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Community groups, scientists, and organizations representing people with HIV/AIDS testified during three days of public hearings before the Standing Committee on Health. They unanimously called for an increase in the annual funding for the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS from $42.5 million to $85 million.  相似文献   

A House of Commons committee says that current funding for the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS should be more than doubled. It calls for designated funding for inmates and First Nations and Inuit peoples, and for HIV vaccine research. Finally, it says that more federal government departments need to become involved in the response to AIDS.  相似文献   

贺日开 《法律科学》2014,(4):102-109
自2011年起,我国的一些省级政府领导班子中,出现了一种全新的职务"省政府资政"。其内涵与此前的"资政"大异其趣,极有可能是发明者对"资政"词义的误解而造成的"张冠李戴"式错误。"省政府资政"在职务设置、任命权限、权力配置和行使等方面严重欠缺合法性,而且在价值和功能方面的合理性也乏善可陈。不仅如此,其不良示范效应及诸多的消极影响,使得"省政府资政"的设置还具有一些副作用。有鉴于此,故其合理合法的结局应该是:由国务院或者由相关的省级人大及其常委会行使《宪法》和法律赋予的职权,撤销相关的省政府关于设置和聘任"省政府资政"的决定。或者依据《政府参事工作条例》让"省政府资政"回归省政府参事那样的顾问性或荣誉性职位,尽管有点无可奈何,仍不失为一种合法的结局。  相似文献   

警察形象战略的基石:警察核心价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈娴 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):119-122
警察形象战略是在新形势下开展警察公共关系建设,促进警察机关和人民群众的沟通和理解,密切警民关系的有效载体。而警察核心价值观的确立和培育则是警察形象战略中最为重要的一个环节,它可以使警察形象建设达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

本文从政府管理的角度介绍了吉林省政府在实施“建设服务型政府,改善发展环境”中的具体做法,分析了吉林经济发展的重要原因,阐明了吉林省政府通过解放思想,转变观念;推行行政审批制度的改革,转变政府职能;实行政务公开,转变管理方式;狠抓落实,转变机关工作作风等举措,使政府逐步由“管制型”政府向“服务型”政府转变。  相似文献   

The United States faces serious public health threats from the deliberate use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)--chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN)--by hostile States or terrorists, and from naturally emerging infectious diseases that have a potential to cause illness on a scale that could adversely impact national security. Effective strategies to prevent, mitigate, and treat the consequences of CBRN threats is an integral component of our national security strategy. To that end, the United States must be able to rapidly develop, stockpile, and deploy effective medical countermeasures to protect the American people. The HHS Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) has taken a holistic, end-to-end approach that considers multiple aspects of the medical countermeasures mission including research, development, acquisition, storage, maintenance, deployment, and guidance for utilization. Phase one of this approach established the HHS PHEMCE Strategy for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Threats (HHS PHEMCE Strategy). The HHS PHEMCE Strategy, published in the Federal Register on March 20, 2007, described a framework of strategic policy goals and objectives for identifying medical countermeasure requirements and establishing priorities for medical countermeasure evaluation, development and acquisition. These strategic policy goals and objectives were used to establish the Four Pillars upon which this HHS Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Implementation Plan (HHS PHEMCE Implementation Plan) is based. The HHS PHEMCE Implementation Plan considers the full spectrum of medical countermeasures-related activities, including research, development, acquisition, storage/maintenance, deployment, and utilization. The HHS PHEMCE Implementation Plan is consistent with the President's Biodefense for the 21st Century and is aligned with the National Strategy for Medical Countermeasures against Weapons of Mass Destruction.  相似文献   

我国现有的外资并购中的国家安全审查程序主要是站在资本输入大国的立场设计的,没有考虑到我国既是"引进来战略"下的资本输入大国,又是"走出去战略"下的资本输出大国的混同身份。已有的审查程序在启动审查、申报前磋商、重新启动审查等方面不完善,减缓协议、申报撤回、监督机制、权利救济机制等制度缺失。借鉴国外成熟的经验,考虑身份混同对审查程序的新要求,我国应完善关于启动审查、申报前磋商、重新启动审查的规定,增加减缓协议制度、申报撤回制度、监督机制、权利救济机制。  相似文献   

Provincial health ministers have created a common drug-review process for assessing whether new drugs should be place on provincial formularies. The new system will save money, but will it improve access?  相似文献   

The Provincial Health Officer has recommended that HIV be nominally reportable and that a well-funded partner notification system be established. However, he also recommended that people be allowed to choose non-nominal HIV testing.  相似文献   

On 7 July 2000, before the XIII International AIDS Conference, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the AIDS Law Project, South Africa held a one-day satellite meeting on legal, ethical, and human rights issues in Durban, South Africa. Entitled Putting Third First--Critical Legal Issues and HIV/AIDS, the satellite focused on legal strategies to advance the human rights of those most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and to discrimination: people in the developing world, and people who, although they live in the industrialized world, suffer from poverty and marginalization and are at high risk of contracting HIV. The satellite grew out of the ongoing partnership between the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the AIDS Law Project, South Africa, and was co-hosted by UNAIDS.  相似文献   

