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A Smart City     
A new area built from scratch—unlike the packed skylines of other metropolises in that a height restriction limits the stature of its buildings. Seventy percent of this embryonic settlement will be covered by vegetation and water, and people, no matter where in the city, will be within just a few minutes walk of the nearest park. Leading universities, hospitals, corporate headquarters, financial entities and public institutions currently located in Beijing will all set up branches here in the coming years.China's Internet giants Alibaba and Baidu have both announced plans to open offices, making it another center for the research of cutting-edge technologies in the country.  相似文献   

JINING No.2Mine is Located in RenchengDistrict,Jining City,Shandong Province ,the home of Confucius and Meneius .To its east is the Beijing-Shang hai Railway and to its west is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and JiningAirport.Two branch railways(Yan zhou -Shijiazhuang and Yan zhou -Xinxiang )and threenational highways transverse the area,and it has a special railway ling and local highways for ship-ping coal .All transportation tacili-ties are will developed .the coal field cover…  相似文献   

The Idea of Home     
AS an old saying goes, "Home is where the heart is." So even if your home goes through changes, as long as there is love it will be there. I was born in a very small village with only a few households along the coastal area of northern Jiangsu Province, at the end of 1969. Over the 40 years of my life I have experienced many changes, moving from deep in the countryside, to a larger village, then a small town and finally a city, eventually settling down in Beijing.  相似文献   

正A new area built from scratch—unlike the packed skylines of other metropolises in that a height restriction limits the stature of its buildings.Seventy percent of this embryonic settlement will be covered by vegetation and water,and people,no matter where in the city,will be within just a few minutes walk of the nearest park.Leading universities,hospitals,corporate headquarters,financial entities and public institutions currently located in Beijing will  相似文献   

A Plan Is Born     
China is one of the few countries that formulate a plan pertaining to economic and social development every five years.From ideas to implementation,creating a five-year plan involves many great minds.It's a complicated,sometimes drawn out process with thorough procedures—and it should be,since each plan plots the course China will take in its social and economic development over the next five years.Professor Hu Angang,Director of the Center for China Study of Tsinghua University,who took part in drawing up ...  相似文献   

<正>U.S.electric automaker Tesla Inc.has been in the media spotlight in the past few weeks for something still uncertain:whether,and when,it will build its first car factory in China.Tesla CEO Elon Musk spoke of a"rough target of start of production in about three years"on the company’s plan for a China plant in a recent conference call with analysts,following reports of it having talks with the local government on building a factory in Shanghai.Nothing is final yet,but one thing is certain:  相似文献   

<正>Green View The International Garden Expo Park in Wuhan,capital of central China’s Hubei Province.The park will host the opening ceremony of the nine-month 10th China International Garden Expo on September 25.With a total area of 231.77 hectares,it is located in the core area of Zhanggong Embankment Park,with Changfeng Park and the former Jinkou refuse landfill as its main venues.  相似文献   

<正>Four years since the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative,also known as the Belt and Road Initiative,was put forward,various regions in China have leveraged their advantages to support its implementation.As its initiator,China has exemplif ied how this vision will be turned into reality.Northwest China was on the ancient Silk Road routes.The region is a key area of the Silk Road Economic Belt,as it is a hub  相似文献   

1. Brief introductionPudong, a district that lies about 15 kilometers from downtown Shanghai, covers 532square kilometers. To its east is the mouth of theYangtze River and to its west is the HuangpuRiver. Pudong's population makes up one-tenthof Shanghai's total, and its area, one-twelfth.Since it is located to the east of the HuangpuRiver, it is also called Eastern Shanghai. The district has fertile land and fresh water resources.2. Gross Domestic ProductPudong's GDP increased from 6 …  相似文献   

NANCHIZI is a special area of Beijing. Southeast of the Forbidden City, it used to be a part of the imperial palace. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), its buildings served as government offices, and during the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911), it was the imperial storage area. Hutongs called Ciqi Ku (Porcelain Warehouse) and Denglong Xiang (Lantern Alley), reflect the history  相似文献   

