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王硕 《北方法学》2015,9(2):149-160
《劳动合同法》所确立的劳动合同无效解除制度,有悖合同无效与合同解除的一般原理,难以对违法劳动合同作出有效规制。该制度的缺陷源自其基础理论的谬误。该谬误系相关学者对民法基本理论的片面理解所致。应当在立法上排除劳动合同无效解除制度,打破有效——无效的二元劳动合同效力结构,引入可撤销劳动合同制度,构建多元化的劳动合同效力体系。  相似文献   

农民专业合作社以与社员进行交易的形式为社员提供服务,同时,合作社还可能与非社员进行交易.这两类交易产生的收益因具有不同的来源和性质,应区分为“盈余”和“利润”两个部分.盈余部分是基于财务核算的需要而多收的部分价款,故不应属于企业所得税的应税收入,应在提取公积金和公益金后,按照惠顾返还的形式进行分配;对利润部分应按照资本贡献进行分配,但应限制股息率,以保持农民专业合作社的特性.  相似文献   

The article takes a pluralistic view of the 'trade-environment' conflict by exploring one of the settings of this conflict: the lex constructionis – international construction law. It seeks to unravel the way in which the unique structural-cultural attributes of this legal domain have affected its environmental (in)sensitivity. The article's main argument in that context is that the contractual tradition of the lex constructionis (as manifested in the standard contracts that dominate this field) and its unique institutional structure, have created a culture of ecological indifference. This culture has important practical consequences because of the deep ecological problematic of international construction projects. The article develops an alternative contractual model, which depicts the construction contract as a semi-political mechanism, rather than a private tool. This conceptual change seeks to break the public/private separation that characterizes the contractual discourse in the international construction market. The article explores, further, whether this alternative contractual vision could be realized in practice, and proposes several implementing modules which could further this goal. While the article explores a particular international regime, its methodology and conclusions – in particular, the political-constitutional interpretation of the contract and the critique of the public/private dichotomy (see sections III.3 and III.4) – should be relevant to the regulation of many other (national or international) environmental dilemmas.  相似文献   

The following case study investigates the contract enforcement institutions that enable German customers to purchase software in Asia and Eastern Europe. The case study shows that nation‐states are hardly able to generate a legal “shadow” for cross‐border business relations. The same holds true for the so‐called New Lex Mercatoria. Instead, economic actors create their own informal mechanisms. Relational contracts and reputational networks are nowadays far more effective due to developments in the field of information and communication technology. Overall, the importance of formal contract law in international trade is even smaller than is assumed by the classic theory of relational contracts.  相似文献   

我国技术市场交易中 ,专利技术转让合同占了很大比重 ,其中 ,又以专利实施许可合同为多 ,专利权转让合同和专利申请权转让合同数量也在逐年增多。作为技术转让合同 ,其主要特征在于 ,技术转让合同的标的 ,是当事人订立合同时转让方已经掌握的“特定”和“现有”技术成果。所谓“特定的”技术成果 ,指的是符合特别规定 ,受法律确认和法律保护的技术权益。如专利权、专利申请权、专利实施权等。所谓“现有的”技术成果 ,指的是作为技术转让合同标的的技术权益 ,在订立合同时已经存在。尚待研究开发的专有技术不得作为专利技术转让合同的标的。…  相似文献   

王发强 《时代法学》2005,3(1):76-80
房地产开发项目停工后 ,商品房无法交付 ,按揭银行先起诉购房户要求提前收回贷款本息 ,购房户后起诉房地产商和按揭银行要求解除商品房买卖合同和商品房贷款合同。两案应否合并审理 ,司法解释未明确规定。笔者认为 ,两案应合并审理或中止商品房贷款合同案诉讼。不合并审理或中止诉讼 ,直接剥夺了司法解释赋予购房人要求房地产开发商直接返还购房贷款的权利。将导致两案判决发生直接冲突。合并审理或中止诉讼能提高审判效率 ,减轻当事人诉累。符合“商品房买卖司法解释”惩罚过错方并保护弱势群体购房户合法权益的宗旨和目的。  相似文献   

“契约必须遵守”是一个古老的法律命题。传统的法学观点认为保障契约履行的主要是道德、国家权力、社会舆论等,这些都没揭示出保障契约履行的本质基础。本文从法律经济学的角度揭示了契约订立、契约履行中的利益机制,从而科学地回答了这一问题,保障契约履行的根本原因是契约中的利益机制。  相似文献   

This article presents a case study on the persistent dollarization norm in the Israeli real estate market. For many years Israeli real estate contracts have been denominated in American dollars. This contracting norm has remained surprisingly stable despite tremendous changes in the structure of the Israeli foreign currency market that severed the connection between the dollar and local inflation and added significant risks to exchange rates. Using an array of theoretical tools, I explain this puzzling phenomenon and demonstrate the centrality of social norms to the design of high‐stakes contracts. Finally, I explore the interaction between social norms and the law and highlight the potential obstacles to regulating contracting norms.  相似文献   