营造西部大开发良好的法治环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西部地区地处内陆,民族关系盘根错节,人文理络复杂,法治观念较为淡薄,这是在西部大开发中必须正视的问题。西部大开发战略能否有效的实施,关键在于是否有一个良好的法治环境作保障。本文正是从这个角度出发,对西部地区当前的法治环境进行了比较全面的解剖,最终提出营造西部大开发良好法治环境的具体构想。  相似文献   

This paper will describe the governmental structure of Papua New Guinea and the justice system. It identifies justice policy in relation to devolution and the involvement of the community in the justice system. After pointing out that in colonial times judicial powers were exercised at the village level it notes that the introduction of a Village Court system in 1975 and the commencement of Probation in 1985 have both served as a means of introducing custom into the legal system and into the justice system. Probation and Village Courts are discussed and constraints in their operation and development are identified. Other functions of the Probation Service which assist in giving the community a voice in sentencing and in the supervision of offenders are described. The paper concludes that although there has been no formal devolution policy until recently, the desirability of involving the community in the maintenance of law and order has been recognised, primarily through Village Courts and Probation. The fact that Provincial Governments have no law and order powers is identified as a factor marginalising Provincial Governments from the justice system and to that extent, the community within the Province. The paper suggests that policy makers need to address the position of the Provincial Governments within the justice system. Institutional devolution has been limited and there is scope for more to be done but adequate resources must be made available. Gender bias in the Village Court and within Probation as well as the attitude of the lower courts towards Probation are noted as constraints generally.  相似文献   

AIDS has had a profound effect on society and the workplace and has raised legal and social problems for which society was not prepared. This article will chronicle the evolution of federal, state and local law concerning AIDS and the workplace. Although there are some clear-cut answers and guidelines that address the relationship of employer and employee to the AIDS epidemic, current legislation and enforcement of those laws does not adequately address the AIDS victim as a handicapped individual. Emphasis is also placed on the problems peculiar to the health care industry, the constitutionality of present legislation, and the AIDS victim's right to privacy versus the employer's need to know. Finally, some practical solutions and guidelines will be presented that will help the employer deal with the AIDS victim and his or her co-worker.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this Article.
GIDEON'S TRUMPET A nthony L ewis
TECHNIQUES OF CHANGE OF LEGAL DOCTRINES Elements of Judicial Strategy W alter F. M urphy
THE CITIZEN IN COURT D elmar K arlen  相似文献   

In 2004, AIDS Alert Ghana (an Accra-based NGO) commenced a series of two-day workshops to enhance the capacity of lawyers and judges to respond to HIV/AIDS. The workshops are organized by the AIDS Alert Law Project (AALP).  相似文献   

A molecular-genetic analysis of Y chromosome is a convenient tool of paternal affinity determination. This method is now widely introduced in expert practice. Previous experience in typing of Y chromosome is outlined. Strategy of development and experience in operating a multiplex system for a simultaneous analysis of seven STR loci of Y chromosome is discussed.  相似文献   

Making good on a promise made in December 2002, the federal government has tabled a bill that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. However, the bill would also toughen penalties for growing large amounts. The bill is part of a renewed Canada Drug Strategy that emphasizes the need to discourage cannabis use.  相似文献   

随着艾滋病在世界的不断蔓延 ,一些发展中国家纷纷启动艾滋病药物的强制许可 ;而一些西方国家及医药公司则反对艾滋病药物的强制许可 ,认为其是非法的。本文以WTO为视野 ,从国际法的角度论证了艾滋病药物强制许可的合法性 ,并提出了艾滋病药物强制许可对我国的借鉴意义  相似文献   

蔡高强 《河北法学》2008,26(5):178-181
乌干达曾经是艾滋病肆虐最严重的非洲国家,但乌干达政府自1986年开始实施了大规模的防治艾滋病行动,建立适应乌干达国情的防控艾滋病工作体系。乌干达防治艾滋病社区支持模式始于1987年的坎旺卡社区支持活动,并迅速在全国推广,形成了政府干预和指导的法律机制、医疗和物资支持制度、非歧视的社区关爱机制、宗教团体等非政府组织参与机制等基本制度。通过加强立法,完善对社区支持模式的法律规范、充分利用社会资源、加强社区服务的技术指导和对艾滋病孤儿的援助等措施使该项制度不断完善。  相似文献   

In October 2003, the AIDS and Rights Alliance of Southern African (ARASA) and the Zambia AIDS Law Research and Advocacy Network (ZARAN) held a regional workshop on HIV/AIDS and the Right to Health: Challenges and Opportunities, at Kafue Gorge, Zambia.  相似文献   

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