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Household survey data on age at first use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana,and hard drugs can be biased due to sample selection and inaccuraterecall. One potential concern is attrition, whereby individuals who getinvolved with substance use at an early age become increasingly less likelyto be surveyed in successive years. A comparison of data from the NationalHousehold Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) with data from a longitudinal studysuggested that attrition might have caused substantially less bias thandid forward telescoping, the inflating of age at first useover time. The evidence of forward telescoping was particularly pronouncedwith respect to age at first use of alcohol. This paper presents a procedurefor correcting the distribution of age at first use for forward telescoping(but not attrition) by viewing a portion of the NHSDA data collected insuccessive years as constituting a cohort study. Results are presented fromapplying this procedure with NHSDA data collected from 1982 to 1995 forrespondents born 1968–1973. The findings suggest that preventionprograms need to be introduced at an earlier age than would be indicatedby uncorrected retrospective data. Other implications are alsohighlighted.  相似文献   

The study of "implementation" has become a favorite subject of policy sciences in recent years. In part, this interest has been stimulated by the disappointments of the "great society program" in the United States in the sixties where goals formulated at the program level very often were not implemented. In the context of European constitutional thinking, the topic gains an ideological-critical emphasis. For those who believe in the reality of normative theories of separation of powers, it comes as a surprise that though political goals may be determined at the policy-formulation level, it is at the implementation stage where decisionmakers have a full range of possibilities to fulfill or to displace such goals. Concepts similar to "policy" and "implementation" (which are untranslatable in German legal language) have nevertheless been implicit in theories claiming a tendency to replace "conditional," compliance-oriented laws with goal-oriented legislation. To the degree that executive agencies become less strictly bound by precise legal rules and more by goal-oriented policy programs, they seem to lose legal legitimacy. This has to be replaced by increasing responsiveness at the implementation phase, which can be enhanced institutionally through participation, or what we might call the "democratic legitimacy of implementation."  相似文献   

在诗歌审美分化愈益明朗的背景下,袁昶首次从历史文化资源中发掘出"惊四筵"和"适独坐"的文学观念,并通过自己的诗歌创作去实现"适独坐"的文学审美."适独坐"在袁昶的诗中最起码包含两方面的内容:其一是乱世文人仕与隐的矛盾.袁昶一生徘徊于其中不能抉择,于是他通过各种途径营造"市隐"、"朝隐"、"吏隐"的境界,为自己安排一片休憩缓冲的家园.其二是仕隐的思想意蕴.袁昶的诗中山水与老庄并具,写景与玄理兼有,"玄又玄"是又一突出的特点.但是他的"玄又玄"不仅是老庄,而是老庄、理学、佛学甚至神仙思想兼而有之,又佐之考据学,从而呈现出驳杂深刻的状态.  相似文献   

From the beginning of the Seventies until almost the end of the Eighties, the Public Prosecution Service in the Netherlands concentrated a major part of its resources on combatting white collar and corporate crime. This effort climaxes in a number of spectacular fraud trials, involving in one case the directors of a large commercial bank, in another high-ranking public officials. Almost all were acquitted. As dramatically as interest in white collar and corporate crime had increased, so too did it decline at the end of the Eighties, until by now public interest in fraud is primarily concerned with social security frauds at one end of the scale, and money laundering by organised crime at the other. This article examines the rise and fall of the fraud-issue in Holland, the parts played by the Public Prosecution Service and the media, and the structural (economic and social) limitations to the criminalisation of white collar and corporate behaviour.  相似文献   

边秀琴 《河北法学》2007,25(8):103-106
受贿罪中的受贿对象不应仅限于财物,还应包括物质性利益和不正当利益."利用职务上的便利"应理解为利用本人职权的便利,包括利用将来职务上的便利,但不包括利用过去职务上的便利."为他人谋取利益"是受贿罪的客观要件而非主观要件,在受贿罪的犯罪构成中应当"有条件地保留",是否"为他人谋取利益"并不影响受贿罪的既遂.  相似文献   

This article considers the implications of assisted outpatient commitment laws (OPC), with specific focus on New York's "Kendra's Law" through the lens of therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ). In this article, the author offers perspectives on the relationship between involuntary civil commitment, outpatient commitment, and the concept of the "least restrictive alternative"; considers pertinent empirical research, and looks at OPC's controversial relationship to forced drugging. Here, the civil libertarian critique is briefly considered, as well as the MacArthur Research Network research. Finally, the author looks closely at Kendra's Law, providing a brief overview of the law itself, and identifying some "pressure points" and pivotal issues, and considers the TJ implications of Kendra's Law, to determine how it "fits" into the public's "take" on all of mental disability law.  相似文献   

