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赵念国 《检察风云》2012,(16):28-29
孩子抚养权的丧失事情发生在2011年8月的一个深夜,在意大利北部皮埃蒙特小镇一条僻静的小马路上,停靠在人行道旁的一辆小车里不时传出一个婴孩的阵阵啼哭声。一位邻居循声出门,只见在小车里,仅1个月零3天的诺莎哭得小脸通红。她赶紧去敲隔壁孩子的家门,孩子父亲开了门,他无不歉意地解释道,  相似文献   

The concept of brain death has become deeply ingrained in our health care system. It serves as the justification for the removal of vital organs like the heart and liver from patients who still have circulation and respiration while these organs maintain viability. On close examination, however, the concept is seen as incoherent and counterintuitive to our understandings of death. In order to abandon the concept of brain death and yet retain our practices in organ transplantation, we need to either change the definition of death or no longer maintain a commitment to the dead donor rule, which is an implicit prohibition against removing vital organs from individuals before they are declared dead. After exploring these two options, the author argues that while new definitions of death are problematic, alternatives to the dead donor rule are both ethically justifiable and potentially palatable to the public. Even so, the author concludes that neither of these approaches is likely to be adopted and that resolution will most probably come when technological advances in immunology simply make the concept of brain death obsolete.  相似文献   

Too Much, Too Late: The Advocacy Act in Ontario   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the concept of government‐based social advocacy on behalf of vulnerable people in the community. It uses as a case example the Ontario Advocacy Act, a statute that was surrounded by controversy through its short life. The more general question raised is whether the ideas of government‐based advocacy are fundamentally conceptually untenable, or whether the fault lay with the specifics of the act and its implementation. As governments globally cut back on social supports for vulnerable people, the need for advocacy and support are self‐evident. This paper explores the broader viability of this one, specific type of response.  相似文献   

Little research has been conducted on the behaviors of prosecuting attor-neys and their interactions with rape survivors between charging and court events. Yet this period, during which prosecutors prepare rape survivors for their witness roles, may be crucial for obtaining successful convictions. Using intensive interviews with 32 rape survivors and background interviews with prosecutors, victim witness advocates, and rape crisis workers, I evaluated the nature of directives and information given to rape survivors and the frequency with which directives were conveyed before preliminary hearings and court events. I concluded that prosecutors employ 20 modes of preparation to construct rape survivors as credible victims for judges and jurors. They orient the rape survivor to the scope of the witness role and her place in the interaction with legal actors, direct her to enhance the credibility of her story, and enhance the credibility of her self'presentation. Research showed that prosecutors prepared respondents more thoroughly for trials than for preliminary hearings, but little overall. A large minority of respondents, consequently, reported dissatisfaction with the preparation they received. On the basis of the findings, I call for an extension of Martin and Powell's "politics of victim's needs," attention to the importance of maintaining a perception of procedural justice among rape survivors, and further research into pre-court preparation.  相似文献   

Our faith in the effectiveness of performance appraisal derives in part from its planned redundancy, in the interplay of employee, appraiser and reviewer. But this very safeguard, as Dr. McGuire points out, means that each party is trying too hard to satisfy the others' needs and expectations, both real and imagined.  相似文献   

In the first part of this article, I briefly review research findings that show that professional lie catchers, such as police officers, are generally rather poor at distinguishing between truths and lies. I believe that there are many reasons contributing towards this poor ability, and give an overview of these reasons in the second part of this article. I also believe that professionals could become better lie detectors and explain how in the final part of this article.  相似文献   

This study investigates self-control theory using official and selfreported criminal records of 500 adult offenders. Four items derived from rapsheets (aliases, date of birth, place of birth, and social security number) are used as indicators of the self-control construct. Negative binomial regression models indicate a significant inverse relationship between self-control and escape arrests, failure to appear violations, probation and parole violations, felony convictions, and prison sentences. Since system involvement entails discipline, tenacity, and responsibility, offenders with low self-control are more likely to experience a criminal justice system failure.  相似文献   

案件起因2003年6月21日,南通市民朱瑞珍向南通市规划管理局(以下简称“规划局”)举报其北邻倪某在自宅西南端距其住宅1米余处违法建造小楼一幢,侵犯其相邻权益,要求予以拆除。规划局于同年6月23日接举报后责成规划监察部门查处,并于7月9日、10日分别立案并制作《现场检查笔录》。8月10日,规划局向倪某送达通规监(2003)告字第2037号《行政处罚事先告知书》。2003年12月23日,朱瑞珍以规划局在接到举报后60日内没有作为为由向港闸法院起诉,要求判令规划局履行法定职责。2004年1月2日,规划局向倪某送达于2003年12月31日制作的通规监港(2003)罚字…  相似文献   


This study investigated the extent to which crediting and discrediting background information, given to observers before they watched three video-taped interviews with the same witness, affected their veracity judgments. Our analyses show that the observers' distribution of truth/lie-judgments were more affected by crediting than discrediting background information. We also mapped the subjective cues given to justify the truth/lie-judgments, and found that the most frequently used cue was whether or not the three statements were consistent over time. In addition, our analysis revealed two types of inter-observer disagreements. One type referred to how different cues were perceived (e.g., forty observers perceived the three statements as being inconsistent over time while an equal number perceived the same three statements as being consistent over time). The second type referred to how different cues were used (e.g., the fact that the witness was perceived as not being confident in his testimony worked against him equally as often as it worked for him).  相似文献   


Although previous research has reported that the incarceration of sex offenders does not significantly reduce re-offending, there is no adequate theory guiding remedial programs for this population. The aim of the present study was to examine whether normal personality variation provides useful theoretical insight into the nature of sex offences against children. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), a measure of the five-factor model (FFM) of personality, was administered to 64 males incarcerated for child sex offences. Sex offenders were categorised into different offender groups comprising incest within the immediate family, incest within step-family and extra familial offence. A comparison group of 33 non-offender males also completed the NEO PI-R. Results indicated that the sex offender groups were significantly higher in Neuroticism and significantly lower in Extraversion and Conscientiousness compared to the non-offender group. Significant differences between the sex offender groups and comparison groups for NEO PI-R facets were also found. The implications of these findings in terms of early identification and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

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