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本文运用文化学、社会学的理论和方法,坚持从印尼华人的实际出发,通过实地考察、访谈调查和资料重释的途径,具体剖析了雅加达华人中生代这一印尼华人重要的次群体,展示了印尼华人在印尼独立后的自我调适情况,分析了印尼华人今后的发展趋势及其在印尼社会重构和印尼民族重组中的地位和作用.  相似文献   

本文运用文化学原理,剖析了当今的印尼华人依然分离分治的现实,并指出这决不仅仅是少数人的行为所致,而是印尼华人"两集团四群体"一体多元状态的深刻反映,是印尼华人文化一体性与多元化矛盾运动的必然结果,是不以人们的主观意志和美好愿望为转移的一种文化运作机制所致.因此,大可不必为世纪之交印尼华人大联合大团结之昙花一现而悲观失望、横加指责.不过,鉴于凡印尼华人大联合大团结之际,便是其合法权益得以保障、社会地位得以改善之时,因此,又不可对当今印尼华人的分离分治无动于衷、顺其自然.文章依据印尼华人及其文化的本体性征和运动态势认为,印尼华人应该充分利用当前印尼民族民主运动所给予的最好机遇,在坚持投身于印尼政治改革、经济重振、文化重构、民族重组、国家重建的过程中,努力求同存异,殊途同归,以真正实现华人的大联合大团结,而自觉理性地践履、建构、完善印尼华人文化则是其千头万绪之纲、百废待兴之领,因为印尼华人文化是印尼华人消除派性的"基本建设工程",又是印尼华人整合为一的"求同存异之本",还是印尼华人得以顺时应变、与时俱进、绝处逢生、千秋万代的"安身立命之道",归根结底,是面临挑战与机遇、分化与重组的21世纪印尼华人进行"部族"建设,最终实现以"华族"整体在印尼民族中与各原住民"部族"殊途同归、和谐共济并谋取更好生存、更大发展之出路所在.  相似文献   

试论印尼华人文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用文化哲学原理,以印尼华人文化为研究对象,通过对其本体的解析、时空的察析及其运动态势的审视认为,印尼华人文化是一种构成多元、部类层叠的复合文化,是一种处在不断“当地化”又坚持“中华化”、对立统一运动的移民文化;印尼华人文化既有别于在印尼的异族文化,又不同于中华文化,是“移居”印尼的中华文化与在印尼的异族文化综合融合的结晶,是印尼华人的族群标识,是一种相对独立的民族(部族)文化,即华人“部族”文化;印尼华人文化复合了大量的中华文化和非中华文化要素,与生俱来就是中华文化与在印尼的各异族文化进行对话交流的重要中介,是印尼华人、印尼各民族(部族)的共同财富,是中国发展与印尼的友好关系、睦邻善邻友邻、构建和谐亚洲和世界的重要资源,是21世纪中国和平崛起的的宝贵资源。  相似文献   

本文首先叙述了苏哈托统治时期,印尼华人在政治生活和文化心理上所受到的沉重打击,然后对"五月骚乱"后印尼华人的参政情况作了介绍.文章还从内外两个方面分析了印尼华人对政治生活不够积极的原因,其内因是印尼华人结构复杂,没有形成统一的族群意识,其外因是印尼政治仍有歧视华人倾向,印尼政治文化有待革新.  相似文献   

积极慎重引进印尼华人的资金温北炎中国与印尼1990年8月8日复交,三年多来,两国经贸关系迅速发展。经贸关系的发展,推动了政治、文化、体育和旅游等友好关系的发展。印尼华人达630万,为世界各国之最,印尼华人财团实力雄厚,正大力向中国大陆进军,对双方都是...  相似文献   

近十年来,印尼华人参政积极性持续提升,参政情况出现明显变化。通过采访一些印尼华人领袖和学者,作者试图了解包括印尼当地民族在内的印尼民众对华人参政的态度和看法。通过对印尼华人近十年参政情况进行分析,本文总结了华人参政的新特征和面临的巨大障碍及困扰。本文认为,无论印尼华人参政出现何种变化,面临何种障碍和困扰,关键所在是华人要明确方向,努力参与建设繁荣、安宁和现代化的印度尼西亚。  相似文献   