This study uses longitudinal data to identify risk markers for reassault among batterer program participants. Data are from 308 men and their partners collected at five, 3-month intervals. Time-varying situational and behavioral risk factors, as well as time-invariant individual characteristics, are examined. The most influential risk markers, in terms of relative risk and level of statistical significance, were time-varying: 2 measures of the man's drunkenness during the follow-up interval in which the reassault occurred (OR: 3.5-16.3; p > .0005). Other included time-varying batterer characteristics had no significant effect on reassault. Two significant time-invariant batterer risk factors were (1) severe psychopathology and (2) a history of non-domestic-violence arrest, both measured at intake. Results suggest that batterers' drinking behavior after program intake may provide an important and easily observed marker for risk of reassault and that prediction of reassault with individual risk factors at program intake remains problematical.  相似文献   

对我国《刑法》第13条"前段"和"但书"的定位,理论上历来存在争议。现有的研究或不具有普遍适用性,或不能妥当解释"前段"与"但书"之间的矛盾。事实上,应分别从立法和司法层面理解"前段"和"但书"的内容,即在将"前段"解释为立法层面要求的前提下,借助刑事责任理论将"但书"解读为刑事责任实现后的出罪权。如此理解,不仅能为刑法修改完善提供法律根据,也能在增强刑法积极一般预防作用的同时,限制刑法立法权。"但书"的核心在于将刑事责任已经实现的案件,及时从刑事司法程序中"解脱"出来,该权力的运用既不会破坏犯罪构成的定型性功能,也不会助推司法自由裁量权的滥用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the role of internal European Union (EU) policies and measures in implementing the target for greenhouse gas mitigation in the Kyoto Protocol. It starts with a discussion of the EU Burden Sharing Agreement, which distributes the target between Member States. This leads to a review of the appropriate level of implementation of policies, i.e. at the EU level or Member State level. There is a role for the flexible mechanisms of the Protocol, particularly emission permit trading, in complementing Member State policies at the EU level. The implementation is to be done against the background of three major factors which may have an important bearing on the policies: the probable long-term requirement of substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions a changing structure of energy markets, following liberalisation of the gas and electricity markets EU enlargement to include economies in transition with the potential for further substantial reductions in emissions.The paper concludes with a discussion of ancillary benefits of the policies that may be substantial and a summary of the position as regards the "unfinished business" of the Protocol to be discussed at the Conference of the Parties in the Hague in November 2000.  相似文献   

施鹏鹏 《中国法学》2014,(2):275-302
"职权主义"最早起源于欧陆,最初的含义系查清案件事实的方法,后演变为大陆法系国家普遍的诉讼形态。"职权主义"与"当事人主义"的对立并非历史的产物,而系诉讼法学者的理论创设。"职权主义"的核心内涵也非一成不变,随着时代的发展在不断丰富。当代的"职权主义"可界定为"诉讼以社会利益优先为导向、国家权力为主导、实质真实为目标,审前程序凸显侦检机关的优势侦查权,审判程序凸显法官主导控制权的正当程序模型"。时下学界对"职权主义"存在较大的批评,这主要源于对传统职权主义诉讼的误解以及对当事人主义的理想化。中国因国家权力主导的制度背景、追求客观真实的司法传统以及原有职权主义诉讼的基本构架,既应避免进入"当事人主义"或"对抗制"的陷阱,也不应设立理念混乱、制度杂糅的"混合式诉讼",而应坚持走职权主义的道路。  相似文献   

新闻自由、社会公益、当事人权利之间的关系是关涉我国法治筹划和司法改革的一个重要因素。本文取“现场直播进法庭”作为切入点 ,分析了其背后的职权主义诉讼传统底蕴、积极主义司法行为惯性及专务司法之观念意识缺失的原因 ;剖析了“现场直播”进法庭对司法独立性、公正性、脱俗性已构成的侵害和可能的威胁 ;并进而探讨了其与当事人权利之间的冲突。最后 ,概括了“现场直播进法庭”的实质。  相似文献   

Judicial instructions (traditional American Law Institute vs. Guilty But Mentally Ill [GBMI]) were manipulated within an insanity defense vignette portraying a highly psychotic defendant. Construals were highly predictive of verdicts in both instructional conditions. Instead of influencing case construals, the GBMI option seems to operate by increasing respondents' decisional thresholds for insanity and guilty verdicts, creating a collapsing effect such that few such verdicts are rendered. Between-instruction comparisons reveal that the construals of respondents who choose insane and guilty verdicts are considerably more homogeneous and extreme under the GBMI conditions. Results suggest that many respondents intend their GMBI verdicts to signify diminished blame and punishment, indicating that such verdicts entail cognitive compromises that reflect both the thresholdraising effects and also probable confusion about the jurisprudential meaning of a GBMI verdict.This article is an expanded version of a paper entitled Insanity case construals are not simply verdict justification effects, which was presented at the 99th annual convention of the American Psychological Association at San Francisco, August, 1991. We would like to thank Linda Roberts, Norman Finkel, and the anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of this paper. Support for this research was provided in part by a grant from the Baldy Center on Law and Social Policy at the State University of New York at Buffalo.  相似文献   