区分制是相对于单一正犯体制而言的一种共犯制度模式,其特点在制度外观上表现为在总则中为参与犯设定专门的处罚条件,在制度内涵上表现为将参与犯与实行犯区别对待。在大陆法系国家,区分制共犯制度模式有区别参与犯样态规定处罚条件,对应规定个别化处罚原则、区别参与犯样态规定处罚条件,等价处罚、统一规定参与犯处罚条件,等价处罚、统一规定参与犯处罚条件,按照参与性质和作用确定处罚等具体立法样态;主要英美法系国家的共犯立法也属于区分制模式,其通过未完成罪和狭义的共犯两种不同的刑事责任原则为参与犯设定处罚条件。  相似文献   

契约对依法行政的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨小君 《法学研究》2007,29(2):133-140
契约对依法行政原则的影响,主要涉及是非评价标准、权力行使条件、新增契约义务、职权范围界定和责任承担等方面。契约存在于行政自由裁量内,契约影响依法行政的正当性规则主要有:约定标准高于法定标准,约定条款不抵触不排斥法定条件,约定义务不违反禁止性规定,约定责任不违反羁束性规定或不抵触法定职责。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Evidence collected by the European Commission indicates that insofar as the diversity between laws of national legal systems presents an obstacle to trade in the Internal Market, the problem consists of the inability of businesses to use their standard terms of business in cross-border trade with confidence. It is suggested that the solution to this problem lies not in legal integration through harmonisation of the private law of contract, but rather through the creation of procedures for autonomous agreements under which representatives of parties to standard types of contracts can agree upon model contracts containing fair ancillary terms.  相似文献   

The Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (the Brussels Convention) is to be replaced in 2002 by a Community Instrument: The Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (the Regulation).1 The Regulation is an important measure approved by the European Union to simplify rules of jurisdiction and recognition of judgments for the benefit of the Internal Market. Amongst other matters, the Regulation updates existing jurisdiction rules for a consumer contracts. The rules for consumer contracts apply where a consumer and a business are domiciled in a Member State or the business has a:“branch, agency or other establishment” in a Member State. Importantly, the Regulation clarifies jurisdiction rules for consumer contracts conducted over the World Wide Web (WWW). These rules are to be welcomed, as they provide guidance on what rules of jurisdiction apply to consumer contracts over the Web, albeit that they are limited to where the parties are domiciled in Europe. This article outlines the rules of jurisdiction for consumer contracts provided by the Regulation, and where appropriate, highlights some aspects of the new rules that will possibly require further discussion and clarification by the European Court of Justice once the new rules are in force.  相似文献   

古代中国社会存在着稳定的契约秩序,契约文书之于古人的个人生活有着重要的意义。契约本身是中国人的一种生活方式,古人的经济关系乃至人身关系在一定程度上都是靠契约文书来维系的。契约文书是古人生活中须臾不可离开的东西,为中国人追求自己的理想生活(二十亩地、一头牛,老婆孩子热炕头)提供了约束和保障机制及互相之间的行为规范,使每个人在追求各自理想生活的时候,有规则可循,从而形成稳定的社会秩序。  相似文献   

法官对合同的解释无法脱离其能动性,而主观性的解释须以客观性为目的。当法官在合同解释出现障碍时应恪守两个标准:理性第三人标准和社会公共利益标准。同时,必须对法官的能动性予以下列限制:法官在适用理性第三人标准时,应尽量避免以所谓的"理性第三人"之名而作出偏离缔约人真意的解释;法官在合同解释中的自由裁量权要受合同解释规则、合同文本内容、法官职业共同体之规则、公平、正义、诚信等基本原则的限制。  相似文献   

吴烨 《法学家》2020,(2):1-13,191
智能合约是一种通过区块链才能实现的新技术,在技术上是一种可编程的代码程序,在法律上是一种特殊的身份合同。其藉由特定当事人之间形成的共识机制,实现了对当事人身份的识别,促成了智能合约难以逆转的自动执行,并在事实上排除了当事人的合同撤销权,成为跨越合同订立、合同履行两个领域的新型交易机制。智能合约对传统合同法理论带来了巨大冲击和挑战,却不足以支撑技术自治或代码即法律等学术主张,也不足以否定实定法对智能合约的正当干预。在现行合同法框架下,仍然存在对智能合约及交易作出妥当解释的空间。除此以外,在智能合约的私法构造中,应当引入团体法思想,认可社团主义的自治机能,构建以信赖保护为核心的救济机制,实现法律与技术的同步发展。  相似文献   

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