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The aim of this article is to report some of the qualitative findings generated from a recent research on probation in Hong Kong. It explores subjective views and experiences of probation supervision from the young adult offender's point of view. Recently there was an increasing emphasis on probation research and improvement, thereby identifying what works or otherwise in rehabilitating offenders and reducing their re-offending. Nonetheless, the role of offenders was largely neglected as service recipients or ‘customers’ in commenting on the usefulness of a penal measure. Offenders are excluded from being asked for their opinions as citizens. Conversely, this study allowed probationers to talk about their experiences of probation supervision in Hong Kong in semi-structured interviews. Their first-hand accounts indicated that probationers had much to contribute to the evaluation process and their voices should be heard by practitioners and policymakers in order to improve probation practice.  相似文献   

职务犯罪案件涉及香港地区协查取证工作的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港、澳门地区相继回归,使我国进入“一国两制”、司法多元的特殊历史时期。随着我国区域经济迅速发展。尤其是上海加快建设国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心。沪港经济等联系日趋频繁,涉及内地与香港地区不同法域的贪污、贿赂等职务犯罪也呈现出多发势头。由于内地与香港地区法律制度存在明显差异,致使内地检察机关与香港地区廉政公署等相关机构在合作中,常因法律冲突而出现查证难度大、办案周期长、资源耗费高、司法效率低等问题,对依法惩治贪污、贿赂等职务犯罪产生不利的影响,另外由于内地检察机关对香港法律制度、文化观念较不熟悉。也极易造成贪污贿赂等职务犯罪个案协查工作时的误解或配合不契合,一旦处置不妥会产生严重的后果。如何研究解决相关实务问题是当务之急。  相似文献   

This study examined inmate attitudes toward treatment, mental health treatment utilization, and treatment effects that maximize treatment effectiveness. Participants consisted of 278 incarcerated male adult offenders from the Kansas Department of Corrections. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that inmate attitudes toward treatment were predictive of the number of mental health treatment sessions (dosage) inmates received. Hierarchical linear regression analyses indicated positive help-seeking attitudes were associated with institutional behavior (decreased number and severity of disciplinary infractions) and scores on a measure assessing risk for future criminal behavior; however, the amount of mental health treatment an inmate received (treatment dosage) was associated with problematic institutional behavior (i.e., increased severity and number of disciplinary infractions). These results indicated that treatment dosage and behavioral outcomes were impacted by inmate attitudes toward treatment. As a result, correctional psychologists may be better able to predict which inmates will receive the most benefit from services. Implications of these findings for practitioners and policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

What affects political representatives' attitudes toward citizen protests? We test the impact of political representatives' left‐right ideology, parliamentary position, and earlier experience of citizen protests. Using data from a pioneering survey covering all local political representatives in Sweden (n = 9,101, response rate 70%), we examine attitudes toward controversial noninstitutionalized forms of citizen protests. The results show that representatives to the right show considerably lower protest acceptance than those to the left. Representatives in office show significantly lower levels of acceptance than those of the opposition. Finally, the results show that representatives with more protest experience show higher protest acceptance.  相似文献   

温嘉明  梁凱恩  蔡佩瑤 《中国法律》2013,(5):39-44,96-102
随着内地与港澳对一国两制下司法协助新模式的积极探索和2008年以来两岸关系的历史性转折,内地和港、澳、台四地间的司法协助成效显著。尤其是近年来,两岸签署了经济合作框架协议等一系列协议,四地间经济、文化等交流日趋紧密,涉及司法协助的案件整体上增长势头明显,数量上远超国际司法协助案件。2012年人民法院办理涉港文书送达司法协助案件1515件,涉澳文书送达和调查取证司法协助案件81件,较2008年分别上升了38.5%和72.3%。2009年6月25日两岸司法互助协议生效后,当年人民法院办理的两岸司法协助案件数量即突破1000件,此后每年都在6000件以上。四地间司法协助工作的全面开展,既有利于区际司法合作的深入推进,也为四地的融合和经贸关系发展提供了制度保障和动力。本期特选取温嘉明律师关于四地间司法协助制度的文章,梳理区际司法协助的法律基础和发展历程,研讨其取得的成就及尚存的不足。  相似文献   

This article presents the first statewide data regarding correctional officers’ attitudes about and personal experiences with domestic violence. Online surveys were administered to Florida correctional officers asking a series of questions, including their beliefs and attitudes about the prevalence of domestic violence among colleagues, and their childhood and adult experiences with domestic violence. Results from 710 officers revealed that 33?% of respondents knew about correctional officers who had committed unreported domestic violence; 30?% reported that they had directly experienced domestic violence as children; and over 11?% reported that they had been physically violent with an intimate partner. Multivariate statistics showed that age, race, and childhood experiences with domestic violence were significantly related to correctional officers reporting being physically abusive to an intimate partner or family member. These and other findings highlight the need for increased agency prevention efforts and research on the phenomenon of correctional officer-involved domestic violence.  相似文献   