1998年以来印尼华人积极参政,至今已成为印尼政治发展的一股重要力量。2014年印尼大选,华人选民受到印尼主要政党的高度重视,不仅纷纷派出华人候选人,个别政党还邀请华人搭档竞选总统副总统。华人积极参与国会选举,成绩显著,广大华人选民倾力支持的佐科维成功当选总统,凸显了华人选票的影响力。在印尼不断推进政治民主和族群和谐的大环境中,印尼华人参政的良好势头,将持续发展。  相似文献   

廖建裕(Leo Suryadinata),印尼籍华人学者,1975年曾获美国大学博士学位,是研究印尼华人问题的专家,现任新加坡国立大学高级讲师。廖建裕先生所著《华人少数民族的窘境》一书于1984年5月用印尼文在雅加达出版。该书的英文版本书名是《印尼土著,华人少数民族和中国》(1978年出版于新加坡)。本译文是该书印尼文版的第二部分第四章,原标题是“华人少数民族:一种分析”。 正当印尼政府寻求解决“原住民”与“非原住民”问题,解决对华人的同化问题时,此书印尼文版的发行,受到印尼各界的普遍关注,被视为重要书籍加以宣传。有影响的印尼政治刊物《时代周刊》还曾登载该书的部分章节。 译者还需说明的是,文章把印尼1948年茉莉芬事件说成“印尼共产党叛乱”,把1965年“九·三○”事变说成“印尼共产党政变”等都是原著作者的观点,现原文照译,并非代表译者的观点。  相似文献   

路在何方?——印尼华人社会的现状与未来   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
】1998 年5 月印尼发生社会大骚乱,华人成为袭击对象,生命和财产遭受严重损失,印尼局势的发展和华人出路成为人们关注的焦点。正确看待印尼华人的几个热点问题,即关于华人控制印尼经济的争论,华人同化和印尼排华问题,有助于印尼社会的稳定和华人的生存与发展  相似文献   

伊斯兰化是当前印尼华人社会的新动向。印尼及国外学术界对此极为关注,并作了认真研究。我国学术界在讨论印尼华人问题时有所涉及,且有不同看法,但尚未作专门研究。本文对印尼华人信奉伊斯兰教的历史、当前华人穆斯林的特点、实现华人伊斯兰化的阻力,以及印尼政府和社会对华人伊斯兰化的反应等问题作了介绍。作者持肯定和乐观的态度,指出伊斯兰化有利于华人的生存发展,是华人自然同化的发展趋势;还认为,通过我国穆斯林与印尼华人穆斯林建立密切关系,将有助于中印(尼)两国的关系正常化。  相似文献   

Many studies suggest that mixed‐member electoral systems produce different attitudes and behaviors among representatives. This article assesses how this type of electoral system shapes Bolivian legislators' perceptions of their roles as representatives, their district activities, and their relationships with their political parties. It examines these dimensions using elite survey data and interviews with legislators and their personal assistants. The results show that the electoral system does not produce a uniform impact. It shapes how legislators perceive their role as representatives and the nature of the relationship they build with their political parties, but it does not produce differences in the kinds of activities that both types of legislators carry out in their districts.  相似文献   

Intraparty preference voting systems offer different incentives for candidates to cultivate a personal vote, but little is known about how the candidates' policy positions affect their electoral success in intraparty competition. This article analyses the effect of candidates' ideological positions and personal attributes on their preference vote share in the 2015 and 2019 Swiss Lower House elections. We used candidate survey data combined with official election statistics. Our findings demonstrate that the ideological distance between candidates' positions and their party's median position is of minor importance for their electoral success when compared to their personal attributes. However, ideological distance between candidates and their party's median position reduce their preference vote share.  相似文献   

How do legislators use social media to cultivate their constituencies in large multimember electoral districts? Colombia's Senate nationwide district offers a suitable case to examine how lawmakers, through their behaviour on Twitter, geographically target their audiences. We employ microblog user geolocation methods which infer locations using textual content in order to identify where Colombian senators' Twitter ‘home’ is. We find that senators' location targeting on Twitter largely mirrors the geographical distribution of their votes. Deviations from that pattern mostly stem from their vulnerability to intraparty competition and the nature of their parties' organisation.  相似文献   

