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Smart Tickets     
World Expo 2010 Shanghai tick- ets will come with an embedded RFID tag to help eliminate counterfeit tickets and reduce the check-in time so that visitors do not have to wait in long queues.  相似文献   

IDs for Tickets     
February's Spring Festival,which features family reunions and is the country's most important traditional holiday,sets into motion tens of millions of migrants scattered throughout China.  相似文献   

因联网售票 ,目前倒卖铁路客票案件呈现倒票针对性突出、贩售人员勾结紧密、作案过程更加隐蔽、有形证据价值难以确认和行为违法性难以认定等新特点。加强阵地控制和情报信息工作 ,严格履行公安监督职能督促有关部门完善系统安全 ,利用现有资源开展隐蔽侦查 ,是此类案件的侦防策略。  相似文献   

Diplomatic Arts     
正The wife of Moroccan ambassador to China stages her first solo exhibition in Beijing I earned a Ph.D.in biology and clinical chemistry as my mother had wished me to,but deep down,I've always wanted to be an artist, said Nouria Alj Hakim,wife of Jaafar Alj Hakim,the Ambassador of Morocco to China,at her solo painting exhibition,which was held at the Beijing Imperial City Art Museum (BICAM) from June 1-3. Consequently,painting became my  相似文献   

道家是先秦诸子中重要的学术流派。道家学者以"道"为思想原点,引申出自己对人生、社会及国家的看法。道家在与各家争鸣的同时,其内部也在分化演变。老子是道家的鼻祖,他铸造了道家思想的雏形并构造了道家的问题观。庄子学派和黄老学派既保留了老子开启的"身国同治"的思维方式,又因各自道论的不同,导致了身重而不治国的内圣型超越道路与身正而国治的外王型现实道路的区别。这种区别决定了两派道家学说在中国法制文明发展中的前途。黄老学派的治国主张在汉初盛极一时,之后为儒家吸收并一直活跃于中国的王朝循环史中。庄子学派的修身体悟则不断融入民间文化,成为中国人的思考方式和人生态度的一部分。  相似文献   

The Womanly Arts     
THINK of a Chinese painter and it is likely you are thinking of a man. The world of Chinese art is generally believed to have been dominated by prolific males. But there are some brilliantly accomplished female painters, past and present, who are well worth a special look back in history, or who are essential to grasping the unique contributions of women to contemporary art.  相似文献   

Various cultural expressions on show in Kunming As living conditions keep improving, China’s rural areas are flourishing and undergoing enormous changes, and the  相似文献   

CHINESE people like to say that there are three main treasures in their country – cuisine, medi-cine and martial arts. One of the world’s most famous martial arts places is the Shaolin Monastery in  相似文献   

A Beijing-based foundation makes arts education accessible to rural learners By Chen Ran The melody of Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star floated from Duancun Township in north China’s Hebei Province.More than 40 pupils were playing orchestral instruments HENC ANR  相似文献   

ACANOPY of foliage and a silky drizzle turned the water city of Changzhou into a poetic dreamland when I was visiting it this summer. Like other southern watertowns, the ancient city is endowed with a robust system of waterways, comprised of the Grand Canal, the Yangtze River, misty Taihu Lake and a reticulation of large and small canals.  相似文献   

CHENYunhuaisfamousforhisuniquebambooartworkandf0rhisestablishmentofChina'sBambooArtsCity.HisEtyhtEIegantHorseshangsinthehalloftheUnitedNationsEducational,Sci-entificandCulturalOrganization(UNESC0)-HisHundredChildrenwonthesilverprizeattheSichuanFirstFolkArtsFairduringtheFifthChineseArtsFestival,andhisbam-boodragonusedfortheDragonDancewonagoldPrize.Chen'smostnotableartisticaccomplishmentthough,ishisHundredChineseEm-perors.Aftertw0yearsofhardwork,Chensucceededincreatingthelargeba…  相似文献   

AN exhibition entitledChinese Fine Arts Todayincluded more than 650works by 300 artists.The show, intended toshowcase China's young artists,new art concepts and a fresh per-ception of contemporary life, isbeing held at the ChinaMillennium Altar in Beijing. Theexhibits cover a great variety ofart forms from diverse schoolsand styles, including traditionalChinese painting, oil painting,watercolors, print, sculpture, pho-tography, video and other experi-mental arts. Many young emerg-  相似文献   

艺术教育利于塑造公安大学生健康的人格,提高公安大学生的思想道德修养和培养公安大学生的创新精神。应转变观念,正确把握公安院校艺术教育的方向,构建公安院校科学体系,把美育落实到学校教育的一切环节中。  相似文献   

WE need more laughter to survive the depressing economic situation, says Wang Ying, marketing director of a creative culture company. "You see comedy has now become the most popular film genre in the cinema. Even drama, which used to be unpopular in places like Shenzhen, now wins great acclaim and even finds success at the box office." Wang Ying goes on to say, "People in difficult situations desire the arts, performances that will bring them joy and help them to forget their cares and woes."  相似文献   

When the economy dips,the entertainment sector picks up.  相似文献   

ShanghaiisChina'sfirstopenportandanimportantcityinChinesehistoryofcontemporaryart.AsthegatewaythroughwhichtheWesternartwasintroduced,Shanghaihasevolvedintoacosmopolitancitywithahumanisticatmosphere.Thesplendorof"Shanghaischool"Chinesepaintingandtheri...  相似文献   

中国工读教育是普通教育的一部分,是实施特殊教育的阵地,本文就工读教育的特殊性,在办学模式特色、管理特色、发挥学校优势特色等方面进行了论述.  相似文献   


A substantial body of research indicates that positive school culture benchmarks are integrally tied to the success of school reform and change in general. Additionally, an emerging body of research suggests a similar role for school culture in effective implementation of school violence prevention and intervention efforts. However, little research is available that specifically focuses on the elements of school culture that promote the successful implementation of bullying intervention programs aimed at reducing the most prevalent form of school violence. Therefore, this case study attempted to identify the school culture characteristics that supported or interfered with implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program from the viewpoint of school staff key informants in a junior high school in its second year of program implementation. Data were collected primarily from open-ended, semi-structured interviews along with informal observations and analysis of school documents. Themes emerging from the interviews were examined in relation to the findings from the observations and documents. School culture characteristics that supported implementation included a sense of family, warmth, collaboration, and connections among staff and between staff and students, combined with a central focus on learning as the primary mission of the school. Identified barriers to implementation included the local community served by the district that was slow to change and accept differences. Outcomes suggest that, beyond ensuring fidelity of implementing the core components of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, examining the characteristics of a school's culture that promote or impede implementation efforts might further ensure its success and integration.  相似文献   

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