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Forensic Science     
Scientific evidence is often more reliable than other types of evidence commonly used in criminal trials – i.e., eyewitness identifications, confessions, and informant testimony. Nevertheless, despite its obvious value, forensic science has not always merited the term "science." Three developments in the 1990s focused attention on its shortcomings: the advent of DNA profiling, the Supreme Court's "junk science" decision, and a number of wellpublicized crime laboratory scandals. In light of these developments, and in order to take full advantage of the power of forensic science to aid in the search for truth, a number of reforms are needed: Crime laboratories should be accredited, lab procedures should be standardized, and basic research needs to be conducted on many commonly used techniques. Court procedures also require improvement: Defense experts should be more readily available to indigent defendants, and more comprehensive pretrial disclosure of the substance of expert testimony should be provided.  相似文献   

"发展法学"与法学的发展--兼论经济法理论中的发展观   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
经济与社会的发展离不开一定的发展观,该发展观在相关的法律制度和法学研究中都要有所体现,以促进新兴的"发展法学"的形成;发展观在传统法和现代法理论中会有不同的显现,在"发展法学"中的经济法学领域则体现得尤为突出;对"发展法学"的深入研究有助于推动整个法学的发展.  相似文献   

裴苍龄 《法律科学》2012,(1):95-107
事实是一切学科的对象。事实不是陈述、命题、描述和断定。事实是指客观外界存在或不存在、发生或未发生的全部情况和过程。事实可分为如下类型:一、静态事实和动态事实;二、积极事实和消极事实;三、自然事实和人为事实;四、历史事实和当前事实。事实有四大功能,即认识的基础、证明的根据、检验的标准、思想的指南。事实有两重属性:一为客观性;二为关联性。证据也有两重属性。证据的客观性指的还是事实的客观性,证据的关联性指的也还是事实的关联性。可见,事实就是证据。事实有四大功能,证据自然也有四大功能。证据不限于司法工作需要,全人类都需要。因此,要把证据学打造成全人类的科学。  相似文献   

To say that science has a great role to play is to repeat platitudes. Hardly anyone with any smattering of knowledge doubts this. In these days, when science is taking truly giant strides, when its achievements are evident to any modern man at literally every step, there is no need to prove that science is indispensable to the progress of society.  相似文献   

比较法律科学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
最近在比较法研究的复兴过程中,人们不断地努力界定这一法学分支学科的性质和研究范围.有些学者主张,比较法代表一种研究方法,而不是一个法学部门.他们指出这样的事实:对不同法律制度进行比较的技术几乎可以在任何法学分支学科中应用;而且与实证法的各个分支不同,在社会生活中比较法并不能实现某一种确定的功能.特别是法哲学和法史学论者,如布瑞斯(J.Bryce)、[1]霍兰德(Holland)[2]和詹克斯(Jenks)[3]教授,倾向于这种观点.  相似文献   

<正>《中国法学》是中国法学会主管、主办的法学学术期刊,创刊于1984年,是我国法学期刊中四届国家期刊奖获得者。本刊始终坚持正确的政治方向,坚持理论联系实际,关注重大理论与现实问题,坚持刊物的学术性,追求学术创新,严守学术规范。本刊对论文的评审取舍以学术质量为硬标准,实行符合国际学术期刊惯例的专家匿名审稿制度,在充分尊重专家评审意见的基础上,考虑刊物的定位、宗旨、特色、学科等因素,  相似文献   

司法鉴定科技需求的分析与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
司法鉴定具有科学和法律的双重属性。司法鉴定在保障司法公正、维护社会公平正义、构建社会主义和谐社会中,发挥着重要作用。目前司法鉴定行业科技发展的现状已不能适应司法鉴定行业自身及社会进步的要求,针对司法鉴定科技发展存在的主要问题,对司法鉴定科学技术发展的现状、需求、可行性、目标和意义进行思考并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

司法鉴定是人类科技发展的一个重要方面,是法律和科技的完美结合。本文从司法鉴定的构成和司法鉴定的新发展与运用等方面对司法鉴定这一科技分支进行了简略描述。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of how science and history of science may help or be helped by Vedic studies. The conclusions drawn are that: 1. Vedic studies are important for the history of Indian science; 2. Modern science, in particular physics, is not a useful source of philosophical ideas that confirm aspects of Vedic studies; 3. Vedic studies will not contribute to modern scientific research; and 4. Vedic studies are nevertheless centrally important for an understanding of Indian history and culture in general.  相似文献   

Abstract. F. A. Hayek's defense and analysis of the liberal state built on rule of law is both a moral and a scientific enterprise. The author shows that Hayek favors rule of law because it seeks to protect moral agency. It is procedurally rather than morally restrictive because men cannot easily know moral truth. Markets are included in Hayek's analysis not because they produce wealth but because they promote moral agency.  相似文献   

法科留学生与中国近代法学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何勤华 《法学论坛》2004,19(6):82-90
近年来,我国学术界对法科留学生与中国近代法制的关系问题有了一些研究,但对法科留学生对中国近代法学所作的贡献,则还未系统涉及。本文分三个部分,对中国近代法科留学活动的展开,法科留学生在中国近代法学的诞生与成长过程中所起的作用,以及因法科留学活动而带给中国近代法学以若干特点与传统作了比较详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

面对中国的法学   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文通过对 2 0 0 3年所发生的孙志刚事件和刘涌案的反思 ,指出中国的法律人必须重新在中国的环境中理解法律 ,在中国社会变迁的时空中来理解中国的法律问题 ,要更多用中国人自己的眼光和视角 ,审视包括法律人自身的一切。  相似文献   

For Soviet science 1974 is a jubilee year. It was 250 years ago that the Academy of Sciences was founded, precursor of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which today unites the most important research institutions doing fundamental research.  相似文献   

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