺陷影响非诉行政执行结果、法院执行难及拒受部分非诉行政执行案件和行政机关干预法院执行等问题,提出立法由法院委托行政机关代为执行或由行政机关协助法院执行、建立代整治机制等对策与建议,以积极稳妥地解决好此问题。  相似文献   

常磊 《时代法学》2009,7(3):61-66
刑民分界是近年来我国法学研究中的一个热点问题。在实践中,多数案件都可以明确地界定为刑事案件或者民事案件。但是,对于那些处于刑事和民事边缘“模糊地带”的案件应当如何处理,是司法机关面临的一个难题。  相似文献   

Benedetti v Sawiris was concerned with the measure of a quantum meruit, and in particular whether a ‘subjective’ or ‘objective’ measure should be preferred. The Supreme Court addressed the issue broadly in line with the approach in the mainstream academic literature on unjust enrichment, according to which this is a problem of how to measure benefit. The article argues that this unjust enrichment approach is misguided because it obscures the role of agreement and conflates transfer and exchange, and that a contractual analysis of the case would make the issues clearer and easier to resolve.  相似文献   

论我国移民、非法移民概念的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗刚 《政法论丛》2012,(3):69-75
我国现行法律、法规中没有关于移民、非法移民的相关规定,学界的相关研究也大多是研究中国作为移民输出国的移民问题,涉及中国作为移民输入国的移民问题,特别是其中非法移民问题的成果少见。研究我国外来非法移民的相关问题,必须从法律上界定“非法移民”的概念,这就必须首先界定”移民”的概念;同时,还必须进一步理解“非法移民”与“三非人员”、“难民”等相关概念的关系。  相似文献   

This paper presents the academic field of criminal justice as an interpretive social science. The opening section discusses academic criminal justice from scientific and interpretive perspectives, arguing that the terminology of “justice” is essentially contested. The second section presents the key implication of a contested core terminology: that an interpretive approach is the best way to develop the academic field of criminal justice. Section three reviews central elements of the Gadamerian tradition, with an eye towards its application to the field of criminal justice. The fourth section considers two issues pertinent to an interpretive criminal justice—the problem of interpretation in a field where professional practice is destructive to other normative systems, and the contribution of an interpretive criminal justice to public policy.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):26-39
It is widely accepted that the Tri-Border Area between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay is a nexus in global terrorist support, and perhaps even operations. However, it is rather more difficult actually to provide evidence of this connection. The region is certainly a smuggling haven, and has substantial populations from the Middle East. Beyond remittances sent to the Middle East – some of which flows to such organisations as Hezbollah – there is little hard evidence available to the academic researcher. Thus the study of this purported crime-terror nexus provides a valuable opportunity for academic researchers to question the assumptions and assertions of policy-makers and pundits, push for transparency of information on the reality of the region and even help understand the problem better.  相似文献   

关于强制执行立法几个理论误区的探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
廖中洪 《现代法学》2006,28(3):152-159
在有关强制执行立法的学术研究中,不仅学术认识上存在一定的分歧,而且一些不当认识在一定程度上和一些方面,还从理论认识的角度把强制执行立法的学术研究引入了误区。对于这些问题有必要进行深入的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

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