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Zhao Lin, a native of east China’s Anhui Province, has allergic rhinitis and had to leave Beijing six years ago because he couldn’t adapt to the relatively dry clim ate. But this year, he moved back to the capital and dons a mask on his way to the cafe for his interview with Beijing Review.  相似文献   

EVER-HIGHER disposable incomes and a broader scope of entertainment in an up-tempo social setting all work to imperil the survival of traditional forms of Chinese recreational culture.Lu Opera,which originated in Hefei,Anhui Province two centuries ago,has risen admirably to this challenge by updating its repertoire to reflect contemporary life.Wang Yang,deputy director of the Culture Bureau of Changfeng County,Hefei,accompanied the Lu Opera A Female Village Head on its maiden circuit of Anhui.It was a huge success and played to packed theaters,was his jubilant appraisal of the tour."More than 8,000 people came to the show in Chaohu.Many stood for the whole 90-minute performance."  相似文献   

HUIZHOU, renamed Huangshan in 1987, has for centuries been a main cultural and economic hub. Anhui merchants and businesses were prominent in China’s economy from the 14th to 19th century, and fundamental to formation of Huizhounology, which along with Dunhuangnology and Tibetology is one of China’s three main regional cultures.  相似文献   

正Villages in Guizhou Province demonstrate the power of tourism As provinces throughout China strive to eradicate poverty by 2020,in line with plans set out in the country’s 13th FiveYear Plan(2016-20)for social and economic development,southwestern Guizhou Province seeks to set an example through tourism projects and related business activities."Guizhou has a population of over 6  相似文献   

"Visiting temples in the daytime and going to bed early in the evening." This was a complaint many overseas tourists to China made in the early days of China's development of tourism when night life was virtually unknown in China. Beijing has been the center of Chinese religious activities, since it became the capital of a unified China in the 13th century. The temples, mosques and churches around the city are not only places for religious worship but are interesting places to the visit because of their close links to Chinese culture and the life of the people. Just like visiting churches in the West, tourists to  相似文献   

<正>China’s Resumption of Outbound Group Tours a Boon for the World China’s resuming of outbound group tours after the optimization of its COVID-19 response will be a strong boost to the global tourism industry and a boon for the world,especially for economies that are dependent on tourism.  相似文献   

With the arrival of spring,China has seen a revival of tourism in general and red tourism,the latter a reference to visiting sites of significance in the history of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Some 102 million domestic tourist visits were made during the Qingming Festival holiday on April 3-5.  相似文献   

WITH a history of about a decade,the press spokesperson system is new in China.Especially when it comes to county and township governments,the system is still in its infancy.On a recent visit to Changfeng County in Hefei City,Anhui Province,China Today reporters were surprised to learn that there were 67 spokespersons for the local county and township governments.To learn more about how this quintessentially Western system of government-media contact has affected rural society,China Today interviewed several of the county’s press spokespersons.  相似文献   

APART from an abundance of tourist attractions, both natural and cultural, the local Xinjiang government has created a new series of annual festive celebrations in a move to boost tourism, attracting millions from across the country and the world each year.  相似文献   

正CITY-WIDE TESTINGA resident of Wuhan,the city in central China hit hard by the novel coronavirus disease outbreak,has her throat swab sample taken for nucleic acid test for the virus on May 15.Wuhan has conducted nucleic acid tests on all its residents to detect asymptomatic cases and control the disease.Harvest Season A Farmer harvests wheat in a village in Bozhou,a city in Anhui Province in east China,on May 25.  相似文献   

Liu Yuzui, a 66-year-old fanner from Anhui Province, traveled 50 km from her village to Wuhu City alone by train. Not a big deal for most people, but for Liu it is an annual pilgrimage when she leaves behind her labor-intensive rice fields to celebrate the Pentecost, one of the three great festival days of the Christian calendar, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. As she has done for the past 10 years, Liu attended the Mass at St. Joseph Church on June 4, stayed the night and returned home the next day. Rodrigo Alonso, a middle-aged textile  相似文献   

