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Despite a high concentration of brainpower and federally funded research, some universities have been unable to translate these assets into regionally based economic activity. The author uses an ethnographic method interviewing university officials and academic entrepreneurs in New York City, which has a relatively poor record of local start-up creation. The author finds that universities that view the primary objective of technology transfer as a revenue generator for their institutions generate fewer spin-offs than those that incorporate a local economic development component. Internal advocacy and faculty interest, however, can affect university behavior. The author also finds that academic entrepreneurs with a pre-existing affiliation with the licensing institution are more likely to locate in the area than outsiders utilizing the technology. Entrepreneurs exhibit a distinct locational calculus based on a range of variables including real estate costs, founders’ preference and the geographical proximity of key firm relationships.   相似文献   

In the last two decades, concepts have appeared that have influenced and even defined entire science and technology policies in Western countries: high technology, national system of innovation, information economy, knowledge-based economy, and the new economy. In all these policy developments, the OECD, acting as a think tank for its member countries, has been an important promoter of these concepts, turning them into buzzwords. This article looks at the concept of knowledge-based economy in order to explore the crucial role of the OECD in its dissemination and, above all, the role statistics have played in shaping policy discourses.  相似文献   

Academic Capitalism and University Incentives for Faculty Entrepreneurship   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Entrepreneurial behavior by professors—including decisions about collaboration with industry, patenting and spinning off companies—can affect the productivity of top universities’ technology transfer efforts. Interviews with 98 professors at 12 southeastern universities showed that the most significant influence on these aspects of entrepreneurial behavior is the beliefs of professors about the proper role of universities in the dissemination of knowledge. Some institutional policies, notably revenue splits with inventors, can affect aspects of this behavior. These findings suggest that both university incentive policies and ethical concerns about academic capitalism, by limiting the productivity of technology transfer efforts, have an effect on regional economic development.  相似文献   

The role of universities in regional innovation has evolved over the last 20 years. This evolution has seen the emergence of a third role of universities that has re-shaped and transformed their two traditional functions of teaching and research. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for analysing variation in the roles performed by universities in the development of regional innovation systems. This framework is based on the triple helix model of university, industry, government relations, the literature on university engagement and the innovation systems literature, more generally. The framework is applied to a comparative study of three non core-metropolitan universities in Australia. A number of insights and issues are drawn in regard to conceptualising the role of universities in regional systems.  相似文献   

This article provides a framework for the conceptualization of arts entrepreneurship in the US by first examining a range of perspectives on the boundaries of the “arts and culture sector” in the US and then exploring in some depth four theories of entrepreneurship and how such theories may be realized within the arts and culture sector. Theories of firm formation are considered both generally and as potentially applied to the arts and culture sector, with examples of firm formation drawn both from existing literature and the author's direct observation of entrepreneurial activity. Finally, the essay connects these theories in a means and ends framework to provide a context for understanding arts entrepreneurial activity, especially in the US arts and culture sector. The theory that emerges from the examples provided to illustrate the framework is a simple one: artists form firms or otherwise undertake entrepreneurial action toward the end of creating art sustainably and they do so by discovering or creating new connections between their means and that desirable end.  相似文献   

“Business development” is a corporate entrepreneurial capability (or competence) that has emerged in the Information Technology industry to support that industry’s practice of co-creation of value with customers and complementors. As a set of practices that link the firm’s value creating processes with its external environment, business development capabilities are a key factor in the success of IT SMEs. This article examines business development functions and business developer attributes in SMEs in the Information Technology Industry in Eastern Canada. The principal business development functions are finding profitable opportunities in business networks, developing and maintaining partnerships, providing support for new product development, and recognizing and responding to customer needs. The regional market and export markets require different business development capabilities.  相似文献   

We study the rationale for the use of exclusivity to protect transfer of technology in subcontracting agreements. The legal possibility arises through the EU Notice on Subcontracting. Empirically, the link between exclusive agreements and technology transfer among firms in the automotive supply industry in EU candidate countries is surprisingly weak, although with exclusive-supply or exclusive-buying clauses in subcontracting agreements upstream transfer of technology is more likely. Exclusive agreements are often reciprocal, and are typically passed on. Downstream firms are more likely to face and use vertical restraints. Technology trickles upstream: Multinational final assemblers transfer more technology than lower-tier suppliers.  相似文献   

经济全球化加速了世界经济的发展和繁荣,并将继续影响21世纪世界经济和政治格局。在经济全球化进程中,发达国家由于在资金、技术和经济管理等方面占据绝对的优势地位,已成为经济全球化最早的和最主要的推动者,也是最大的受益者。而对发展中国家而言,经济全球化则是一把"双刃剑",它既给发展中国家带来了千载难逢的机遇,也为其带来了严峻的挑战和困扰。本文从经济全球化产生的根源和特征出发,分析了经济全球化对世界经济特别是对发展中国家的影响。在此基础上,提出了我国融入经济全球化大潮的设想。  相似文献   

为遏制我国进一步发展,美国和欧盟相继在WTO起诉我国存在"强制技术转让"。在澄清国内法律与WTO规则相符性的同时,我国已意识到完善技术转让法律制度的内生需要与此次美欧起诉具有相关性:我国并未出台专门的技术转让法,有关措施散见于诸多法律条文而妨碍了制度的整体效用。此外,我国未全面利用WTO例外规定对发展中国家的保护,致使本国劣势企业负担过高义务。为创设公平的技术转让法治环境并避免发达国家滥用技术保护,我国需整合有关法律规范,修正过时规定,依据技术转让所涉的贸易和投资不同属性区别立法,并积极通过国际规则寻求优惠待遇。  相似文献   