Transnationalism is, within Mexican migration studies, the predominant perspective to explain collective action undertaken by Mexicans in the United States. It takes into account the Mexican “diaspora's” interest and political participation in their hometowns. This article challenges transnationalism's basic tenet and proposes, instead, the notion of socio-political transnationalism. Nevertheless, the article emphasizes on how migrants fist act collectively to improve their living conditions in the host societies, rather than organizing around their ties with their homeland. This kind of organizing does not imply indifference towards the situation in their country of origin. It does mean, however, that the transnational perspective falls into a second plane. To illustrate, we will depict the history of Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio, an immigrants' organization in the City of New York, principally Mexican based, and their struggle against the gentrifying attempts taking place in East Harlem. We will also look at their political vision and the links they have created with organizations in Mexico.  相似文献   

Zhao Hong 《亚洲事务》2013,44(3):377-384
This article seeks to evaluate the impact of India and China on world energy markets by setting their future energy demands, principally for coal and oil, in the context of their domestic supply potential. After examining their approach to energy efficiency, the author concentrates on their energy diplomacy and the way in which they have sought to enhance their security of supply by targeting exporting countries, often those with a somewhat fraught relationship with the west. He concludes that it is in their interest to further strengthen their co-operation and avoid competition which simply drives up the price they pay for oil.  相似文献   

Prevailing narratives in the discourse on China-Africa engagement are that China is developing Africa. This paper departs from those narratives because they disregard the agency of Africa's political elite. Basing its argument on the nature of the African political elite, the paper analyses their role in determining the impact of China's economic and trade engagement on economic development in their respective countries. To do that, it first discusses the nature and identity of African political elites, and examines how they control their states and scarce resources. Having done that, the paper then analyses their role in determining the nature and extent of development emanating from their countries’ economic engagement with China. It then concludes that it is not how much foreign states invest in African countries that determines Africa's rise, but rather political elites who influence the direction of their states’ development.  相似文献   

There is renewed historical interest in the role played by intellectuals in all belligerent countries in the period leading up to and during the First World War. Whereas prior to the war scholars from all countries engaged in civilised scientific discourse, immediately after the outbreak of war they appeared to re–discover their own fatherlands and became passionately patriotic, placing their expertise at the service of their respective countries for the prosecution of the war. On closer scrutiny, however, the case of the German intellectual elite appears significantly different from their counterparts in other belligerent countries. They perceived themselves, more than, say, the British academic community, and certainly earlier than these, as virtual prophets called to justify their nation's war policies. This paper investigates the perceptions of German intellectuals, their explanation for the war and their various war–aims programs. It is suggested that the intellectuals/academics contributed in no small way to the formation of German political will.  相似文献   

This article examines factors that influence voters’ knowledge of their representatives, a key element in securing the responsiveness and accountability of parliamentarians. We argue that the parliamentary work of MPs (Members of Parliament) benefits incumbents through increased name recall, and that this relationship is conditional on: the incumbents’ candidacy; the voters’ political competence; and their ideological proximity with their representatives. Combining data on French MPs’ activities with a 2007 CSES post‐election survey enables us to test our hypotheses, while controlling for confounding factors. The empirical analysis demonstrates that some parliamentary activities increase the voters’ capacity to recall the name of their MPs. The latter are therefore incentivised to be responsive to and serve their constituents. However, we also find that voters’ political competence and ideological proximity with their MP alter the relationship between parliamentary work and name recall. This may potentially introduce some biases in the democratic process of accountability.  相似文献   

2005年中国与印尼建立战略伙伴关系以来,两国关系加快向全面、稳定和高层次方向发展.但是,两国关系在经贸等方面还存在一些摩擦和障碍,需要双方加强互信去解决.如何把两国战略伙伴关系推向新阶段,需要两国政府贯彻落实相关政策与协定和专家学者的建言献策.  相似文献   

This article attempts to explore the relationship between social change and literature in present-day Peru. It argues that the emergence of new fiction-writers and poets from large social sectors historically marginalised from Peruvian public life is part of a dramatic process of social change by which these sectors are gaining an important role in the transformation of their society. The article concludes that the work of these new writers reflects their search for a distinctive independent expression which mirrors their origins and their attitude towards their surrounding world.  相似文献   

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