正Rural tourism has taken the lead in resuming tourist operations Since resuming business on April 12, Zhu Yanjie's guesthouse has become a popular destination for tourists and is fully booked through the end of August. Located in Zhujiagou Village of Kangxian County in Gansu Province in northwestern China, the guesthouse combining rustic beauty and modern design has become a popular local brand.  相似文献   

<正>Rural healthcare has made headway over the past decadeLinquan,a county in Fuyang,Anhui Province,rose out of poverty in April2020.The county has a large number of cancer patients but,in the past,had no oncology department.Patients had to travel to larger cities for treatment,which increased the overall expenses.  相似文献   

<正>Rural healthcare has made headway over the past decadeLinquan,a county in Fuyang,Anhui Province,rose out of poverty in April2020.The county has a large number of cancer patients but,in the past,had no oncology department.Patients had to travel to larger cities for treatment,which increased the overall expenses.  相似文献   

DEVELOPING a modem stockbreeding industry is quickly becoming a sure path to prosperity for thousands of Chinese farmers in Anhui Province. Located in the hinterlands of east China, Anhui specializes in raising livestock, especially pigs. In 2007, Anhui had 13.34 million live pigs on hand and sold 23.6 million pigs on the market, r'orK output was 2.025 million tons, accounting for 62.5 percent of the province's total meat production, making pig breeding the province's leading sector of its animal husbandry industry. As prices have risen and supplies contracted over the past two years,  相似文献   

Years ago, Barbara Freese, American environmental attorney and writer, boarded a Beijing train bound for the heart of the old continent of Asia. As it approached the Ordos Desert in Inner Mongolia, she observed how the landscape changed from green farmland and mountains to bare boundless sands, with sporadic flocks of sheep and lone herders. This barren ground with its rocky knolls, dotted with small patches of grass and shrubs, seemed to offer few life resources for humankind and higher creatures. But Barbara was surprised to see factory buildings flashing past along the railway line every now and then. She later discovered that as the region was covered with dense forest millions of years ago it has abundant coal deposits that fuel its industry. Ordos (formerly Ih Ju League) first became known in and outside of China through the local Erdos (Ordos) company's catchy slogan, "Erdos cashmere warms the whole globe," which made the brand a household name. The city has lucrative resources in addition to its famous goat fleece, including tourism, energy and chemical industry. Ordos, Baotou and Hohhot constitute an economic golden triangle in the region.  相似文献   

A combination of modern agriculture and tourism creates wonders in disadvantaged areas One day in 1969, a 15-year-old middle school student waved goodbye to his family in Beijing and headed for a desolate county in the northwest.In the late 1960s and 1970s, large numbers of educated urban youths were sent to the countryside to work and the teen was one of many. His name is Xi Jinping.  相似文献   

OPINION Stop Ripping off Tourists During the weeklong May Day holiday, almost all places of interest and scenic spots across China raised ticket prices. Whenever a tourism peak period arrives, ticket prices become a big concern for those who plan to travel. In order to curb soaring prices in famous scenic spots, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a circular in February, which, despite its explicit stipulations, has been largely ineffectual in curbing price hikes.  相似文献   

<正>"I vanish from the earth in a single day while Shimenhe has been waiting for you for 2 million years."——from a Shimenhe tourism adThe world over,almost no one can resist watching a wedding.In Shimenho this spring a new tourism sensation allowed both newlyweds and tourists to experience Tujia marriage customs through a Tujia group wedding.The performance entitled"Tying the  相似文献   

HEFEI, provincial capital of Anhui, has spared no efforts in creating new economic growth points. They have reorganized assets of the state-owned enterprises and constructed development zones, communities, and parks of science and technology. As a result of these efforts a new look has been given to the local economy and social progress.Reorganization of Assets Hefei City is very hot in summer because of its location between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers. In the past citizens found taking …  相似文献   

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