Chen Kezhi:a prestigious oil painter and a household name in Chinese fine arts circles,is add- ing luster to the cultural prosperity of the country with his artistic efforts.The latest sensation is over his masterpieces of the Three Gorges area.Since 1996,he has devoted himself to the Three Gorges series.These paintings reproduce the original impression of the Three Gorges area that will never be seen again.The paintings deliver the mystic atmosphere of the orient and the majestic scenery of China.Chen recently sat down with Beijing Review reporter Huang Jun to share his views and experience on these masterpieces.  相似文献   

Book Information     
In order to redeem their pledge, several generations of Mongolian wrestlers start an expedition to the west in company with a beautiful woman--Alatajin, who will never grow old. They win their contests all their way, but it seems they will never reach the end of the world. The expedition explores for several centuries when one day they look ahead and see their homeland before them they have traveled right around the earth only to come back to their starting point. But their beautiful prairie has become a battlefield and the nation is in turmoil...  相似文献   

China Takes Wing     
COVER STORY If all goes according to plan, Chinese air travellers will be boarding big commercial airliners designed and manufactured in China by the year 2020. The aviation market, long dominated by Boeing and Airbus, will face a home grown challenge in a lucrative arena that is forecast to see China purchase 2230 new aircraft in the period leading up to 2025. It is hoped that many of those aircraft would be stamped “Made in China.” With government lending its weight to the development process, the civil aviation industry is aware it will take time to get into full flight and has fastened its seatbelts. Known for its high risk, hi-tech input and snail pace returns, the industry is taking it one step at a time all the way to the runway.  相似文献   

China's independently developed moon rover, which will be used during the second phase of the Chang'e lunar probe program, is a genuine feat of engineering, capable of overcoming virtually any obstacle it is likely to encounter on its upcoming mission to explore the lunar surface. "The rover will unfold and stand on its wheels automatically before proceeding with its exploration tasks once it gets out of the spacecraft," said Mao Ming, head of the China North Vehicle Research Institute, which is in char.cle of the rover's development.  相似文献   

Promise of first-class service The most convenient location, featuring a cozy ambiance, the Holiday Inn Downtown Shanghai never forgets the promises it makes to its guests. And that is to create the most relaxing and comfortable environment in every possible way.  相似文献   

正The ruling of the South China Sea arbitration,which was unilaterally initiated by the now-defunct Aquino III administration of the Philippines,was announced on July12.Immediately following the announcement,China’s Foreign Ministry released a statement,denouncing it as a null and void award that China will never recognize or accept.The subject matter of the arbitration concerns China’s sovereignty over its ter-  相似文献   

FRIENDSHIP is like a tree. If you tend it whole-heartedly, it will grow luxuriant foliage and blossom despite of wind and snow. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) which plants trees of friendship all over the world is greeting its 40th birthday. The number of growth rings of the friendship trees planted by the CPAFFC has also increased to 40. What a glorious history! It heralds a bright future.  相似文献   

F OUNDED in 1945, the Da- lian Ocean Fishery Group in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province is a state-owned enterprise with assets of RMB 2 billion (US $250 million) and a staff body numbering more than 7,000. The group is located in the Dalian Bay Fishing Port, which encompasses a sea area of 1.2 million sq m and a land area of 1.09 million sq m. To its south, the Yellow Sea ocean navigation route links it with other major ports around the world, while to its north, modern rail- way…  相似文献   

EVERYBODY says that the Paradise is beautiful, but can not be comparable with the Honghu Lake area where fish and rice are abundant." These two lines are from a song eulogizing the area. Honghu Lake in Hubei Province is one of few non-polluted freshwater lakes left in the world. Its waters extend more than 50 kilometers at the widest point. Wild ducks play everywhere over its waters that hide beneath them lotus roots and water nuts. In spring, the lake is dotted with numerous boats of f…  相似文献   

THE rise of China is gaining more momentum thanks to its increasing economic, political, and strategic weight in the AsiaPacific region, and its outstanding performance in a post-crisis global economy. With an average annual economic growth of 9.5 percent over the past two decades, China has remained the single largest contributor to global growth over the past few years. However, its economic thrust has come at high energy and environment costs: it is the second-largest energy consumer and one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters worldwide.  相似文献   

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