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During an extensive multipopulation study with Y-short tandem repeat (STR) loci, amplified using the AmpFlSTR Yfiler PCR amplification kit, amplification of a 71 bp fragment was observed in 2.32% of the male samples analyzed (N = 3141). By direct sequencing of this fragment, it was determined that the primer binding sequences were identical to those of the DYS456 locus. A T to G single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) enabled amplification of the 71 bp fragment. The SNP is located within an X-Y homologous region at Xq21.31 and was observed with the highest frequency within the African American and Sub-Saharan African populations in our study. Presence of SNP on the X chromosome did not interfere with the reliability of typing the DYS456 locus and the other Y-STR loci typeable using the AmpFlSTR Yfiler PCR amplification kit. Full profiles in a mixture of male:female at 1:4000 were obtained using the current configuration of the AmpFlSTR Yfiler kit even in the presence of female DNA containing the G variant.  相似文献   

目的调查分析DYS448基因座分型缺失,为法医学提供有意义的数据。方法收集中国汉族5487名无关男性个体血样,其中4479份样本用Y-filerTM试剂盒,1008份样本应用Yfiler PlusTM试剂盒进行复合扩增,所有样本应用AGCU Y-24试剂盒复核;统计DYS448基因座出现基因分型缺失的概率。结果在5487名无关个体的Y-STR数据中,观察到35个个体的35种单倍型中DYS448基因座分型出现缺失,其中2个样本在其它基因座位同时出现多谱带。结论 DYS448基因座分型缺失率为0.637%,在Y-STR数据库与父系鉴定应用中应予以关注。  相似文献   

Eight DYS385 allele size discrepancies and six DYS448 null types were detected among 708 Korean men when results of three in-house multiplex short tandem repeat (STR) systems were compared. The systems included both ordinary and reduced size amplicons. Sequence analysis revealed deletion mutations at two sites upstream of the DYS385 core repeats and deletion of the entire DYS448 locus. At DYS385, allele size differences were one or two repeats and were dependent on the primer set used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. Location of the primer target sequence in a flanking region of the STR, distal or proximal to the deletion, determined allele size. Two widely used commercial kits amplify DYS385 so as to include the mutable sites. Arrangement analysis of sequence tagged sites demonstrated that the deletion patterns at DYS448 (and DYS464) were associated with arrangements of the azoospermia factor c gene (AZFc). The DYS448 deletion appears relatively frequent in Asians.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The time required for short tandem repeat (STR) amplification is determined by the temperature ramp rates of the thermal cycler, the components of the reaction mix, and the properties of the reaction vessel. Multiplex amplifications in microfluidic biochip-based and conventional tube-based thermal cyclers have been demonstrated in 17.3 and 19 min, respectively. Optimized 28-cycle amplification protocols generated alleles with signal strengths above calling thresholds, heterozygous peak height ratios of greater than 0.65, and incomplete nontemplate nucleotide addition and stutter of less than 15%. Full CODIS-compatible profiles were generated using the Profiler Plus ID, COfiler and Identifiler primer sets. PCR performance over a wide range of DNA template levels from 0.006 to 4 ng was characterized by separation and detection on a microfluidic electrophoresis system, Genebench-FX. The fast multiplex PCR approach has the potential to reduce process time and cost for STR analysis and enables development of a fully integrated microfluidic forensic DNA analysis system.  相似文献   

An alternate method for quantitation of human genomic DNA is presented. Quantitative template amplification technology (abbreviated "Q-TAT") estimates the quantity of human DNA present in an extract by comparing fluorescence in X and Y amplicons produced from unknowns with fluorescence in a standard curve amplified from known quantities of reference DNA. Q-TAT utilizes PCR and electrophoresis with fluorescent detection/quantitation, precluding the need for new instrumentation, methodology, or quality assurance associated with slot-blot or real-time PCR. In a comparison study incorporating shared samples, Q-TAT was found to be more sensitive than widely used slot-blot methods but somewhat less sensitive than real-time PCR. Among samples containing DNA concentrations ranging from 100 pg/microL to 2-4 ng/microL, Q-TAT produced DNA concentration estimates that agreed reasonably well with either Quantiblot or real-time PCR. Q-TAT was reproducible with a typical coincidence of variation of about 35%. Quantitation of human DNA in this study involved summing fluorescence in X and Y amplicons in unknowns and quantitation standards. However, analyzing fluorescence in X and Y amplicons individually could allow estimates of male and female DNA present in mixtures to be made. Moreover, since X and Y amplicons exhibit sizes of 210 and 216 bp, respectively, the integrity as well as the concentration of the genomic DNA template can be assessed. Q-TAT represents an alternate method useful for the quantitation of human genomic DNA prior to amplification of STR loci used for identity testing purposes. The method uses existing equipment and procedures in conjunction with a well-characterized DNA standard to produce concentration estimates for unknowns that reliably produce STR profiles suitable for analysis.  相似文献   

