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正As a history buff,political hack and someone whose beloved uncle was a professor of Chinese philosophy,I know enough to admit that I actually know very little about Kong Qiu,known in the West as Confucius,the famed philosopher whose ideas continue to play a central role in leadership and political theory.On my bookshelf in Beijing sit several books that espouse his teachings,as well as ancient Chinese thoughts and fables,many of them half-read.Learning more would be a good project for my time in China,I thought  相似文献   

正The intersection between communism and datong It is sometimes argued by critics of Marxism that China today is and perhaps has long been more Confucian than Marxist.Contrarily,some have joked that Confucius was the first Chinese Marxist,and that the"socialist market"conditions we see today in China fi t logically into both classical Marxist and  相似文献   

T HE Analects of Confucius is a contemporary record of Confucius’ and his disciples’ quo- tations from more than 2,000 years ago. As such, it is seminal reading for the study of Confucius, his life and his thinking. There was a prevailing belief in feudal China that the noblest human existence within an ideal human society could be achieved through self-cultivation of the mind and body, harmony within the family, good governance and a peaceful realm. As this was the concept preeminent wit…  相似文献   

An expanding network of institutes teaches the Chinese language overseas 0n December 1,2009,the Confucius Institute in Lyon,France,held a plaque-unveiling ceremony.Thomas  相似文献   

<正>"I ’ve noticed that Chinese children are very respectful to their par-ents,"I said to my friend Mr.Yang."That’s because we have a strong cultural tradition supporting filial piety.One of the most important children’s books is an ancient one-which came out of our Confucian tradition,"said Mr.Yang.  相似文献   

近年来,史学界爆出了孔子在《论语》、《左传》、《庄子》、《韩非子》、《墨子》、古代小说神话以及民间传说中的不同形象的言论。笔者认为,正是孔子的地位和影响,各学派都想假孔子之名而行其道,于是把孔子塑造成本学派的形象。从纵向看,历代统治阶级莫不是为了维护自身的利益,对这位“吐辞为经,举足为法”的至圣先师随意打扮。然而,我们不能低估这种被歪曲的孔子形象所造成的影响,仅从重大的历史事件上来看,从近代到现代就有利用这种被妆扮的孔子形象而掀起的两场轩然大波:“五四”运动提出“打倒孔家店”的口号,和“文革”中上演的“批林…  相似文献   

(上接本文第一部分<原文及注、译、按>之162,载本刊2008年第3期) 163.子曰: "饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!不有博弈者平?为之犹贤手已." 注 "博弈":据焦循<孟子正义>, "盖弈但行棋,博以掷采而后行棋." "已",行为终止,没有行动或活动.  相似文献   

(上接本文第一部分<原文及注、译、按>之174,载本刊2008年第6期) 二、综论 学人的治学活动是一种典型的、集中的理性认识活动,因此治学思想应当是认识论的一种提炼和提升.研究<论语>的治学思想,当然就是研究孔子(及其弟子)的治学思想,也是在更高的层面上探究孔子的认识论.  相似文献   

(上接本文第二部分<综论>之[二],载本刊2009年第5期) (三)下学上达,一以贯之 按照"品学言行一体"和"道识技艺一体"的人生修养和治学纲领,孔子进一步回答了如何治学的问题.  相似文献   

《论语》的一些内容看上去很平常,其中蕴含的政治哲学也一直被学者所忽略,需要进行拾遗补缺式地再发掘。在政治哲学语境下审视孔子重亲情、重教育、重德性、明义利等理念,有助深入理解其整体思想。对《论语》作学科化研读、学理性整理,将其一直被忽视的思想火花融入现代学术体系,更准确而系统地把握全书主旨要义,开辟新的研究领域,提炼其中有关政治哲学理论元素,为中国现代政治文明建设提供有益借鉴,推进传统文化的创造性转化和创新性发展。  相似文献   

CONFUCIUS, one of the most influential philosophers in Chinese history, is a house-hold name all over the modern world. His thought has exerted a far-reaching influence on generations of Chinese in almost all areas  相似文献   

是"愚民"还是"民本"--《论语》一则略考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张刚 《思想战线》2004,30(6):115-117
按传统方式理解《论语·泰伯》中的“民可使由之 ,不可使知之”这句话 ,可解释为统治者当时推行的愚民政策 ,但从诠释学的角度来看 ,这种解释无法与《论语》文本背景融合。若将这句话点断为“民可使 ,由之 ;不可使 ,知之” ,译为 :“民众若能得到很好的管理 ,就继续使用这种方法 ;如果没有得到有效的管理 ,作为统治者就要观察了解这一现象背后的原因 ,找到解决问题的有效办法” ,则与此话相关的困惑就能迎刃而解。  相似文献   

李利民 《理论月刊》2002,(10):110-110
孔子以“仁”“恕”进行道德品质教育,以“礼”进行政治教育,用道德品质教育去贯通政治教育;这启示我们:一方面,道德教育是政治教育的基础,以政治教育代替道德教育,政治教育难以取得好效果;另一方面,政治修养是道德修养的升华,加强政治教育不能放松。  相似文献   

Confucius Great educator, thinker, and founder of Confucianism, Confucius (551-479 B.C.) is regarded as having had the greatest influence on the development of Chinese culture. He is believed to have had 3,000 students and 72 disciples, with whom he traveled the vassal states in ancient China for 14 years. He collated and compiled many ancient books, including the Book of Songs, the Book of History, the Book of Rites, and the Book of Music. He also wrote  相似文献   

宋元以来,孔氏南宗与婺州学者的交游广泛而密切,其中以许谦、吴师道、黄溍、胡翰、宋濂等婺州名儒为代表。婺州学者对孔氏南宗的敬仰、评价、推崇具有较强的一致性。他们以孔氏南宗为大宗,对孔氏南宗士人的学养、品行、忠义精神与诗礼文化推崇有加。孔氏南宗与婺州学者的长期交游,不仅扩大了孔氏南宗的影响,促进了孔氏南宗的发展和孔氏南宗的思想演进,而且推动了浙西南地区的朱学传播以及区域文化发展。  相似文献   

<正>on January 11,2011,a bronze statue of Confucius,nearly eight meters high,was unveiled in the northern square of China’s National Museum,which stands on the e...  相似文献   

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