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OneFamilyUnderTwoSystemsBystaffreporterCHENJIANEconomicsandpoliticshavecombinedinChinatoproduceahusband-and-wifeteamneverhefo...  相似文献   

PRIOR to Hong Kong's return to China on July 1, 1997 manned sentry boxes lined the Shenzhen/Hong Kong border. Since 1997,border security has been less stringent. Illegal border crossings are negligible and travel between Hong Kong and the interior areas is more flexible.The boxes are still there,but closed-circuit television is sufficient for monitoring purposes,so few are guarded.  相似文献   

<正>Beijing Review recently interviewed Ashok K.Kantha,Indian Ambassador to China,eliciting his views on issues relevant to ChinaIndia relations:from managing cross-border disputes and addressing trade imbalances and infrastructure challenges to encouraging people-to-people exchanges and adapting to a new global economic environment.His responses touch upon the many important tasks  相似文献   

The conflicts between Fatah and Hamas have split the Palestinian territory.Now the future of peaceful negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian is dim The violent conflicts between Palestine's two main mili-tary parties, the Palestine National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), have quickly expandedsince June.  相似文献   

While the terracotta warriors from ancient China are still on display in London,receiving the admiration of millions of British visitors, the prime minister of the UK touched down in Beijing and then Shanghai to be greeted by leaders,entrepreneurs and citizens in the Middle Kingdom. Gordon Brown's trip to China in mid-January was the first to the country since he took office and the first for a European state leader  相似文献   

The Agricultural Bank of China (ABC),the only non-listed bank among China's"big four"state-owned commercial banks,is currently un- der the glare of the reform spotlight.This follows on the heals of Premier Wen Jiabao's announcement during his government work report in March, that a shareholding system will be introduced in the bank and its role in serving agriculture,farmers and rural areas will remain unchanged.  相似文献   

On a hill overlooking the Yangtze River stands Yuejiang Tower.Though it could be eas- ily mistaken as hundreds of years old,it was in fact completed in 2001, more than 600 years after the Ming Dynasty's founding emperor,Zhu Yuanzhang,had first envisioned building a tower here that would embody the dynasty's grandeur and aspirations. The city of Nanjing,capital of east China's Jiangsu Province,accomplished  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of all-time low relations with Asian neighbors, Japan's Emperor Akihito used the occasions of his annual birthday press conference and New Year greeting to talk to his nation about wartime history. The fact that he rarely addresses the  相似文献   

Why do so many young couples adhere to the one-child policy when they qualify for two?  相似文献   

WangXuan,OneofChina'sPioneers¥FANJIANWangXuan,pioneerinlaserphotocompositionforChinesecharacters,breaksoutofthetraditionalChi...  相似文献   

In a Starbuc ks shop in Beijing at the end of 2004,a 30-something man named Yang Bo could be found wor king on his laptop every day with a cup of coffee at hand.A few months late r,he launched a website called Douban.com,whi c h now many Interne t us e r …  相似文献   

From watch repairman to cable magnate, Jiang Xipei takes success in his stride Jiang Xipei, Chairman of Far East Group, has worked his way up from being an ordinary watch repairman to being China's "King of Cable"-leading his company to a ranking of 30th in the 2006 Hurun IT Magnates List. He has undertak- en corporate restructuring on four occasions, and plays an active role in  相似文献   

This paper presents and analyzes the texts and performance context of funeral orations for Monguor living in Minhe Hui and Monguor Autonomous County, Qinghai Province, China. The orations provide an important insight into the Minhe Monguor religious worldview. It is further noted that the longer, more traditional orations are now rarely given and that the Minhe Monguor funeral orations differ considerably from those heard in Huzhu Monguor Autonomous County, also located in Qinghai.  相似文献   

<正>Slowing growth rates in both developed and emerging economies will pose challenges in 2015 The global economy faces an uncertain future in 2015,marked with the prospect of weak growth.Challenges include a potential rate hike by the Federal Reserve,low bulk commodity prices in the international market and growing risksamong emerging economies.These trends  相似文献   

China is already outpacing Russia, which is encountering ever more difficulties in trying to arrange a continental bloc of satellite states. While it may not be possible for China to organize its own version of such a bloc given the deep-rooted regional fears and apprehensions about Chinese objectives, in the coming years it will probably be the primary foreign economic presence in Central Asia, able to cash in on the political advantages that accrue to any such power.  相似文献   

In the People's Republic of China's (PRC) continuous state-building project since its establishment in 1949, the notion of nation and nationality (minzu) has been uninterruptedly utilised by the leading elite in its political programmes. The notion of the ‘nationality question’ (minzu wenti) was employed especially for addressing the issues of the officially identified minority nationalities at the time when the multinational nature of the state was made fundamental. However, how a multinational character of the Chinese state is interpreted by the state elite and how this interpretation is shaped by their policies have arguably changed along with the political and economic preferences of the regime. This paper aims to explore the meaning of ‘nationality question’ during the period of socialist construction, and traces the shift in its notion during the reform period which started in the 1970s. The essay pays attention to the change in the preferred corresponding English term of minzu wenti. I argue that the substitution of the ‘nationality question’ term, which was dominant during the socialist period, with the concept of the ‘ethnic question’ during the reform period points not only to the changing character of the government policies towards minorities, but also legitimises them as the only suitable and rightful in the context of economic reforms.  相似文献   

FOR Chinese people, South China is synonymous with grace and romance. Depictions of the South in many grand poems of the Tang and Song dynasties - the golden period of classical Chinese poetry and prose - ensure successive generations of young Chinese continue to read and dream about the region’s easy charm. The South’s starlets are Hangzhou and Suzhou, whose myriad lakes and gardens embody the region’s delicate beauty. But Zhenjiang City, sitting at the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal in Jiangsu Province,  相似文献   

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