目的调查15个STR基因座的突变情况。方法采集817例亲子鉴定的2722份血样本,采用Identi—filerTM系统扩增15个STR基因座分型,共有33060次等位基因传递,统计各基因座发生突变的频率。结果在15个基因座中发现涉及11个基因座共25次突变,平均突变率为0.8×101(95%C10.5—1.1×10-3),其中一步突变20次,两步突变3次,三步突变2次;父、母来源突变比率为2.6:1,不能确定来源突变7次。结论STR基因座等位基因在IdentifilerTM复合扩增系统突变现象较为常见,亲子鉴定时应引起注意。  相似文献   

中国汉族人群41个STR基因座突变情况的观察分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的调查41个STR基因座在中国汉族人群中的突变情况。方法收集1 932个三联体家系4 546份血样本,采用AGCU_21+1、AGCU_EX22、Global Filer_Express~(TM)系统扩增41个STR基因座分型,统计各基因座发生突变的频率。结果 150个三联体在32个基因座共观察到154次突变,平均突变率为1.0×10~(-3)(95%CI:0.8~1.1×10~(-3)),突变率最高的是基因座SE33。其中一步突变152次(98.7%),两步突变2次(1.3%);146个三联体仅1个基因座发生突变(97.3%),4个三联体在2个基因座发生突变(2.7%);父、母来源突变比率约为4.7:1。结论 STR基因座等位基因突变现象较为常见,亲子鉴定时应引起注意。  相似文献   

D17S2266E is a new, variable genetic marker exhibiting polymorphism of the number of repeats of four- and two-nucleotide motifs. This study, carried out on a group of 250 unrelated persons from various regions of Poland, revealed the presence of 24 different alleles ranging in size from 232 to 290 base pairs. Analysis of the sequenced fragments demonstrated that the alleles consisted of two flanking regions and two variable blocks that were separated by a consensus sequence. There were (AAAG)(5)(AG)(1)(AAAG)(3-4) repeats in the first block, and [(AAAG)(2)(AG)(1)](0-1)[(AAAG)(6)(AG)(1)](0-1)(AAAG)(n) repeats in the second block. On the basis of the allele frequencies in the population, we were able to do biostatistical calculations, which gave the following results: expected heterozygosity 0.8947 +/- 0.0137, power of discrimination 0.9793, polymorphism information content 0.8837, probability of exclusion (PE) 0.7859, PE for motherless cases 0.6473, and an average paternity index of 4.7470. These biostatistical parameters show that the marker D17S2266E can find a wide range of applications in forensic testing.  相似文献   

中国成都地区汉族群体5个STR基因座的遗传多态性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
采用PCR扩增,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析技术,调查中国成都汉族群体DIS1656、D851179、D9S302、D185535及D195253等5个STR基因座的等位基因频率分布。D1S1656检出11个等位基因,35种基因型;DSS1179检出9个等位基因,32种基因型;D95302检出12个等位基因,50种基因型;D185535检出7个等位基因,20种基因型;D195253检出8个等位基因,28种基因型。5个STR基因座基因型频率分布符合Hardy-weinberg平衡(P>0.05)。个人识别机率(DP)为0.92~0.98。分析了二代3口之家的遗传模式,证明5个STR基因座均符合孟德尔遗传规律。5个STR基因座PCR扩增采用同一条件,方法简单、快速、灵敏、重复性好,可用于法科学亲子鉴定和个人识别。  相似文献   

Paternity testing is being increasingly requested with the aim of challenging presumptive fatherhood. The ability to establish the biological father is usually based on the genotyping of autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) in alleged father, mother and child, but the use of Y-chromosomal STR has gained interest in the last few years. In this work, we propose a new probabilistic approach that combines autosomal and Y-chromosomal STR data in paternity testing with father/son pairs taking into account mutation events. We also suggest a new two-stage approach where we first type Y-STRs and possibly autosomal STR for the putative father and son, conditional on Y-STR results. We applied this approach to 22 cases. Our results show that Y-STRs can identify nonpaternity cases with high accuracy but need to be validated with autosomal STR to establish paternity. Moreover, the two-stage approach is less costly than the standard approach and is very useful in motherless cases.  相似文献   

Abstract:  With <100 pg of template DNA, routine short tandem repeat (STR) analysis often fails, resulting in no or partial profiles and increased stochastic effects. To overcome this, some have investigated preamplification methods that include the addition of proofreading enzymes to the PCR cocktail. This project sought to determine whether adding proofreading polymerases directly in the STR amplification mixture would improve the reaction when little template DNA is available. Platinum Taq High Fidelity and GeneAmp High Fidelity were tested in Profiler Plus? STR reactions alone and in combination with AmpliTaq® Gold. All reactions included the additional step of a post‐PCR purification step. With both pristine low template DNA and casework samples, the addition of these polymerases resulted in comparable or no improvement in the STR amplification signal. Further, stochastic effects and artifacts were observed equally across all enzyme conditions. Based on these studies, the addition of these proofreading enzymes to a multiplex STR amplification is not recommended for low template DNA work.  相似文献   