香港政府反贪污贿赂的成效举世瞩目,这首先应当归功于其刑事立法的合理性。与内地刑法相比,贿赂范围的广泛性,代理人贿赂、选举贿赂等特色罪名的设置,各类主体贿赂犯罪法定刑的一致性.行贿与受贿同等处罚,从严处罚涉及公共机构的商业贿赂犯罪,注重财产刑和资格刑的并科适用等,都是香港贿赂犯罪立法的独特之处,这些做法对内地贿赂犯罪立法的修改和完善具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Legitimacy is said to be comprised of two underlying constructs: obligation to obey and moral alignment. However, legitimacy studies are mainly derived from contexts where the legal system has evolved naturally and is said to reflect the values of society. There is a paucity of research measuring public perceptions of legitimacy in postcolonial settings such as Hong Kong where the legal system was initially transplanted and many of its values may not reflect those of the local population. Procedural justice has been asserted to be a primary antecedent by which legal authorities improve their legitimacy and moral alignment. This study examines whether procedural justice is positively associated with legitimacy and moral alignment with the courts. Moreover, this study tests whether legitimacy is positively associated with cooperation with the courts. Using a random survey of the Hong Kong general population, both questions are answered in the affirmative. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

内地公民往来港澳管理考量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张惠德 《政法学刊》2012,(4):94-100
内地公民往来港澳地区管理是我国出入境管理的重要组成部分,由于特殊的历史原因,其管理制度也随着时间推移不断产生变化,经历了不同的发展阶段。往来港澳管理有其特点和存在许多问题,应对这些问题提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

目前我国內地慈善组织监管错位、监管缺位、监管模式扭曲、监管法治化程度较低等弊端暴露明显,严重挫伤了公民的慈善热情和慈善信心。香港地区的慈善组织法治监管机制在保持慈善界独立自主的同时,确保其受到高效、公平、适度的监管。內地慈善监管问题的解决,可尝试借鉴香港经验,降低监管门槛,设立权威的专门监管机构,明确监管重点,建立科学的监管模式,强化行业自律,完善立法,提高监管的法治化程度,重塑慈善组织的公信力。  相似文献   

内地与香港律师管理之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应“内地与香港律师专业发展计划”的安排,2005年8月2日,大连市律师协会一行11人去香港进行了为期一个月的研修,经过对香港律师协会、大律师公会、律政司、立法会、委托公证人协会、中国法律服务(香港)有限公司等单位为期一周的参见、参察,在香港的p.c.woo&co律师事务所进行了为期三周的工作与学习,对两地的律师管理有了更深一步的了解。对于内地而言,真正意义上的律师管理制度的建立是在上个世纪80年代。1996年5月,《中华人民共和国律师法》正式颁布,为内地律师制度确立了法律基础,自此,内地的律师和律师事务所开始步入了专业化、规模化的…  相似文献   

艾明 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):81-86
《香港截取通讯及监察条例》的制定与实施是香港秘密侦查法治化进程中的里程碑事件。条例的出台直接渊源于香港法院秉承的司法能动主义。该条例对大陆秘密侦查法治化具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

刘南男 《政法学刊》2008,25(6):84-88
证据制度是指法律规定的关于在诉讼中规范证据资格、证据收集和审查判断,以及司法证明活动的规则体系。证据制度是内地诉讼制度中亟待完善的部分。我国的香港、澳门特别行政区及台湾在法律的继承和发展过程中分别秉承英美法系当事人主义、大陆法系职权主义与混合折衷主义诉讼制度之精华,形成了各具特色且较为完善的刑事证据制度。对两岸四地的若干刑事证据规则和刑事证据证明制度进行比较分析,为内地刑事证据制度的改革与完善提供了重要思路。  相似文献   

The Attitudes Toward Prostitution Scale (ATPS) assesses the beliefs of men who purchase sex from prostitutes. Items for the ATPS were administered to a U.S. multisite sample of 1,001 men who had been arrested for soliciting an undercover police officer and subsequently referred to a psychoeducational program. Principal axis factor analysis was conducted, and it yielded three valid factors: Social/Legal Support of Prostitution, Beliefs About Prostitutes, and Family Values Related to Prostitution. Scale-item reliability was assessed with Cronbach's alpha on a second independent sample of 74 men, which offered data to support ATPS internal consistency and reliability. Based on these results, scale scores were standardized for practical use in research and clinical applications, and interpretation norms were established for a population of men who buy sex. A brief case example illustrates the practical use of the ATPS for assessment and intervention planning for customers of sex workers.  相似文献   

港澳行政主导政制模式的确立与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了港澳采取行政主导政制模式的缘由 ,分析了港澳基本法所设计的政制模式 ,即以行政主导为特色的行政长官制及其表现 ,本文认为港澳特别行政区行政机关与立法机关之间相互制衡和互相配合都是在行政主导原则下的制衡和配合。同时 ,在行政主导下 ,行政对司法有一定的制约。香港回归后的金融保卫战使行政主导政制模式得到有效验证。  相似文献   

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