The Triple Helix of university–industry–government (UIG) relations is elaborated into a systemic model that accounts for interactions among three dimensions. By distinguishing between the respective micro-operations, this model enables us to recombine the “Mode 2” thesis of a new production of scientific knowledge and the study of systems of innovation with the neo-classical perspective on the dynamics of the market. The mutual information in three dimensions provides us with an indicator for the self-organization of the resulting network systems. The probabilistic entropy in this mutual information can be negative in knowledge-based configurations. The knowledge base of an economy can be considered as a second-order interaction effect among interactions at interfaces between institutions and functions in different spheres. Proximity enhances the chances for couplings and, therefore, the formation of technological trajectories. The next-order regime of the knowledge base, however, can be expected to remain pending as selection pressure.  相似文献   

This study investigates a set of precursor factors that appear related to future technology success, and whether or not expert evaluators can a priori provide useful information during the technology review process. Sixty-nine highly advanced post 9–11 technologies are tracked over time. Based upon the results of this study, we conclude that a reasonably good predictive model can be constructed from organizational and technology factors, such as firm size, stage of development, and strategic partnerships. The results also indicate that the incremental value of expert reviewers and technology evaluators to predict future technology success is relatively small. Reviewers that provided the greatest predicative power, however, had current scientific responsibilities. These results raise important issues regarding the capability of developing predictive models of technology success.   相似文献   

超越唯经济主义与唯科技主义——科学发展观解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贯彻"以经济建设为中心"与"科教兴国"的战略方针中,容易出现唯经济主义发展观与唯科技主义发展观的观念和做法.二者都是与科学发展观背道而驰的.经济是中心,但不是一切."科教兴国"应同"人文治国"相结合.应当用以人为本的发展观超越唯经济主义与唯科技主义的发展观.  相似文献   

目的 在现有手印转印显现法研究基础上进行改进创新,找到一种操作简便快捷、适用手印种类和客体更广泛、更方便于在勘查现场实施的新型方法.方法 选择滤纸、胶带、相纸分别作为转印载体针对非渗透性客体上手印进行转印显现提取,对比选择出效果较好的转印载体,并检验其应用条件和效果.结果 研究出新型手印转印显现方法——相纸转印显现法....  相似文献   

于杨 《行政与法》2014,(12):85-88
当前,我国正处在中国特色社会主义市场经济发展的关键时期,经济法的完善与发展对未来市场经济发展的秩序与规范具有重要意义。本文通过分析经济法与宪法、民法、商法以及其他法律的协调关系后认为,只有经济法与其他相关法律在相互协调中共同发展,才能实现经济法的与时俱进,才能不断适应市场经济发展的要求。  相似文献   

Juvenile justice lacks an agreed‐upon assessment tool blending strength‐based approaches with rehabilitative and punitive measures. The recently‐piloted Youth Competency Assessment (YCA) is presented as one way to offer a strength‐based tool compatible with traditional risk‐ and problem‐based approaches. YCA's development and piloting processes are described, and the theoretical underpinnings supporting its three domains are summarized and analyzed.  相似文献   

每当有新的传播媒介产生并应用于家庭教育工作时,媒介和家庭教育工作就会立刻融合于一体,形成各具特色媒介化了的家庭教育文化。印刷传媒时期是家庭教育工作的普及期,视听传媒时期是家庭教育工作的发展期,网络传媒时期是家庭教育工作的创新期。现在和未来,家庭教育工作将超越媒介实现历史回归。当前,家庭教育工作科学发展的内涵包括:家庭教育提升人的质量;家庭教育引领社会发展;家庭教育丰富社会生活;家庭教育紧跟时代步伐。  相似文献   

万江 《现代法学》2012,(5):185-193
我国土地用途管制的特色之一是其年度用地指标分配政策。为了获得更多用地指标,地方政府在实践中创造了多种类型的指标流转方式,这与国外的开发权交易相差不大。无论是为了平衡土地用途管制所导致的土地权利人之间的利益失衡,还是为了化解当前的土地争议,抑或化解耕地保护与用地需求之间的矛盾、促进城乡统筹发展,我国都有必要构建包括实地开发权、转用开发权、市地开发权在内的开发权交易制度,让土地权利人成为最终的交易主体,通过市场来发现各类开发权的价格。  相似文献   

Only the best manufacturers will remain competitive in today's challenging environment. Any manager involved with developing new products knows the excitement, complexity, and risk of this unpredictable undertaking. Based upon findings from four world class manufacturers of medical imaging technology in Japan and the United States, this article presents a new organizing framework for integrating external information into the NPD process. The findings are particularly timely in an era when manufacturers are vulnerable to intense global competition. The article concludes with several implications for managers involved in the new product development process.  相似文献   

大学理念是人们对大学的理性认识、理想追求及其教育观念.从纽曼到洪堡,再到弗莱克斯纳、范海斯、博克等,大学的理念不断得到发展完善,逐步形成了教学、科研、服务社会、引领社会、国际交往等大学理念.大学理念有共性、个性、时代性与前瞻性、社会性与本土性等特征,具有导向、调节与激励、造就大学精神、引领社会发展等功能.大学理念关系到大学的兴衰存亡,当前建构大学新理念可以从正确定位、办出特色、树立大学教育的可持续发展观、坚持大学的综合功能观等方面着手.  相似文献   

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