"人格"问题在法学与法律上都是个众说纷纭的概念,由此也引起学界对其意义、范围以及与其它概念相区别的争论。诸如"人格的概念在法律上是否必需?","人格概念是否仅存在于私法制度之中?","人格"的概念是否与"法律主体"、"权利能力"的内涵相同?……等等,都常常引起人们的关注。作为法学、法律上的一个基础概念,人格有其存在的特殊意义,它既在私法上成为法律主体建构的基石,也在公法上为人的平等提供了依据。同时,人格既不等同于法律主体,也不类似于权利能力,而是法学、法律上具有独特内涵的专门范畴。  相似文献   

目前我国行政立法监督机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
很长一段时间,我国没有统一的行政立法程序,行政机关一般都按照自己制定的程序进行行政立法。我国目前没有统一的监督行政立法的法律规定,只是通过批准和备案两种监督方式对行政立法进行监督,除此之外,再没有“事前”和“事后”的监督措施,我国目前也还没有建立对行政立法的司法审查制度。因此,我们有必要对目前我国行政立法监督机制进行探讨。  相似文献   



Decades of empirical research demonstrate that crime is concentrated at a range of spatial scales, including street segments. Further, the degree of clustering at particular geographic units remains noticeably stable and consistent; a finding that Weisburd (Criminology 53:133–157, 2015) has recently termed the ‘law of crime concentration at places’. Such findings suggest that the future locations of crime should—to some extent at least—be predictable. To date, methods of forecasting where crime is most likely to next occur have focused either on area-level or grid-based predictions. No studies of which we are aware have developed and tested the accuracy of methods for predicting the future risk of crime at the street segment level. This is surprising given that it is at this level of place that many crimes are committed and policing resources are deployed.


Using data for property crimes for a large UK metropolitan police force area, we introduce and calibrate a network-based version of prospective crime mapping [e.g. Bowers et al. (Br J Criminol 44:641–658, 2004)], and compare its performance against grid-based alternatives. We also examine how measures of predictive accuracy can be translated to the network context, and show how differences in performance between the two cases can be quantified and tested.


Findings demonstrate that the calibrated network-based model substantially outperforms a grid-based alternative in terms of predictive accuracy, with, for example, approximately 20 % more crime identified at a coverage level of 5 %. The improvement in accuracy is highly statistically significant at all coverage levels tested (from 1 to 10 %).


This study suggests that, for property crime at least, network-based methods of crime forecasting are likely to outperform grid-based alternatives, and hence should be used in operational policing. More sophisticated variations of the model tested are possible and should be developed and tested in future research.

法学基础理论课程改革的思考与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《法学基础理论》课程的设置必须改革,其方向是分别开设两门课程;在一年级开设《法学导论》,在高年级开设《法理学》。前者介绍法和法学的基础知识,后者阐述法的一般原理,包括法治国家的一般理论。  相似文献   

对话敌人刑法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何庆仁 《河北法学》2008,26(7):94-98
雅科布斯教授在世纪之交提出了一个让世人震惊的观点:刑法应该把某些人当作敌人来对待!该理论自露面伊始便饱受诟病,怀疑者们几乎从所有可以想象的角度提出了批评。但是,剔除直觉和感性的因素,敌人刑法理论实际上向我们展示的是一幅更清晰、更理性的生活画卷。业已存在的实在法规范共同体如果想要更富有活力地、更健康地持续存在下去,采纳敌人刑法的主张将是相当现实的选择。  相似文献   

随着海事诉讼的程序逐步走向规范和成熟,海事诉讼中专有的法律概念,也由模糊变得清晰。本文针对实践中容易混淆的“活扣押”与“死扣押”、“重复扣押”与“再次扣押”、“申请人担保”与“反担保”这样的一些概念进行了深入的辨析,以便于司法实践中准确理解和把握。  相似文献   

In a final inquiry at the end of the Conference on Editorial Policies the three editors, Bruno S. Frey (Kyklos), Manfred J. Holler (Homo oeconomicus), and Jürgen G. Backhaus (European Journal of Law and Economics), were asked to comment on their editorial policies. They answered by explaining the challenges they were or still are confronted with, which strategies they have already developed to go on and of course what they have learnt from the deliberations at this conference. In their statements they referred to their preceding paper presentations, and the contributions by Wolfgang Bergsdorf, who is the chief editor of Die Politische Meinung, and Peter Senn.  相似文献   

财富分配不公是我国现阶段亟待解决的重大社会难题。针对该问题,有学者仅从财富分配正义的单一价值目标展开有关探讨,而忽略或较少涉及到风险分配不公的问题。由于社会分配的对象既包括"看得见摸得着"的财富,也包括"看不见摸不着"的风险,因此,社会分配正义价值目标的实现亦应相应地包含财富分配正义和风险分配正义的双重路径。基于此论点,本文探讨了财富分配正义和风险分配正义各自不同的运行机理和两者之间的互动逻辑关系,并从法律调整的层面上提出和论证了财富分配正义中的"机会正义"和"结果正义"问题以及风险分配正义中的"归责前置机制"和"责任承担机制"问题。  相似文献   

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