目的观察20个常染色体STR基因座突变在河南汉族人群中的分布情况。方法从3011例确认亲子关系的亲子鉴定案例中筛查基因突变事件,确定突变来源,统计各STR基因座的突变率,分析突变规律并与部分不同地区的人群STR基因座突变情况进行比较分析。结果在20个STR基因座中观察到19个基因座的发生的76次突变事件,平均突变率为0.08%累计突变率达到1.662 9%;父、母源性突变的比率大致为8:1;河南汉族人群在Penta E和D12S391基因座突变率明显低于北方汉族人群(P0.05);在D6S1043、CSF1PO和D12S391基因座突变率明显低于广东人群(P0.05);在CSF1PO基因座突变率明显低于云南汉族人群(P0.05)。结论 STR基因座突变现象较为常见,不同基因座的突变率存在着明显的地区差异。  相似文献   

目的观察和分析STRtyper-10G系统9个STR基因座的突变特点。方法在7 707例肯定亲子关系的案件中,统计使用STRtyper-10G试剂盒(9个STR基因座)检测发现的突变事件,判断突变等位基因的来源,计算各基因座的突变率,分析突变特点。结果在9个基因座上共发现118个突变事件,均为1步突变;平均突变率为1.69×10-3(95%CI 1.40×10-3~2.03×10-3),各基因座的突变率介于0.78×10-3~2.84×10-3,父、母来源突变比例为9.64∶1;短、中、长等位基因的突变比值约为1∶8∶3,增加和减少重复单位的突变比值为1.29∶1。结论 9个基因座的突变率存在显著差异,实际检案时应结合各基因座的突变率进行PI值计算更为科学。  相似文献   

Li L  Chen GH  Li CT  Liu Y  Lin Y  Que TZ  Zhao ZM  Wang YX 《法医学杂志》2006,22(2):111-116
目的建立18个基因座的PCR扩增检测试剂盒。方法采用两个多重PCR体系和四色荧光素标记技术,对Amelogenin和17个STR基因座(D3S1358、vWA、FGA、D8S1179、D21S11、D18S51、D5S818、D13S317、D16S539、TH01、TPOX、CSF1PO、D7S820、D2S1338、D19S433、D12S391和D19S253)进行基因型检测,并对其可靠性、稳定性、效能等进行研究。结果通过2个多重PCR扩增体系,可以成功地对各类生物学检材的Amelogenin和17个STR基因座进行检测,且可靠、稳定、高效。结论本研究所研制的试剂盒,是对该18个基因座进行检测的高效、稳定、可靠的新体系。  相似文献   

Y-STR基因座应用于刑事案件的独特作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨Y-STR基因座在刑事案件中的应用价值。方法采用Y-STR荧光标记复合扩增技术,结合案例应用。结果Y-STR基因座对于涉及男女混合、多名男性混合样本、性别鉴定、父权鉴定等案例中具有特有应用价值。结论Y-STR基因座可应用于法庭科学中的个体识别与同一认定,但在应用中要注意各种特例的发生。  相似文献   

DNA profiles were generated via direct amplification from blood and saliva samples deposited on various types of swab substrates. Each of the six non-FTA substrates used in this research was punched with a Harris 1.2 mm puncher. After 0.1 μL of blood or 0.5 μL saliva, samples were deposited on each of these punches, samples were pretreated with one of four buffers and washing reagents. Amplification was performed using direct and nondirect autosomal and Y-STR kits. Autosomal and Y-STR profiles were successfully generated from most of these substrates when pretreated with buffer or washing reagents. Concordant profiles were obtained within and between the six substrates, the six amplification kits, and all four reagents. The direct amplification of substrates which do not contain lysing agent would be beneficial to the forensic community as the procedure can be used on evidence samples commonly found at crime scenes.  相似文献   

目的建立PCR快速扩增程序和体系,并对其技术指标进行验证。方法采用六色荧光标记技术,对24个常染色体STR基因座、1个Y-STR基因座和Amelogenin、Y-In Del基因座进行复合扩增及毛细管电泳检测,同时考察体系的灵敏度、特异性、同一性、稳定性、混合样本及批量样本测试,并观察各种常见检材及降解、脱落细胞检材的分型情况。结果所建立的体系灵敏度达0.062 5 ng,快速扩增仅耗时65 min就可获得准确分型;种属特异性高;各种纸质血样本和混合、降解、脱落细胞检材的分型正确。结论本研究建立的快速扩增体系可显著提升检验速率,分型准确、稳定,对建立STR数据库、研究群体遗传学和进行法医学鉴定有重要意义。  相似文献   

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